100 Frugal Habits to Live By, If You’re Trying to Save Money (2024)

  • Life
  • Wellness

Shifrah Combiths

Shifrah Combiths

With five children, Shifrah is learning a thing or two about how to keep a fairly organized and pretty clean house with a grateful heart in a way that leaves plenty of time for the people who matter most. Shifrah grew up in San Francisco, but has come to appreciate smaller town life in Tallahassee, Florida, which she now calls home. She's been writing professionally for twenty years and she loves lifestyle photography, memory keeping, gardening, reading, and going to the beach with her husband and children.

updated Dec 6, 2019






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100 Frugal Habits to Live By, If You’re Trying to Save Money (1)

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There are many methods for saving money. You can find big ways to save big bucks (like dramatically downsizing to a smaller house or one car), or take on some smaller temporary changes (like trying a no-spend challenge). There’s a penny-pinching strategy to match any personality style or savings goal.

But the most impactful way to improve your financial outlook isn’t a one-time, band-aid type solution. It’s the slow fix of adopting more frugal lifestyle habits. You’re not going to save a fortune—at least not right away—but if you take on a few small changes, you’ll rack up a snowball of savings that will set you up for life.

Here is a mega list of specific, actionable changes you can put into practice when you’re committed to saving even the cents that add up over time:

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In the Kitchen

  • Cook a meal instead of going out.
  • Double a meal you’re cooking and freeze half.
  • Save chicken scraps and vegetable scraps so you can make your own chicken stock.
  • Make your own salad dressing.
  • Make your own iced tea.
  • Make your own lemonade.
  • Make your own popsicles.
  • Don’t buy pre-packaged snacks; apportion them yourself.
  • Use a reusable lunch box rather than plastic baggies.
  • Invest in a quality water bottle instead of buying bottled water.
  • Swirl out the extra sauce with a bit of water to get out every last drop when you’re cooking.
  • Go through your fridge weekly to use up or freeze anything that might be going bad.
  • Get comfortable with inexpensive vegetarian meals to save on the cost of meat.
  • Meal plan.
  • Grow your own herbs.
  • Grow your own vegetables.
  • Bake and decorate your own cakes or cupcakes for celebrations.
  • Wash your own lettuce (rather than buying pre-washed).
  • Cut your own veggies (rather than buying pre-cut).
  • Cook whole chickens rather than buying chicken parts.
  • Stretch meat by making soups, pastas, and bowls with it.
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Crafty Fixes

  • Protect your phone with a good case.
  • Mend your socks.
  • Sew the button back on.
  • Refinish leather purses, wallets, shoes, etc.
  • Repair the broken shoes.
  • Deep clean the carpet you’re ready to toss.
  • Re-cover the upholstery.
  • Use a de-piller to make clothes look new.
  • Clean out your drains to avoid costly plumbing issues.
  • Refinish your ruined table.
  • Polish and clean your leather shoes.
  • Re-sole your worn shoes.
  • Buy new inserts for your shoes.
  • Dye faded or stained clothing rather than tossing it.
  • Learn new skills so you can do your own simple car and home repairs and maintenance tasks.
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Recycle & Repurpose

  • Use boxes (shoe, cereal, etc.) for storage rather than buying containers.
  • Use water from washing the lettuce to water your plants.
  • Repurpose sauce or condiment jars for storage.
  • Save leftover coffee for making iced coffee.
  • Compost to make your own fertile soil.
  • Use coffee grounds as fertilizer.
  • Use distilled white vinegar to clean.
  • Use baking soda to clean.
  • Use dish soap to clean.
  • Use rags—made from old clothes or linens—rather than paper towels.
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Find Frugal Alternatives

  • Use the library for books, movies, e-books, and audio books.
  • Make wall art out of book pages.
  • Make plant babies instead of buying new plants.
  • Make plant babies as gifts.
  • Use spray paint to change the color of your frames/lamps/small furniture/plant pots.
  • Give yourself a pedicure rather than going to the salon.
  • Swap babysitting with a friend rather than paying for child care.
  • Make your own glass cleaner.
  • Plan a staycation rather than a vacation this year.
  • Take your own “school pictures” rather than paying for the package.
  • Take a road trip instead of flying.
  • Split a meal rather than buying two entrees when eating out.
  • Don’t order drinks if you’re eating out.
  • Always find a “kids eat free” promotion when dining out with your children.
  • Start your plants from seed.
  • Save seeds from your flowers for planting next year.
  • Wash the car at home.
  • Exercise at home rather than the gym.
  • Make friends with your neighbors and help each other by lending and borrowing tools, watching each other’s pets when you’re out of town, etc.
  • Take advantage of free community programs such as outdoor movie nights, library book clubs, etc.
  • Consider a capsule wardrobe.
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Conscious Consumption

