The Disadvantages of Being a Cosmetologist - Cosmetology Guru (2024)

On the surface, cosmetology seems like a great career! But it can also be tough, especially for those just starting out.

Some of the disadvantages of being a cosmetologist are low salary, long hours, and difficult customers. It’s also a job not suited to everyone who wants to work in the beauty industry – for some people, other careers might be a better fit.

Is work as a cosmetologist right for you, or are there just too many downsides to the profession? In this post, we’ll break it all down, so you can decide for yourself!

Table of Contents:

  • 1 Low Salary
  • 2 Long Hours
  • 3 Difficult Customers
  • 4 Negative Health Effects
  • 5 Is It Better to be A Barber than a Cosmetologist?
  • 6 Is It Better to be An Esthetician than a Cosmetologist?
  • 7 Is Being a Cosmetologist Right for Me?

Low Salary

Cosmetologists have an extremely wide range of income, and there are numerous factors that play into how much you’ll actually get paid. On average, however, cosmetologists make around $24,830 annually.

Nail techs, who are listed separately by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, fare a little worse, making a median salary of $24,330.

Though many cosmetologists also rely on tips and commissions to increase their income, it can be tough to get the ball rolling on these elements at first.

Even once you’re established and earning tips from regular customers and making sales regularly, you still have to be prepared for slow periods where you have fewer customers, fewer tips, or if you sell fewer products. And this is especially true if you decide to run your own business.

Speaking of running your own business, keep in mind that if you work as an entrepreneur or part-time as a cosmetologist, you won’t receive benefits. This means paying for your own healthcare, and possibly being less able to afford time off.

Business owners also have to set aside more in taxes, because an employer isn’t withholding them from you. You’ll be in charge of paying state and federal taxes (generally quarterly as opposed to annually), which can be confusing for some (most) people.

You may opt to hire a certified public accountant, which is great for ensuring you’re filing all the necessary paperwork in the correct way and on time. However, CPAs can be expensive, and an added expense might not be feasible for everyone.

Long Hours

Cosmetologists tend to work long hours –at least 8 hours per day,including evenings and weekends.

Your busiest times will probably line up with the average person’s down time. For example, most people work a 9-5 job, so you’ll have an influx of clients either before 9:00 a.m. or after 5:00 p.m. You might also see many customers on the weekends.

The busy times in your work may also be the busy times in your life. For example, when everybody wants back-to-school haircuts for their kids, or when people want to look nice to see their family over the holidays, you might have to sacrifice time with your friends and family in order to satisfy your clients’ needs.

As it’s a low-paying career, you might also find yourself working a ton to keep up with your expenses. This is especially likely at the beginning of your career.

Difficult Customers

The Disadvantages of Being a Cosmetologist - Cosmetology Guru (1)

As with any customer service profession, cosmetologists are dealing with different people day in and day out. You’re bound to have some difficult customers along the way!

Customers might range from the simply annoying to the downright rude. You could find yourself spending a ton of time around a customer you don’t like in order to pay the bills.

You also won’t be able to make everyone happy! Some customers may not know what they want, or are unable to explain themselves adequately. You might do everything that they ask you to do, but in the end, the still might not be satisfied.

You may also mess up from time to time – mistakes can happen, we’re all human, and nobody’s perfect! Even with that said, accidentally cutting 5 inches instead of .5 inches off of someone’s hair might (understandably) make someone upset, and some mistakes you can’t simply undo.

Customers who aren’t satisfied with the service you provide – for whatever reason – may become frustrated or angry. They might demand that your service be complimentary, cause a (nasty) scene, spread a bad word around town, or all three!

You’ll need to have savvy people skills and a lot of patience. You might even find yourself giving away free gift cards or complimentary products just to calm down an ugly situation. All of that means more money out of your pocket (and not to mention a bad day).

Negative Health Effects

The Disadvantages of Being a Cosmetologist - Cosmetology Guru (2)

Work as a cosmetologist is hard on your back, legs, and feet. It requires standing for long hours, and without breaks, this can be tough on your body over time.

