Shoulder to Waist Ratio Calculator – The V-Taper Math – Fitness Volt (2024)

Although bodybuilders are stronger than the average person, most view aesthetics or appearance as far more important than strength. For example, bodybuilders want broad shoulders, a narrow waist, a deep chest, a wide yet thick back, big arms, and powerful-looking legs. A low level of body fat is also desirable, so the muscles are well-defined.

Of all these aesthetic characteristics, a V-taper is amongst the most desirable. That’s not just an opinion, but scientific fact! In studies, broad shoulders and a narrow waist are directly linked to physical attractiveness (1).

In this article, we reveal the ideal shoulder-to-waist ratio, how to measure it, and how to achieve it.

Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio Calculator

Shoulder in Inches

Waist in Inches

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What is Your Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio?

Your shoulder to waist ratio is the relationship between the circumference of your shoulders and the circumference of your waist. The wider your shoulders and the smaller your waist, the more favorable the ratio will be.

The ideal shoulder-to-waist ratio for men is 1:6, meaning the shoulders are significantly larger than the waist. For women, the perfect shoulder-to-waist ratio is a little less at 1:4.

These figures are based on something called the Golden Ratio, also known as the Adonis Index. Cultures all over the world are subconsciously influenced by this ratio and use it to judge physical attractiveness (2).

Broad shoulders paired with a narrow waist are also good indicators of health. That’s because a large waist normally indicates a surplus of abdominal body fat, which is linked to a wide range of medical conditions and illnesses, not least type 2 diabetes, some cancers, coronary heart, and premature death (3).

As such, you may be interested to know your shoulder-to-waist ratio so you can see how you measure up and whether you need to try and improve it.

How is Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio Calculated?

Shoulder-to-waist ratio is very easy to calculate. Simply take your shoulder circumference and divide it by your waist circumference.

For example:

If your waist measurement is 32 inches and your shoulders measure 46 inches, your shoulder-to-waist ratio would be 1.4375 (46 divided by 32).

As easy as determining your shoulder-to-waist ratio is, there is no need to do it yourself. Just use our calculator!

How To Use The Shoulder-to-Waist Calculator

Our shoulder-to-waist calculator is incredibly simple to use! Just follow these steps:

  1. Measure the circumference of your shoulders and waist. For your shoulders, measure around the widest part and around your navel or belly button for your waistline. Make a note of these figures. You may find it easier to have a friend or family member take these measurements for you.
  2. Choose your preferred unit of measure on the calculator, i.e., imperial (inches) or metric (centimeters).
  3. Enter your measurements into the correct boxes.
  4. Hit “Calculate“.

Your results will be displayed as a ratio in the box below.

Interpreting your Results

So, how does your shoulder-to-waist ratio measure up?

  • The ideal shoulder-to-waist ratio for menis 1.6
  • The ideal shoulder-to-waist ratio for womenis 1.4

If your ratio is lower, i.e., below 1.6 for men and less than 1.4 for women, this suggests either your waist is bigger than it should be, your shoulders are narrower than they should be, or a combination of these two factors.

Factors that may affect your readings include:


There are three basic body or somatotypes: endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph.

Shoulder to Waist Ratio Calculator – The V-Taper Math – Fitness Volt (1)

Endomorphs tend to have naturally wider waists and a propensity toward abdominal fat storage. Mesomorphs are naturally muscular and usually have a narrow waist and broader shoulders. Ectomorphs tend to have slender waists and shoulders. Of these three, mesomorphs are more likely to hit the perfect shoulder-to-waist ratio.

Tip: Find what body type category do you fall within? Find out with our body type quiz so that you can adjust your lifestyle to reach your fitness goals.

Gynoid or android body shape

People with a gynoid body shape tend to be rounded and apple-like. They often have no discernable waist. Those with an android or “pear” body shape tend to have narrower waists and may even have an “hourglass” figure.

Fat deposition sites

Some people are genetically inclined to store fat around their waist. Blame your parents and grandparents for this trait!

For example, someone with a natural tendency to store fat around their waist will score a lower shoulder-to-waist ratio than someone with a naturally smaller, leaner waist, even if they have bigger than average shoulders.

Muscular development

Big shoulder muscles don’t usually happen by accident. Building muscle takes time, effort, and dedication. Sedentary people and endurance athletes are much less likely to have the well-developed shoulders needed to score a 1:6 shoulder-to-waist ratio.


