What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (2024)

Are you dating? In a relationship?

It’s quite difficult to answer these questions if, in the first place, you are not sure of the differences between them.

To shed light upon this matter, we rounded up six experts who shared their thoughts on the differences between dating and being in a relationship.

Table of Contents

  • The intention along with the trajectory
  • Dating is a fact-finding mission
  • Dating is usually a shorter period; being in a relationship can go on infinitely
  • Being in a relationship usually involves a higher level of commitment
  • In a relationship, we can be ourselves
  • Being in a relationship means there is a third entity now – the relationship
  • It all comes down a bit to semantics, but mostly communication
  • Being in a relationship general refers to a committed relationship
  • Being in a relationship with someone affects your time, energy, and emotions
  • Dating is the activity, and the relationship is the label
  • When you are dating, all options are still on the table
  • A relationship, on the other hand, implies exclusivity
  • Being in a relationship is a broad, almost all-encompassing term; dating is a bit more specific of a label
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • How is communication different in dating and being in a relationship?
    • How does the pace of a relationship differ between dating and being in a relationship?
    • How do boundaries differ between a relationship and dating?
    • How does intimacy differ between a relationship and dating?

The intention along with the trajectory

The difference between dating and being in a relationship comes down to intention along with the trajectory. Specifically, dating is all about getting to know someone romantically, while being in a relationship means that dating partners have already committed to one another and intend to (hopefully) cultivate their connection—at least for the time being.

Related: How Do You Know If You Like Someone Romantically

Problems with dating, especially, arise when partners are not straight with each other about their intentions or are altogether duplicitous (think: players). Some people might date purely for sex, while others may date with the goal of actually finding a serious, committed relationship.

Interestingly, a 2008 OkCupid survey of its members found that 55 percent of men and 29 percent of women would date someone just for sex; remarkably, in 2017, those numbers dropped to 44 percent and 19 percent, respectively.

Those survey statistics suggest a recent trend toward “serious” dating versus casual, hookup-ish dating—for both sexes. As confirmation, even the dating app Hinge was relaunched in October 2016 as, “the relationship app!”

This brings out another important point, that is, there is often a considerable area of overlap between dating and being in a relationship.

So you and your bae may be dating and be in a relationship because you are still getting to know one other in a romantic sense.

Usually, the word “dating” stops applying to partners in a relationship who are living together.

At this point, they’re considered instead to be “cohabitating.”

Unsurprising to anyone who’s been burned in love, although generally not as muted and muddy as in dating, intention can even be problematic in relationships. For instance, dedication is psychologically defined as a strong desire to continue a relationship into the future.

Relationships, where one partner is much more dedicated than the other, can be especially complicated—not to mention heartbreaking. As evidence of this, I see far too many guilt-ridden men in therapy who’ve agreed to be exclusive with a woman while simultaneously worrying about and planning how they’re going to break up with her.

Finally, know that just because you’re sleeping with someone doesn’t mean you’re in a relationship.

Similarly, sex won’t transform a relationship into something that it’s not. To confuse matters even further, note that most recent Bachelorette reality show contestant Hannah Brown broke off her engagement to Jed Wyatt when back-home ex Haley Stevens proclaimed (via People magazine) that she and Jed were still in a relationship.

Even so, Jed tried to weasel out of his predicament by stating that although he and Haley had been sleeping together just before his coming on The Bachelorette, they hadn’t actually been dating. (Dude, if you’re sleeping with her, guess what? You’re dating!).

David Strah

What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (2)

Los Angeles Licensed Psychotherapist | Relationship Coach | Co-Author, Gay Dads: A Celebration of Fatherhood

The difference between dating and being in a relationship is several things:

Dating is a fact-finding mission

It is a series of interviews. Your charge is to learn about the other person and discover if you are compatible if you share values and interests, and if you are sexually attracted to the person, how you feel when you are together and apart. There is no or less commitment to dating.

Dating is usually a shorter period; being in a relationship can go on infinitely

When we date, we try to present our best selves. We imagine and fantasize about what life would be like together, living together and maybe even married and having children.

Related: How Do You Know When to Move in Together

Being in a relationship usually involves a higher level of commitment

You are no longer looking for someone else because an attachment has formed. You have agreed upon certain things – being (sexually) exclusive, Saturday evenings is your shared time, or “couple bubble” you support one another, and you both bring something to the mutually beneficial relationship.

In a relationship, we can be ourselves

When we are in a relationship, because we have established some trust, and there is a feeling of emotional safety, we can be ourselves. Conflicts arise and (wonderfully) because there is emotional safety, past wounds can be healed.

