This Body Language Will Ruin Your International Business Meeting (2024)

You can learn a lot about a person from their handshake. Or at least, you can make a lot of assumptions about a person based on their handshake. Perhaps you assume a weak handshake is the sign of a weak person, while an aggressive handshake indicates overconfidence. Some researchers believe the handshake originated as a way of checking whether the other person had a knife hidden up his sleeve.

In the modern world, I’m not so sure instant judgments based on handshakes are worth much. But for some people, a handshake is very important, so you better have a good one. Firm but not painful, no longer than a couple pumps, dry hands, good eye contact… you get the idea.

Social conventions like handshakes are important signs of respect in business. The instructions I gave above are good to use in the US, but they’re different depending on where you are. On National Handshake Day, here are some international body language conventions to be aware of while you’re traveling for business:

1. Handshakes

Handshakes are increasingly common around the world, but how you do it matters. In some Asian countries, a hard handshake is considered rude. In Vietnam, you should only shake hands with someone who’s your equal in age or rank. In Thailand, instead of shaking hands, you’re more likely to bow with your hands together and up to your chest. And don’t be surprised if someone from France and many other places pulls you in for a double cheek kiss!

2. Headshakes

This can be confusing. In the US and much of the world, nodding your head up and down means “yes,” and shaking it from side to side means “no.” But in Greece, Bulgaria, and some other countries, the opposite is true. Make sure you know which is which!

3. Thumbs Up

In the US, giving a thumbs up means everything’s ok. In Germany, it represents the number 1. But in Australia, Greece, parts of Italy, and the Middle East, it means, “up yours!” It’s probably best to avoid this indicator, even if the movie was really, really good.

4. OK Sign

In the US, making the OK sign, with your thumb and forefinger forming a circle, and the other fingers stretched out and spread, means “great!” In other countries, it’s a sign of the number 0. Seems innocent, right? In Brazil, Germany, and Russia, it references a particular orifice that’s probably best to avoid discussing. Be careful!

5. The V

In the US, making a V generally means “peace,” or references the number 2. No doubt thanks to Winston Churchill, a V with the palm facing out can mean “peace” or “victory.” But it’s not that simple! In Commonwealth countries and some other places around the world, a V with the palm facing in means something not fit for polite conversation.

6. Wave

Be careful with this one. In the US, putting your hand up with your palm out is a ubiquitous, friendly greeting. In certain contexts, it can also mean, “stop.” But in Greece, Pakistan, and some other countries, this gesture is used to mimic wiping feces over the other person’s face. Make sure you’re sending the greeting you intended!

7. Come Here

In the US, curling your index finger with the palm up means, “come here.” It can be done in a provocative, “come hither” manner, but it’s generally an innocent gesture. This is not so in other places. In parts of Eastern Europe and Asia, it means something very different, and you should avoid it.

This Body Language Will Ruin Your International Business Meeting (2024)


What kind of body language goes best with a handshake TCS? ›

Offer your hand with your palm facing sideways. When a person offers his hand with the palm faced upwards, it is considered to be a submissive gesture. Conversely, when someone offers his hand with the palm faced downwards (or twists his hand downward during the handshake) it sends a message of superiority.

What is a Spartan handshake? ›

You've probably seen some iteration of the forearm handshake in a movie (usually a period piece involving sandals or muskets). It goes by many names: “Roman,” “Spartan,” and “Civil War” among them.

Why is it disrespectful to shake with your left hand? ›

In Indonesia, the left hand is traditionally perceived as the hand used to clean oneself after going to the toilet. When shaking hands, offering a gift, giving or receiving something, eating, pointing or touching someone, among other things, it is considered proper etiquette to only use the right hand.

How many shake hands has happened when there are 10 people in a room each one shake hand with every other person? ›

Ten people are in a room, and everyone shakes everyone else's hand exactly once. How many handshakes were there? There were (10 2 ) = 45 handshakes.

What is the answer to the handshake puzzle? ›

If two people shake hands there is one handshake. If three people shake hands there are 3 handshakes. If four people shake hands there are 3 more handshakes so 3 + 3 = 6 in total. If five people shake hands there are another 4 handshakes so 6 + 4 = 10.