Needless to say, being pregnant will significantly affect your shoulder-to-waist ratio. As your pregnancy progresses, your waist measurement increases, and your shoulder-to-waist ratio will change. This is a natural and unavoidable part of being pregnant. As such, the shoulder-to-waist ratio calculator is probably not much use if you are expecting a baby!

How to Improve Your Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio

Regardless of your genetics or body type, you can always improve your shoulder-to-waist ratio. In most cases, you need to adopt a two-pronged approach to a) increase the girth of your upper body and b) make your waist smaller. This requires equal attention to exercise and nutrition.

Shoulder to Waist Ratio Calculator – The V-Taper Math – Fitness Volt (2)

Building bigger shoulders

While most upper body exercises involve your shoulders, you’ll need to target them directly if you want them to grow to their full potential.

The main muscles that make up your shoulders are the deltoids. There are three sets of deltoid fibers, called heads, and each one has a different function:

  • Anterior deltoid (front of your shoulders) – shoulder joint flexion and horizontal flexion.
  • Medial deltoid (side of your shoulders) – shoulder joint abduction.
  • Posterior deltoid (back of your shoulders) – shoulder joint extension and horizontal extension.

While all three deltoids contribute to the circumference of your upper body, the medial deltoid is the most important for upper body width. As such, this is the deltoid head you must emphasize in your training.

Good medial head deltoid exercises include:

  1. Dumbbell lateral raise
  2. Cable machine lateral raise
  3. Resistance machine lateral raise
  4. Resistance band lateral raise
  5. Barbell/EZ bar upright row
  6. Dumbbell upright row
  7. Cable Machine upright row

Here’s a workout you can use to develop your shoulders. Do it as part of a split training program, where you work different muscles on different days. For example, train your chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, shoulders on Wednesday, legs on Thursday, and arms on Friday.

Alternatively, you can train your shoulders twice a week to build them a little faster, e.g., Monday and Thursday.

No:Exercise SetsRepsRecovery
1Cable lateral raise312-1560-90 seconds
2Seated dumbbell Arnold press38-1090-120 seconds
3Side-lying dumbbell lateral raise310-1260-90 seconds
4EZ bar upright row38-1090-120 seconds

Related: Build V-Taper Guide.

Nutrition for a Smaller Waist

Use the following nutrition tips to lose fat from your entire body, including your waist:

1. Create a calorie deficit

Using ourTDEE calculator, work out your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) and then subtract 500 calories from this number. That’s how much you need to eat to lose fat and get lean.

Be prepared to adjust your calorie intake based on your progress. 500 calories is just a handy place to start, and you may need to increase or decrease your intake to get the desired results.

In contrast, if you want to build muscle and increase shoulder size, you need to 1dd 500 calories to your TDEE calculator result. These extra calories will fuel your training, recovery, and muscle growth.

2. Consume one gram of protein per pound of bodyweight

Using a food tracking app, make sure you consume around one gram ofproteinper pound of body weight (or about two grams per kilo). Not only will this help keep you feeling full, but eating protein may increase your metabolic rate, so you burn fat faster. But, most importantly, eating enough protein will help prevent the muscle loss that often accompanies a fat-reducing diet.

Tip:Calculate your daily protein intake.

3. Eat clean 90% of the time

Eating clean means chowing down on natural foods and cutting back on processed and junk food. Clean foods are generally higher in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, more filling, but lower in calories than foods that have been heavily processed.

To determine if a food is clean, just ask yourself whether you’d be able to find it out in nature. For example, chicken is a clean and natural food, whereas donuts are not. After all, donuts do not grow on trees!

If you eat clean most of the time, you can afford to have the occasional junk food snack or cheat meal. This doesn’t mean you are free to pig out and binge every couple of days. Instead, you can have a modest amount of junk food without feeling guilty about it or sabotaging your progress.

Related: 7 Ways to Stop Cheat Meals Ruining Your Diet

4. Try carb and calorie cycling

You’ll lose fat faster if you eat a little less on non-training days. After all, you don’t need as much energy if you are mostly sedentary between workouts. Try cutting a couple of snacks from your diet or eating fewer carbs on non-training days to speed up fat loss.

However, take care not to cut protein; you still need one gram per pound/two grams per kilo, even on rest days. Instead, cut carbs as, on non-workout days, you don’t need the fast-acting energy that carbs provide.

