The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (2024)


The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (1)

ReplyStuart KermanJuly 7, 2015 at 7:19 pm

Fabulous post,Pedro.

Well said and well done!!

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (2)

    ReplyPedro MendesJuly 7, 2015 at 7:46 pm

    Thank you, Stuart, very kind.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (3)

ReplyFranz LehrbassJuly 7, 2015 at 8:50 pm

Great essay Pedro. Well-reasoned. I’ve often wondered many similar things. Here’s to kindness, decency, respect for all and working each day to be the best we can be in everyday life. The restraint of good taste is no less authentic than the exhibitionism of letting it all hang out.
Your former CBC colleage,
Franz Lehrbass.

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (4)

    ReplyPedro MendesJuly 7, 2015 at 8:52 pm

    Thank you, Franz, really appreciate it. And great last line, might have to steal that.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (5)

ReplyLondon MabelJuly 8, 2015 at 11:06 pm

The last time a man tried to convince me that caring about what you wear is superficial, I asked him: “If the only clean clothes you had left in your closet were orange pants and a shirt with big pink polkadots, would you wear them? Or would you wait til your laundry was done?” That shut him up.

I would add that I think we see caring about appearance as feminine and therefore a weakness. The subtext often isn’t “people who care about their appearance are superficial” but “most women are superficial.” You can see this when guys call each other gay for wearing color etc.

In other news, love the sapeurs! It’s like a subculture of Morris Days!

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (6)

    ReplyPedro MendesJuly 9, 2015 at 8:23 am

    Great point, Mabel. Guys feeling uncertain about their masculinity plays a very big part of this discussion, specifically how femininity and hom*osexuality are seen as purely negative.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (7)

ReplyJohnDecember 3, 2016 at 6:38 am

That’s probably the best explanation I have come across egalitarianism, men wanted to dress down rather than dress up and it mirrored social change. However there is one big hole in this argument why does it only apply to men and not to women. Women dress up even more now than they did before there is no attempt to be real and dress down, so why does egalitarianism not apply to women’s fashion

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (8)

    ReplyPedro MendesDecember 3, 2016 at 4:53 pm

    Very good point, John, and one I’ve been thinking about recently. And while I think more and more women are, in fact, giving up on dressing well, I think it has to do with power and privilege: men (especially white, middle/upper income men) have the freedom to “dress how they like.” Women and other groups do not, despite our believed freedoms.

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (9)

    ReplyGuileJanuary 20, 2017 at 7:15 pm

    Because women, in general, care more about how they’re perceived by others. They’re also more easily influenced because they’re more intimately social than men. They judge everything, and everyone, at all times—and assume that they are being judged in return. Just look at how hard the advertising industry monkey-branched from 12-year-old boys, to tweens, to women in general over the past 30 years. All the buying power, theirs AND ours belongs to women.
    Travel, education, brand named purses are all the female version of d*** measuring contest. They want to be perceived as “better than”, where as men generally assume they’re good enough until motivated by, you guessed it, women.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (10)

ReplyRaymond HuynhJanuary 2, 2017 at 2:40 pm

I thought the real reason was because most men have a stomach or are too skinny to be wearing a suit. It is like going to the beach, most men would be scared beyond belief.

A suit highlights a lot of of a man’s body shape, including their man boobs, stomach area, and waist line.

In our modern culture of every man being afraid of his own body image, wearing casual clothing without tucking in your shirt, or wearing over sized T(s) can hide a lot of this away.

It has nothing to do with uniformity and more about being afraid of expectations.

Do not forget, when you are working in a office, a lot of those features are amplified when you sit down.

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (11)

    ReplyPedro MendesJanuary 2, 2017 at 3:41 pm

    I’d have to say the complete opposite is true, Raymond, when it comes to suits: the point of tailored clothing is to hide “God’s mistakes” and make you look thinner and better proportioned than you may be. Casual clothing, on the other hand, especially poor quality and ill-fitting tshirts and jeans (as you’ll often see) exaggerate overweight bodies. Then again, if you were to buy an inexpensive and very trendy (that is, very tight) suit, then yes, it will also exaggerate your oddities.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (12)

ReplySteve PutnamJanuary 5, 2017 at 2:29 pm

Very good article, well written.

