Red Flags in Gay Men: Top 25 Red Flags to Watch Out for | Grindr (2024)

Spot the signs! Learn about the biggest red flags in men to look out for while dating, from communication cues to behavior patterns.

A red flag is an early warning sign in a relationship that indicates there might be unhealthy, manipulative, and even potentially abusive behavior on the horizon.

Some are more obvious. If you happen to be an air-headed heir to a massive fortune and a conniving bunch of financially struggling gays lure you to a remote yacht off the coast of Sicily — that’s a red flag. Actually, that’s like 12 red flags.

But life doesn’t always follow a clear narrative arc, and red flags in men aren’t always as glaring as their name indicates. Hindsight is 20/20, after all. But we want to help you spot the warning signs before they bite you in the ass. (Ironically, ass biting is often a green flag.)

25 biggest red flags in a guy

Dodge your next toxic relationship by looking out for these red flags:

1. Disrespect

You might be able to catch this one as early as the first date. Does he treat servers like sh*t, think he’s better than other people, and devalue your opinions? You don’t need that type of disrespect in your life.

2. Devil’s advocate

There’s nothing wrong with disagreeing or viewing topics from different angles, but some guys make opposition their whole personality and don’t actually care what you have to say. Sometimes, the devil’s advocate is just the devil.

3. Love bombing

He’s doing too much too fast: buying you gifts, blowing up your phone, and planning your future when you barely know each other. These may be warning signs that he will take a turn for the toxic if left unchecked.

Love bombing is an insidious red flag because it feels so good before it goes bad.

4. Doesn’t hear “no”

Your boundaries are everything. Anyone who ignores them is out, busted, goodbye. You don’t owe him sex, time, attention — none of it. If you say “no,” that’s your boundary. If he doesn’t respect that, he’s not worthy of you.

5. Mr. Controlling

Nobody you’re dating can tell you what to do, what to wear, how to act, or who you can spend your time with. If he wants a companion who will bend to his will, he should consider adopting a dog.

6. Old unreliable

Does he ghost you for days at a time before suddenly reappearing? Some folks are just scatterbrained or have inconsistent schedules, but if he frequently flakes out at the last minute or leaves you hanging, that’s no good.

At best, he doesn’t respect your time. At worst, he could be in another relationship he isn’t disclosing. We love a little polyamory, but ethical non-monogamy requires an emphasis on the “ethical” part. Anything less is plain old infidelity, and nobody has time for that.

7. He lives for the drama

And not the fun kind. This bitch can drum up conflict out of thin air. He’s always complaining about how his boss is out to get him and the barista made his latte wrong on purpose.

If he can’t see the good in anything in life, he won’t be able to see the good in you. But he’ll be sure to wear you out before he’s done with you.

8. Codependency

You mean the baseline behavior in almost every famous love story since the beginning of time is a red flag? You bet your cute butt it is. Healthy relationships are built on independence and interdependence, not emotional enmeshment and anxious reliance on each other.

9. Condescending

If he talks down to you, ignores your ideas, and thinks he’s somehow superior\, he doesn’t respect you. He’s trying to enforce a power dynamic that has no place in a healthy relationship.

10. Compromise, who?

She done already done had herses, so why can’t you get a little bit of yourses too? If he must have everything his way without any regard for your needs, then it’s a no from us.

11. No accountability

He can’t apologize. He can’t take responsibility for his actions. He doesn’t intend to change. You deserve better.


12. When was the last time he asked a question about you?

You’ve done your research. You know all the right questions to ask him. But does he even know anything about you? Does he constantly talk over you because he thought of something he wanted to say about himself? Thank you, next.

13. Narcissism

Narcissistic personality disorder is tricky because narcissists can be super charming at first, but obviously, not every charmer is a narcissist. If he’s self-obsessed and only cares about his own needs, that’s a major red flag. It could lead to a relationship rife with manipulation, emotional abuse, or worse.

NPD is incredibly difficult to treat in therapy, and it requires years of immense dedication to the therapeutic process.

Not your job. Not your problem. That’s a deal breaker, honey.

14. No anger management

You deserve to feel completely safe in your relationships. If he doesn’t have a handle on his emotional regulation and displays any indications of anger, outbursts, or physical abuse, it’s time to get out.

