Difference Between Fashion and Fad (2024)

There is a trend followed by people in everything today. Social influence is changing fashion every second.

Table of Contents

People are following influencers to make choices in clothing, eating, and managing workloads. Fashion and fad are the two terms used alternatively in the fashion world, but the difference in period is followed by society.

Fashion vs Fad

The main difference between fashion and fad is that fashion is the present acceptance of societal behavior and style that changes and transforms itself with society. On the other hand, a fad is a fashion that is accepted by a particular group of people but its acceptance declines in a short period.

Difference Between Fashion and Fad (1)

Fashion is a term used to denote the trend followed by society in terms of clothing, living, and the acceptance of new things. Fashion is accepted slowly and then reaches popularity.

It continues to be popular or widely accepted until the decline stage of the trend cycle.

On the other hand, the fad is a fashion that is accepted widely in the beginning stage of the cycle and disappears as everyone has accepted it.

It is a seasonal fashion that goes to a decline stage in less than a year. The fad may be accepted for a long time, or it vanishes from the fashion trend as if it was not present.

Comparison Table Between Fashion and Fad

Parameters Of ComparisonFashion Fad
DefinitionIt is an activity that evolves, changes, and is accepted by society for a longer period.It is an activity that is accepted by a group of people impulsive for a short period.
GrowthFashion grows slowly and reaches higher metrics before going to a decline stage.Fad grows metrically and then goes to a decline stage.
Term used forClothing, behavior, makeup, hairstyles, and other accessoriesA fad is used to denote the fashion in food, dance movements, clothing, and other short-lived things.
DurationLonger as it transforms itself with societal changesShorter and less than a year
Targeted audienceWorldwideA selected group of people only.

What is Fashion?

Social media platforms have more impact on individual choices. Fashion is followed by people to become popular and influence others.

Business organizations also use social media platforms, highly liked influencers, actresses, and celebs to market their products and services. Fashion is a term used to introduce new things in society.

Fashion term usually used for the evolving, transforming things like clothes, accessories, electronic items, gadgets, makeup products, and others.

Every product has a life cycle from the introduction to the decline stage. Fashion of a particular thing is introduced to the world through influencers by which its demand is increased slowly.

Fashion growth is slow and steady. It continuously improves and lasts for a longer period.

Fashion is accepted by everyone, irrespective of the segments. Fashion is used to transform and get better results, not only in clothes and accessories but also in the business.

Fashion is a present behavior and acceptance of things by people. A new fashion is evolved when the old is declined.

Some fashions have unique places and demands depending on the seasons. Trends, craze, fad are the terms used in the fashion cycle to determine the demand and duration of a particular fashion.

What is Fad?

A fad is one of the terms used in the fashion environment to denote short-term fashion. Fad fashion becomes popular overnight and declines overnight.

See Also

It is a fashion that lives for a short period. When people get bored of fashion, it declines.

A fad is a permanent fashion in some context that never changes as time passes. In some contexts, the fad is a temporary fashion that only follows for some time in the season.

Fad fashion targets only particular fashion and leaves the group in a stable. A fad is less significant in society.

Fad fashion does not transform the previous fashion but adds substitution to it. Fad fashion easily gets out model within a short period, and people soon get bored of the fad fashion and leave it.

Fad fashion is adopted only by the desired people as per their needs and requirements. Fad fashion is stable, and there will be no improvement but has many substitutions.

Fad fashion is used for dance movement, music, food that becomes old but has value in the present and future for the shooter period. Fad fashion is followed collectively by a group of people.

A fad is a seasonal fashion, occasional fashion, and cultural fashion that is followed for a particular time.

Main Differences Between Fashion and Fad

  1. Fashion is a trend accepted by everybody, whereas fad is a fashion accepted only by a particular group of people.
  2. Fashion is low in the initial stage and then steadily grows to high, whereas Fad is high in the initial stage only.
  3. Fashion is used with clothing, footwear, and other accessories that have a transformation, whereas fad is used to denote clothes and behavior that is used only at a particular time for a short time.
  4. Fashion is longer-lived than fashion.
  5. Fashion may become a fad but not vice versa.
Difference Between Fashion and Fad (2)


Fashion and fad are the terms used in the trend to describe the acceptance of a particular thing by society and the duration in which it is accepted.

There is a fashion in clothing, behaving, transforming ounces lifestyle to go with the societal trend. A fad is also a fashion, but it is impulsively accepted by society for a short period, and then it vanishes when people get bored of it.

Fashion evolves, but the fad is an outdated fashion. Fad goes to a decline stage more quickly than fashion or trend.

In a custom, fad means to follow the same culture and rules for a particular time, and fashion is the current custom followed in society.