I really don’t understand this dressing down trend at all to be honest. I used to work in a department store and all the men on the shop floor wore suits, and I loved it. Even in hot weather a shirt and tie were compulsory, now we see so many office based men, where a suit would be worn a few years ago now wearing casual trousers and open collared shirts.
This ‘trend’ has also crept into TV presenters, Match of the Day for example would always require their presenters to be suited, now they wear open neck shirts. To me it shows lack of respect, not only to the audience but also to themselves and their profession. My grandad would always wear at least a shirt and tie when out in public, even if going to the shops. To me it was about self respect, something which sadly seems to be lacking in much of todays society.

In my opinion a man wearing a well fitting suit with a crisp double cuffed shirt finished off with a traditionally knotted tie is telling the world ‘I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul’, just like the Guinness advert.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (13)

ReplyZorbaJuly 26, 2018 at 5:16 pm

Yea right. “Captain of your soul, master of your fate” and you’re wearing the same stupid monkey suit that every other fake-ola has on? Uncomfortable, and above all else HOT HOT HOT! Men can dress nicely without wearing wool jackets and constricting their necks – its time this antiquated mode of dress goes the way of the Do-do bird. Thank Goddess, that’s exactly what’s happening, albeit too slowly for most thinking people.

Its the uniform of the shyster, the liar, and the politician – but I repeat myself.

    The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (14)

    ReplyNormSeptember 22, 2018 at 10:57 am

    If you’re going to dress like everyone else, at least look good while doing it?

    Yeah, sure, back in the day everyone wore suits. No individuality. Fine. But today everyone wears ratty jeans, Start Wars t-shirts, sneakers, and caps…while getting their skin splotched with cheap “art” drawn by untalented “artists.”

    Where’s the originality it that?

    There isn’t any. It’s just conformity.

    Just much, much uglier.

    And if your neck is confined, I suggest you visit a tailor to learn how to correctly choose your dress shirts.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (15)

ReplyKmonsterJanuary 9, 2019 at 3:45 pm

Folks need to stop yapping about what men “should/shouldn’t” wear and go on about their business. I dress for comfort and cost and functionality. I like my baseball cap too. Guess what, the world is still spinning on.

The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (16)

ReplyJJMarch 17, 2019 at 11:05 pm

I’m with “Zorba” on this one! “Hot” is an understatement! More like sweating and suffering! I had to wear a suit for many years. From a very young age I was told, “That’s just the way it is!” -Yeah, I call “BS” on that! I decide what to wear and how to wear it. I have an athletic build, so buying a suit off the rack always looked stupid on me. You try to find something that fits well with a 32″ waist and a 54″ chest! I had to always try and sneak two different suits together to get it to work. Who could afford a tailored suit when you grew up in the Bronx?! Clothes don’t make the man. The man makes the “Man”. I was ridiculed early on for not having clothes that fit me “right”. Through THAT bulling, I learned that people just want to fit in. Trust me, so did I. But you can only cry so many tears until you realize that clothes are just clothes. And, if you have the means to dress “Up”, well, then good for you! Yes, I cried when I was a kid. I acted in childish ways when I was a kid. But now I am an adult. I don’t cry. I act in adult ways. I sometimes think I’m more of a man today because of my experiences of yesterday! Compassion for others is the “suit” that I wear! I donate new, unused clothes to those that do not have.

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The real reasons most men don’t wear suits (2024)


Why men don't wear suits anymore? ›

Now, the “suit” has become casual-looking and has taken a back seat to more causal clothing styles like t-shirts and jeans. With globalization, American clothing standards have caused many other countries to emulate the same causal dressing styles, causing a decline in the “traditional” suit's use in daily life.