15. A hot mess (but not in a hot way)

If he struggles to organize his life, feed himself properly, and keep a job (or if he struggles with substance abuse), it’s worth keeping an eye out. None of this means he’s a bad person, but if you feel more like his parent than his partner, he’s better off sparking up a nice working relationship with a therapist.

16. Tearing you down

Is he overly critical or judgmental of you? Do you feel worse about yourself after you’ve spent time with him? Healthy relationships should boost your self-esteem, not tear it down. Negging has no place here.

17. Distrust

Whether he doesn’t trust you or you can’t trust him, those are red flags flying. Plenty of us have been hurt before, and there’s room in new relationships to rebuild trust, but it’s not your job to heal his wounds.

18. Jealousy

Some people think jealousy just means their partner cares, but excessive jealousy and possessiveness are unhealthy. Bonus negative points if he’s clingy because he’s trying to ensure you aren’t spending time with other guys.

19. Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic meant to make you question your own memory, judgment, and sanity. Run the second he tries to deny your basic observations.

20. Communication kibosh

He’s emotionally unavailable, doesn’t want to talk about his feelings, can’t do emotional intimacy, and thinks you’re too needy for wanting any of these things. He would benefit from a therapist to work through those hang-ups before getting into a relationship.

21. All his exes are “craaazy”

It’s funny how all of his relationships ended badly, yet it was somehow never his fault. He definitely wasn’t the common denominator in any of those break-ups, and you totally won’t be his next “crazy” ex… as long as you get out before it gets to that point.

22. Double standards

He hates it when you’re late but constantly keeps you waiting. Or he can justify his own infidelity, but yours would be inexcusable. Or he does whatever he wants but controls how you spend your time. Yikes.

23. Your wins are his losses

Your partner should be your biggest cheerleader. If you find yourself dating someone who views your success as a threat, he is not the one.

24. He’s always the victim

He acts like the whole world is out to get him, especially when you ask for accountability. He finds a way to garner your pity, even when he messes up. It’s a no-win situation.

25. Energy vampire

Do you feel exhausted after spending time with him? Relationships should enrich your life, not drain your energy. There are way better things he could suck than your vibes, and you know it.

Get a good one on Grindr

Relationships are always complicated, but if red flags are flying left and right, it’s time to raise your white flag and call the whole thing off. You shouldn’t stay with anybody who can’t compromise and won’t respect you. Nobody deserves to be stuck in an abusive relationship.

Ready to practice looking for green flags on Grindr? Download the Grindr app now and get started!

Red Flags in Gay Men: Top 25 Red Flags to Watch Out for | Grindr (2024)


What are the biggest red flags in a guy? ›

15 red flags in a relationship to look out for
  1. Overly controlling behavior. Overly controlling behavior is a common red flag in relationships. ...
  2. Lack of trust. ...
  3. Feeling low self-esteem. ...
  4. Physical, emotional, or mental abuse. ...
  5. Substance abuse. ...
  6. Narcissism. ...
  7. Anger management issues. ...
  8. Codependency.

What's the biggest green flag in a guy? ›

12 green flags showing there's potential for a relationship
  • You're sexually compatible. ...
  • He pays attention to little things. ...
  • You share the same values. ...
  • He sees you in his future plans. ...
  • You can have difficult conversations. ...
  • He inspires you to be your best self. ...
  • He celebrates your successes. ...
  • He's consistent.
Oct 10, 2023

What are the red flags for dating at 50? ›

By being aware of these eight red flags – rushed intimacy, lack of communication, inconsistent behavior, financial red flags, isolation from loved ones, avoidance of commitment, unresolved baggage, and trusting your instincts – you can enhance your chances of finding a fulfilling and lasting relationship.

How many red flags is too many red flags? ›

“As a general rule, any more than two red flags and I'd say bow out, but make sure the red flags are truly scarlet coloured,” eHarmony's relationship expert Rachael Lloyd tells Stylist. “In the early stages of dating, we can see red flags all over the place, because we're anxious, or lack faith in the dating process.”

What are the 10 red flag symptoms? ›

Examples of red-flag symptoms in the older adult include but are not limited to pain following a fall or other trauma, fever, sudden unexplained weight loss, acute onset of severe pain, new-onset weakness or sensory loss, loss of bowel or bladder function, jaw claudication, new headaches, bone pain in a patient with a ...