  1. https://www.google.co.in/books/edition/Elements_of_Fashion_and_Apparel_Design/4oO1sxv8jBwC?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=difference+between+fashion+and+fad&pg=PA101&printsec=frontcover
  2. https://www.google.co.in/books/edition/Fashion_Forecasting/ZhKTCwAAQBAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&dq=difference+between+fashion+and+fad&pg=PA29&printsec=frontcover

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Difference Between Fashion and Fad (2024)


What is the difference between fad and fashion? ›

Fads are objects or activities that are popular with a group of people over a short period of time. Fads are also known as crazes. Fashions are a related phenomenon and are defined as objects or activities that become popular within larger groups over longer periods of time.

What is the major difference between fad and fashion quizlet? ›

Fads are looked at as a novelty fashion choice but also catches on with the larger population yet it will fade as quickly as it appeared. Yet when looking at fashion as a whole it's made up of trends and classic pieces. Trends have the potential to be long-term compared to fads that just fade out.

What is the difference between fashion and fad and classic? ›

This universal true that no fashion exists for ever; every fashion comes, stays and disappears. However, a few fashion designs stay for a very long period (known as classic fashion); on the other hand, a few fashion designs disappear in a few weeks or months only (known as fad fashion).

What is an example of fashion and fad? ›

You may have seen some girls wearing a see-through mesh top with underwear or camisole inside. We can say the way they wear is a kind of Fad Fashion. Velvet could be a Fad fabric or Classic fabric depending on how we define it.

What is an example of a fad? ›

A fad is a product that has a very brief product life cycle that rises quickly in popularity but then declines about as quickly. Examples of fads include the Hula-hoop®, Pet Rock®, Pokémon®, the yo-yo and Beanie Babies®.

What is another word for fashion or fad? ›

Some common synonyms of fad are craze, fashion, mode, rage, style, and vogue.

What is the biggest difference between fashion and style? ›

There is an overlap between style and fashion, but a good rule of thumb is that style relates to the individual, while fashion is more collective.

What is the difference between fashion and trend? ›

What is the difference between Trend and Fashion? Trend is what is popular at a particular point in time. Fashion is the latest and popular styles of hair..

Why is it important to know the difference between fad and trend? ›

Why is it important to differentiate between trends and fads? Both trends and fads are useful for brands but mistaking a fad for a trend could result in a loss of credibility and making poor investment decisions on the part of an organization.

What is a fad in fashion? ›

Fads are novelty driven fashion choices. A fad is often referred to as “catching on” with the larger population, but will often fade as quickly as it appeared. The easiest way to remember a fad is through a simple alliteration: fads fade.

What is the difference between fashion and fads Class 11? ›

The literal meaning of the word "fad" is "a passionate and widely shared enthusiasm for something, a craze or an interest followed with exaggerated zeal, but for a short period of time." And, we know fashion means creatively and attractively designed dresses and other accessories, including jewellery, footwear, ...

What is a fad trend in fashion? ›

Fads are objects or behaviors that achieve short-lived popularity but fade away. Fads are often seen as sudden, quick-spreading, and short-lived. Fads include diets, clothing, hairstyles, toys, and more.

What is fashion examples? ›

Example of these are clothing, footwear, lifestyle, accessories, makeup, hairstyle, and body posture. The term implies a look defined by the fashion industry as that which is trending. Everything that is considered fashion is available and popularized by the fashion system (industry and media).

What are the characteristics of a fad in fashion? ›

Fads tend to be: (1) of a strikingly new or revolutionary quality that sets them apart from current fashion; (2) short-lived, with a rapid growth in popularity and demise; (3) accepted only in, and intensely popular within, small groups or subcultures; and (4) often "nonessential," "mostly for amusem*nt," or a "passing ...

How do you use fashion fad in a sentence? ›

That's the joy of this fashion fad. It may be a fashion fad, but there are also practical advantages to wearing drousers; with temperatures dipping, there's never been a better time to double up on clothes. The fringe soon became popular and a fashion fad in the 1960s.

What are three examples of fad and trend? ›

Fidget spinners, parachute pants, Gangnam Style. Those are fads. Social media, recreational marijuana, artificial intelligence. Those are trends.

Is TikTok a trend or a fad? ›

Many believe TikTok's popularity will fade into the background just like Myspace and Tumblr. Whilst this could be a potential future, TikTok is still in its early days, and whether it does or not, the most important thing is that digestible short-form videos are in!

What is the full meaning of fad? ›

fad. noun. ˈfad. : a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal : craze. faddish.

Is a trend or a fad? ›

Fads tend to come and go very quickly, whereas trends tend to last for years or decades, evolving and changing as they go.”

What are fashion terms? ›

Fashion terminology is the vocabulary for the fashion industry, from the design studio to the runway to retail stores.