Tip:Use a carb cycling calculator.

5. Get plenty of sleep

Whilesleeping moreisn’t a nutritional strategy, it’s still something that you need to do if you want to improve your shoulder-to-waist ratio. Too little sleep can interfere with fat burning and muscle building. It could also increase insulin resistance, which is linked to abdominal fat storage.

Try to get at least eight hours of sleep per night. This may mean you need to go to bed earlier, but that’s the price you must pay to build the body of your dreams.

Shoulder-to-Waist Ratio FAQs

1. How accurate is the shoulder-to-waist calculator?

Our shoulder-to-waist calculator is as accurate as your measurements! If you want the results to be correct, make sure you take your measurements carefully. For this reason, you should recruit someone to do the measuring for you. While taking your own waist measurement is easy enough, it’s MUCH harder to measure your own shoulders.

2. Do I need to make my waist smaller or my shoulders bigger to improve my ratio?

That’s very hard to answer without seeing you! However, if you carry fat around your waist, losing fat will improve your shoulder-to-waist ratio. But, if you are quite slender, beefing up your shoulders may be the only way to increase your score, as your waist may not get much smaller.

For the average person, losing fat and building muscle is the best way to score a better shoulder-to-waist ratio.

3. What is the best workout for building bigger shoulders?

Bodybuilding-style training is probably the best way to beef up your shoulders. That’s because the aim of bodybuilding is to increase muscle size. Bodybuilding uses high-volume, high-intensity strength training to break down your muscles, so they grow back bigger and stronger. This is arguably the most efficient way to increase muscle size.

Check out our workout library for 100s of workouts to try!

4. Which type of cardio is best for fat loss?

Losing fat will automatically improve your shoulder-to-waist ratio. Cardio can help burn excess calories and put you into a negative energy balance, forcing your body to burn fat for fuel.

There are two main types of cardio to choose from – Low-Intensity Steady State (LISS) and High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT). Both can work, but HIIT is a little more time efficient as you burn more calories per minute with that type of workout.

Try them both and see which one you prefer. Alternatively, you can read about the pros and cons of each here.

5. What diet should I follow to improve my shoulder-to-waist ratio?

Your diet needs to support your training goal. For example, are you trying to lose fat and sculpt a smaller waist? Or are you working on beefing up your shoulders and building muscle mass?

This will determine which type of diet you need to follow.

That said, plenty of great eating plans are available, so you should choose the one that appeals the most. After all, food should be one of life’s pleasures and not a chore!

Once you’ve picked a diet you think you can live with, create a 500-per-day calorie surplus to lose fat and reduce waist size or a 500-a-day calorie surplus to build muscles and increase muscle and shoulder size.

The best diet will always be the one that matches your goals and that you enjoy following. After all, improving your shoulder-to-waist ratio and reaching the 1:6 golden standard could take several months.

Other related calculators

  • Grecian Ideal Body Measurements
  • BMR Calculator
  • Quetelet Index Calculator
  • Body Fat Calculator
  • Ideal Body Weight Calculator
  • Fat Free Mass Index Calculator
  • Body Surface Area Calculator

Wrapping Up

While your shoulder-to-waist ratio is useful to know, it’s not the be-all and end-all of a good physique. Other things to consider include good posture, a broad back, vascular arms, sculpted abs, and well-developed legs. It’s just one aspect of your physique, and achieving a 1:6 ratio should not be your sole focus.

That said, if you want to look your best, a narrow waist and broad shoulders are aesthetically pleasing and make you look athletic, healthy, and even virile. Subconsciously, these are traits many of us look for in a prospective sexual partner.

Use our Shoulder-to-waist calculator to see how your proportions measure up and track your progress over the coming months.


1. PubMed: Visual perception of male body attractiveness

2. PubMed: Physical attractiveness: the influence of selected torso parameters

3. PubMed: A review of the association between abdominal fat distribution, health outcome measures, and modifiable risk factors

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Categories: Fitness Calculator Tools

Shoulder to Waist Ratio Calculator – The V-Taper Math – Fitness Volt (2024)


How do you calculate shoulder to waist ratio? ›

To find out your ratio, measure around your waist, then the circumference your shoulders, (You're probably going to need some help with this part) then divide shoulders/waist to get your ratio. This will give you a good idea of what you need to work on to reach that magical ratio.