  • Turn off the lights.
  • Unplug unused appliances.
  • Turn down the heat.
  • Turn down the A/C.
  • Run your appliances at night.
  • Wash your clothes in cold water.
  • Use a turbo cycle on your washer whenever you can.
  • Hang dry as much as possible to avoid dryer costs.
  • Set a timer for your showers.
  • Hand wash delicates to preserve their life.
  • Cut the tubes of sunscreen, makeup, and lotion in order to use every single bit.
  • Drive the speed limit to save on fuel and avoid costly speeding tickets.
  • Keep your tires properly inflated to maximize fuel efficiency.
  • Switch to LED light bulbs.
  • Make sure your home is energy efficient by checking the air seals around windows and doors.
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Spend and Shop Smart

  • Shop only when you have a list of things in mind and don’t stray from the list.
  • Buy used clothing when possible.
  • Use shopping portals to accrue extra mileage points.
  • Always pay off the balance on your credit cards.
  • Budget, budget, budget.
  • Cancel all unnecessary subscriptions, digital and physical.
  • Check rotating cash back categories on your credit cards.
  • Use the cash envelope system.
  • Make your returns ASAP so you don’t forget about them.
  • Always ask for a price match, when applicable.
  • Check for coupons before buying something.
  • Bundle your errands to eliminate unnecessary driving.
  • Buy used cars.
  • Whenever possible, invest in quality products that last.
  • Consider buying refurbished items. For example, a refurbished laptop, stand mixer, coffee maker, vacuum cleaner, etc.
  • Buy in bulk when it makes sense (sales, cost is actually cheaper, you have the storage space, etc.)
  • Use cash back companies like Ebates or Ibotta.
  • Have and maintain an emergency fund for unexpected expenses.

Filed in:

Mindful Living



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100 Frugal Habits to Live By, If You’re Trying to Save Money (2024)


What is the most frugal way to live? ›

12 Tips for Frugal Living
  • Choose quality over quantity. ...
  • Prioritize value over price. ...
  • Use credit wisely. ...
  • Declutter regularly. ...
  • Use a budget to guide your spending. ...
  • Know the difference between wants and needs. ...
  • Be a savvy consumer. ...
  • Prioritize your values.
Oct 17, 2023

How to live frugal and save money? ›

Frugal living tips
  1. I do the less-desirable thing. ...
  2. I buy stuff I'll need later whenever it's on sale. ...
  3. I compare per-ounce costs before I buy. ...
  4. I buy different foods from different sources. ...
  5. I'll wait to buy some things I want until I have a coupon. ...
  6. I check warehouse clubs and big-box stores for gift cards.
Mar 29, 2024

How to live extremely cheaply? ›

What are some tips for being frugal?
  1. Create a budget and stick to it. Being frugal begins with this tip. ...
  2. Shop around for the best deals. Buy what you need from the first store you see, but don't just go to the first one you see. ...
  3. Buy used instead of new. ...
  4. Make your own stuff. ...
  5. Repurpose and recycle. ...
  6. Be patient.
Aug 22, 2023

What is a frugal habit? ›

They budget carefully, allocate a predetermined portion of their income to savings and investments, and do not exceed it. They save up for big purchases, prefer to buy with cash (as opposed to credit), and keep an emergency fund for times of need.

What are frugal habits of millionaires? ›

You might be surprised to learn that many millionaires clip coupons, buy in bulk, wait for sales, scour eBay and Craigslist for deals, limit clothing purchases, fly coach, avoid credit cards, and save half their restaurant meal for lunch the next day--habits that can free up cash for the occasional splurge.

