17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (2024)

Being friends with benefits is growing more common in this day and age.

A surprising number of people say that they have had a relationship limited to casual sex — with no room for emotional connection.

Nevertheless, FWB relationships are notoriously difficult to navigate.

Sexual intimacy can open the door to emotional intimacy, and it can be confusing to disentangle those feelings.

Here is some background on these types of relationships and the top signs you’re more than friends with benefits.

What’s in this post:

  • Overview of a Friends With Benefits (FWB) Relationship
  • Do Guys Fall in Love With Friends With Benefits?
  • 17 Signs Your Friends With Benefits Is Falling For You
    • 1. They Can’t Stop Touching You
    • 2. They Want to Know All About You
    • 3. There is Chemistry
    • 4. They Seem Jealous
    • 5. They Want You to Meet Their Friends
    • 6. You Spend Time Together
    • 7. They Seem to be Dropping Hints
    • 8. They Act Nervous
    • 9. You Have Emotional Moments
    • 10. They Share Details About Their Life
    • 11. You Miss Each Other
    • 12. They Want to Travel With You
    • 13. They Make Kind Gestures
    • 14. They Show Off
    • 15. They’re Not Interested in Seeing Other People
    • 16. They Text or Call You All The Time
    • 17. You Just Feel It
    • Does My FWB Like Me?

Overview of a Friends With Benefits (FWB) Relationship

So what is an FWB relationship, and what are the official “rules” for one?

A friends with benefits relationship (commonly abbreviated to FWB) is an agreement between two people to engage in casual sex with no strings attached.

The expectation is that there won’t be emotional intimacy and that each party can continue dating other people outside the relationship.

A few other aspects of an FWB relationship include:

  • Limiting your relationship to sexual intimacy — no spending time together outside the bedroom
  • Not sharing personal details, especially about your past relationships
  • Setting firm boundaries about expectations
  • Avoiding meeting family and friends
  • Not traveling together
  • No communication aside from making plans to meet — no casual conversations or texting on other topics
  • Being honest about your expectations but avoiding sharing feelings
  • Avoiding talking about the other people that you are dating
  • Understanding that you can end the relationship at any time

Do Guys Fall in Love With Friends With Benefits?

Stereotypically, women are said to be the ones who can’t separate sex and emotional intimacy, while men can have meaningless sex at any time.

But like most stereotypes, this paints with too broad a brush.

A FWB relationship can lead to an emotional attraction for either party.

Sometimes it’s simple infatuation confused by all those sex-induced love hormones. And sometimes, it really is genuine love — which is what makes FWB relationships so tricky.

Guys can fall in love with their FWB. In fact, some estimates indicate that guys catch feelings more than women do in these arrangements.

Here are a few things you should know:

  • FWB relationships don’t necessarily spell success for long-term relationships — studies show that only about 15 percent of them work out.
  • But about 60 percent of men say that they’ve fallen for their friend with benefits, as opposed to about 44 percent of women.

17 Signs Your Friends With Benefits Is Falling For You

So how do you recognize the signs that the relationship has moved from purely physical to emotional? Here are some of the top signs your FWB is falling for you.

1. They Can’t Stop Touching You

Obviously, a friends-with-benefits relationship involves physical intimacy. But if the touching extends outside the bedroom, it could signify that your friend is catching feelings.

Most people expect a FWB relationship to have some physical boundaries, so if it seems like they can’t keep their hands off of you, that’s something to note.

17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (1)

If it makes you uncomfortable, make sure you speak up and share those feelings so your boundaries are respected.

2. They Want to Know All About You

One of the official rules of a FWB relationship is keeping personal details to a minimum. It is easy to get pulled into an emotional attraction when sharing stories, especially about past relationships.

If your FWB is asking you all about yourself, it might be a sign that they want to form an emotional attachment.

It’s also a sign if they share these personal details about themselves, such as stories from their childhood or past relationships.

3. There is Chemistry

A friends-with-benefits relationship obviously involves sexual attraction, but that’s not what we’re talking about.

If the two of you fill the air with electricity, even when you’re not getting physical, there could be something stronger going on.

If you just seem to jive in all sorts of ways and it is becoming clear that there is an emotional connection, the relationship might be moving past casual.

Don’t be surprised if your friends notice that magnetism between you two.

4. They Seem Jealous

On paper, a FWB relationship is casual, so it shouldn’t involve jealousy. Most people in these agreements still date other people.