Is a 1.5 shoulder to waist ratio good? ›

In women, the ideal ratio is considered to be 1.4. The study by Horvath et al. found that the shoulder-to-waist ratio is the most powerful and immediate representation of one's overall shape and women from all cultures repeatedly choose 1:1.6 as being the most attractive (where the man has a V taper and a slim waist).

How do you calculate Adonis ratio? ›

The Adonis Index is a ratio based on several key body measurements that provide the ideal masculine, muscular physique appearance. The ratio is calculated based on the difference between your shoulder circumference and waist circumference. The adonis ratio is 1:1.68.

How do you calculate body ratio? ›

Here's how.
  1. Measure at the smallest point. Wrap a tape measure around your waist at the smallest point, usually around your belly button. ...
  2. Measure your hips. Next, wrap the tape measure around your hips at the widest part. ...
  3. Divide. Use a calculator to divide your waist size by your hip size. ...
  4. Record your ratio.
Jun 22, 2021

What is the formula for waist ratio? ›

The Waist Hip Ratio is calculated by dividing your waist measurement by your hip measurement, since the hips are the widest part of your buttocks. The formula is: WHR= waist circumference / hip circumference.

Is a 1.8 shoulder to waist good? ›

A perfect body ratio, in terms of attractiveness and athletics for that matter, is when you have the golden ratio. Most specifically, the most visual and important one, is the Shoulders to Waist Ratio, which should be at 1.618, or when your shoulders are 1.6 times your waist circumference.

How do you get the perfect V taper? ›

Building bigger shoulders is a no-brainer, as they help you gain width necessary for the V-taper look, while also helping to give shape to the deltoids. This can be done by training all three heads of the deltoids through dumbbell shoulder presses, lateral raises, bent over reverse flyes, and front raises.

What is ideal shoulder size? ›

Still, based on biacromial measurements taken in years passed and trends observed by researchers, it's probably safe to say that in the United States average shoulder width is at least 16 inches (41 cm) for men and 14 inches (36 cm) for women.

What is the golden body ratio? ›

This resulted in a formula of measurements which yield the ratio 1: 1.618, known as The Golden Ratio. The Golden Ratio is number that shows up all over the human body, from the length of the arms and legs compared to the torso, and it seems to define what proportions look best; that is, most attractive.

What is shoulder hip ratio? ›

Another sexually dimorphic feature is shoulder to hip ratio (SHR), the circumference of the shoulders relative to the hips. Broad shoulders and narrow hips tend to be a masculine trait related to testosterone (Kasperk et al., 1997).

What is the Adonis ratio? ›

For men, it's the result of dividing the measurement of your shoulders by that of your waist. The closer you are to the ratio 1:168, the better. The Adonis Golden Ratio is specifically designed for men.

What is my waist to height ratio? ›

What should be my waist size for my height? As a rule of thumb, it should be less than half of your height. For example, if you're 170 cm (5 ft 6 in) tall, a healthy waist circumference is roughly between 68 cm (26.8 in) and 83.3 cm (32.8 in).

Is 40 inch waist fat? ›

A waist circumference of greater than 40 inches for men and greater than 35 inches for women is considered indicative of abdominal obesity. It carries with it increased risk for: Heart disease.

Is a 30 inch waist fat? ›

The average waist size for American women is 35.6 inches. That means a 30 inch waist would put you in the 15th percentile among most females, which is quite a bit smaller than average. However, it's important to remember that 3 out of 4 adult women in the US are overweight or obese.

What is a good waist size for 5 4? ›

Thus a man who is 6ft or 72 inches tall (183 cm), should keep his waist under 36 inches (91 cm), and a woman who is 5ft 4 in or 64 inches tall (163 cm), should keep her waist measurement under 32 inches (81 cm).

How do you measure your waist for fitness? ›

How to measure your waist
  1. Find the bottom of your ribs and the top of your hips.
  2. Place a tape measure around your middle at a point halfway between them (just above the belly button).
  3. Make sure it's pulled tight, but isn't digging into your skin.
  4. Breathe out naturally and take your measurement.

How do you calculate waist-to-hip ratio on a calculator? ›

To calculate the waist-to-hip ratio, we use the following formula: Ratio = W ÷ H. In this formula, W refers to the circumference of the waist and H represents the circumference of the hip. For example, a person with a 28 in (71 cm) waist and 35 in (89 cm) hips has a waist-hip ratio of 28/35 = 0.8 in.

