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Fashion online shop brands

Victoria's Secret has gained recognition among a significant 89 percent of U.S. online fashion shoppers. Gen Z and Gen X form the more relevant target audience for the brand, while the most important aspects in life for Victoria’s Secret online shoppers are a happy relationship as well as an honest and respectable life.

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Brand KPI profile

Victoria is not a Secret

Online fashion store shoppers in the United States seem to have been successfully seduced by Victoria's Secret, with the brand scoring almost 90 percent brand awareness. Founded in 1977, the brand is well-established and a household name in the fashion industry overall. More than a third of online fashion shoppers stated that they like the Ohio-based brand. As for the remaining brand KPIs, namely brand usage, loyalty, and media buzz, they settle at around 25 percent.


Gen Z and Gen X are in cahoots about Victoria's Secret

Victorias’ Secret, the brand renowned for its alluring lingerie, is predominantly favored by Gen Z and Gen X fashion online shoppers in the United States. While the vast majority of consumers in all generations are familiar with Victoria's Secret as an online fashion shop, age plays a pivotal role in shaping the brand's popularity, usage share, loyalty, and media buzz. In these brand KPIs, Millennials and Baby Boomers trail behind Generations Z and X. If the bra fits, wear it.

Life values

Is a happy relationship Victoria's Secret to a happy life?

When comparing the most significant life aspects, a lot of similarities emerge between Victoria's Secret online shop customers and those who do not use it. An honest and respectable life and a happy relationship are the most important life aspects to both groups. Additionally, Victoria's Secret online shoppers prioritize success stronger than non-customers, while the latter put more emphasis on making their own decisions and having a good time.

Published April 15, 2024

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