Why do men not wear suits every day? ›

The uniform of most men is jeans, a tshirt, sneakers and a baseball cap. Some guys will say they don't wear suits because of comfort or because they don't have to or because tailored clothes cost too much.

When did men stop dressing well? ›

History. The Great Male Renunciation began in the mid-18th century, inspired by the ideals of the Enlightenment; clothing that signaled aristocratic status fell out of style in favor of functional, utilitarian garments.

What do girls think of men in suits? ›

80% of the women surveyed found the man in the suit more attractive. Moreover, they found the man, on average, 6% more attractive in his suit than in his casual clothes.

Are people wearing suits less? ›

The suits market is down 40% in five years, I don't think that is ever coming back to that level. But I do feel there are huge opportunities for dressing-up for celebrations – I feel like everyone is going to go very big on weddings.” Saxton says people are demanding clothes “work harder” for them.

Why are men expected to wear suits? ›

In the West, there has long been a culture that fosters the ideal of formal masculinity as the image of a suit and tie. In the corporate world, politics, weddings, graduations, the suit is generally what men are expected to wear to portray ideals of respect, authority, and taste.

What are men wearing instead of suits? ›

Crew neck sweaters, half-zip knits and V-neck jumpers are all excellent alternatives to a suit blazer. Their formal style pairs well with a long-sleeve shirt and chinos. If it is colder outside, they can also be layered under a sports or casual jacket.

Are men's suits making a comeback? ›

Suited Up: Men's Suits Make a Comeback

Men are looking more stylish than ever, wearing — stop the presses — suits. Yes, the suit is back in fashion.

Does every man need a suit? ›

Every man should have at least three good suits in his closet, although frequent suit wearers may want more. Knowing how many suits you need and planning ahead by purchasing a handful of well-fitting suits will go a long way.

What is the power of wearing a suit? ›

Wearing a suit signifies that you are taking the other person more seriously and are striving to stand up to their expectations. A suit portrays power, respect, discipline and sophistication.

Do all men need a suit? ›

Most jobs don't require suits and business casual has become the norm. With that said, a suit is still an essential part of every man's wardrobe. While you may not wear it every day, sometimes a suit is the best possible outfit to wear for an occasion.

Why do most men dress left? ›

The left testicl* tends to hang lower than the right testicl* for most men due to its weight and volume. A majority of men naturally dress left since the left testicl* hangs slightly lower than the right testicl*.

Were dresses originally meant for men? ›

There used to be a time when men wore skirts and dresses. It was part of fashion, especially among noblemen. Until this fashion trend started to change in the 14th and 15th centuries. The European culture created shorter tunics for men while women were "draped" in "unshaped garments."

Why did boys dress like girls in the 1800s? ›

Reasons. The main reason for keeping boys in dresses was toilet training, or the lack thereof.

Why do girls like body suits? ›

The purpose of a bodysuit is to provide support and a seamless tucked-in so that you can style with comfort and ease. Bodysuits can be skin-tight or relaxed, and due to its tension from shoulders to crotch, they can hug your curves as the perfect foundation, and on top so you can pair with any bottoms you want.

What does grey suits men mean? ›

DEFINITIONS1. the men who control an organization but whose names are not well known. This expression shows that you think people like this are boring or conservative. The men in grey suits vetoed the idea.

What is the message behind suits? ›

When you feel like there are no options left to deal with your situation, remind yourself that there's always a way. Don't do anything unethical because you have no choice. That will affect the reputation of your company. Remind yourself of the consequences of a decision before you take action.

Why do suits look cheap? ›

Suits made of synthetic materials such as polyester can lose their shape, and wrinkle and crease more. They also suffer from shininess, giving it that characteristic 'cheap' look. Unlike wool, synthetic fabrics don't drape naturally.

Do people trust people in suits more? ›

Close to one-third of suit wearers say that when they don a suit, people are not only nicer to them (32 percent) but are also more trusting (31 percent).