Cosmetologists also use chemicals and dyes in their daily work. These chemicals include things like nitrosamines and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde has been proven to cause harm to the female reproductive organs as well as a whole host of other problems.

And that’s just two. Chemicals found in hair dyes, nail polishes, and other hair care products can be problematic for your skin, eyes, or lungs. Negative health effects can also become even more troublesome if you are or become pregnant.

Related Read: Cosmetology when pregnant: what you need to know to stay safe

It’s imperative to always use adequate protection, like gloves, when working with such chemicals. And you shouldalways have a well-ventilated work space!

Is It Better to be A Barber than a Cosmetologist?

The Disadvantages of Being a Cosmetologist - Cosmetology Guru (3)

If you are interested in hair and only hair, becoming a barber might be the best career move for you. Here are some key differences between barbers and cosmetologists:

  • Barbers are not licensed to care for skin or nails.
  • Cosmetologists cannot shave hair with a razor or straight razor (which is why more men go to barbers)!
  • Barbers have a greater salary than cosmetologists, with a median salary of $27,960.

Essentially, barbers can do all things hair, plus some things that cosmetologists can’t do. Cosmetologists are licensed for a wider array of services, including skin and nail services.

It’s also important to remember that barbers and cosmetologists arenot the same license, they are separate. While it’s easy to take a crossover course and get a dual license, their scope of practice is not the same.

Related Read: Can a cosmetologist become a barber?

It’s also worth remembering that a lot of the disadvantages associated with being a cosmetologist will be the same as with being a barber, perhaps with the exception of a low salary (it all depends on your financial needs).

Is It Better to be An Esthetician than a Cosmetologist?

Those who are very interested in skincare might look into becoming an esthetician, rather than a cosmetologist. What makes these careers different?

In summary, licensed cosmetologists can perform a variety of hair, nail, and skin services; while those holdingonly an esthetician license can only perform skincare services.

In most states in the U.S., you can work as an esthetician with a cosmetology license. As always, some states differ, so double check with your state board to make sure the services you’re providing are in line with your legally allowed scope of practice.

As with barbering, the disadvantages that come with cosmetology will be extremely similar to those involved in esthetician work as well.

Is Being a Cosmetologist Right for Me?

People who succeed as cosmetologists tend to be friendly, business-minded, and hard-working. They have a passion for the beauty industry and love to make others feel better about themselves. They’re also great at handling difficult situations and working well under pressure.

If this sounds like you, a career as a cosmetologist might be a perfect fit!

Related Read: Top 10 reasons to pursue a career in cosmetology

Every profession has its drawbacks, and cosmetology can be particularly tough when you’re just starting out. Knowing this before you start means you won’t be blindsided by difficulties later on.

Being aware of the disadvantages means you can plan accordingly and make sure your passion for the subject carries you through!

If you want a more in-depth look at the bad (and the good!) of being a cosmetologist, check out this video:

Already in school? Take our free cosmetologist practice exam to see if you’re ready for your exam!

The Disadvantages of Being a Cosmetologist - Cosmetology Guru (2024)


What are the disadvantages of being a hairstylist? ›

These are the top disadvantages of working as a hairdresser and what you can do to mitigate them.
  • Dealing With Dissatisfied Clients. ...
  • There's a Lot of Competition. ...
  • The Physical Demands. ...
  • Lack of Health Insurance and Benefits.
Aug 30, 2021

What would be challenging about being a cosmetologist? ›

One of the main challenges of the career is building a steady clientele, which takes hard work, determination, and patience. Although the hours are flexible and often work well with family schedules, cosmetologists commonly work nights and weekends to accommodate their clients' schedules.

What problems do cosmetologists face? ›

Keep reading to learn more about the common challenges you'll face during your cosmetology course and how you can overcome them.
  • Time Management. ...
  • Burnout and Stress. ...
  • Chemical Exposure. ...
  • Adjusting to Client Needs. ...
  • Requirements for Certification.
Jun 20, 2022

What's the hardest part about cosmetology? ›

Makeup seems like it would be a pretty simple thing to do, but when asked most beauty professionals, instructors, and students agreed that makeup is one of the hardest units in school. It tests your patience and can be the source of some stress if hair color and style is more your forte.

