Discussions guidelines (2024)

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These are the rules for the Discussions forum of Royale High Wiki.
The primary wiki rules are also for Discussions where applicable.

By using the Discussions forum on Royale High Wiki, a user agrees to that they have:

  • read these rules,
  • agree to follow these rules,
  • and agree that if they violate the rules, they are subject to having posts deleted, or being warned or blocked (banned).

If your account has been blocked (banned), that means you as a person are not allowed to post on or contribute to Royale High Wiki until your block expires - NOT just your account.
Making new accounts to use the Royale High Wiki when blocked, for any reason (including to appeal), will be considered bypassing the block, and your original block will be made longer. If you have questions about a block and cannot post on your own Talk Page, use Community Central to contact an administrator about that block.

IMPORTANT: Please remember that the Discussions forums and the Royale High Wiki in general are NOT social media. This is a forum. Threads should have meaning and effort, including in their titles. If you are making posts solely for engagement or validation, and/or acting like you are curating a following or fanbase, your posts will be removed.

The Royale High Wiki is UNOFFICIAL and is NOT affiliated with the developers of Royale High - we cannot help you with game issues and we do NOT know when updates will happen! Please direct these to the actual Developers.


  • 1 Rules
    • 1.1 Prohibited Topics
    • 1.2 Creation Sharing Policy
  • 2 Guidelines
    • 2.1 Using the forum
    • 2.2 No engagement posting
    • 2.3 Reporting rulebreaking posts
    • 2.4 Moderation and handling


  1. The full Discussions rules and the Royale High Wiki account and behavior policies apply to Discussions.

    1. The full Royale High Wiki rules can be read at Royale High Wiki:Wiki rules
  2. Be respectful and friendly to other users.

    1. Do not cause or participate in drama or arguments, or make callout posts.
  3. Do not swear or use inappropriate/vulgar language.

    1. Adult content is a permanent ban.
  4. Do not make posts of topics that are on our Prohibited Topics list.

  5. If a topic has a megathread for it, you must use the megathread.

    1. See the Megathreads category for existing megathreads.
  6. Spamming, trolling, or other disruptive behavior is not permitted.

    1. Trolls will be immediately blocked without warning.
  7. Off-topic, spammy, or low-effort posts of any kind will be removed.

    1. Fandom requires that our forum content is majority related to our topic.
    2. Art can sometimes be unrelated to Royale High, but please do not use this site just for posting unrelated art.
    3. Post titles should be relevant and clear to the post content.
    4. All posts should encourage discussion. Polls are discouraged.
  8. Do not necropost. (Necroposting is when you post on an old thread that has not gotten any activity in a long time.)

    1. The barrier for necroposting on this wiki is over a month with no new posts on the thread.
    2. Megathreads are exempt from necroposting rules.
  9. Making trading offers or asking questions about trades (e.g. values or W/F/L) will result in a ban. Using this site to promote trading offers in any way is not allowed.

    1. Please review the Prohibited Topics list below for more examples as to what this rule includes.
  10. Do not ask for free edits or art.

    1. Users will receive an immediate 1-day block for any threads asking for free edits or art, or for replying to posts and asking for free edits or art.
  11. Do not make pre-posts or "personal status update" posts. This is not social media.

  12. Advertising is not allowed.

  13. Do not try to get around the automatic word filters.

    1. If you believe your post is being repeatedly hit by the filter when it is not involving trading, foul language, or advertising, please contact Karasuneth.
    2. In the case that you seem to be hit by the main wiki's AbuseFilter when posting on his talk page about this, use Community Central to get around this.
  14. All creation and art posts must be your own and follow our Creation Sharing Policy.

  15. Do not repost posts or make posts just to link back to your posts.

  16. Trying to bypass bans or find loopholes in the rules will result in bans.

  17. Do not minimod (give warnings, say something's against rules, act as staff). Please only report rulebreaking posts - do NOT reply or interact with them.

Prohibited Topics

The following topics are not allowed to be posted on the Discussions forum:

  • Trading offers OR questions that concern offers

    This INCLUDES (but is not limited to):
    • making an offer or asking for offers
    • asking about the value or rarity of an item
    • asking if a trade is fair (including W/F/L)
    • giveaways
    • commissions (paid art, edits, etc)
    • asking the wiki to allow any sort of trading topics we disallow
    • discussing scams, values, trades, the trading community, etc.
    • trying to advertise yourself for trading (e.g. "friend me on Roblox to trade") (1-week block)
    • posting on the wiki to direct elsewhere for a trade (1-week block)
    • advertising or directing to trading sites, communities, or wikis (up to 1-3 months block)
    • cross-trading (3 month block, as this is scamming)
  • Posts about other players (targeted posts)