What is a Roman handshake? ›

The 'Roman' forearm handshake

Instead of exchanging handgrips, the two clasp each others' forearms, just below the elbow. It seems more martial and physical, something fitting with the audience's expectations of a very physical and martial society like Rome.

What does Roman handshake mean? ›

In ancient Rome, meanwhile, the handshake was often used as a symbol of friendship and loyalty. Pairs of clasped hands even appeared on Roman coins.

What is the most respectful handshake? ›

The Proper Handshake Quick List
  • If possible, initiate the handshake.
  • Keep your body square with them.
  • Make strong eye contact and smile.
  • Make palm-to-palm contact.
  • Match their level of firmness.
  • Hold the grip for one second longer than you're used to.
  • Start talking before letting go.

What does the Bible say about left-handed people? ›

First Chronicles 12:2 seems to reference bowmen who were ambidextrous. When the Bible refers to left-handed people, it speaks of left-handedness as an advantage, not a weakness. While it is not as honorable as sitting at someone's right hand, sitting at the left hand is still a position of honor.

Why don t you shake a mans left hand? ›

Insult. But the left hand is typically used to clean one's self after going to the bathroom. Thus, trying to do a lefty handshake or even waving at someone with your left hand could be considered insulting to some people.

Is it rude to shake a womans hand? ›

Historically, men were not expected to shake hands with a woman, but today, everyone is expected to shake hands with everyone in business. And a man should give a woman the same firm handshake he gives a man. In social situations, however, a man should wait for a woman to extend her hand first.

What is the handshake formula? ›

Explanation: If there are n people in a room, each person will shake hands with the (n - 1) remaining people as they will not be shaking hands with themselves – hence we get (n)(n - 1). However, we need to divide this number by 2 since one handshake allows two people to shake hands. Q1.

What happens if there are 20 people in a room and they each shake? ›

There are 20 people in the room. Each person shakes hands with everyone but himself or herself. So each of the twenty people shakes 19 hands. So it there would be 20 times 19 or 380 handshakes.

How many handshakes if there are 30 people in a room? ›

As a result of these discoveries, students should realize that the number of handshakes for 30 people is 1 + 2 + 3 + … + 29 = 435.

What is the pinky pointer and thumb handshake? ›

The shaka hand gesture is the symbol made by holding the hand in a loose fist and extending the thumb and pinky finger with the back of the hand facing the recipient.

What is your secret handshake? ›

The typical secret handshake involves placing one's fingers or thumbs in a particular position, one that will be recognized by fellow members while seeming to be a normal handshake to non-members.

How does the golden handshake work? ›

The Golden Handshake process requires an employer to make the cost, as determined by the actuary, of the Two-Year Additional Service Credit public at a governing body board meeting and certify the actual cost for all eligible members. Employers are required to obtain a Cost Valuation Report from a qualified actuary.

What is a weak handshake called? ›

Limp fish: Opposite the bone crusher is the limp fish—a limp handshake that signals that you are nervous, uncertain, or uninvolved to the other person. A limp handshake can be particularly detrimental in professional settings.

What is the black handshake? ›

Dap or the dap is a friendly gesture of greeting, agreement, or solidarity between two people that has become popular in Western cultures, particularly since the 1970s, originating from African American communities.

What is a dominant handshake? ›

The Hand-on-Top Technique.

As you're going in for the dominating handshake, respond with your palms up at first; then, place your other hand — the left one — over your companion's hand to form a "Double-Hander" and simply straighten the handshake to a more equal position.

How to do a powerful handshake? ›

9 tips to develop your professional handshake
  1. Keep your hands ready for a handshake. If you think there's a need to shake hands with someone, get your hands ready for the occasion. ...
  2. Know when to extend your hand. ...
  3. Offer sincerity. ...
  4. Greet the person. ...
  5. Aim for the web. ...
  6. Keep the pressure moderate. ...
  7. Make it brief. ...
  8. Repeat before leaving.
Feb 3, 2023

What does Paul's handshake mean? ›

The Great British Baking Show

The Hollywood Handshake is the signature move from the celebrity chef and signifies an impressive bake.