What are the disadvantages of beauty? ›

7 surprising downsides of being beautiful
  • There's a fine line between acknowledging your beauty and being conceited. "The danger of becoming vain. ...
  • It's worrisome when your appearance changes as you get older. "For a woman, looks fade. ...
  • You may give off the false impression of always being happy.
Sep 22, 2015

Why do cosmetologist wear black? ›

Cosmetologists are often working with hair color and other things that may stain clothing, black will hide those stains more than any other color clothing. Black allows cosmetologists to see hair color better and provides a neutral color background.

What are some advantages of being a cosmetologist? ›

7 Benefits of a Cosmetology Career
  • Use Your Creativity. As a cosmetologist, you can use your creativity daily. ...
  • Flexible Work Schedule. ...
  • Work for Yourself. ...
  • Earning Potential. ...
  • Form Meaningful Relationships. ...
  • Career Opportunity. ...
  • Make a Difference.
Apr 14, 2021

How stressful is being a hairstylist? ›

Is Hairdressing Really A Low Stress Job? As hairdressers, we know you genuinely love your job. Studies have shown that stylists score high on job satisfaction and usually consider the work low stress, but that does not mean stressors can't occur.

Why I quit being a hairstylist? ›

The most common reasons why hair stylists quit are stress, boredom, and earning potential. Many hairstylists also leave the profession due to the necessity of small talk with their clients. Many introverted hairstylists dislike this aspect. Hairstyles often cite boredom as the reason they quit.

Is cosmetology hard on your body? ›

Negative Health Effects

Work as a cosmetologist is hard on your back, legs, and feet. It requires standing for long hours, and without breaks, this can be tough on your body over time. Cosmetologists also use chemicals and dyes in their daily work. These chemicals include things like nitrosamines and formaldehyde.

What issue causes most of the problems in a cosmetology workplace? ›

Burnout and Stress

A concern for cosmetologists is burning out from the stress of working with clients every day, keeping up with new techniques, growing their career by marketing their services and, if applicable, running a salon.

What is the main health issue that a cosmetologist make experience? ›

Chap 25 & 26 Test
What is the main health issue that a cosmetologist may experience?Hypersensitivity
OSHA regulations mandate that the nail technician wear , while performing pedicures to prevent exposure to pathogens that may be present on the feet or in the water.Gloves
23 more rows

What are the weaknesses of a beauty salon? ›

Weaknesses can be reflected in the hair salon's register receipts, but not always. For instance, lack of proper stylist training and poor customer care can hinder the hair salon's income, but still not limit it. Identifying the hair salon's weaknesses is the first step to making strategic improvements.

What are the five high risks of beauty services? ›

Some potential risks in a salon include:
  • Slippery floors due to product spills and hair clippings.
  • Burns from dryers and curling irons.
  • Cuts from razors.
  • Repeated exposure to hair products and coloring agents.
  • Chemical hazards in hair dye causing injury to customers.

What is the biggest challenge in hairdressing? ›

Here are the top fifteen challenges you may encounter while running a salon and possible solutions;
  1. Hiring staff. ...
  2. Staff training. ...
  3. Choosing the right products. ...
  4. Customer loyalty. ...
  5. Price distortion. ...
  6. Marketing your services. ...
  7. Maintaining consistent income. ...
  8. High bills.

What is the highest paying cosmetology? ›

High Paying Cosmetologist Jobs
  • Freelance Makeup Artist. Salary range: $45,500-$63,500 per year. ...
  • Barber. Salary range: $30,000-$59,000 per year. ...
  • Performance Makeup Artist. Salary range: $26,500-$56,500 per year. ...
  • Licensed Barber. Salary range: $31,000-$56,500 per year. ...
  • Airbrush Artist. ...
  • Makeup Artist. ...
  • Beauty Artist. ...
  • Nail Technician.

Where is the most money in cosmetology? ›

Highest paying cities for Cosmetologists near United States
  • Atlanta, GA. $33.94 per hour. 20 salaries reported.
  • $30.87 per hour. 48 salaries reported.
  • Las Vegas, NV. $26.85 per hour. 38 salaries reported.
  • Amarillo, TX. $25.29 per hour. 6 salaries reported.
  • Phoenix, AZ. $24.71 per hour. 91 salaries reported.
  • Show more nearby cities.

