What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (2024)

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (1)

Do you have stubborn blue hair that you want to get rid of?

Whether you used the wrong shade of blue hair dye or you’re less than enthused with the results, you’ve come to the right place, but what color cancels out blue hair?

By the end of this article, you’ll know how to cancel out and strip blue dye from your hair without ruining your mane.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair?
    • 1.1 Light Blue
    • 1.2 Blue
    • 1.3 Dark Blue
    • 1.4 Blue-Green
  • 2 Key Takeaways
  • 3 How To Neutralize Blue Hair
    • 3.1 Try a Color Depositing Shampoo
    • 3.2 Use a Color Depositing Conditioner
    • 3.3 Tone It Out
    • 3.4 Do a Quick Bleach Bath
    • 3.5 Use Permanent Hair Dye
  • 4 Frequently Asked Questions
    • 4.1 What Cancels Out Blue?
    • 4.2 What Colors Can Go Over Blue Hair?
    • 4.3 What Will Remove Blue Hair Dye?
    • 4.4 Can I Put Brown Hair Dye Over Blue?
    • 4.5 What Color Does Blue Dyed Hair Fade To?
    • 4.6 What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair Without Bleach?
    • 4.7 Related Articles

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair?

Hair dye works along with the principle of color theory. Color theory is a set of guidelines used by artists to understand how colors interact with each other.

An illustration called a color wheel shows the relationship between colors.Colors on opposite sides of the wheel cancel each other out. So, if you are trying to cancel out blue hair, you would use its opposite color: orange. Canceling out blue hair with an orange-based color will give you a neutral base.

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (2)

Now, let’s get into some different shades of blue and which colors to use to cancel them out:

Light Blue

Light, coppery blondes and pastel orange are the best shades to cancel out a light blue color. Both colors will cancel out the light blue pigments without drastically changing the shade of your hair.


If your hair is true blue, you can pick from a wide array of orange tones. You can pick copper, amber, or brunette shades with orange undertones. If your blue shade has any violet (or purple tint) in it, choose a color corrector that also has yellow notes.

Dark Blue

If you want to neutralize dark blue, you can use a brunette with orange or copper tones. Just make sure the shade you use is dark enough to cover the current shade of blue. You can also dye your hair black. While black pigments won’t cancel out blue, choosing a black dye with reddish undertones will.


For blue hair dye with more of a greenish hue, you want to also incorporate the opposite of green. The opposite of green is red, so use a reddish-orange tint to cancel out blue-green.

Key Takeaways

  • To neutralize blue hair color, use orange-based colors from the hair color wheel. Shades of orange are complementary colors that cancel out blue tones effectively. For light blue hair, opt for coppery blonde hair shades or pastel orange.
  • Dark hair with dark blue or blue-green hues can be neutralized using darker shades of orange. You can also use copper tones or red hair dye for blue-green tints.
  • Use semi-permanent hair dye or color-depositing shampoos for a gentle color correction. These products serve as a gentle color correction alternative to permanent dyes. The effects last around 10-15 washes.
  • For a stronger solution, a bleach bath or clarifying shampoo can fade blue hair color. Always follow up with a conditioning treatment.
What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (3)

How To Neutralize Blue Hair

Neutralizing unwanted color from your hair is a gentle alternative to removing it completely. Here are a few different ways to neutralize blue hair and steps you can take to complete each technique at home.

Try a Color Depositing Shampoo

Color depositing shampoo is a gentle and effective way to neutralize blue hair.

Color depositing shampoos coat the outside of your strands and deposit color onto their surface. Because the pigments are on the outside of your hair, they’ll only last for 5-15 washes.

Here’s how to use color depositing shampoo.

  1. Get your hands on a color depositing shampoo.
  2. Start with clean hair. Your hair can be either damp or dry. Dry hair will absorb more color, but it’s easier to apply shampoo to damp hair.
  3. Saturate your hair with the product.
  4. Work the shampoo into your hair from roots to ends.
  5. Let the shampoo sit on your hair for up to 10 minutes. The longer you wait, the more pigment will deposit.
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water.
  7. Follow up with either a regular or color depositing conditioner.
  8. Style your hair as usual.
What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (4)

Use a Color Depositing Conditioner

Looking for the gentlest blue-neutralizing remedy? Color depositing conditioner can change your hair color and condition it at the same time.

It works the same way as color depositing shampoo and contains ingredients that strengthen and moisturize your tresses.

The results are subtle and may only last for 10-15 washes. Luckily, you can use both color depositing shampoo and conditioner regularly.

Follow the below steps to get the best results from your color depositing conditioner.

  1. Pick up a color depositing conditioner.
  2. Like the shampoo, you can apply a color depositing conditioner to dry or damp hair. Start with dry hair for a more intense result.
  3. Coat your hair with the conditioner. Apply it generously, and make sure all blue strands are fully saturated.
  4. Leave the conditioner on your hair for 5-20 minutes. The longer you leave the conditioner in your hair, the more color it will deposit.
  5. Rinse your hair thoroughly with cool water. Be sure to rinse all the conditioner out of your hair to avoid patchy streaks.
  6. Repeat the process as necessary.
What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (5)

Tone It Out

Though it’s not as strong as hair dye, toner can help neutralize any unwanted blue pigment from your strands. Pick a toner with orange or copper hues.