Do people respect you more in a suit? ›

It depends on the person and the context. Some people might respect you more if you wear a suit and tie, while others might not care what you wear as long as you're respectful and knowledgeable about what you're talking about.

How can I look classy without a suit? ›

30+ Tips on How to Always Look Elegant and Classy
  1. Wear neutral colors like black, white & beige. ...
  2. Wear clothes in solid colors. ...
  3. Monochrome looks are effortlessly chic. ...
  4. Wear matching colors like beige, camel and white. ...
  5. Opt for simple, matching jewelry in gold. ...
  6. Stick to neutral make up and hair colors.

How often should a man buy a suit? ›

Since suits are an expensive investment, the general rule on adding a new suit to your wardrobe or retiring an old one depends on how often and gently you wear it. On an average, if you wear a suit to work regularly, then consider updating your wardrobe every three years.

Are men still buying suits? ›

Sales statistics do not lie: men are wearing suits again. Admittedly, the home office era is still far from history and appearing in person at the office is not really everyday practice again. But apparently, men are slowly getting in the mood again to make themselves look presentable.

When did suits stop being popular? ›

he 1950s were the beginning of the end for the "suits all the time" trend. The 50s was when "youth culture" really started, and with youth culture came rebellion against the adult, working world (and crucially for this question, against its uniform, the suit).

What are 4 suits every man should have? ›

Every man needs a combination of the “Core 4” suits that are a necessity for every dapper man's wardrobe. To begin or just strengthen your professional wardrobe the “Core 4” suits are as follows: A solid blue suit, a blue striped suit, a solid charcoal suit and a striped charcoal suit.

What color suit is best? ›

We recommend sticking with dark-colored suits, like black, navy, or charcoal gray for a formal event. For a day at the office, an all black men's suit is way too formal. Instead, we recommend wearing a gray or navy blue men's suit to work.

What happens when you wear a suit everyday? ›

The only problem with wearing the same suit everyday is that your trousers will wear away pretty quickly if you don't allow them to rest regularly. One solution is to switch up two suits in similar shades and fabrics and wear them as separates on contrasting days.

How long should a suit last you? ›

The veteran men's wear designer, Alan Flusser, stated in his book Style & The Man that “most suits are constructed to provide at least several years of wear.” That's true whether the suit costs $500.00 or $2000.00.

Why do girls like guys who dress well? ›

According to the survey performed by Kelton Research, well-dressed men are perceived as sexier, more innovative, more successful, and more well-liked but also fare better in partnerships.

Why do men not wear skirts anymore? ›

This in turn made loose garments like dresses and skirts take on a feminine association, and today, most men avoid these garments for nothing more than that reason – a fear of femininity in combination with a recognition of the social norm that they should dress in ways that uphold their masculine identities.

What gender were dresses invented for? ›

History shows us that items such as dresses, high heels and different forms of makeup were not only worn by men but were initially made for them. Save for the fashion rule-breakers, we've rounded up fashion and beauty items that were originally made and worn by men but have become synonymous with women's fashion today.

When did men stop wearing skirts? ›

It actually wasn't until the early 19th century that Western men stopped mixing bloomers, skirts and long shirts with their wardrobe of breeches and stockings, and adopted slim trousers as standard masculine attire .

Is it OK for a man to wear a skirt? ›

Outside Western cultures, men's clothing commonly includes skirts and skirt-like garments; however, in the Americas and much of Europe, skirts are usually seen as feminine clothing and socially stigmatized for men and boys to wear, despite having done so for centuries.

What is it called when you dress like a boy and a girl? ›

Cross-dressing is the act of wearing clothes traditionally or stereotypically associated with a different gender. From as early as pre-modern history, cross-dressing has been practiced in order to disguise, comfort, entertain, and express oneself.

Why does my daughter dress like a boy? ›

“A lot of kids do this during dress-up play or pretend play. It may mean that they're exploring their gender identity as well, but a lot of times, they're just exploring expression and seeing how these different things feel.” “For younger kids, it's very common to explore different gender expressions.