What makes the most money in cosmetology? ›

13 highest-paying cosmetology jobs
  1. Aesthetician. National average salary: $36,383 per year. ...
  2. Personal trainer. National average salary: $38,422 per year. ...
  3. Esthetician. National average salary: $46,694 per year. ...
  4. Dietitian. National average salary: $52,002 per year. ...
  5. Copywriter. ...
  6. Hair stylist. ...
  7. Cosmetologist. ...
  8. Makeup artist.
Apr 14, 2022

What are are disadvantages? ›

: loss or damage especially to reputation, credit, or finances : detriment. the deal worked to their disadvantage. : an unfavorable, inferior, or prejudicial condition. we were at a disadvantage. : a quality or circ*mstance that makes achievement unusually difficult : handicap.

What are types of disadvantage? ›

Disadvantaged area
  • Disadvantaged child.
  • Disadvantaged pupil.
  • Political correctness.
  • Poverty.
  • Destitute.
  • Disabled.
  • Social exclusion.
  • Social vulnerability.

What are some disadvantages of the beauty bias? ›

Unsurprisingly, the beauty bias transfers into the workplace, with scientific studies showing that less attractive individuals are more likely to get fired, even though they are also less likely to be hired in the first place.

What are 5 typical duties of cosmetologist? ›

Barbers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists typically do the following:
  • Inspect and analyze hair, scalp, and skin to recommend services or treatment.
  • Discuss hairstyle options.
  • Shampoo, color, lighten, and condition hair.
  • Chemically change hair texture.
  • Cut, dry, and style hair.
  • Trim facial hair.
  • Receive payments from client.
Sep 13, 2022

How do you dress like a cosmetologist? ›

Many salons require cosmetologists to wear white, navy or black pants. Pull-on pants are best, due to the comfort factor. Sweatpants and jeans are never considered to be appropriate.

What should I wear to a cosmetology school interview? ›

Business casual clothing says you're ready for business. By showing up in career clothes, you'll make an impression that will stick with the beauty school. A casual blazer or a nice dress will be enough to set you apart. Shoes will a small heel are also appropriate, as well as skirts and blouses.

Can you make 6 figures as a cosmetologist? ›

Believe it or not, making six figures as a hairstylist is completely possible. While it is possible, it's going to take a lot of hard work, discipline, and determination. There are plenty of stylists out there making six figures who aren't celebrities or work in high-end shops.

What is the most important skills a successful cosmetologist must have? ›

Creativity. Creativity is the key to success in this field. Cosmetologists should keep up with the latest trends in beauty. They should also be ready to recommend hairstyles to their clients.

What is the highest paid hairstylist? ›

High Paying Hair Stylist Jobs
  • Color Specialist. Salary range: $32,000-$47,500 per year. ...
  • Hair Extension Specialist. Salary range: $26,000-$41,500 per year. ...
  • Hair Colorist. Salary range: $31,000-$37,000 per year. ...
  • Bridal Stylist Sales Consultant. Salary range: $27,000-$37,000 per year. ...
  • Beautician. ...
  • Stylist.

Do hairdressers get nervous? ›

Hairdresser anxiety is a real thing – I know I can't be alone in this. A salon visit is, at heart, a wholly unnatural experience: an array of strangers pulling and scrubbing at your head while you you try to avoid eye contact with your own reflection, and pretend to feel at ease.

When should you break up with your hairstylist? ›

Here are the reasons you could be ready for a change—and how to have an amicable split with your hairdresser.
  • Your Last Haircut Was Horrible.
  • Your Hairstylist Is Always Behind Schedule.
  • Their Prices Have Gone Up Too Much.
  • They're Just Not Seeing Your Hair Vision Anymore.
Apr 9, 2019

Are hairdressers usually happy? ›

It gets the thumbs up for all round job satisfaction – hairdressing is voted one of the happiest jobs in the world. It's sociable, never dull and you'll feel good about yourself making your clients look and feel wonderful! Take your pick! As a hairdresser you can work in TV, Theatre, on photoshoots or within education.