What is an example of waist hip ratio? ›

The waist–hip ratio or waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) is the dimensionless ratio of the circumference of the waist to that of the hips. This is calculated as waist measurement divided by hip measurement (W⁄H). For example, a person with a 30″ (76 cm) waist and 38″ (97 cm) hips has a waist–hip ratio of about 0.78.

Is a 34 inch waist healthy? ›

For your best health, your waist should be less than 40 inches around for men, and less than 35 inches for women, although it may vary depending on race or ethnicity. If it's larger than that, you may want to talk with your doctor about what your next steps are, including losing weight.

Are 14 inch shoulders small? ›

The average shoulder width for 18-year-old people assigned female at birth is about 14 inches or 35 centimeters. For the average 18-year-old female, the bicacromial or shoulder width is about 14 inches or 35 cm. For comparison, the average biacromial width is about 15 inches or 39 cm. for males of the same age.

Are 18 inch shoulders big? ›

18″ shoulders, if you are measuring like garment makers do, is an XXL size. It is quite possible for a woman/girl to have an XX-large frame that is excessively thin. It is also possible for the upper back to be deeply rounded/humped, making the measured shoulder width a larger number without any extra visual width.

Can everyone get V-taper? ›

The good news is any male can build a V-taper, not just the ones with naturally narrow waists and wide shoulders.

What is a good V-taper? ›

The key to a great V-taper consists of 3 upper body components: Wide lats, broad shoulders and a small waist. These combined with a lean physique and a killer set of abs and you can achieve that head turning v-taper withfocussed work.

What exercises build the V-taper? ›

Heavy compound lifts, specifically the overhead press, pull-up, and deadlift, are the cornerstone of V-taper physique training. These will provide the necessary tension to build dense muscle and activate the maximum number of muscle fibers to accelerate growth.

Are 21 inch shoulders big? ›

A little bit goes a long way in shoulder width . . . 20-inch-wide shoulders look significantly broader than average shoulders; 21-inch shoulders will get plenty of attention; 22-inch shoulders will draw stares from almost everyone; 23-inch shoulders are super heroic and will get you a ticket on the front row of Mr.

What is XL shoulder size? ›

BODY WIDTH20 1/255 cm
1 more row

Is 14 inch shoulders broad? ›

Average Female Shoulder Width

The biacromial or shoulder breadth of an average 18-year-old girl is roughly 35 cm or 14 inches. For males of the same age, the typical biacromial diameter is approximately 39 cm or 15 inches.

What is the most attractive body ratio? ›

Waist to hip ratios

However, with females pelvis widens and fat is deposited on hips and thighs at puberty. Healthy women have ratios of 0.67 to 0.80 while healthy men have 0.80 to 0.95. For attractiveness, ideal for men is 0.90 and female ideal is 0.7 (for Western populations only).

What is the perfect body size? ›

The specific proportions of 36–24–36 inches (90-60-90 centimeters) have frequently been given as the "ideal", or "hourglass" proportions for women since at least the 1960s (these measurements are, for example, the title of a hit instrumental by The Shadows).

What is the ideal female body? ›

The stereotypically attractive female body shape is an hourglass figure, which includes wide hips, a narrow waist, and broad shoulders.

How do you measure shoulders for sizing? ›

The official way to measure your shoulder width is to measure joint-to-joint from shoulder tip to shoulder tip. This can be done with your back facing your friend who holds up a measuring tape.

What is shoulder to hip ratio? ›

Shoulder to hip ratio (SHR) is a sexually dimorphic trait in humans, yet no previous study has investigated the gazing behavior and perceived physical attractiveness of men and women in relation to men and women's SHRs.

How did you measure front shoulder to waist? ›

Measure from the midpoint on top of the shoulder, vertically down to the front of the body, to the waist line (level with your belly button).

Is a 0.92 waist to hip ratio good? ›

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a moderate WHR is: 0.9 or less in men. 0.85 or less for women.

Is 0.86 waist to hip ratio? ›

The WHO advise that a healthy WHR is: 0.85 or less for women. 0.9 or less for men.

Do girls like shoulder to waist? ›

Waist-to-hip ratios for men between 0.85 and 0.95 are rated by women as most attractive, with 0.9 being the most attractive. Women also adore men with a higher shoulder-to-waist ratio (in other words, men with broad shoulders and a small waist).

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