Toms Shoes Business Model | One-For-One Model Explained (2024)

Let’s talk about the use of cause marketing so well that a ‘profitable’ business model is built around it.


Imagine a company that makes millions by giving away their products for free. Yes, a simple idea with its roots in social entrepreneurship and cause marketing has helped Toms show the world that it is possible to make a profit even while doing good for society.

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What Is Toms Shoes?

Toms Shoes Business Model | One-For-One Model Explained (1)

Toms Shoes is the subsidiary of Toms, a for-profit retail company that has quite a lot of products under their belt. Founded by university dropout, Blake Mycoskie in 2006, Toms was conceived after Blake had the opportunity of going on a shoe drive that an American woman had organized while he was on vacation in Argentina. Out it was born Toms Shoes main driving factor: Sell a shoe, give a shoe.

Apart from shoes, the company also designs and markets a range of other products such as eyewear, coffee, apparel, and handbags via its respective subsidiaries. Their flagship product is its Alpergata shoes. Blake had noticed that were quite popular back in Argentina and decided to bring them to the States.

Toms Shoes Business Model | One-For-One Model Explained (2)

So how does Toms Shoes work and manage to donate a pair for every pair of shoes it sells?

How Does Toms Shoes Work | One-For-One Business Model

Toms Shoes operates on the One-for-One business model where it gives away a pair of shoes to the unprivileged for every pair it sells. That’s all there is to it. It does this via their brick and mortar retail and online stores as well as on e-commerce sites.

Fun Fact: The term “Toms One for One” is trademarked by Mycoskie, LLC.

Apart from that, Toms shoes leverages on two other key partners to help with the donations and in promoting the brand.

Partners to Toms Shoes

There are two main partners to Toms Shoes:


Toms operates a non-profit organization, Friends of Tom, which helps connect individuals with communities in need. Apart from that, Toms also works with hundreds of NGOs across 60 countries to distribute their donations.

Affiliate Partners

Toms Shoes also runs an affiliate program that allows online businesses to partner up with Toms to release a full array of products. The online affiliates also help promote Toms on their websites with promotional links, offers while the affiliates generate revenue for themselves.

So far, this has played well into the ever-increasing “brand-conscious” consumers. Toms Shoes is as perfect as a brand could get when it comes to someone looking for a fashionable pair of footwear that will also let others know that they have helped contribute to society via their purchase. Consumers have more brand awareness now than a decade ago due to social media and digital advertisem*nts.

Toms’ Marketing Strategy

What seems to be such a naïve and simple idea of donating a product for every product sold is actually marketing brilliance – marketing is basically free for Toms Shoes since donations from their part help boost the word-of-mouth. Toms also has tapped into social media, utilizing them to their fullest with lots of campaigns covering their donation drives and such. This translates to free PR on Toms Shoes’ behalf and has proved to be one of their main reasons for success. The earned media has helped save quite a lot on their marketing budget. This amount could then be circulated back into the company and they are also eligible for a tax credit on their donations.

This has been their business model since the start and has worked wonders.


How does Toms Shoes make money when they give away a shoe for every shoe that it sells?

How Does Toms Shoes Make Money?

Here’s a small rundown on how Toms makes a profit:

  • Toms shoes cost around $9 to make.
  • But, they are sold from anywhere from $44 to $150 in stores.
  • Not only does the customer cover for the donated pair, it helps Toms make a profit of about $26 – $132 depending on the pair sold.

This answers the big question of whether Toms Shoes is profitable or not. (Since Toms is not a listed company, the numbers aren’t exact and hence must use publicly available data to proceed further.)


We know that as of March 2019, Toms Shoes has donated more than 88 million pairs of shoes. That goes into Toms Shoes’ marketing budget for the 13 years the company has existed – since the donations are basically free PR for Toms via their social media impressions and news coverage that they get for their donation runs. This gives us the amount spent by Toms Shoes for its marketing – about $792 million – for all 13 years of the company’s existence.

Let’s compare this with a competitor of Toms – say Adidas, for example, which spent nearly $3.5 billion in 2018 alone on marketing. That’s nearly 4 times the total amount spent by Toms Shoes – ever.

Toms Shoes Revenue & Net Worth

This has netted Toms Shoes a net sales of about $336 million in the one-year period between September 2017 – 2018.

In 2014, Toms Shoes was valued at $625 million. This was determined after Bain Capital, an American private investment firm, purchased a 50% stake in the company.

Is Tom Shoes Business Model Sustainable?