Do hairstylists make a lot of money? ›

Hairdressers made a median salary of $29,670 in 2021. The best-paid 25% made $38,790 that year, while the lowest-paid 25% made $23,960.

How do hairstylist gain confidence? ›

Take Stylist Continuing Education

Continuing education is the most critical thing you can engage in as a stylist. Our industry is forever changing, so keeping up with trends is essential. Taking these classes will also, in turn, boost your confidence. The more you learn, the more confident you will be.

How happy are cosmetologists? ›

Hairdressers are below average when it comes to happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, hairdressers rate their career happiness 3.1 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 39% of careers.

What is the lowest salary for a cosmetologist? ›

How much does a Cosmetologist make in the United States? The average Cosmetologist salary in the United States is $28,401 as of January 26, 2023, but the range typically falls between $23,601 and $34,801.

What is a problem in the hair industry? ›

High staff turnover

With this being a low-paid industry, there is a high turnover in staff as well as staff with low skillsets. This can make the hair industry an unattractive career option, resulting in younger staff being employed who are less motivated to strive high.

What are some possible stereotypes of cosmetology? ›

10 beauty stereotypes that need to be broken
  • Long hair equals feminine, short hair equals boyish.
  • Fat is not beautiful.
  • No girl looks so good without makeup or plastic surgery.
  • Fair is the only pretty and lovely.
  • Curly hair is so exotic.
  • A woman over 40 is too old to sport red lipstick.
Feb 16, 2018

What type of personality should a cosmetologist have? ›

Passion for Beauty

Passion for your craft can help you succeed in any career you choose. When you have a deep love and interest in what you do, your work will be far more meaningful and enjoyable. As a cosmetologist, you should have a passion for beauty and enjoy making others look and feel their best.

What are 3 examples of weaknesses? ›

Examples of Weaknesses.
  • Self-criticism.
  • Shyness.
  • Lack of knowledge of particular software.
  • Public speaking.
  • Taking criticism.
  • Lack of experience.
  • Inability to delegate.
  • Lack of confidence.

What are the 5 Weaknesses? ›

List of Weaknesses
  • Not taking criticism well.
  • Impatient.
  • Lazy.
  • Easily bored.
  • Procrastinate.
  • Persistent.
  • Takes things personally.
  • Strong willed.
Aug 19, 2022

What are the disadvantages of cosmetics? ›

8 Side Effects of Wearing Makeup Regularly
  • Clogged Pores. If you are applying makeup on a regular basis and leaving it on your skin for a long time, there are chances that your skin pores get clogged. ...
  • Untimely Aging. ...
  • Dry or Oily Skin. ...
  • Breakouts. ...
  • Allergic Reaction. ...
  • Colour Changes. ...
  • Eye Infections. ...
  • Cancer.
Sep 5, 2022

What are the advantages of being a cosmetologist? ›

7 Benefits of a Cosmetology Career
  • Use Your Creativity. As a cosmetologist, you can use your creativity daily. ...
  • Flexible Work Schedule. ...
  • Work for Yourself. ...
  • Earning Potential. ...
  • Form Meaningful Relationships. ...
  • Career Opportunity. ...
  • Make a Difference.
Apr 14, 2021

What are the 3 challenges for cosmetic industry? ›

  • Innovation Issues. Cosmetics is a “mature” business. ...
  • Marketing Driven. The cosmetic industry is first and foremost a marketing-driven enterprise. ...
  • Technology. ...
  • Cosmetic Formulation Difficulties. ...
  • Other Scientific Problems.
Dec 3, 2021

Is being a cosmetologist stressful? ›

Studies have shown that stylists score high on job satisfaction and usually consider the work low stress, but that does not mean stressors can't occur.

What are the strengths and weakness weaknesses? ›

Strengths include knowledge, attributes, skills, and talents. Weaknesses are just the opposite. Weaknesses are defined as character traits or skills that are considered negative or not as well developed. Weaknesses include blind spots, poorly developed skills, or problematic personal behaviors.

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