Dichotomous Key: What Is, Presented Types, Uses, Examples, How to and More | EdrawMax Online (2024)

1. What Is Dichotomous Key?

A dichotomous key is an identification tool mainly used by scientists to classify and identify organisms into particular categories based on their traits. It helps classify animals, plants, bacteria, and any organism by matching their characteristics with known organisms. From the dichotomous key definition, we concur that it simplifies the identification of organisms by giving a series of statements with two answers that always lead to correct results. We can use a branching flowchart to illustrate the dichotomous key in biology.

Scientists continue to discover new species and organisms, and classifying them in the correct category is essential in biology. Scientists use specific methods to identify the relationship between newly discovered species with the known species. It also answers the question about what is the purpose of the dichotomous key. It is a classification tool that helps scientists identify unknown organisms with multiple statements that best describe them. It is commonly used for plants or animals, but you implement it on any object. Here is an example of a dichotomous key.

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2. Types of Dichotomous Key

There are four commonly used types of dichotomous keys.

1: Branched

The branched dichotomous key uses a tree diagram to graphically represent statements with two choices, each leading to different answers. You can only use it to identify organisms one at a time because the tree can't move downwards from both sides.

2: Nested

It is the simplest and easy-to-understand form of a dichotomous key. You can use it to classify two organisms at the same time. In the nested dichotomous key, the answers to each statement nest before the answers that lead to it.

3: Computer Program

A dichotomous key computer program is one of its most commonly used types because it makes everything easier for the user. It is quite similar to a quiz game. The user answers the question one at a time and proceed towards the correct identification.

4: Linked

The linked dichotomous key represents the questions and their answers in a listed form. You can refer to it as a dichotomous key worksheet where each answer you get leads to a different question before you categorize the object.

3. What is a Dichotomous Key Used For?

Identifying Patterns: A dichotomous key is an identification tool used by people from a multitude of professions to identify patterns based on their opposing statements. After you test a sample using contrast multiple times, you will identify its boundaries and categorize it.

Identifying Organism: You can use a dichotomous key to identify organisms based on their characteristics. The dichotomous key definition biology states that it can easily identify plant or animal species by comparing their behavior and other features with the know species.

Classification of Objects: The method of identification using a dichotomous key can easily be applied to objects other than life forms such as chemicals and stones. With this type of key, you can classify a single object or a group of objects at the same time. You can classify different objects using it.

4. How to Use a Dichotomous Key?

Using the linked, branched, and nested types of a dichotomous key is simple because you make your diagram step-by-step and follow the learned procedure. With a computer program, you got to know how to use a dichotomous key because it gets complex sometimes to identify organisms or objects with limited information. Remeber these guidelines before you use the dichotomous key program.

  • After you start the program, you will get a statement on the screen with two choices, and you will have to pick one.
  • As you move on, the next statement will appear with two choices, while your previously selected choice will move to one side till you identify the object.
  • After selecting the correct choice, the program will lead you to a single genus tree with a description and name of its species and some pictures to identify.
  • You have to keep selecting the choice with the right characteristics for a mystery tree until you reach a tree genus with the correct classification. In case you get the wrong genus, start the process again.

5. How to Make a Dichotomous Key?

We make dichotomous keys to identify and classify organisms and objects by comparing their traits and behavior with known organisms. Making a diagram to illustrate your dichotomous key is simple if you follow the proper procedure and keep a few things in mind. Make sure that each statement asked only leads to two choices. Here are steps to make a dichotomous key.

  • STEP 1: Start by making a list of all the characteristics and traits you know about the organism or object.
  • STEP 2: List the characteristics logically by starting the list from its major features and moving towards its more minor features.
  • STEP 3: Add statements or questions in your diagram to separate the specimens with their characteristics. Always divide them into two groups to follow the correct layout of the dichotomous key.
  • STEP 4: Add two choices for each statement of your dichotomous key. Lead both choices to the new statement and repeat the same step until you reach the last statement of identifying the organism.
  • STEP 5: Make the dichotomous key diagram using a tree diagram or other illustrations that you think are suitable for your project. Please focus on the organism you are trying to classify and add all the statements and choices in the diagram before reviewing it and testing it out.