So if your FWB seems uncomfortable or jealous at the prospect of you going on dates, that could mean how they see you has changed.

They might be worried that you might start a real relationship that ends your arrangement — or maybe they just don’t like the idea of having to “share” you with someone else.

5. They Want You to Meet Their Friends

Most friends with benefits relationships try to keep their sexual agreement separate from their personal lives.

In other words, they don’t introduce one another to their friends — and definitely not to their family.

If your FWB is suddenly asking you if you want to come to a friend hangout or a family reunion, that could signal a change in how they see you.

They want other people to get to know you as a permanent part of their life.

6. You Spend Time Together

One of the usual expectations for a FWB relationship is that it is just sex. Outside of the bedroom, there is no real relationship.

So if your FWB suddenly wants to spend time together doing non-sexual activities, it might be a sign that they are catching feelings.

After all, there was no expectation of watching movies together or hanging out at a restaurant when you started your relationship. This change in expectations could signal a change in feelings, too.

7. They Seem to be Dropping Hints

It started out with a casual sentence about how great the two of you would be together, for real. But if the jokes or seemingly casual suggestions keep coming, it could be a sign that your FWB is falling for you for real.

17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (2)

They are trying to test the waters for your reaction and might be nervous that you won’t be on the same page.

If they keep dropping comments, it might be time for a talk about where they see your relationship going.

8. They Act Nervous

It is easy to get flustered or nervous around a crush — not so much around a friend. If your FWB seems to be nervous around you all of a sudden, it could mean that they are unsure of their feelings.

Maybe you catch them turning red or stumbling over their words but before, they were unruffled and confident. If they suddenly act like a middle schooler whose crush just walked up to their locker, you might want to take note.

9. You Have Emotional Moments

If you suddenly find yourselves staring into each other’s eyes or having meaningful lulls in the conversation, it could be a sign that your FWB is catching feelings.

Some say they first noticed this change during sex, which suddenly seemed more intimate and loving.

But be aware that these emotional moments can also be tied to those powerful hormones, which are good at tricking our brains into mistaking emotion for real, lasting attraction.

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A friends-with-benefits situation isn’t supposed to get personal.

So if they are suddenly telling you a lot of things about their life, such as stories from their childhood or details about their family, it could be a sign that they want a more emotional connection.

At the very least, it shows that they feel safe with you. Regardless, it means that they want to get intimate in more ways than just in the bedroom.

11. You Miss Each Other

Do you find yourself thinking about your FWB all day and looking forward to spending time with them?

Maybe you have the urge to talk to them or text them throughout your day. And maybe you just feel an ache in your chest when they aren’t around.

17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (3)

If you’re feeling all of that, there is a chance that they could be, too, especially if they seem to be struggling to stay away from you as well.

12. They Want to Travel With You

One of the official “rules” of a friends-with-benefits relationship is that you never travel together. Why? Because at that point, you might as well be in a relationship.

If you are spending time together and traveling as a couple — while also having sex — there isn’t a lot of difference between that and, well, being an actual couple.

On top of that, traveling often leads to intimate or emotional moments, whether we want it to or not.

13. They Make Kind Gestures

When it comes to friends with benefits, the “partnership” is supposed to end outside the bedroom. But suddenly, your FWB is making small gestures with your comfort in mind.

Maybe they make an extra effort to buy your favorite snacks, bring you food and medicine when you’re sick, or choose a movie they know you’ll enjoy.

In other words, they’re considering your emotional needs — a boundary that most people in FWB relationships think is off the table.

14. They Show Off

Remember when you were in middle school, and you flexed in front of your crush? Well, it turns out that adults do that, too.

Suddenly your FWB is doing things that seem to be trying to get your attention and impress you.

Maybe they are cracking jokes, showing off how strong they are (okay, that one is usually just guys), or trying to make you laugh in other ways.

They’re trying to get your attention and win your approval.

15. They’re Not Interested in Seeing Other People

A friends-with-benefits relationship is supposed to be casual, which in theory, leaves the door open to date others. But suddenly, your FWB isn’t interested in dating at all.

Sure, in some cases, it might mean nothing — not everybody wants to be actively looking for dates at all times.

But if they seem entirely uninterested in the prospect of other partners, it might be because they want a real relationship with you.

17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (4)

16. They Text or Call You All The Time

Suddenly, they aren’t just reaching out when they want to get physical. They seem to text you all the time to tell you about their day, share a joke, or invite you over for non-sexual hangouts.