    This INCLUDES (but is not limited to):
    • Online dating (ODing/ODers)
    • Sharing warnings about other users (users that scammed you, etc.)
    • "RH cringe" (complaining about "cringy" or "bad" nicknames, outfits, etc)
    • Pictures of chat logs
    • RH community drama that names particular people (nondevs)
    • Rants/venting/complaint posts about types of players or incidents that happened to you in-game with other players
  • Anything that promotes or encourages exploiting

    • AFK farming, autoclickers, and botting are considered exploits by the wiki.
  • Roleplaying on the wiki itself

    • This includes Royale High 'chat RP' posts ("make this like a RH chat" type posts)
  • Bug reports or glitches

  • Long story posts, including OC stories, POVs, fanfiction, CYOAs - or posts involving a lot of images

    • Please use blog posts to share these.
  • Outfit requests ("show me my dream outfit", "what do X and Y accessory look like together", etc.)

    • Please post these in the comment section of User blog:CommanderMaxie/Outfit Request Space, which is a page we made for this purpose.
  • Advertising or directing to other wikis, websites, private servers, Discord servers, etc.

    • Advertising wikis made for the purpose of infringing upon or taking users from this community, or to get around our rules, are bypass wikis - they will result in a 1 to 3 month block.
    • Private server links are not allowed on Discussions. They can be shared on talk pages as long as it is your private server.
  • Any post involving Gacha Life/Gacha Club, Picrew, or other avatar creator sites, or anything generated with "AI art generators"

  • "Rate my X" posts

    • A megathread for rating your RH characters exists. All other types, such as rating art or edits, are not allowed.
  • Any contests or competitions

    • Contests/competitions that involve rewards given by trading will be treated as a trading offer post and managed accordingly.
  • Fountain story answers or fanmade fountain stories

    • These are not allowed on the main wiki either.
  • Topics that have megathreads

  • Cross-wiki issues (problems you have with other Fandom wikis or their users)

  • Denialism around serious issues with Royale High and other incidents & discriminative behavior from Royale High developers

    • Wrongdoings and hateful ideals from the Royale High developers is not an avoided topic on Royale High Wiki - we encourage being open about it (to where rules permit) as to protect people and discourage supporting hateful behaviour, and to educate people on serious topics and how playing supports these mindsets from those promoting them. If you are uncomfortable with the reality of Royale High's development being discussed, please do not participate on Royale High Wiki.
    • Promoting or encouraging denialism will be treated as encouraging the disrespectful topic being denied and the idea supported, and will be met with a lengthy block for hateful behavior.
  • Personal posts or posts directed at specific or particular users

    • Please read the Using the Forum section on a list of what qualifies as personal posts.
  • Moderation actions or questions about wiki moderation/rules, such as why your post was deleted

    • Please use an admin's talk page to ask these questions.

Creation Sharing Policy

These apply to any creations shared by users on the forum.

  • All creations must be your own (made by you, manually by yourself).
  • For image-focused posts:
    • If they are of screenshots, edits, or videos, they should go in Screenshots & Edits category
    • If they are of artwork or creations of other sorts, they should go in Artwork category
  • Character "art" that focuses on modifying an existing screenshot is an edit and not artwork - label your creations correctly.
  • Character "art" that just traces or repaints a screenshot with no intent of deriving is tracing and will be removed.
  • If you use a base in your artwork, it must be stated and credited with a link to the original base, of which must be explicitly stated to be a free use base in its source posting (please check that the base itself is not traced from artwork that does not allow tracing)
  • Posts made with avatar creators such as Gacha, Picrew, etc. are not allowed whatsoever.
    • For clarification, you are allowed to use these as profile pictures.
  • Do not ask for people to rate/rank your art, drawings, edits, etc. Art is objective, so ratings can be harmful.
  • It is heavily preferred that all artwork content has some relation to Royale High if posted on its own.
  • Do NOT ask for free art/edits of your character - look around or wait for someone to post a free art/editing slot post.
    • You will be blocked for making threads or replying to art/edit posts asking for free art or edits of your character.
    • Free art/editing slot posts are not an obligation and the original poster has all rights to not follow up on the offer - they should not be bothered or demanded to complete the offer. However, users that make multiple slot posts that are never followed up on may be asked to stop making slot posts.
  • Slot posts for art/edits/etc (e.g. "I'll draw your OC" posts) must contain all responses within that offer thread. Do not make new posts for each finished piece directed towards a specific user.
    • Paid slot posts/commissions are not allowed on the wiki, as it involves trading.
    • Do not title/describe free art/slot posts with the word "commission" - this word is not permitted in titles as it is for paid work.
  • It is suggested that you should watermark all artwork or creations of yours that you post as to tie it as yours, in the case that it gets stolen.