After you understand the logic to create a dichotomous key, get started right away with a dichotomous key maker such as EdrawMax Online. It is the best diagramming software with free professional templates and a symbol library to create your diagram. You can make your diagram in a few minutes with EdrawMax and download it in any format you want. Here are the steps to create a dichotomous key on EdrawMax.

  • STEP 1: Log in to EdrawMax Online or create a new account.
  • STEP 2: You can make your diagram using a template or open a blank canvas to draw it from scratch. Go to new, and click on the organizational chart category. Select the family tree and click on the "+" button to get a new canvas, or select a template to edit it right away.
  • STEP 3: The next step is to customize your dichotomous key diagram. Go to the symbols library and insert icons and symbols with a simple drag and drop. Add connecters to visualize the relationship between components.
  • STEP 4: After your diagram is complete, the next step is to download it. EdrawMax Online supports various document formats, so you can export in any format you want. You can also share and print it.

6. Dichotomous Key Examples

Here are some dichotomous key examples that will help you understand the correct format of a dichotomous key diagram used to classify plants, animals, and objects. You can also get the templates in these examples for free and use them to create your diagram on EdrawMax Online. You can only make a perfect diagram by following the proper layout; that is why check out all of our examples before you make your diagram.

Example 1: Dichotomous Key Worksheet

The dichotomous key worksheet in this example illustrates the vertebrate classes of animals, insects, and fishes to help you identify the species using its statements. This diagram has four statements, each leading to two choices that move you to the next statement. These diagrams are mostly used in school books and daily lectures because students find them attractive and fun to read.

Dichotomous Key: What Is, Presented Types, Uses, Examples, How to and More | EdrawMax Online (2)

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Example 2: Team Collaboration Pamphlet

The purpose of the plant dichotomous key is to help you identify various species and types of plants based on their physical traits and characteristics that belong to other types of plants. The first statement in this example separates the specimen based on having vascular tissues. The next statements lead to two choices that move you to the next statement till you identify the plant species.

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Example 3: Dichotomous Key for Animals

The diagram in this example graphically represents the dichotomous key for animals to help classify them based on their observed characteristics and put them in a category. The key starts with mammals, moves to birds and reptiles, and ends at the fish category. It is a learning diagram for smaller grades students as it introduces the dichotomous key to them while having fun reading it.

Dichotomous Key: What Is, Presented Types, Uses, Examples, How to and More | EdrawMax Online (4)

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7. FAQ About Dichotomous Key

1. What is a dichotomous key example?

A dichotomous key example illustrates how to use its method to identify organisms based on their characteristics. One of its most commonly used examples is the dichotomous key for the tree. The statements in the key will ask you questions like whether the tree has leaves or does it have needles, Is it wide, and other relevant questions.

2. What is a dichotomous key in simple terms?

In simple terms, a dichotomous key is a set of statements that gives you choices as you get in a quiz; you answer the statement by picking one of the choices and repeat the same step for the next statements till you reach a correct identification of any object. Scientists use it to classify organisms.

3. What are the three types of dichotomous keys?

The three common types of dichotomous keys are the nested, linked, and branched dichotomous keys. In the nested type, we get the answer of each statement nested right next to it. In the linked types, we use lists of text to identify objects. We use a tree diagram to make the dichotomous key in the branched type.

8. Key Takeaways

A dichotomous key is an identification tool used by scientists to classify organisms into categories by comparing their traits and behavior with known organisms. Students and chemists also use this tool to identify objects such as rocks and chemicals. EdrawMax Online is the best dichotomous key maker that gives you free templates and supports various document formats. It also comes with a comprehensive symbol library. Go to EdrawMax Online and get started right away. You can easily create a spider map on EdrawMax Online. It gives you free professional templates and a symbol library to make your diagram. It also comes with unique customization tools and supports various document formats. Find more Dichotomous Key examples.

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Dichotomous Key: What Is, Presented Types, Uses, Examples, How to and More | EdrawMax Online (2024)


What are 5 examples of dichotomous key? ›

Example Dichotomous Key

Example objects to identify: apple tree, water-lily, fir tree, dandelion, astroturf, seaweed.

What is dichotomous key and its uses? ›

A dichotomous key is an important scientific tool, used to identify different organisms, based the organism's observable traits. Dichotomous keys consist of a series of statements with two choices in each step that will lead users to the correct identification.