Pay close attention to your time because leaving orange toner on your hair for too long will leave your hair orange.

Here’s how to eliminate blue hair with toner:

  1. Gather all of the ingredients and supplies you’ll need.
  2. Start with freshly washed hair.
  3. Mix your toner with the recommended amount of developer. Usually, the instructions will say to mix 1 part toner with 2 parts developer.
  4. Spread the toner onto any hair you want to neutralize. Start with the ends and lengths of your hair, then go back and cover your roots.
  5. Leave the toner on for 10-15 minutes.
  6. Rinse out the toner with warm water.
  7. Follow up with your preferred moisturizing shampoo and conditioner.
  8. Proceed with your regular styling routine.
What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (6)

Do a Quick Bleach Bath

If you just want to neutralize the blue, a simple bleach bath should be enough. While bleach baths don’t remove as much color as regular bleaching, they will drastically fade the color.

Remember, bleach is highly damaging, even when it’s not used at full strength. So, follow the below instructions closely and always follow up with plenty of moisturizing treatments.

If you want to neutralize unwanted blue dye, just follow these steps.

  1. Purchase the following items.
  2. Apply a thin layer of petroleum jelly to your hairline and the tips of your ears.
  3. Put on gloves and wear old clothes you don’t mind getting stained. Make sure the room you’ll be working in has adequate ventilation.
  4. In your mixing bowl, mix developer and bleach powder in equal parts. Once the mixture is blended, add roughly twice as much shampoo.
  5. Use your fingers or the applicator brush to apply the bleach mixture to damp hair and massage it in. Start with the ends and mid-shafts of your hair, and then go back and do the roots once you’ve finished.
  6. Wait for up to 20 minutes. Check your hair frequently to keep track of how well the color is lifting. The earlier you rinse it out, the less damage your hair will be.
  7. Rinse your hair thoroughly.
  8. Follow up with conditioner. If you’re planning on dyeing your hair immediately after, skip the conditioner until you finish with the dye.

Note: You can use your regular shampoo, an anti-dandruff shampoo, or dish soap.

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (7)

Use Permanent Hair Dye

Yet another way to cancel out blue hair is to dye it with traditional hair dye. You can use an orange dye or a brunette dye with orange, copper, or red undertones.

Hair dye provides long-lasting results but can damage your hair, so be careful! Follow the directions on the package closely and follow up with deep conditioning treatments.

Here’s how to neutralize blue hair with permanent hair dye:

  1. Gather your materials.
  2. Coat your hairline and the tips of your ears with petroleum jelly to avoid staining.
  3. Wear old clothes, put on gloves, and protect your area from splatter.
  4. In your mixing bowl, add equal parts dye and developer. Mix well with an applicator brush.
  5. Apply the mixture to your hair from root to tip. Make sure your hair is thoroughly coated.
  6. Leave the dye on for 30-40 minutes.
  7. Rinse your hair until the water runs clear.
  8. If your dye kit has a post-color treatment, use that. If not, dry your hair to see your final color and then style as desired.

Note: You can also opt for a semi-permanent orange dye to remove the blue pigments. You’ll follow the same steps as above, except you won’t mix the semi-permanent dye with the developer.

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (8)

Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to our FAQ section. We answer your common questions about neutralizing blue hair color. Find simple solutions to transform your blue hair into your desired shade.

What Cancels Out Blue?

To cancel blue, orange-based colors are effective in color neutralization. This principle is based on the concept of complementary colors. Orange, being opposite to blue on the color wheel, effectively cancels blue. This approach is used in hair color correction, particularly when dealing with unwanted blue hues in hair.

What Colors Can Go Over Blue Hair?

Depending on the desired outcome, you can choose from various shades to cover blue hair. For a natural look, shades of copper or darker shades of blonde can neutralize the blue hue. The selected color should be based on the shade of blue and the desired end color.

What Will Remove Blue Hair Dye?

You can remove blue hair dye using clarifying shampoos, bleach baths, or color removers. Clarifying shampoos and bleach baths can fade the blue dye significantly. Color removers can strip away the color more effectively. However, these methods can be harsh on the hair. Be sure to follow up with a conditioning treatment.

Can I Put Brown Hair Dye Over Blue?

Yes, you can put brown hair dye over blue, especially if the brown dye has warm or orange undertones. This effectively covers the blue hue, creating a more natural or desired hair color. It’s essential to choose a brown shade that’s dark enough to cover the blue. Otherwise, the new color might create an odd color combination.

What Color Does Blue Dyed Hair Fade To?

Blue-dyed hair typically fades into lighter shades of blue or greenish hues over time. The specific faded color can vary. It depends on the original blue shade, hair condition, and maintenance routine. Products like purple shampoo can help manage the tone as the color fades.

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair Without Bleach?

Orange-based or copper colors effectively cancel out blue hair without using bleach. These colors counteract the blue tones without the need for harsh chemicals. Color-depositing shampoos or semi-permanent dyes provide a gentler approach to color correction.

