School uniforms: What does the research tell us? (2024)

© 2022 Gwen Dewar, Ph.D., all rights reserved

There is little evidence that school uniforms remedy behavior problems or boost academic performance. And while uniform policies might have a slight, positive impact on school attendance, we need to consider the downside: For some kids, uniforms may have a negative effect on well-being.

School uniforms: What does the research tell us? (1)

Proponents have argued that school uniforms are a good thing for morale and community spirit. Some people have also claimed that uniform policies cause improvements in school attendance and academic achievement. And it’s easy to appreciate the reasoning.

If everyone wears the same thing, it might foster a sense of group identity, and help conceal socioeconomic differences between individuals. In addition, uniforms eliminate “competitive dressing,” which ought to reduce levels of conflict and distraction. As a result, kids are less likely to misbehave, and more likely to focus on learning.

These claims have intuitive appeal. But does the evidence back them up? In many cases, the answer is no.

No compelling evidence that uniforms improve a school’s social climate

“Observe a school, introduce uniforms, and then look for improvements.”

It seems like a sound approach for testing the effects of a school uniform policy. But it isn’t. Not by itself.

For example, back the 1990s, the Long Beach Unified School District in California reported substantial reductions in student criminal behavior after allowing its member schools to adopt uniform policies (Yeung 2009). But this change didn’t happen in isolation. Schools often implemented other reforms at the same time. How can be we sure that improvements in student discipline were triggered by the wearing of uniforms? We can’t.

So while some people became convinced that uniforms were the cause of the behavioral improvements in Long Beach public schools, they shouldn’t have been. When researchers have taken a careful look at the data, they’ve found little or no evidence that uniforms had any lasting, positive effects on students (Yeung 2009; Brunsma 2006).

There was, at best, indication some middle school and high school students — particularly girl students — had slightly better attendance rates when they wore uniforms. But how much difference did it make? Just half a day more attendance over the entire school year (Gentile and Imberman 2012).

It’s not a very inspiring outcome, and a recent study — of kids attending public and private schools throughout the United States — tells a similar tale.

In this new study, Arya Ansari and his colleagues tracked the progress of more than 6300 children over time, from kindergarten to the fifth grade.

Each year, teachers provided data about children’s behavior problems and social skills. And when the kids were in the fifth grade, researchers interviewed the children directly. They asked the kids if they were experiencing symptoms of social anxiety, and if they had ever been targeted by bullies. They also asked the kids questions about social belonging. Did they feel close to their teachers? Close to their fellow students?

With this information collected, Ansari’s team performed statistical analyses to see if student behavior varied depending on a school’s uniform policy.

The outcome? When it came to teacher’s reports, there was no evidence of a link between uniforms and student behavior.

Kids who attended schools with a uniform policy were just as likely as other children to suffer from emotional problems. They experienced similar rates of depression. Similar rates of aggression, defiance, and property destruction. Children’s social skills were basically the same, regardless of whether they wore uniforms or not.

Likewise, the children themselves reported comparable experiences with social anxiety and bullying. And social belonging? That was the one area in which uniform-wearing children reported significantly different outcomes, and it didn’t favor uniforms.

Kids who were required to wear school uniforms tended to feel less close to teachers and classmates.

So — for these 6300 kids — school uniforms didn’t seem deliver any substantial psychological benefits. And that was true whether kids attended public or private schools. The single, positive outcome was a very small advantage observed for a subset of students: In low- income schools, uniforms were linked with slightly higher attendance rates — a difference amounting to less than one day over the course of the school year.

Do school uniforms reduce distractions in the classroom? Do they help kids learn?

It sounds plausible, doesn’t it? And there is evidence in support of the idea. For instance, in their large, international study of secondary schools, Chris Baumann and Hana Krskova found that students wearing school uniforms tended to listen more attentively to their teachers (Baumann and Krskova 2016).

Listening attentively to teachers is obviously a good thing. Moreover — as the researchers noted — students in this study tended to perform better in classrooms where attentiveness was the norm. So Baumann and Krskova have suggested that all schools consider adopting a uniform policy, on the grounds that it “might enhance discipline and allow for better learning” (Bauman and Krskova 2016).

But as we’ve already seen, other studies have failed to confirm the hypothesis that uniforms reduce behavior problems. And when researchers apply rigorous methods, they haven’t found any compelling evidence that uniform policies actually boost academic achievement (e.g., Hattie 2009; Gentile and Imberman 2012).

So, despite claims to the contrary, it isn’t clear that school uniforms benefit students socially or academically. And that should make us stop and reflect before imposing a uniform policy. Because it isn’t simply a question of taking a gamble on the benefits. There are also potential costs to consider.