How to live with hardly any money? ›

Additional Tips For Living On A Low-Income Budget
  1. Look for free and low-cost activities. ...
  2. Ask for a raise. ...
  3. Start a side hustle. ...
  4. Replace costly habits with inexpensive ones. ...
  5. Plan sequenced reward opportunities. ...
  6. Create accountability. ...
  7. Seek out low-cost alternatives to your hobbies.
Sep 14, 2022

How to live like a cheapskate? ›

I should note that I do most, but not all, of these tips.
  1. Go with one car. Many families have two or more cars. ...
  2. Go with a smaller house. ...
  3. Go with a smaller car. ...
  4. Rent rather than own. ...
  5. Look for used first. ...
  6. Eat out less. ...
  7. Eat out frugally. ...
  8. Brown bag it to work.

What is the 70 money rule? ›

The 70-20-10 budget rule simplifies money management by allocating income into three categories: living expenses, savings/debt repayment, and investments/donations. Living expenses should consume 70% of after-tax income, covering necessities and discretionary spending.

What is the 30 rule for money? ›

The idea is to divide your income into three categories, spending 50% on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings. Learn more about the 50/30/20 budget rule and if it's right for you.

How to live poor and save money? ›

11 Foolproof Ways to Save Money On a Low Income
  1. Create a Budget. ...
  2. Open a Savings Account or Savings Pod. ...
  3. Drop Unneeded Monthly Memberships. ...
  4. Take a Hard Look at Your 'Unavoidable' Expenses. ...
  5. Save Money on Food. ...
  6. Save Money on Utilities. ...
  7. Commit to Buying Nothing New. ...
  8. Change Where You Keep Your Money.
Jan 4, 2023

How can I live a simple life with little money? ›

Find different ways to declutter your life and get rid of the things that are no longer necessary. It is even possible to make some money selling these things that can be used to help in other areas, such as paying off credit card debt. Get rid of monthly expenses that are not needed.

How to live on a very tight budget? ›

13 ways to save money on a tight budget
  1. Focus on small changes in various budget categories.
  2. Automate your savings into a high-yield savings account.
  3. Earn interest on your checking account.
  4. Use those three-payday months to save more.
  5. Keep a budget.
  6. Shop around for insurance rates.
  7. Refinance your mortgage.
Oct 19, 2023

How to live super frugally? ›

15 Frugal Living Tips
  1. Tip 1: Differentiate between Luxury Spending vs Necessary Expenses. ‍ ...
  2. Tip 2: Make Cuts in Your Spending. ...
  3. Tip 3: Cap Your Spending. ...
  4. Tip 4: Keep Receipts and Track Spending. ...
  5. Tip 5: Think Twice Before You Buy. ...
  6. Tip 6: Learn How to Bargain. ...
  7. Tip 7: Reuse and Recycle. ...
  8. Tip 8: Find Thrifted Furniture.
May 28, 2024

How to live frugally on one income? ›

Living on a one-income budget
  1. Assess your financial situation. Start by understanding your current financial status. ...
  2. List fixed expenses. ...
  3. Track changing expenses. ...
  4. Differentiate needs vs. ...
  5. Set financial goals. ...
  6. Create an emergency savings fund. ...
  7. Allocate for savings. ...
  8. Start a debt repayment plan.

Is it smart to be frugal? ›

Living a frugal lifestyle not only helps you save money, but it can also help you establish healthier habits over time. For example, when you start to become mindful with your spending, chances are you'll be cooking more meals at home instead of eating out all the time.

How to live on extreme budget? ›

Keep from being miserable while living on a tight budget
  1. Make a sensible budget and stick to it. If you're looking to cut down on frivolous spending, we applaud you. ...
  2. Give yourself a little room. ...
  3. Don't change your lifestyle completely. ...
  4. Learn to cook. ...
  5. Don't hide your budget. ...
  6. The bottom line.

How to save 10k in a year? ›

6 steps to save $10,000 in a year
  1. Evaluate income and expenses. To make room for saving, you'll need a meticulous budget that outlines all your sources of income and all your expenditures. ...
  2. Make an actionable savings plan. ...
  3. Cut unnecessary expenses. ...
  4. Increase your income. ...
  5. Avoid new debt. ...
  6. Invest wisely.
Apr 2, 2024

How do you live off a low budget? ›

Here are 10 helpful tips on how to live within your means.
  1. Set Your Budget. ...
  2. Track Your Spending. ...
  3. Save Before Spending. ...
  4. Pay Down Debt. ...
  5. Pay with Cash or Debit. ...
  6. Plan Large Purchases to Avoid Impulse Spending. ...
  7. Wait for Sales. ...
  8. Ask for a Lower Price.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.