What are icks in men? ›

Icks are those little quirky behaviors or tics that bother you enough to turn your otherwise wonderful significant other into an unattractive prospect. Icks aren't normally red flags that are so intense they merit a breakup, but an ick can definitely end a relationship if it's offensive enough.

How to know if a guy is red flag? ›

Someone who lies, someone who is manipulative, someone who gives you the 'silent treatment' during a conflict are all examples of red flags in a relationship. The above may sound logical in black and white, but recognising these red flags in your own relationship or when you are dating someone is not always so easy.

What is a black flag in a relationship? ›

It encompasses a situation that may be harmful, toxic, or unhealthy for one or both partners. Black flags can encompass various issues such as abuse, dishonesty, lack of trust, or significant conflicts.

What is the biggest green flag in a girl? ›

Men share 10 biggest green flags they have seen in women and it's eye-opening
  • Someone who listens with interest. ...
  • Being independent. ...
  • Being strong and mature. ...
  • Cooking. ...
  • Being an empath. ...
  • Good communication skills. ...
  • Honesty is the best policy. ...
  • Acceptance is key. Representative Image Source - Pexels I Photo by Emma Bauso.
Mar 21, 2024

How old should a 50 year old man date? ›

The “creepiness rule” states that the youngest you should date is “half your age plus seven.” The less commonly used corollary is that the oldest you should date is “subtract seven from your age and double it.” According to this rule, society should accept a 50 year old man dating a 32 year old woman.

How do you tell if a man in his 50s likes you? ›

How to Tell if an Older Guy Likes You
  1. He opens up to you.
  2. He shows genuine interest in your life.
  3. He makes an effort to spend time with you.
  4. He tries to help you out, however he can.
  5. He brags about what he has to offer.
  6. He texts you to check in with you.
  7. He asks about your relationship status.

How to attract men over 50? ›

5 Ways To Get Men Over 50 To Ask You Out
  1. Smile at a man you're attracted to and make eye contact with him for five seconds. Yes, FIVE FULL SECONDS. ...
  2. Get his attention by asking him a question. Men are hard-wired to help women. ...
  3. Listen to what a man is really saying to you. ...
  4. Drop your handkerchief. ...
  5. Know your role.
Jul 27, 2015

What is the biggest red flag a man can have? ›

25 biggest red flags in a guy
  • Jealousy. ...
  • Gaslighting. ...
  • Communication kibosh. ...
  • All his exes are “craaazy” ...
  • Double standards. ...
  • Your wins are his losses. ...
  • He's always the victim. ...
  • Energy vampire. Do you feel exhausted after spending time with him?
Jan 31, 2024

What is a green flag man? ›

A caring partner is always respectful towards you not just as a person but they genuinely respect your opinion. They don't try to manipulate the situation. It is a green flag when you are dating a person who is emotionally mature enough to understand different narratives.

How to know if he's talking to someone else? ›

What to Look For: Signs He's Talking to Someone Else
  • He's Less Available. ...
  • He Mentions Something You Didn't Do With Him. ...
  • He Gets a Lot of Texts or Calls When You're Together. ...
  • He Seems to Be Hiding Something. ...
  • You Catch Him Checking Out Other Women. ...
  • Plans Happen on His Schedule, Not Yours.

What is a red flag when meeting a guy? ›

They might ask you too many personal questions. They may get too touchy or sexual early on. They may be pushy about ordering more drinks or staying later than you want," she said. "Any one of these behaviors is a boundary issue and a significant red flag."

Why is a nice guy a red flag? ›

The nice guy syndrome often reveals itself through red flags like excessive people-pleasing, passive-aggressiveness, and a sense of entitlement. These individuals may complain about being in the “friend zone,” exhibit insecurity, and lack healthy boundaries.

What your red flags are? ›

In your relationships, some of the most common red flags are lying or dishonesty, a lack of trust or respect, controlling behaviour, unhealthy boundaries (or a total lack of boundaries), codependency, unresolved conflict, a lack of communication, being overly critical, disrespectful behaviour, infidelity, substance ...

Is it a red flag when a guy is too nice? ›

Sometimes, too nice really is a red flag. Someone who seems too nice could actually be love bombing you, an early warning sign of abuse, for instance. "Although on the surface, you may feel someone is too nice, it's actually your intuition trying to give you a subtle warning that something is off," Nikhade says.

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.