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So, there you have it! There are many different ways to cancel out blue hair dye. Just remember to consider the health of your hair before deciding on a method. We hope this article has helped you find the perfect solution to remedy your blue hair!

Kenneth Byrd( Co-founder and Owner )

Kenneth Byrd, with a BS in Accounting and Management Information Systems and an MBA from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, has over 15 years of experience and is a recognized authority in hair care. Co-founder of Curl Centric® and Natural Hair Box, Kenneth has dedicated himself to promoting ethical and scientifically-backed hair care practices. Rigorous editorial guidelines, industry recognitions, and features in numerous media outlets evidence his expertise. Kenneth’s commitment to transparency, quality, and empowerment has positioned him as a trusted voice in the field, empowering readers to confidently embrace their natural beauty.

What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair (2024)


What Color Cancels Out Blue Hair? Best Color to Dye Over Blue Hair? ›

So if you look at a color wheel, the opposite of blue is orange. So putting orange dye over blue hair can neutralize it. But the trick is to match the intensity of orange dye to the shade of blue in your hair. So if the dye has faded to a light blue, it's best to use a light or pastel orange over it.

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To cancel the blue we recommend toning with Pastel Orange. Apply a bit of the Pastel Orange Daily Conditioner on your clean, wet strands and rinse out quickly. Apply and rinse until your hair is no longer blue, then try applying Vibrant Silver again.

What color remover works best for blue hair? ›

The bleach bath will definitely lighten your hair 1 to 2 shades, and it's your best bet for removing the blue hair dye in one go.

What color does blue cancel out? ›

It's all to do with the way the color wheel works. Blue is the exact opposite of bright yellow and yellow-orange. As a result, blue will actually cancel out bright yellow and yellow-orange.

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Tone your hair with purple shampoo.

These yellow tones, when mixed with the blue hair dye, can lead to a greenish tint in your locks. Wash your hair with your traditional shampoo; after rinsing it out, lather your hair with purple shampoo. Let this product sit for a few minutes before rinsing it out.

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So if you look at a color wheel, the opposite of blue is orange. So putting orange dye over blue hair can neutralize it. But the trick is to match the intensity of orange dye to the shade of blue in your hair. So if the dye has faded to a light blue, it's best to use a light or pastel orange over it.

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Apply clarifying shampoo to your hair, put on a plastic shower cap, and blow-dry around the cap. Mix 1,000 mg of vitamin C into your shampoo and lather it in your hair. Cover up your shampooed hair with a plastic shower cap and wait 45 minutes. Remove your hair dye with household products like bath salts or dish soap.

How do you cancel blue hair? ›

if you are trying to cancel out blue hair, you would use its opposite color: orange. Other ways are to grow it out. Clarifying shampoo is a great way to fade semi-permanent dyes. However, if you used a permanent dye, then using a clarifying shampoo may not be effective.

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The secret to making any color combination work with blue is finding complementary. The color that sits across from blue on the color wheel, orange, is its true complement. That can vary depending on the precise shade of blue. Purples, reds, pinks, greens, yellows, and even browns can work beautifully.

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How to Pair Colors With Blue. Pair with cooler colors for a calming effect: Falling on the cool side of the color wheel, blue is often thought to pair best with other cool tones like greens, grays, and purples. Sticking to cooler colors can give your room a sense of stability and calm.

How to cover blue hair dye? ›

Think pink!

If you're really ready for a new shade and you're not in a hurry to go back to blonde, vivid pink and purple Super Cool Colours are great for transitioning away from blue. The Big Pink is a favourite, but you can also try Burnt Peach, Gobby Pink, I Saw Red, Bruised Violet and Aubergine Dream.

Is blue hard to get out of hair? ›

Heat opens the cuticle, which is the layer surrounding the hair fibre and is where the pigment hides. This'll help stubborn dye to leak out. Blue or green staining won't disappear in a few washes, though. It takes time, so enjoy all the different colour changes it goes through.

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Just as with blonde hair, red hair requires a little extra tender love and care. Hack admits that red hair is his favorite to color, but that she's noticed many women don't realize the extent of after-care that's needed. “Red is the hardest color to keep lustrous and the hardest color to remove,” she adds.

How do you tone blue out of your hair? ›

  1. if you are trying to cancel out blue hair, you would use its opposite color: orange.
  2. Other ways are to grow it out.
  3. Clarifying shampoo is a great way to fade semi-permanent dyes. ...
  4. Baking soda is a natural bleaching agent, so adding it to your shampoo can make the color-stripping process go faster.
Aug 9, 2022

Can I put pink hair dye over blue? ›

You can totally put pink on top of blue to do this. I would mix the pink dye into some conditioner to make a pastel pink and apply to dry hair. Then, wash it out and see what you've got when it's dry.

How long does it take to fade blue hair? ›

On average, blue hair dye can last between 4 to 8 weeks, but it may fade gradually over time. To prolong the color's vibrancy, follow the maintenance tips mentioned above and consider using color-depositing conditioners or touch-up kits between dyeing sessions.

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.