It shows that you’re on their mind throughout the day, and they want to connect with you emotionally.

It’s important to note if this behavior wasn’t always there but developed gradually over time. If your phone is buzzing nonstop, they might be into you.

17. You Just Feel It

Sometimes, knowing that your friend with benefits is falling for you is just a matter of a gut feeling. You have probably been in real relationships before, so you can sense when a person is attracted to you.

If you have the gut feeling that they are drawn to you in more ways than just physical, trust that feeling.

But it’s up to you to decide what you want to do with it, especially if you feel the same way.

Does My FWB Like Me?

FWB relationships are dangerous by their very nature, so there is no sure recipe for success. It is easy to confuse sexual and genuine attraction, so make sure you tread carefully and speak up if you feel uncomfortable.

17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (5)
17 Confusing Signs That Your Friend With Benefits is Falling For You (2024)


How do I know if my friend with benefits is falling for me? ›

In a true FWB situation, there are no feelings attached to the relationship, so you're both free to flirt or date whoever. If you notice that your FWB seems to get upset when you flirt with others or talk about other people, there's a good chance that they're developing feelings for you.

What are red flags with friends with benefits? ›

Red Flags to Watch Out For in an FWB Situation

"If you feel like they like you a lot more than you like them, that's a big red flag," Lovz said. If you think your FWB is falling for you, you must have a direct conversation—in person—and explain how you feel.

Do guys catch feelings in friends with benefits? ›

Yep, it's totally possible for guys to become attached to their FWB. Human beings are designed to feel emotionally close to people who they're physically intimate with. There is nothing unique about men that makes them incapable of becoming emotionally invested in their FWB partner.

Do friends with benefits fall in love? ›

Their results showed a low likelihood of such uncommitted sexual arrangements ending up in a committed relationship. In fact, during the course of that study, only 15 percent of friends-with-benefits relationships transitioned into committed, long-term relationships.

How do friends with benefits act like? ›

In friends with benefits scenarios, you're just friends — friends who hang out and sometimes have sex/be intimate with each other. People who are friends with benefits may be free to date other people. The physical stuff they do is usually “no strings attached”— they're not necessarily committed to each other.

How often do friends with benefits turn serious? ›

According to Match.com's Singles in America site, out of the 55% of singles who have had a friends-with-benefits relationship, 45% of them have had it evolved into a full-fledged relationship.

How do I know if my FWB is seeing someone else? ›

16 Signs He Is Seeing Someone Else
  1. He Does Not Contact You As Much Anymore. ...
  2. He Does Not Want You To Meet His Friends. ...
  3. He Spends Too Much Time On His Phone. ...
  4. He Has New Grooming Routines. ...
  5. He Does Not Want To Talk About The Future. ...
  6. He Checks Out Other Women. ...
  7. There Is A “Girl-Bestfriend” ...
  8. He Does Not Call You His Significant Other.
Feb 22, 2023

What not to do with friends with benefits? ›

7 things a friend with benefits should never do
  1. Not be honest about their intentions. As a general rule, you shouldn't enter a FWB relationship with someone you already know you want an official, exclusive relationship with. ...
  2. Blow off plans. ...
  3. Slack on their grooming.
Aug 17, 2017

How do you hint to friends with benefits? ›

You can say something straightforward like “Hey, I had a lot of fun the other night and would love to do that again, but I should be clear that I'm thinking more of a friends-with-benefits situation rather than dating. No big deal if you're not into that, though, just wanted to be up front!”

What does friends with benefits mean to a guy? ›

Friends with benefits means sex without any attachment or emotional investment. So every minute you two spend with each other beyond the act of sex is an act of emotional intimacy. Use this knowledge to your benefit, whatever the end result you're looking for. [

Do you kiss your friends with benefits? ›

Keep things strictly platonic outside the bedroom.

Don't hold hands, don't kiss, don't cuddle together, don't call each other cutesy pet names. It doesn't mean you have to be completely distant and unemotional—it just means you don't do anything with your FWB that you wouldn't do with your friends without benefits.

How do you confess feelings to FWB? ›

Carve out some time to talk calmly and privately, know what you're going to say (but don't prepare a script—let the conversation flow) and let him react before getting too far ahead of yourself. Just getting your feelings off your chest and out in the open is the important part."