Toms Shoes has gone to show that it is possible to stay profitable as a company as well give back to the society for its betterment. There are a lot of companies that use the One-for-One model ever since Toms made it popular. Here are few companies that use Toms One-for-One model with the aim of providing back to the world:

  • Roma – Boots for women and children
  • Smile Squared – Toothbrushes, travel journals, and zippered pouches
  • BetterWorldBooks – New and used books
  • 141 EYEWEAR – Spectacles

You can see a trend here. Not every company that employs the One-for-One model will reach Toms Shoes’ level of growth and benefits – not right at the start that is. The companies that fit well under the One-for-One model are usually the ones that sell day-to-day commodities such as shoes, apparel, daily essentials and such.

That is not to say that One-for-One isn’t a viable option for other companies. It is just that they are better suited for physical and tangible products – than software or services – as the sales are easy to account for.

In A Nutshell

Things may be up for debate as to whether their donations make a difference or not – donating shoes don’t solve poverty as a whole and there are more pressing issues to be tackled. There has also been the case of the ethicality of the donations – they could very well take a tax credit for it.

Credible or not, Toms has helped the one-for-one model reach the limelight. This helped promote social entrepreneurship as a whole and have demonstrated the possibility of being profitable even while doing good. This is the biggest key takeaway from Toms Shoes.

Go On, Tell Us What You Think!

Did we miss something? Come on! Tell us what you think of our article on Toms Shoes Business Modelin the comments section.

Toms Shoes Business Model | One-For-One Model Explained (3)

Bharath Sivakumar

Started out to become a developer but felt at home in the home of startups. The journey started from a single novel. Been an entrepreneur since schooling days. Interested in coding, reading and movies.

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As an enthusiast deeply versed in the realms of cause marketing and social entrepreneurship, I'll dive into the key concepts covered in the article about Toms Shoes' business model.

1. Cause Marketing and Social Entrepreneurship:

  • Evidence: Cause marketing, as demonstrated by Toms Shoes, involves aligning a company's products or services with a social or environmental cause. Toms' business model showcases a profitable approach to social entrepreneurship, where doing good for society is integrated into the core operations.

2. Toms Shoes and One-for-One Business Model:

  • Evidence: Toms Shoes operates on a One-for-One business model, pioneered by Blake Mycoskie. For every pair of shoes sold, the company donates a pair to the underprivileged. This demonstrates a unique approach to balancing profit-making with philanthropy.

3. Toms' Product Range and Expansion:

  • Evidence: Toms has expanded its product range beyond shoes to include eyewear, coffee, apparel, and handbags. The Alpergata shoes, inspired by Blake Mycoskie's experiences in Argentina, serve as the flagship product.

4. Partnerships in Cause Marketing:

  • Evidence: Toms collaborates with NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations) through Friends of Tom, its non-profit arm, to distribute donations globally. Additionally, Toms engages affiliate partners, allowing online businesses to promote and sell Toms' products, contributing to the cause.

5. Marketing Strategy:

  • Evidence: Toms' marketing strategy leverages the One-for-One model as a powerful narrative. By relying on social media and earned media through donation drives, Toms maximizes brand visibility, reducing traditional marketing costs. The article notes Toms' effective use of social media campaigns.

6. Revenue Generation:

  • Evidence: Toms Shoes' revenue model is elucidated, revealing that the cost to make a pair of shoes is around $9, sold at retail prices ranging from $44 to $150. The difference allows Toms to not only cover the cost of the donated pair but also generate profits ranging from $26 to $132 per pair sold.

7. Financial Performance and Valuation:

  • Evidence: The article provides insights into Toms Shoes' financial performance, citing a net sales figure of about $336 million for the year between September 2017-2018. The company was valued at $625 million in 2014 when Bain Capital acquired a 50% stake.

8. Sustainability of Toms' Business Model:

  • Evidence: Toms Shoes' sustainability is explored, highlighting its continued profitability while giving back to society. The article contrasts Toms' marketing expenses, approximately $792 million over 13 years, with competitors like Adidas, emphasizing the viability of their unique business model.

9. Impact on Social Entrepreneurship:

  • Evidence: Toms Shoes' influence on the one-for-one model is discussed, noting that several other companies have adopted similar approaches, especially those dealing with physical and tangible products like shoes, apparel, and daily essentials.

In conclusion, Toms Shoes' business model exemplifies the possibility of creating a profitable enterprise while actively contributing to social causes, shaping the landscape of cause marketing and social entrepreneurship.