Being in a relationship means there is a third entity now – the relationship

Ideally, things are done in service to having a healthy relationship instead of doing things for purely selfish/self-gratifying reasons. This means making compromises, doing things we don’t always want to do, being available mentally, emotionally, physically, and sexually.

Veronica Grant

What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (3)

Love and Life Coach

It all comes down a bit to semantics, but mostly communication

I frequently will say, “when my husband and I were dating,” and I’m referring pre-marriage. But, we were in a serious relationship for years before we got married.

When it comes to talking about a current relationship, it comes down to communication. Some people may think that the term “dating” means it’s not serious; it’s non-committal and not exclusive. I’d say that’s the standard definition, but by no means universal.

Being in a relationship general refers to a committed relationship

A committed relationship is when you make decisions together, big and small. Being clear for yourself and with your partner is key. That being said, we’re always in a relationship with everyone and everything. Even if someone is “just dating” someone, they’re still in a relationship with that person. Because of that, there must be consideration for the other person’s time, energy, and emotions.

Being in a relationship with someone affects your time, energy, and emotions

Even if you’re “just dating,” that still has to be important otherwise toxic, codependent, or otherwise unhealthy behaviors and patterns can emerge.

Stephanie Thoma

What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (4)

The Confident Introvert Coach

Dating is the activity, and the relationship is the label

When you’re dating someone, you’re actively going out into the world to engage in activities like hiking or sharing food, beverage, or conversation, getting to know one another.

When you’re dating, you can play the field and date multiple people, or date exclusively.

It’s crucial to verbally check in to gauge interest or openness to dating exclusively at some point during dating if that’s what you desire, and not assume that you are each invested in the same goal.

You can decide to be sexually exclusive, but still, date others, sexually open but to only date one another, or engage in a completely exclusive relationship where both of the physical and emotional aspects of the developing relationship are reserved for one another.

Typically, this definition of an exclusive dating relationship that each has agreed to means you’re “in a relationship.”

Lisa Rogers

What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (5)

Certified Sexuality and Relationship Coach | Owner, GreenAura Wellness

When you are dating, all options are still on the table

Saying implies a non-exclusive relationship. During that time, you are exploring the person and learning about them. The definition of dating is to spend time and go out with them in contemplation of a relationship. During this time, both people are still “on the market,” and it is acceptable to see other people.

A relationship, on the other hand, implies exclusivity

It states that while you dated, you both saw the qualities in each other that you were looking for in a long term partner. It means that you are no longer searching for that one special person. In a relationship, you look towards the future and start planning a life together.

Adina Mahalli

What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (6)

Certified Mental Health Consultant | Relationship Expert, Enlightened Reality

Being in a relationship is a broad, almost all-encompassing term; dating is a bit more specific of a label

Dating is a type of relationship, specifying that two individuals go on dates with one another. It can be exclusive, but isn’t necessarily, and also infers that the two individuals are on their way to a more seriously defined relationship.

Meanwhile, being in a relationship can be vague and can be used to define a multitude of different interactions. There are platonic relationships, polyamorous relationships, and everything in between. Being in a relationship with someone can mean you’re moving towards marriage or enjoying each other’s company for the time being.

Someone can be in a relationship and not be dating, for example, friends with benefits, but someone who is dating has given their relationship somewhat more of a definition.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is communication different in dating and being in a relationship?

Communication is critical to any healthy relationship, whether you’re dating or in a committed relationship. However, the nature of communication can vary depending on the stage of the relationship.

When you’re dating, communication tends to be casual and lighthearted. You may spend time getting to know each other through fun and playful conversations, sharing stories and experiences, and exploring common interests.

As your relationship becomes more serious, communication may shift to more important topics such as goals, values, and future plans.

You may have deeper and more meaningful conversations about your hopes and dreams, fears and insecurities, and your expectations for the relationship.

A relationship requires a higher level of openness, honesty, and vulnerability, which can be challenging but ultimately strengthens the bond between partners.

Regardless of the stage of the relationship, effective communication is key to building trust, resolving conflict, and maintaining a strong and healthy connection.

Whether you’re dating or in a relationship, it’s important to communicate your feelings, needs and desires clearly and respectfully.

How does the pace of a relationship differ between dating and being in a relationship?

The pace in a relationship can be very different from that in a date. On a date, things are often more casual and informal, and both parties take the time to get to know each other. There is no pressure to move things forward quickly, and you can date more than one person at a time.

A relationship, on the other hand, means a faster pace. Exclusivity is expected, and both partners have agreed to work towards a future together.

Therefore, the pace of the relationship can be faster, and both parties put more effort into investing time and energy into the relationship.

There may be a greater sense of urgency to move things along, such as moving in together, meeting each other’s families, or talking about marriage.

