What was the first search word on Google ... | India News - Times of India (2024)

… And 10 other interesting facts about the $1 trillion dollar tech giant that was incorporated on September 4, 1998

Do you know how many search queries


gets per second? Close to 95,000 claims Internet Live Stats, or over 6 billion searches a day. But when it started out in 1998, it was reportedly serving 10,000 search queries per day.
Google was conceived in a dorm room at

Stanford University

in the mid-1990s. The first search query on the engine was the name Gerhard Casper, then president of



What was the first search word on Google ... | India News - Times of India (2024)


What was the first search word on Google ... | India News - Times of India? ›


Google Search (also known simply as Google or Google.com) is a search engine operated by Google. It allows users to search for information on the Internet by entering keywords or phrases. Google Search uses algorithms to analyze and rank websites based on their relevance to the search query.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Google_Search
was conceived in a dorm room at Stanford University in the mid-1990s. The first search query on the engine was the name Gerhard Casper, then president of Stanford University.

What was the first thing ever googled on Google? ›

The first thing ever searched on Google was the name Gerhard Casper, a former Stanford president. As the story goes, in 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin demoed Google for computer scientist John Hennessy. They searched Casper's name on both AltaVista and Google.

What was the first search in Google? ›

Most people credit the first search to a private demo given to John Hennessey, then Dean of the School of Engineering at Stanford in 1998 for the term “Gerhard Casper.” This seems unlikely if they released a version in 1996 as Wired states above.

How many Google searches per day? ›

Google processes approximately 99,000 search queries every second. This translates to 8.5 billion searches per day and approximately 2 trillion global searches per year.

What was my recent search? ›

Simply right click on any search box and click "Recent Searches" and it will pull recent searches that you performed within the last 2 days and allow you to paste it with just one click.

What was the first internet search? ›

The first well documented search engine that searched content files, namely FTP files, was Archie, which debuted on 10 September 1990.

When was Google introduced in India? ›

Google launched a search engine in India on May 15, 2004. The service was named BackRub and it was developed by Google India. The first version of BackRub was launched to only Indian users.

Who was the first man to use Google? ›

However, it is widely believed that the co-founders of Google, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, were among the first to use the search engine.

How many times has my name been googled? ›

Is it possible to know how many times my name has been googled? No, it is impossible to know the exact number of times your name has been googled, as search engines do not release this information.

Which country uses Google the most? ›

In the six months ending December 2023, the United States accounted for 26.95 percent of traffic to the online search website Google.com. India was ranked second, accounting for 4.52 percent of web visits to the platform, with Brazil coming in third place with 4.35 percent.

What is the most searched question on Google? ›

100 Most Asked Questions on Google
#QuestionMonthly Searches
1What is my ip829,000
2What to watch749,000
3How many weeks in a year510,000
4How many days until christmas430,000
96 more rows
May 5, 2024

Can police see your deleted Search history? ›

Once you delete your search history from your device, it's typically no longer accessible to the police. However, if they obtain a warrant, they may be able to access records of your search engine and browser history from your internet provider or another third-party source.

Can someone see your Search history if you delete it? ›

Does deleting history really delete it? No, only on the surface. Your internet provider collects and stores this information for a period that depends on data retention laws (often 6 months/1 year). The best way to protect your data is to prevent them from seeing your search history at all.

Is it better to delete or clear history? ›

Your web history is a record of all the websites you visit. All browsers log your history, and while it's helpful, you could run into potential speed and privacy problems if you never delete your browsing history.

Did Google try to sell itself in 1999? ›

Early in 1999, Brin and Page decided they wanted to sell Google to Excite. They went to Excite CEO George Bell and offered to sell it to him for $1 million. He rejected the offer.

What did the first Google look like? ›

Logo History

There was a red word “BackRub” written on a hand. The first well-known multicolored logo of Google was only seen in 1998, when they changed their name from BackRub to Google. It was made up of blue, red, yellow, green letters that spelled “Google”, and there was also an exclamation mark.

What did we search before Google? ›

Before Google, the biggest search engine was Yahoo!. Yahoo! was founded in 1994 and was based on a directory of websites. Other popular search engines before Google included AltaVista, Excite, Lycos, and Infoseek. Google was founded in 1998 and quickly surpassed all of these other search engines in popularity.

Who was the first person to use Google? ›

Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were Ph. D. students at Stanford University. It is not known who used Google for the first time, but the public beta version of Google was released in August 1996 and became widely known as a search engine in the late 1990s.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.