What can go wrong with school uniforms?

We’ve already seen one possible downside. In the study led by Arya Ansari, kids who school uniforms were less likely to feel socially connected with teachers and fellow students. Why? The researchers can’t be sure. But, in this interview at Ohio State University, Ansari speculates that it might have something to do with the quashing of individuality:

“Fashion is one way that students express themselves, and that may be an important part of the school experience. When students can’t show their individuality, they may not feel like they belong as much.”

Johanna Reidy — a public health researcher based in New Zealand — has identified several additional areas for concern (Reidy 2021).

School uniform policies can create cultural conflicts, as when members of a religious group are asked to dress in a way that is inconsistent with their beliefs or practices. And gendered uniforms can present a host of difficulties. Reidy notes that girls’ uniforms tend to be more expensive. In addition, the design of girls’ uniforms may make it harder for girls to engage in athletic activities (Nathan et al 2021). And some students may object to the very idea of wearing clothing that is differentiated by gender.

Then there is the question of affordability. What if the cost of a school uniform is burdensome to low income families? This problem has been documented in countries throughout the world, including affluent countries like New Zealand, South Korea, and the United States.

And of course uniforms must serve the basic function of protecting students from the elements. In principle, well-designed uniforms should protect kids from cold, heat, and sun-related skin damage. In reality, uniforms aren’t always well-designed (Reidy 2021).

Does this mean that school uniforms are pointless…or worse?

Definitely not. All of the studies cited here fall short of the “gold standard” of scientific research — randomized, controlled experiments. If and when researchers finally conduct such experiments, we might discover that uniforms benefit students in important ways.

But for now, it doesn’t appear that school uniforms have any direct and substantial impact on socioemotional development or academic achievement.

To date, studies support that notion that some people perceive schools as safer or more disciplined when students wear uniforms (Yeung 2009). We have the report that teens tended to listen more attentively to their teachers (Bauman and Krskova 2016). And it looks as though uniforms may increase school attendance, if only very slightly. But these observations fall short of bold claims about school morale, community spirit, and academic performance.

School officials may come up with other reasons to implement a uniform policy. But they can’t justify it on the basis of conclusive research about school climate and student achievement. If there’s a single message that arises from these studies, it’s that school uniforms aren’t likely to have much impact on either behavior problems or academic outcomes. If we really want to help students in these areas, we need to do much more than redesign their clothes.

More reading about children and schooling

For more information about ways that we can help kids excel in school, see these Parenting Science articles:

Student-teacher relationships: Why emotional support matters

Spaced learning: Why kids benefit from shorter lessons — with breaks

Choosing books for beginning readers: Sometimes less is more

Disruptive behavior problems: 12 evidence-based tips for handling aggression, defiance, and acting out

How to stop bullying in school: An evidence-based guide to interventions that work

References: The research on school uniforms

Ansari A, Shepard M, and Gottfried MA. 2022. School uniforms and student behavior: is there a link? Early Childhood Research Quarterly 58: 278.

Baumann C and Krskova H. 2016. School Discipline, School Uniforms and Academic Performance. In Int J Educ Manag 30(6): 1003–29.

Brunsma D L. 2006.Uniforms in public schools: A decade of research and debate. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Gentile E and Imberman SA. 2012. Dressed for success? The effect of school uniforms on student achievement and behavior. Journal of Economics 71: 1-17.

Hattie J. 2009. Visible Learning: A Synthesis of over 800 Meta-Analyses Relating to Achievement. Routledge.

Nathan N, McCarthy N, Hope K, Sutherland R, Lecathelinais C, Hall A, Lane C, Trost S, Yoong SL, Wolfenden L. 2021. The impact of school uniforms on primary school student’s physical activity at school: outcomes of a cluster randomized controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 18(1):17.

Reidy J. 2021. Reviewing School Uniform through a Public Health Lens: Evidence about the Impacts of School Uniform on Education and Health. Public Health Rev. 42:1604212.

Yeung R. 2009. Are School Uniforms a Good Fit? Educ Pol. 23(6):847–74.

image of children in uniform by Raw Pixel / shutterstock

Content last modified 1/5/2022

School uniforms: What does the research tell us? (2024)


What does research say about school uniforms? ›

There is little evidence that school uniforms remedy behavior problems or boost academic performance. And while uniform policies might have a slight, positive impact on school attendance, we need to consider the downside: For some kids, uniforms may have a negative effect on well-being.