However, it’s important to note that the pace of a relationship can vary greatly depending on the people involved. Some couples may choose to take things slowly, even if they’re in a committed relationship, while others work quickly toward a future together, even in the dating phase.

How do boundaries differ between a relationship and dating?

Boundaries can differ greatly between a relationship and dating. There may be fewer boundaries on a date as both parties are still exploring the connection and getting to know each other.

There may be a higher degree of spontaneity and flexibility, and both feel more comfortable experimenting and trying new things.

In contrast, a relationship often also means a greater need for boundaries. Both partners have agreed to be exclusive with each other and committed to working toward a future together.

As a result, there are more expectations and guidelines to ensure that the relationship remains healthy and strong. For example, both partners may agree to communicate regularly, respect each other’s time and space, and prioritize the relationship over other commitments.

However, it’s important to note that boundaries are essential in any healthy relationship, no matter what stage it’s in. Clear and consistent boundaries can help build trust, respect, and emotional safety between partners.

Whether you’re just dating or in a relationship, it’s important to communicate your boundaries clearly and respectfully and to respect the other person’s boundaries.

How does intimacy differ between a relationship and dating?

Intimacy can differ greatly between dating and a relationship. In the dating phase, intimacy can be more physical and focus on attraction and chemistry.

There can be a greater sense of excitement and anticipation as both parties explore their physical connection to each other.

In a relationship, intimacy is more emotional and focuses on building a deeper connection with your partner. It’s characterized by a higher level of trust, vulnerability, and emotional openness.

Intimacy may involve:
• Sharing your innermost thoughts and feelings with your partner.
• Supporting each other through challenging times.
• Developing a shared sense of the future.

However, it’s important to know that intimacy can take many forms and varies greatly from person to person and relationship to relationship.

Some couples focus on physical intimacy, while others focus more on emotional intimacy. Ultimately, the degree and type of intimacy in a relationship depend on each couple’s specific dynamics and preferences.

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As a relationship expert with in-depth knowledge of the dynamics between dating and being in a relationship, I can shed light on the concepts discussed in the article. The experts in the article highlight several key points differentiating dating from being in a relationship. Let's delve into the concepts:

  1. Intention and Trajectory:

    • Dating: It is characterized as a fact-finding mission, a period of getting to know someone romantically without a high level of commitment.
    • Relationship: Involves a commitment where dating partners have committed to each other and intend to cultivate their connection, at least for the time being.
  2. Duration:

    • Dating: Usually a shorter period, during which individuals may present their best selves and fantasize about a potential future together.
    • Relationship: Can go on infinitely, involving a higher level of commitment and exclusivity.
  3. Commitment and Exclusivity:

    • Dating: Involves no or less commitment, and individuals may still be exploring options.
    • Relationship: Implies exclusivity, with partners agreeing on certain aspects, such as being sexually exclusive and having shared time.
  4. Authenticity:

    • Dating: Individuals may present their best selves during the dating phase.
    • Relationship: With trust established, individuals can be themselves, conflicts can be resolved, and past wounds can be healed.
  5. The Third Entity - The Relationship:

    • Dating: Primarily focuses on the individuals involved.
    • Relationship: Involves a third entity - the relationship itself, requiring compromises and actions in service to maintaining a healthy relationship.
  6. Semantics and Communication:

    • Dating: Focuses on activities, and the term may imply non-commitment, but communication is key to understanding intentions.
    • Relationship: Generally refers to a committed relationship, and clear communication is crucial for making decisions together.
  7. Impact on Time, Energy, and Emotions:

    • Dating: All options are still on the table, and the impact may be less significant.
    • Relationship: Involves a more profound impact on time, energy, and emotions, even if the relationship is in the dating phase.
  8. Definition and Labels:

    • Dating: The activity of actively engaging in various activities with someone.
    • Relationship: A broad, almost all-encompassing term that can mean different things to different people.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • Communication:

    • Differs in nature, with casual and lighthearted communication during dating and more serious, meaningful conversations in a relationship.
  • Pace of Relationship:

    • Differs, with a more casual and slower pace in dating and a potentially faster pace in a committed relationship.
  • Boundaries:

    • Vary, with fewer boundaries in dating as both individuals explore, and more defined boundaries in a relationship to ensure its health.
  • Intimacy:

    • Differs in focus, with physical intimacy emphasized in dating and a shift towards emotional intimacy in a committed relationship.

In summary, the distinction between dating and being in a relationship involves factors such as intention, commitment, authenticity, and the level of impact on individuals involved. Effective communication, understanding boundaries, and navigating the pace of the relationship are crucial aspects of both dating and committed relationships.

What's the Difference Between Dating and Being in a Relationship? (2024)
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