Why Do Men Grow Beards? The Answer May Surprise You (2024)

From an evolutionary perspective, why do men grow beards? Is it vanity? Dominance? Laziness? Or some other reason altogether? New research shows that beards likely evolved to help men boost their standing amongst other men.

Astudyby Nigel Barber, using data on British facial hair trends from 1842-1971, found that men with beards and mustaches increased as the number of marriage-age women decreased. Basically, if there is a larger number of single men than women, more men grow beards. So does this mean men grow beards because women find them more attractive than clean-shaven baby faces?

A number of studies suggest that both men and women find that men with beards appearolder, stronger and more aggressive than non-bearded men. But does this equate to attractiveness?

Why Do Men Grow Beards? The Answer May Surprise You (1)

Some studies find that womenprefer stubble, while others show that women likefully-bearded men and some even suggest women findclean-shaven men the most attractive. Bottom line, there is no conclusive data suggesting that women across the board find men with facial hair more attractive than clean-shaven men.

The lack of consistent evidence means that we cannot assume men grow beards because women find them more attractive. But if not for women, then why grow a beard? Hell, why do us guys do anything if it is not for women?

Why Do Men Grow Beards? The Answer May Surprise You (2)

Dominance. We all know the shy, quiet guy in the corner is highly unlikely to take the beautiful girl home. Across the animal kingdom, the dominant male can get more mating opportunities by intimidating other suitors to step aside. Since men with beards are perceived by both sexes as older, stronger, and more aggressive, the bearded man has an upper hand in perceived dominance, and therefore an increased likelihood of passing his genes on to the next generation. So from an evolutionary perspective, itappears beards serve as a dominance mechanism and therefore indirectly a means of procreation.

That’s from an evolutionary perspective. As for why each of us grows our beard, well, that is personal. Personally, I grew my beard out inhonor of my fallen comrade. I kept it because, frankly, it makes me look damn handsome...and I look like I’m 18 when I’m clean-shaven.



stubble+ 'stache was founded by a former Marine Corps Special Operations Combat Veteran in memory of his fallen comrade. We donate a percentage of profits to organizations supporting those men and women suffering from the mental wounds sustained in combat.

As an enthusiast with a deep understanding of evolutionary psychology and the anthropology of human behavior, let me delve into the concepts presented in the article and provide a comprehensive analysis.

The article explores the evolutionary perspective on why men grow beards, contemplating whether it's driven by vanity, dominance, laziness, or some other reason. The reference to Nigel Barber's study on British facial hair trends from 1842-1971 serves as a foundation for the argument. Barber's research suggests a correlation between the prevalence of facial hair and the ratio of single men to women, proposing that men grow beards to enhance their status among other men.

This ties into the evolutionary principle of sexual selection, where characteristics that confer an advantage in mating and reproduction tend to be passed on to subsequent generations. The article introduces the idea that the perception of bearded men as older, stronger, and more aggressive may contribute to their enhanced dominance. This dominance, in turn, could increase their mating opportunities by intimidating potential rivals, aligning with observations across the animal kingdom.

The debate on whether women find bearded men more attractive than clean-shaven ones is discussed, highlighting conflicting findings from various studies. The inconclusive data prompts the article to look beyond attractiveness to propose dominance as a more plausible evolutionary driver for beard growth. The argument is grounded in the notion that dominance, as a trait associated with beards, may lead to increased reproductive success, aligning with evolutionary principles.

The concluding statement acknowledges the personal nature of growing a beard, emphasizing that individuals may have varied reasons. In the case of the author, it is a tribute to a fallen comrade, showcasing the multifaceted motivations behind facial hair choices. The mention of the organization "Homestubble+ 'stache," founded by a former Marine Corps Special Operations Combat Veteran, adds a real-world connection and social responsibility aspect, as the organization donates a percentage of profits to support individuals suffering from mental wounds sustained in combat.

In summary, the article navigates through the evolutionary aspects of beard growth, intertwining concepts of sexual selection, dominance, and individual motivations for growing facial hair. It provides a nuanced perspective on the multifactorial nature of this seemingly simple human trait.

Why Do Men Grow Beards? The Answer May Surprise You (2024)
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