What is the key difference between fashion and style? ›

Fashion is impersonal, while style is personal.

Unless you're the trendsetter, adapting a particular fashion will usually require wearing clothing cuts, styles, or colors that may not necessarily flatter you personally.

What is the biggest fashion mistake? ›

The biggest fashion mistakes are only buying trends, discounted clothes, name brands or hyper pieces. Also avoid wearing clothes that aren't flattering, your style, comfortable, cheap-looking and that don't fit well, your lifestyle or wardrobe. Bad shopping habits include impulse purchases and spending out of budget.

When did fashion become a trend? ›

The concept of trend started in the 14th century when the upper echelons of society demonstrated their social position and wealth also by how often they could change their looks. The characteristic of fashion trends is that they rise and fall.

What type of trend is fashion? ›

A fashion trend defines the particular fashion design that is popular at a particular time. In fact, we don't need to pay special attention, as whenever we see most people (especially younger people) wearing the same design, it reflects that the particular style is a new fashion trend at the moment.

How does a fad become a trend? ›

While a fad is something of short-lived popularity (think pet rocks), a trend changes consistently over time, building upon the product's former styles, designs and fashions to keep it up-to-date, exciting and unique.

What makes fads and trends popular? ›

Most fads and trends can be attributed to fashion but the image and personas of famous performers have been marketed to create a cult like following.

How are trends different from fads activity? ›

Trends operates sources of change and develop for individual, organization and institution. Fad on the other hand is something that people are highly interested in a relative short period of time. Distinguishing Trends and Fads 1. TREND lasts for a longer period than a FAD.

What are the two types of fashion? ›

There are five primary types of fashion design:
  • Haute Couture.
  • Luxury Fashion.
  • Ready-to-wear Fashion.
  • Economy Fashion.
  • Fast Fashion.
Jul 12, 2022

What are the 5 principles of fashion? ›

The five basic principles of fashion design include emphasis, balance, proportion, rhythm, and harmony.

What are the seven types of fashion? ›

Types of Fashion Style
  • Classic Style. Classic is a formal-cum traditional style. ...
  • Formal Style. It is official dress. ...
  • Vintage Style. Vintage fashion refers to clothing that is 50 years old or older. ...
  • Ethnic Style. ...
  • Casual Style. ...
  • Sporty style. ...
  • Bohemian Style. ...
  • Street Style.
Oct 13, 2022

How do you identify a fad? ›

Fad diets tend to have: Recommendations that promise a quick fix. Claims that sound too good to be true. Simplistic conclusions drawn from a complex study.

What are 4 characteristics of fads? ›

According to Aguirre, Quarantelli, & Mendoza (1988) , the essential characteristics of fads are, hom*ogeneity, novelty, oddness, non-utilitarian behavior, suddenness, rapid spread, quick acceptance and short lived.

What is a simple sentence for fashion? ›

Use “fashion” in a sentence

His clothes are out of fashion. This is the latest fashion. She is known as the “queen of fashion“. She follows all the latest trends in fashion.

Is fad a fashion? ›

What is the Fad Fashion? Fad fashion is the latest and most preferred style in clothes, dresses, and behaviors, but for a short period of time.

What is considered a fad? ›

Fads are objects or behaviors that achieve short-lived popularity but fade away. Fads are often seen as sudden, quick-spreading, and short-lived. Fads include diets, clothing, hairstyles, toys, and more.

What is defined as a fad? ›

: a practice or interest followed for a time with exaggerated zeal : craze.

Is TikTok a fad or trend? ›

Many believe TikTok's popularity will fade into the background just like Myspace and Tumblr. Whilst this could be a potential future, TikTok is still in its early days, and whether it does or not, the most important thing is that digestible short-form videos are in!

What are the characteristics of fad fashion? ›

Fads tend to be: (1) of a strikingly new or revolutionary quality that sets them apart from current fashion; (2) short-lived, with a rapid growth in popularity and demise; (3) accepted only in, and intensely popular within, small groups or subcultures; and (4) often "nonessential," "mostly for amusem*nt," or a "passing ...

Can a fad be a trend? ›

Fads can turn into trends. For example, juicing started out as a fad in the 1990s but has become a mainstream trend today. However, a trend can also fizzle out and become just a fad.

How is fashion different from clothing? ›

Clothing refers to the materials or fabrics on which new fashion designs are tested. Fashion is a changeable aspect, as it changes every now and then. One fashion design can only be popular for a few months before changing with the seasons. It is permanent in nature and substantially exists.

What is the use of fad? ›

A fish aggregating (or aggregation) device (FAD) is a man-made object used to attract ocean-going pelagic fish such as marlin, tuna and mahi-mahi (dolphin fish). They usually consist of buoys or floats tethered to the ocean floor with concrete blocks.

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