What are the benefits of school uniforms research? ›

The researchers found that the highest-performing students are the most disciplined. In addition, “for countries where students wear school uniforms, our study found that students listen significantly better, there are lower noise levels, and lower teaching waiting times with classes starting on time.”

What is the main point about school uniforms? ›

School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. Wearing uniforms enhances school pride, unity, and community spirit. School uniforms may improve attendance and discipline.

Do school uniforms have an effect on student achievement? ›

In general, students in schools that required school uniforms did not demonstrate better social skills, internalizing and externalizing behavior, or school attendance as compared with students in schools without school uniforms. These associations were true across both public and private schools.

How do uniforms help students? ›

School uniforms may decrease violence and theft, prevent gang members from wearing gang colors and insignia at school, promote student discipline, help parents and students resist peer pressure, help students concentrate on their school work, and enable school officials to recognize school intruders.

How does dress code affect students learning? ›

“Students' [clothing] will only affect learning if they are dressed in an extreme way,” senior Alyse Madsen said. “Strict dress codes infringe on a students self-expression and make for a dull environment with little creativity.”

What are 5 benefits of school uniforms? ›

Why Students Should Wear Uniforms
  • Create cohesion. ...
  • Reduce the potential for bullying. ...
  • Improve study ethic. ...
  • Increase safety. ...
  • Fairer dress codes. ...
  • Remove peer pressure. ...
  • Prepare for the outside world. ...
  • Easy mornings for students and parents.
Apr 24, 2023

What are the pros of school uniforms statistics? ›

Researchers have found that students wearing school uniforms tend to listen better and, therefore, teachers were able to respond more quickly. Other studies with school uniform statistics have shown similar results: Students in India who were required to wear uniforms saw an increase in attendance after implementation.

How does school uniforms not stop bullying? ›

Teachers assume that if everyone wears the same thing, no one can make fun of each other for what they wear. That may be true, but your clothes are not who you are. Uniforms can't hide your personality. Being bullied is just as likely when you are in uniform as when you aren't in uniform.

What are the benefits of wearing uniform? ›

School uniform plays a key role in promoting pride, self-confidence, and a feeling of belonging within the student body. These factors contribute to students' wellbeing, removing the additional pressures of deciding what to wear and added stress of meeting the expectations of their peers.

What is the importance of uniform? ›

These help them, stand out of the crowd so that they can be easily recognisable and also distinguish them for the service they do. These uniforms not only make them feel proud but also have an imposing effect on others and with the presence of a person in uniform, can change the mood of people around.

Are school dress codes a good idea? ›

Implementing a dress code serves a safe and welcoming educational environment for students. Dress code makes the students get dressed in almost the same manner, making it easier to recognize them and identify who is the real students, and who are not.

Do school uniforms make students equal? ›

Cohesion and Equality

School uniforms mean that all students wear the same clothing, helping to level out the playing field. This removes any preconceived ideas about what to wear, allowing for greater group cohesion and commonality. As a result, uniforms demonstrate a clear message of equality.

How do school uniforms affect students individuality? ›

“While uniforms are supposed to build a sense of community, they may have the opposite effect,” he said. “Fashion is one way that students express themselves, and that may be an important part of the school experience. When students can't show their individuality, they may not feel like they belong as much.”

How do school uniforms affect students mental health? ›

The literature identified indicates that uniforms have no direct impact on academic performance, yet directly impact physical and psychological health.

Are students happier with uniforms? ›

Students feel less sense of belonging when uniforms are required. Despite the belief of many parents and teachers, school uniforms don't seem to have any effect on young students' behavior or attendance overall, a new national study found.

Do students focus better with school uniforms? ›

Fewer tardies and distractions mean students who wear uniforms are able to devote more time to learning. School uniforms improve student performance by helping students focus on learning rather than fashion.

How do uniforms help students in the future? ›

School Uniforms Can Reduce Peer Pressure & Bullying

In addition, students feel more confident and self-assured without the pressure to fit in with their peers.

What are the pros and cons of school dress codes? ›

Listed below are the pros and cons of a dress code in a public school.
  • Pros: Limits Distractions in the Classroom. ...
  • Can Prevent Rival Gangs from Fighting On Campus. ...
  • Students Can Still Express Themselves. ...
  • Cons: Doesn't Prevent Bullying. ...
  • Hard to Find Dress Code Appropriate Clothing. ...
  • Hard to Enforce the Dress Code Equally.
Apr 18, 2022

How does dress code affect behavior? ›

Studies have found that people tend to be less open and find it more difficult to relax when they wear formal clothes. On the other hand, a casual and relaxed dress code at work helps us become more friendly and creative.