When did men start wearing pants? ›

The first recorded reports of trousers were made by sixth century BC Greek geographers. They noted the appearance of Persian, Eastern and Central Asian horse riders. The comfort they provided from extended periods on horseback made trousers a practical choice.

What is a girls favorite body part on a guy? ›

Defined, Strong Arms

In a survey of over 100 college women across the country, a majority ranked arms as the biggest turn on. Women feel it's a sign that you take good care of your body and admitted they love to see a hint of a man's biceps through his t-shirt or sweater.

Which body type do girls like most? ›

Women tend to like men with broad shoulders, as this emphasises masculinity and strength, making them feel feminine by contrast. Again this is probably a hangover from our Stone-Age mating rituals, and its pulling power today is as strong as ever.

What body parts do girls find most attractive? ›

Contrary to popular opinion, women seem to much more concerned with the body below the neck than men are. Only 2% preferring the face above all else. Taking the lead is the chest at 24%, closely followed by hair at 22% and arms at 19%. These preferences suggest the importance of muscles in making a man more attractive.

What does a black suit mean? ›

Since historical times, a black suit has been worn to symbolise mourning, and to show respect to the deceased and their loved ones. It is also the appropriate colour for evening events that call for black tie or the even more formal, white tie.

What are the five color of suits a man should own? ›

Contact us for more fashion tips and all your suiting needs. Common Questions: What 5 suits should a man own? Everyman should own a black suit, a navy suit, a grey suit, a brown suit and a tan suit with white, powder blue or cream shirts.

Why do men wear brown shoes with grey suits? ›

Why? It avoids the funerary look of all-black, it gives some variety from the navy (which is always a winner and looks great with brown shoes, too), and it works well with a variety of skin tones and undertones.

Why was Suits cancelled? ›

Explaining why they decided to end production after season nine - with many hypothesising it was a result of Markle's departure - Korsh explained it had to do with contracts. You can never know that one of your stars is going to marry the Prince of England.

What do men in Suits represent? ›

In the West, there has long been a culture that fosters the ideal of formal masculinity as the image of a suit and tie. In the corporate world, politics, weddings, graduations, the suit is generally what men are expected to wear to portray ideals of respect, authority, and taste.

What does men in Suits symbolize? ›

When someone uses the term 'men in suits' they are talking about those who like to tow the line and have a position of authority. The term is usually used in a sense of business. The phrase can also refer to soldiers or members of the armed forces.

What makes suits so attractive? ›

Suits are more flattering to the body shape, making the wearer seem taller and slimmer. Suits are fashionable at the moment, popular with young and old alike. A man in a suit projects himself as someone who is successful and reliable. This suggests that he is good boyfriend material.

Is a $1,000 suit worth it? ›

At the $1,000 price level, you can get a decent quality cloth that lasts, is soft and comfortable on your skin and drapes well on your body. Compared to a $100 this is a huge improvement. The biggest advantage of a $1,000 suit: Interlining & Construction.

What is considered an expensive suit? ›

The Expensive Suit ranges from $1,000 and up and will typically be either custom-made with the best fabrics or designed by one of the best designers.

Why are guys in suits so attractive? ›

Almost 8 out of 10 women like men in suits, better instead of other formal clothes. The clothing style of the men is one of the first things women notice in men. Men who use to wear suits are more likely to get the respect, what they deserve and at the same time, women also feel attracted to them more often.

What percentage of men own suits? ›

That's according to a new poll of 2,000 adults which finds that almost half (49%) of men own two or three suits, with another 33 percent owning four or more. While 16 percent say that all of their suits and tuxedos fit them, the average respondent has two that don't quite make the cut.

Why don't people wear suits more often? ›

Now, the “suit” has become casual-looking and has taken a back seat to more causal clothing styles like t-shirts and jeans. With globalization, American clothing standards have caused many other countries to emulate the same causal dressing styles, causing a decline in the “traditional” suit's use in daily life.