Is a handshake flirting? ›

"The least flirtatious and romantic touches were the shoulder push, shoulder tap, and handshake. Thus, touching that is gentle and informal, and that occurs face-to-face or involves “hugging” behaviour, appears to convey the most relational intent."

What does the palm pinch handshake mean? ›

Like the claw of a lobster, the other person's thumb and fingers touch the palm of your hand: a slight pinch. It is a handshake with no personality or energy. Meaning: The person fears connecting with you at a deep level and may find it generally difficult.

What does a finger handshake mean? ›

The Finger Shake: This handshake involves, as the name implies, just the fingers. While it may seem sweet and dainty, it could actually be a sign that a person wants to keep you at a distance. They're not comfortable around you yet, and don't want the intimacy of a full, hand-on-hand shake.

Do girls like strong handshake? ›

Studies show the strongest grip gets the woman. Those macho crushing handshakers might actually be on the right track. New research from Colombia University reveals men with a stronger grip are more likely to be married than men with a limp shake.

What are three things a handshake should not be? ›

Don't touch the other person while shaking their hand unless you know them rather well. Touching someone you just met can be seen as an intrusion in their personal space. Don't shake people's hand for too long. A proper handshake should last for about 2-5 seconds.

Who is the left-handed guy in Bible? ›

Ehud ben‑Gera (Hebrew: אֵהוּד בֶּן־גֵּרָא, Tiberian ʾĒhūḏ ben‑Gērāʾ) is described in the biblical Book of Judges chapter 3 as a judge who was sent by God to deliver the Israelites from Moabite domination. He is described as being left-handed and a member of the Tribe of Benjamin.

What tribe in the Bible was left-handed? ›

Several passages in the Bible describe tribe of Benjamin as being pugnacious, for example in the Song of Deborah, and in descriptions where they are described as being taught to fight left handed, so as to be able to wrong foot their enemies (Judges 3:15–21, 20:16, 1 Chronicles 12:2) and where they are portrayed as ...

Why is being left-handed rare? ›

In fact, one of the more unusual hypotheses to explain the rarity of left-handedness is that a genetic mutation in our distant past caused the language centres of the human brain to shift to the left hemisphere, effectively causing right-handedness to dominate, Alasdair Wilkins explains for io9 back in 2011.

Who should offer handshake first? ›

Traditional etiquette dictates that the person in the higher level of authority or age should be the one to take the lead when executing a handshake. For example, during a job interview, the interviewer should be the one to offer their hand first.

Why do girl guides shake with left hand? ›

The left-handed handshake represents friendship because the left hand is closer to the heart than the right. their sister Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world, and to the generations of girls who were Girl Scouts before them.

What does it mean when a guy shakes your hand with both hands? ›

The two handed handshake: Usually seen among Politicians, this type of handshake is said to convey the meaning of warmness, friendly, honest and trustworthy. But there's a catch here: if his/her left hand is staying on your hand, it is a sincere handshake.

Should a woman stand to greet a man? ›

Standing. Male or female, it is always polite to stand to greet someone. This is especially important when the person is of higher rank, a client, or of an older generation.

What does a firm handshake say about a woman? ›

Also, women who are more liberal, intellectual and open to new experiences were found to have a firmer handshake and made a more favorable impression than women who were less open and had a less firm handshake.

What are the 5 steps of a powerful handshake? ›

Five Steps to the Perfect Handshake
  • Keep your palm dry. ...
  • Use your right hand. ...
  • Firm grip. ...
  • Fingers receive palm. ...
  • Two to three up and downs with unwavering eye contact (2 seconds) ...
  • About NextGen.
May 8, 2015

Why do I shake while in front of crowds? ›

When our brain releases adrenaline, it increases our heart rate and causes shaky hands or voice, dry mouth and sweating.

What if there are 100 people in a room and each person shakes hands? ›

What if there were 100 people in the room? = 49(100) + 50 = 4950 handshakes.

How many hands took place when 12 people at a party shake hands once with everyone else in the room? ›

Total number of handshakes = 12C2 = 66.

How many hand shakes for 6 people in room? ›

Solution to the Extension

6 people = 12 handshakes (15 – 3 = 12, subtract 3 for the shakes that are between partners).