Does dress code affect learning statistics? ›

A study found that 90% of students wearing uniforms reported no impact on their academic performance. This statistic is significant in the context of a blog post about Dress Codes In Schools Statistics, as it demonstrates that uniforms do not have a negative effect on students' academic performance.

Do uniforms lead to more policing of students? ›

Uniforms Lead to More Policing of Students

This can make students feel that they're being scrutinized and punished for their appearance, which could have negative effects on student self-esteem or attitudes toward the school. And if students are sent home for uniform violations, they will miss valuable learning time.

How school uniforms can save money? ›

School uniforms help students save money because they limit the amount of clothing a student needs to purchase. By wearing a uniform, the student spends less money on everyday clothes thus lowering their overall clothing cost.

What are the cons of wearing school uniforms? ›

  • Most kids don't like school uniforms.
  • Uniforms limit closet space.
  • Kids who wear uniforms are more likely to be bullied.
  • Uniforms don't allow children to be creative – they only teach them to comply.
  • Uniforms can affect a kid's self-image.
Oct 7, 2022

What are some facts and statistics about uniforms? ›

The latest data from The National Center for Education Statistics finds 20 percent of schools in the United States require school uniforms (that was for the 2017-2018 school year). This is up 8 percent since 2000, where the same statistical survey found just 12 percent of schools in the US required uniforms.

What are some statistical facts about school uniforms? ›

How many public schools require school uniforms? Response: In the 2017–18 school year, 20 percent of public schools required that students wear uniforms. In 2017–18, a greater percentage of primary schools than of middle schools required students to wear uniforms (23 vs.

What percent of students think uniforms are uncomfortable? ›

The vast majority — 90 percent of students — reported that they disliked wearing uniforms.

Do students feel uncomfortable in school uniforms? ›

However, the biggest issue of school uniforms that has been addressed so far is that they cause discomfort, mentally and physically. Some kids might have allergies to certain materials and the uniform might feel tight and/or rigid to them. This can increase their temper and can also affect their learning as well.

What are 3 reasons why students should not wear uniforms? ›

Here are some listings including reasons why students should not wear school uniforms.
  • School Uniforms Deprive Students of Freedom of Expression… Being able to express yourself is a right that every parent wants their children to learn from a young age. ...
  • School Uniforms Can Be Expensive!

Why are school uniforms bad for self esteem? ›

Students also express distress at having to show their arms and legs, which strict uniform rules and limited dress code options often require, leaving many feeling self-conscious throughout the day, exacerbating issues around negative body image and enforcing the idea that certain body types are more or less “ideal.” ...

What is a good thesis statement for school uniforms? ›

Students should be required to wear uniforms so that they can focus more on learning than on fashion, or on the hard decision of what to wear in the morning. Students wearing uniform cuts down bullying and improves discipline, helps promote focus, and save parents money throughout the school year.

What does wearing a uniform mean to you? ›

Uniforms help people to be closer together, easier to know each other because apart from being in the same organization, at least they are wearing the same shirt. Uniforms showing the traditions of the profession, organization … Police, banker, military, health … have their own uniforms.

Do you agree or disagree students should wear uniforms in school? ›

YES! Uniforms are as much about safety as they are about inclusion. Teachers don't have to worry about losing sight of students at the playground or on a field trip. Also, when kids wear uniforms, both the older and younger students feel like they are part of the same group.

Should uniforms be banned pros and cons? ›

Overview – 10 Top Pros and Cons of School Uniforms
Pros of School UniformsCons of School Uniforms
2. Pro – Less Bullying in Schools2. Con – Lack of Freedom of Expression
3. Pro – Saving Time in Mornings3. Con – Uniforms Teach Gender Norms
4. Pro – Improves School Safety4. Con – Children Don't get to Exercise Free Choice
7 more rows

Why should uniforms not be required? ›

Uniforms do not improve academics, behavioral and social outcomes, or reduce discrimination or crime, according to many educators and experts. Studies do not report any improvements in these areas. In fact, uniforms may even make rebellious students worse.

What are the pros and cons of wearing a uniform at work? ›

The Pros and Cons of Having Uniforms at Work
  • Pro: An Important Part of Marketing and Branding. ...
  • Pro: Your Employees Benefit From Wearing Uniforms. ...
  • Pro: Uniforms Provide Protection. ...
  • Con: Uniforms Could Hinder Performance. ...
  • Con: Uniforms Squelch Unique Attributes.

Why do schools care so much about dress code? ›

Also, a dress code teaches children how to properly dress themselves, which will be a necessary ability later in life. Dress codes also make people uncomfortable, which means they are attentive. Dress codes are a necessary aspect of school, and they help teenagers to focus more in school.