What type of love is friends with benefits? ›

A friends-with-benefits (FWB) relationship is one in which two people are physically intimate with one another, yet they're not committed to each other in any way.

How long should friends with benefits last? ›

The key is to end things before they stop being fun, which can be especially tough to gauge when you're getting, like, org*sms. A good rule of thumb is five weeks—just long enough to really master one another's G-spots but not so long you start to internalize their roommate's work schedule.

Do friends with benefits stay friends? ›

Among the 300 who had an FWB in the last year that had already ended, a full 80% said they were still friends. What's more, 50% reported feeling as close or closer to their ex-FWB partner than before the benefits started, and about 30% were not as close.

Do friends with benefits talk everyday? ›

Exactly how often to talk to a friend with benefits depends on the needs of the parties involved. Some may talk every day, but others might only talk when hooking up. As a general rule, maintain emotional distance from your friend with benefits.

When friends with benefits becomes more? ›

Often, if a friends with benefits relationship is becoming more, there will be signs. He might tell you directly, or he may start acting in a way that is more romantic and less casual toward you. He might start doing any of the following things: Wanting to hang out with you more outside of hooking up.

How do you get out of the friend zone with a FWB? ›

  1. Ask Yourself If This Is What You Really Want. Image via Complex Original. ...
  2. Bring Another Woman Into the Picture. Image via Complex Original. ...
  3. Be a Little Elusive. Image via Complex Original. ...
  4. Go Out of Your Way for Her Once in a While. ...
  5. Go Out Alone. ...
  6. Don't Hook Up With Her Friends. ...
  7. Don't Let Her Friend Zone You. ...
  8. Flirt With Her.
Feb 23, 2013

Do friends with benefits hug? ›

Typically, people who are FWBs enjoy spending time together as friends. But rather than capping off their night with a pickleback, fist bump, or bear hug, FWBs cap it off by taking it all off.

Are friends with benefits healthy? ›

1 But being friends with benefits can be healthy if you're careful about it, Holly Richmond, PhD, a certified sex therapist in New York, told Health. In fact, for some people, friends-with-benefits relationships work even better than more traditional monogamous relationships, explained Richmond.

What is more than friends with benefits but less than a relationship? ›

"A situationship is that space between a committed relationship and something that is more than a friendship," explains psychotherapist and author Jonathan Alpert. "Unlike a friends with benefits or relationship, there isn't consensus on what it is." Why is this becoming a trend now?

Do friends with benefits cuddle and hold hands? ›

You do not hold hands, kiss or show romantic affection for each other in the presence of your other friends. If your FWB is talking with someone that could be a potential future date for him or her, you cannot express any jealousy. You are not in a public romantic relationship.

How long do friends with benefits last? ›

The key is to end things before they stop being fun, which can be especially tough to gauge when you're getting, like, org*sms. A good rule of thumb is five weeks—just long enough to really master one another's G-spots but not so long you start to internalize their roommate's work schedule.

How does a man act when he is in love? ›

When he's falling in love, everything is likely to become about her. He can't stop thinking about her and would rather be spending time with her than doing anything else. He may feel scared about the relationship and where it's headed, or he might just have a comfortable feeling about the entire thing.

How do I know if he likes me more than a hookup? ›

If they make an effort to get to know you on a deeper level by asking really personal questions, it's a good sign that they really do want something more than just a hookup. They're trying to get to know you as a person and find some common interests.

What is the 3 hookup rule? ›

The three-date rule suggests that the best time for potential partners to first become physical is the third date. It is by no means an actual hard-and-fast rule but rather a guideline—a reference point that many have used to decide when to incorporate a sexual component into a courtship.

How do you know if he wants a relationship or a fling? ›

Men looking for a fling will not invest their time in you. If a man wants a relationship, he will make plans to meet you and will not ghost you or leave you without any response. If he is interested, you will not have to seek his attention continuously. If you are doing so, it means he is not into you.

Do friends with benefits cuddle and kiss? ›

Keep things strictly platonic outside the bedroom.

Don't hold hands, don't kiss, don't cuddle together, don't call each other cutesy pet names. It doesn't mean you have to be completely distant and unemotional—it just means you don't do anything with your FWB that you wouldn't do with your friends without benefits.

Do guys get attached after cuddling? ›

Some men or women like cuddling because it makes them feel your protector. They like to feel strong and make you feel safe and loved. Oxytocin, released during cuddling, has been shown to increase trust, enhancing the feeling of making you feel protected.

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.