What are the 3 types of dichotomous keys? ›

What are the three types of dichotomous keys? The three common types of dichotomous keys are the nested, linked, and branched dichotomous keys. In the nested type, we get the answer of each statement nested right next to it. In the linked types, we use lists of text to identify objects.

What is a dichotomous key answer key? ›

What is a dichotomous key? A dichotomous key is a set of characteristics of organisms that allows classifying them based on a set of hierarchal criteria. A dichotomous key is formed using a set of “yes/no” questions about the characteristics of a given set of objects.

What are 3 example of dichotomous variables? ›

Examples of dichotomous variables include gender (male or female), smoker (yes or no), voter (yes or no), and disease status (present or absent).

What are the 4 rules of writing a dichotomous key? ›

Basic Rules for Constructing Dichotomous Keys

All parts of the key should be dichotomous. Never use trichotomies. Always give contrasting, alternative characteristics in each couplet. Use clear-cut opposites.

What is an example of a dichotomous key question? ›

For example, in tree identification, a dichotomous key might ask whether the tree has leaves or needles. The key then directs the user down one list of questions if the tree has leaves, and a different question list if it has needles.

Are the two types of dichotomous keys? ›

Dichotomous keys are usually represented in one of two ways: As a branching flowchart (diagrammatic representation) As a series of paired statements laid out in a numbered sequence (descriptive representation)

What is an example of a dichotomy? ›

Some other common examples of dichotomies in literature are heaven and hell (related to good and evil), male and female, real and imaginary, and optimistic and pessimistic. Although these are the most common types of dichotomies, they only represent broad categories.

What is an example of dichotomous type? ›

Dichotomous Question Example

For example, a good dichotomous question would be, “Are you taller than 6 feet?” While a bad dichotomous question would be, “Do you like the songs in album X? The respondent might not be able to express the way they feel through a Yes/No choice.

How do you identify a dichotomous key? ›

A dichotomous key is a tool used for identifying an unknown item or organism. “Dichotomous” means, “divided into two parts.” A dichotomous key always gives two choices in each step. In each step, you must make a decision based on characteristics of the item.

How do you explain dichotomous? ›

If something's dichotomous, it's divided into two distinct parts. It can describe a plant whose leaves pair off in opposing buds or anything — a government, a relationship — that has two divisions that are sharply opposed.

What is a dichotomous key quizlet? ›

What is a Dichotomous Key? A classification key that gives you two choices and leads you to the next set of characteristics.

What are the 4 types of categorical variables? ›

This example sheet is color-coded according to the type of variable: nominal, continuous, ordinal, and binary.

What are 3 examples of discrete data? ›

Some examples of discrete data would include:
  • The number of employees in your department.
  • The number of new customers you signed on last quarter.
  • The number of products currently held in inventory.

What types of variables are dichotomous? ›

A nominal variable with two mutually exclusive categories is sometimes called a dichotomous variable. An ordinal-scale variable has values that can be ranked but are not necessarily evenly spaced, such as stage of cancer (see Table 2.3).

What is a dichotomous key 5th grade? ›

A dichotomous key is a tool that can be used to identify organisms or objects in the natural world, such as plants, animals, or rocks. The key consists of a series of paired statements or clues about features or characteristics, providing a stepwise guide toward identifying each entity.

What are the 7 levels of classification? ›

Linnaeus' hierarchical system of classification includes seven levels. They are, from largest to smallest, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

What is a dichotomous key chart? ›

The Dichotomous Key is a tool that scientists use to determine the classification of living things in the natural world - from trees to animals to fungus. It's usually presented in the form of a flowchart, giving you two options on each branch to help make the identification process easier.

How do you solve dichotomous questions? ›

Dichotomous questions refer to close-ended questions that can only be responded to by two possible answers. The answers to dichotomous questions are either: Yes/No, Fair/Unfair, or Agree/Disagree.

How many answers does each question asked in a dichotomous key have? ›

Polychotomous keys offer many possible answers to each question, while a dichotomous key offers only two.

What is a dichotomous key 7th grade science? ›

Background Information A dichotomous key is a tool used to identify all the different kinds of organisms within the six kingdoms of living organisms. It is a branching key in which there are two or more choices in each branch. The last choice in the key will identify what the scientist is trying to determine.

Why are classification and identification important? ›

Classification and identification are important because they allow us to better understand relationships and connections between things. They also help scientists to communicate clearly with each other.