How do uniforms boost self esteem? ›

Impact on Self-Esteem

Proponents of uniforms report that they have a positive impact on student self-esteem. 2 Wearing the same clothing as everyone else means that students don't have to worry about whether their clothing choices will be acceptable to their peers.

Do uniforms save time? ›

Saving Time

By purchasing standard uniform pieces you no longer need to rush from store to store and spend an entire weekend buying clothes. And when your child starts the school year, mornings will be less stressful because you don't need to spend time picking out what they'll wear that day.

How do uniforms provide equality? ›

It creates uniformity between socioeconomic classes.

Since students are wearing the same uniform, there is less of a socioeconomic distinction that can be made between students. This reduces the barriers that poverty and wealth naturally create.

Do school uniforms violate freedom of expression? ›

Students' right to freedom of expression extends to the messages on their clothes, as long as they aren't disruptive or vulgar. But schools can impose dress codes that aren't meant to silence opinions. Arguments about school dress codes are nothing new.

How do school uniforms affect decision making? ›

Uniforms can delay a student's transition into adulthood

Uniforms deny the students an opportunity to learn how to make decisions for themselves. Teenagers often use clothes as a form of identity. Denying them an opportunity to develop their identity affects their development.

Do uniforms reduce bullying statistics? ›

School intervention programs (which includes school uniforms) are reported at reducing bullying by 30-50%

Do students think uniforms are uncomfortable? ›

Some kids might have allergies to certain materials and the uniform might feel tight and/or rigid to them. This can increase their temper and can also affect their learning as well. They might also think that when walking home in their uniform, kids from other schools might make fun of them and start bullying him/her.

Do kids act better when school uniforms are the norm maybe not? ›

Turns out, school uniforms don't seem to have any effect on student behavior or attendance, according to a nationwide study of kids in public and private elementary schools.

How do uniforms decrease violence? ›

The idea is to restrict the symbols associated with gang membership so that gang members cannot outwardly identify themselves as being part of a gang, thus reducing the likelihood of violence. These regulations, it is asserted, also protect non-gang students from being mistakenly targeted by gang members as a rival.

Do school uniforms prevent bad behavior? ›

Ansari said school uniforms may not be the most effective way to improve student behavior and engagement. He adds the study even found a negative effect to uniforms.

Are school uniforms a good idea? ›

School uniforms keep students focused on their education, not their clothes. The National Association of Secondary School Principals states, “When all students are wearing the same outfit, they are less concerned about how they look and how they fit in with their peers; thus, they…

Do school uniforms affect self esteem? ›

School uniforms have a positive impact on students' mental health. Studies show that uniforms reduce anxiety about appearance and promote self-confidence through a feeling of belonging.

Why do students not like wearing uniforms? ›

While many kids instantly dismiss the idea of school uniforms because they want to be able to choose their own clothes, others point to more compelling reasons, such as gang involvement and school pride, for why they should or shouldn't wear specific clothing.

How do uniforms reduce bullying? ›

School uniforms create a level playing field among students, reducing peer pressure and bullying. When all students are dressed alike, competition between students over clothing choices and the teasing of those who are dressed in less expensive or less fashionable outfits can be eliminated.

What are the cons of uniforms? ›

  • Most kids don't like school uniforms.
  • Uniforms limit closet space.
  • Kids who wear uniforms are more likely to be bullied.
  • Uniforms don't allow children to be creative – they only teach them to comply.
  • Uniforms can affect a kid's self-image.
Oct 7, 2022

Do school uniforms cause less stress? ›

Less Wardrobe Choice Stress

One aspect that many of researchers agree upon is that the introduction of a school uniform policy lowers stress for students who struggle with the choice of what to wear each day -- some because they strive to look a certain way, others because they worry about being judged.

Do uniforms improve attendance? ›

The study did find that low-income students in schools that required uniforms did have slightly better attendance, but that difference amounted to less than one day per year, Ansari said. The researchers also evaluated self-report measures from the same students when they were in fifth grade.

Why are schools so strict about uniforms? ›

While students have sought out avenues for free expression and individuality through their attire, many schools have instituted these policies in an effort to minimize classroom distractions, reduce emphasis on students' socioeconomic disparities and keep schools safe.

What percent of kids dislike school uniforms? ›

Of the 1,634 responses gathered from parents, students and teachers, 52% of the respondents shared that they strongly dislike the current school uniform policy, with another 20% saying they don't like it. Another 12.7% said they don't mind the policy, ,while only 8.6% like it as it is.

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