Should every man have a suit? ›

Most jobs don't require suits and business casual has become the norm. With that said, a suit is still an essential part of every man's wardrobe. While you may not wear it every day, sometimes a suit is the best possible outfit to wear for an occasion.

How many suits should the average man have? ›

Every man should have at least three good suits in his closet, although frequent suit wearers may want more. Knowing how many suits you need and planning ahead by purchasing a handful of well-fitting suits will go a long way.

Why were suits banned? ›

The decision to ban large groups came after some cinema reported rowdy behaviour from the teens when in the screening. Some of the viral videos show those taking part cheering and clapping loudly and being disruptive during screenings, leading to some UK cinemas to enforce dress code restrictions.

Do business men still wear suits? ›

Most jobs don't require suits and business casual has become the norm. With that said, a suit is still an essential part of every man's wardrobe. While you may not wear it every day, sometimes a suit is the best possible outfit to wear for an occasion.

Are suits making a comeback? ›

While “dopamine dressing” dominates the fashion lexicon, as always an opposing trend lingers: the return to the good times of the classic suit. The classic suit is set to be hotter than ever in 2022 with traditional colours, high lapels, crisp seams, and pinstripes making a massive comeback.

Do men still wear suits to weddings? ›

It's also the best bet for what men should wear to a wedding with no stated dress code. Tuxedos are optional, but they will expect a full formal suit at the very least. Not sure if it's formal? If the women are still planning on long dresses, assume it's formal.

Why are American suits so baggy? ›

Historically American tailors rebelled against the British structured style of tailoring, and developed a much looser sack style suit, epitomised by Brooks Brothers, and looks such as Oxford bags worn at Ivy league schools before WW2.

Why can't people wear suits to Minions movie? ›

Teenagers wearing suits have been banned from some screenings of Minions: The Rise Of Gru after a viral trend prompted rowdy behaviour.

Why were suits so common back then? ›

There were no stretch knit or artificial fiber fabrics like there are today. All fabrics were woven or knitted and a woven fabric needs a substantial structure so it doesn't stretch out of shape. That included your underwear!

Is the suit outdated? ›

“The look of a suit follows trends in fashion like every other item of clothing,” explains Brian Brick, CEO of Moss Bros. “What we are seeing is a softening of formal wear and a smartening of casual. What hasn't changed is that men still want to look smart whether they are back in the office or on a night out.”

Should all men own a suit? ›

Every man should have at least three good suits in his closet, although frequent suit wearers may want more. Knowing how many suits you need and planning ahead by purchasing a handful of well-fitting suits will go a long way.

How long will a suit last? ›

Since suits are an expensive investment, the general rule on adding a new suit to your wardrobe or retiring an old one depends on how often and gently you wear it. On an average, if you wear a suit to work regularly, then consider updating your wardrobe every three years.

Why did suits end so abruptly? ›

Explaining why they decided to end production after season nine - with many hypothesising it was a result of Markle's departure - Korsh explained it had to do with contracts. You can never know that one of your stars is going to marry the Prince of England.

What did men wear before suits? ›

Courtiers Began To Dress Differently

At this point, courtiers began to dress in sober tunics and fitted breeches, in sombre tones which echo the tones of most modern business suits. Shades of tunics and breeches worn included grey, navy and taupe. These primitive "suits" became more tailored over time.

How should a 70 year old man dress? ›

Stick To The Classics

Leave the trends to the younger guys and embrace the distinguished style that you can pull off. For example, some classic items that should be the foundation of your wardrobe are: suits/blazers, oxfords, dress boots, chinos, Harrington, bomber or standing collared jackets, and polo shirts.

Who pays for men's suits at wedding? ›

As for suits for the best man and the ushers? Unless they'll be matching or require special suits, the ushers should pay for them themselves. If the suits need to be tailor-made, however, it's an expense that the groom's side should cover.

What does a black tie wedding mean? ›

What Is Black Tie Attire? Black-tie attire is a dress code reserved for formal evening events. Guests commonly choose floor-length gowns and suits or tuxedos when attending a black-tie event.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.