How can a key be used to identify organisms? ›

To classify organisms, scientists will often use a biological key or a dichotomous key. A dichotomous key is a listing of specific traits, primarily structural, that allows an organism to be sorted into one of two categories. By using a dichotomous key unknown organisms can be identified.

What is a dichotomous key yes or no questions? ›

Key Term: Dichotomous Key

A dichotomous key is a tool that uses a series of yes or no questions, statements, or descriptions ordered or grouped in pairs in order to identify a specimen within a defined group of specimens.

Why do dichotomous keys only have 2 options? ›

Keys consist of a series of choices that lead the user to the correct name of a given item. “Dichotomous” means “divided into two parts.” That is why dichotomous keys always give two choices in each step. In each step, the user is presented with two statements based on characteristics of the organism.

Why is dichotomy used? ›

Dichotomy serves to highlight bold contrasts between two opposing forces in a way that not only reflects the human experience but also creates conflict and tension in a story. Readers can see the opposing sides with clarity about each side's significance to the story.

What does dichotomy mean ____? ›

: a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities. the dichotomy between theory and practice. also : the process or practice of making such a division.

What type of word is dichotomy? ›

noun, plural di·chot·o·mies. division into two parts, kinds, etc.; subdivision into halves or pairs. division into two mutually exclusive, opposed, or contradictory groups: a dichotomy between thought and action.

What is an example of dichotomous categorical variable? ›

Dichotomous variables are nominal variables that can only take on two values, for example males and females. They are often coded 0 or 1, for example 0=males, 1=females.

What is a true dichotomous variable example? ›

Dichotomous variables are nominal variables which have only two categories or levels. For example, if we were looking at gender, we would most probably categorize somebody as either "male" or "female". This is an example of a dichotomous variable (and also a nominal variable).

What is an example of a continuous dichotomous variable? ›

Passing or Failing an Exam” is a continuous dichotomous variable. Grades on a test can range from 0 to 100% with every possible percentage in between. You could get 74% and pass. You could get 69% and fail.

Does a dichotomous key have to be yes or no? ›

Dichotomous (dīˈkätəməs) means divided in two parts. When you use a dichotomous key, you follow a path. Each choice along the path has only two questions. The answer is always YES or NO.

Can a dichotomous key be used to identify plants? ›

A dichotomous key is a useful tool for the identification of things not known to the observer; for example, unfamiliar plant species.

Why is it important to classify organisms? ›

Organisms are usually grouped together based on their unique characteristics. The classification of an organism often provides useful information about its evolutionary history and which other organisms are related to it.

What is an easy example of a dichotomous key? ›

For example, in tree identification, a dichotomous key might ask whether the tree has leaves or needles. The key then directs the user down one list of questions if the tree has leaves, and a different question list if it has needles.

What are examples of dichotomous things? ›

It can be quite obvious, such as rich or poor, or it might be less easy to spot, like religious and non-religious. Some other common examples of dichotomies in literature are heaven and hell (related to good and evil), male and female, real and imaginary, and optimistic and pessimistic.

What are two examples of dichotomous question? ›

Dichotomous Question Example

For example, a good dichotomous question would be, “Are you taller than 6 feet?” While a bad dichotomous question would be, “Do you like the songs in album X? The respondent might not be able to express the way they feel through a Yes/No choice.

What is a dichotomous key step by step? ›

“Dichotomous” means, “divided into two parts.” A dichotomous key always gives two choices in each step. In each step, you must make a decision based on characteristics of the item. If you decide correctly every time, the name of the item will be revealed at the end.

How do you start using a dichotomous key? ›

To use the key, the scientist starts at the top, or beginning, and sees which of the two options apply to their organism. Based on their answer, the key directs them to a new question. They continue in this way until reaching an endpoint, the name of an organism.

What is an example of a question you might find in a dichotomous key? ›

For example, the first question in a dichotomous key about birds might ask if the bird can fly or if it is flightless. Questions further down in the key get more specific and may ask about the size of the bird, the shape of the beak, the color of the feathers, etc.

What are the two dichotomous keys? ›

Dichotomous keys are usually represented in one of two ways: As a branching flowchart (diagrammatic representation) As a series of paired statements laid out in a numbered sequence (descriptive representation)

What is the word dichotomous key? ›

dichotomous key. noun. : a key for the identification of organisms based on a series of choices between alternative characters.

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