How many handshakes will take place if 50 people are to greet each other at a meeting by shaking hands with one another? ›

Hence, 105 handshakes will take place in the meet.

How many handshakes in a room of 10? ›

Each person shakes hands with others. Calculation: Total number of handshakes = 10C2 = (10 × 9)/2 = 45 handshakes.

What type of body language is shake hands? ›

According to research, you can tell a lot about a person's personality by the way they shake hands. The Sociable Shake: Extroverted people tend to have a firm handshake. Shy or neurotic people tend to have a loose handshake, almost like they are reluctant to shake your hand.

Which language does TCS prefer? ›

Important programming languages for TCS campus interviews are 1) C programming, 2) C++ programming, and 3) Java programming.

Which language is mostly used in TCS? ›

TCS often conducts technical interviews and tests to evaluate a candidate's skills and knowledge of programming languages such as Java. TCS Java language questions may cover a range of topics including the basics of Java, object-oriented programming, data structures, algorithms, and design patterns.

What type of communication is handshake? ›

Certainly the handshake as a form of non-verbal communication is a part of what a business person does well.

What are the 4 types of body language? ›

All people use one of four movements to communicate their body language: light and bouncy, soft and fluid, dynamic and determined, or precise and bold. Each of the movements corresponds to one of the four energy types and has a unique meaning.

What is an example of a body language? ›

Body language refers to nonverbal behavior which conveys information to others. Five examples of body language are: lip biting, pursed lips, head nod, crossed arms, and upright and open posture. While these are common gestures we do every day without thinking about them, each one conveys its own unique message!

What does firm handshake mean in body language? ›

The researchers found that firm handshakes related heavily to the perception of extroversion and emotional expressiveness while weak handshakes related negatively to insecurity and shyness. The results concluded that the firmer a handshake is, the more social and confident a person is perceived.

Why do TCS hire you? ›

Why do you wish to work for TCS and not any other company? TCS is a leading company in the world with high salaries, professional growth, and job security. Consequently, if you are interested in working for the company, it is a good decision. As long as these are the only reasons, then it's not what TCS is looking for.

Which language is most demanding in it? ›

Below is a list of the most popular and best programming languages that will be in demand in 2023.
  • Javascript.
  • Python.
  • Go.
  • Java.
  • Kotlin.
  • PHP.
  • C#
  • Swift.
Mar 17, 2023

Which language is best for IT jobs? ›

Python is the best programming language for getting a job. Since the TIOBE Index reports Python as being the most popular programming language in the world, that means there is a reasonably high demand for professionals with Python programming skills.

Is TCS Ninja interview tough? ›

Numerical Ability: In the Aptitude Section of TCS NQT, there are 26 questions and 40 minutes are allotted to solve them. Even so, you will have to be a little quick while solving them since the difficulty level of the Aptitude Section of TCS NQT is considered to be quite high.

What is the most used language in companies? ›

1. English. English is one of the most important languages for business, as it's spoken by around 1.35 billion people around the world as a first or second language. Many top economies also use English as an official language, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia and New Zealand.

What are the 3 rounds of interview in TCS? ›

Interview Rounds
  • Interview round 1: TCS NQT.
  • Interview round 2: Technical interview.
  • Interview round 3: Managerial round.
  • Interview round 4: HR round.

How can I improve my communication skills? ›

10 Ways to Improve Your Communication Skills
  1. Listen, listen, and listen. ...
  2. Who you are talking to matters. ...
  3. Body language matters. ...
  4. Check your message before you hit send. ...
  5. Be brief, yet specific. ...
  6. Write things down. ...
  7. Sometimes it's better to pick up the phone. ...
  8. Think before you speak.

What are 5 examples of non verbal communication? ›

Types of nonverbal communication
  • Facial expressions. The human face is extremely expressive, able to convey countless emotions without saying a word. ...
  • Body movement and posture. ...
  • Gestures. ...
  • Eye contact. ...
  • Touch. ...
  • Space. ...
  • Voice. ...
  • Pay attention to inconsistencies.
Mar 1, 2023

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.