Toms Shoes Business Model | One-For-One Model Explained (2024)


Toms Shoes Business Model | One-For-One Model Explained? ›

In 2006, TOMS

Toms (stylized as TOMS) is a for-profit company based in Los Angeles, California. Founded in 2006 by Blake Mycoskie, an entrepreneur from Arlington, Texas, the company designs and markets shoes as well as eyewear, coffee, apparel and handbags. › wiki › Toms_Shoes
founder Blake Mycoskie pioneered the One for One® model—giving away one pair of shoes for every pair sold, supporting larger health, education and community development programs through strategic partnerships. Today we give ⅓ of profits for grassroots good.

What is the TOMS one for one business model? ›

The Toms Shoes Business model is one-for-one. The one-for-one business model means the company donates one pair of shoes to someone in need for every pair of shoes it sells. This unique business model was invented by Blake Mycoskie, the founder of the company, after he saw some children in Argentina who had no shoes.

What was one of the reasons that TOMS changed its buy one donate one policy? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The reasons that Toms changed its buy-one-donate-one policy because There was no longer a need for shoes in the developing world.

What is one to one business model example? ›

This is by the most common, and more listeral, way to use the one-for-one business model. Popularized by Toms Shoes , this method has a direct correlation between sales and it's social enterprise, where they give one pair of shoes to someone in poverty for every time someone purchases a pair of their shoes.

What is the TOMS brand strategy? ›

TOMS, a for-profit company specializing in footwear, apparel, and accessories, has pioneered the integration of social impact into its business model. TOMS initiated the one-for-one program, a groundbreaking approach where for every pair of shoes sold, another pair is donated to children in need.

Does TOMS still do 1 for 1? ›

Fast-forward to 2021 — and its 15th anniversary — and Toms announced it would be leaving the one-for-one model behind, for good.

What are the benefits of the one for one business model? ›

Consumers and prospects feel more connected with one-for-one brands as they get a chance to help others through a simple initiative. Some of the prime examples of one-for-one business model include TOMS, Warby Parker, Two Degrees Food and Soapbox Soaps.

Why was TOMS Shoes so successful? ›

That's because TOMS had the perfect product. Its one for one donation model made buying one of it's iconic canvas shoes an act of charity. And for a while, that really worked. By 2013, TOMS was reportedly making 250 million dollars in sales a year and had donated 10 million pairs of shoes since it's launch.

Why did TOMS change their original approach? ›

Mycoskie realized that a desire to sustain hypergrowth had pushed the company away from its mission. So he took a sabbatical to figure out the future of TOMS and his role in it. The improbable result was an expansion into coffee.

How did TOMS Revolutionary Cause called one for one make it the center of its business? ›

The model was simple: for every pair of shoes that TOMS sold, they donated a pair of shoes to a child in need on behalf of the customer. The One for One model enabled Friends of TOMS to remain in operation because the shoes sold covers the cost of the shoes for countries in need.

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A one-to-one function is a function of which the answers never repeat. For example, the function f(x) = x + 1 is a one-to-one function because it produces a different answer for every input.

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The idea is simple: one-to-one marketing (also called relationship marketing or customer-relationship management) means being willing and able to change your behavior toward an individual customer based on what the customer tells you and what else you know about that customer.

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For instance, direct sales, franchising, advertising-based, and brick-and-mortar stores are all examples of traditional business models. There are hybrid models as well, such as businesses that combine internet retail with brick-and-mortar stores or with sporting organizations like the NBA.

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TOMS slogan is, “With every pair you purchase, TOMS will give a pair of new shoes to a child in need. One for one”. This slogan is TOMS unique selling proposition (USP); every time you buy TOMS shoes, they will give a new pair to a child in need.

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Entering a market that's so saturated with brands, TOM had to differentiate its offer and service, which they managed to do by implementing corporate social responsibility actions, giving value to their customers through their charitable actions and offering a good product.

What problem does Toms shoes solve? ›

First, the Toms buy-one-give-one model does not actually solve a social problem. Rather, the charitable act of donating a free pair of shoes serves as little more than a short-term fix in a system in need of long-term, multi-faceted economic development, health, sanitation, and education solutions.

What is the buy one give one model? ›

Generally, the buy one give one concept is straightforward. Every purchase from a company results in a donation to a chosen recipient community. (Typically individuals residing in a less wealthy country). Early conceptions of this model generally involved the donation of a similar product.

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It involves charging customers a one-time fee for a product or service, rather than recurring payments. This model is often used for products or services that are delivered digitally, such as software, digital courses, or eBooks. It can also be used for physical products, particularly those with a high perceived value.

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Why We Give. We are in business to improve lives. It's been our mission from the start. Our focus remains largely on providing mental health resources for the millions of people who need them.

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