Using the forum

This forum is intended to discuss the Royale High game on the Roblox platform. Posts should be about Royale High, or they will usually be removed.
The forum has specific categories that posts are required to be put into. Not putting your post into the right category may result in it being removed.

  • Screenshots & Edits - for any posts focused on showing off a plain or edited image or video.
  • Artwork - for any posts showing artwork of any sort that is not an edit, or for slot offer posts. (NOT asking for art.)
  • Tips & Tricks - for any posts giving tips, guides, outfit hacks, etc. (NOT asking for these posts.)
  • Help - for general game questions. (Not for wiki editing questions - please consult a staff member.)
  • General - for posts allowed by the rules that do not fit into other categories.
  • The Staff Announcements category is for staff use only. Categorizing your post under this category will have it removed.

If your post is removed, please note that we are unable to let you see what was posted nor directly tie a removal reason onto the post - this is a limitation to how Fandom has Discussions set up, it is not something we are able to add.

DO NOT REPOST YOUR POST IF IT WAS REMOVED. If it was removed, it's probably because you're not supposed to be posting it. If it is something that you feel that you need to retrieve, please ask User:Karasuneth about un-deleting it, giving you the post's content, or to gain permission to repost.

This site supports the English language only. Posts not in understandable English or that utilize "ascii fonts" will be removed.

We (in most cases) do not support off-topic posting.

No engagement posting

The Discussions forums are particularly a forum. Forums are more organized areas to talk about a topic. They are NOT SOCIAL MEDIA! Please don't treat our forum like Twitter or Instagram. We do not allow anything that asks for or solicits engaging with you and/or your post, or anything that implies that you are looking for attention or engagement.

Examples of engagement posting:

  • Making posts asking for likes, votes on a poll, replies, etc. (including e.g. "leave a like if you want to see more!")
  • Showing off something just for attention / obvious "flexing"
  • Acting like an "influencer", or promoting yourself as a content creator in a way that appears to use the forum to advertise or gain attention
  • Posting too many threads, or replying to posts just for the sake of replying
  • Attempting to attention-seek or bait for compliments or validation (e.g. via self-deprecation)
  • Running contests, competitions, events, raffles, etc.
  • "Daily" posts, like QOTDs and series posts
  • Holding photoshoots where you are overly directing what other players wear (for example, asking them to dress as another of your OCs)
    • Photoshoots that aren't extremely directing others' outfits (for example, "all sets" photoshoots) are okay
  • Pre-posting, (for example, asking "should I post X?" or saying "I'm going to post X later!")
  • Polls asking what you should make, do, draw, etc.
    • Posts (NOT polls) asking what you should buy, save for, etc. if it is NOT value related (trading) are okay
  • Asking what people think of you, if they know/recognize you, etc.
  • Asking what you should change your profile picture to
  • Posting "personal status updates" (for example, "I have to go for today, it's bedtime!")
  • Discussing sensitive topics that have no purpose being on a fansite for Royale High

Reporting rulebreaking posts

If you see a user on the forum violating rules, please report it to staff. The two ways you can report are:

  • Using the "Report Post" button on the specific violating thread or reply by the user. This is accessed through the post actions dropdown.
    • This is best for minor infractions that do not need immediate attention, but using Report Post is still useful on all rulebreaking posts if you're not sure.
  • Going to an administrator or moderator's talk page and linking the post in a new message to them.
    • This is a better option for if it needs faster attention.
    • If it is something severe that needs a user blocked immediately, like adult content, please particularly use User talk:Karasuneth.

Please do not minimod on the forum or wiki. Minimodding involves trying to give reminders, warnings, advise on rules, or otherwise act as staff when you are not. If you see a problem with a post, please report it by means of either of the above listed methods. You will be blocked for one day for any minimodding, with possible extensions for repeat offenses.

Moderation and handling

The Royale High Wiki has various Discussions Moderators to help enforce these policies. Not following rules or trying to be disruptive through violation of guidelines will result in warnings from staff or blocks (bans) from Royale High Wiki. More details on blocks may be viewed here.

Wiki staff reminders, warnings, and details given with blocks should be followed by users.

Posts on the discussion forum asking about things such as post removals will be deleted.
Instead, follow these steps to answer your question:

  1. Read the entire Discussions guidelines page, checking what you may have broken.
  2. Read the guidelines again.
  3. If you still don't know, ask on an active mod's talk page. (User talk:Karasuneth, User talk:CommanderMaxie, User talk:0Michael105)

If you have any additional questions about moderation of Discussions in general or in regards to you specifically, such as asking for more details on a rule or asking if something specific violates the rules, please post on User talk:Karasuneth with your question. Using the forum to make these questions will have your post removed and possibly ignored if not immediate.

Discussions guidelines (2024)


What guidelines should we follow to have a strong discussion? ›

Some suggestions include the following:
  • Listen respectfully, without interrupting.
  • Listen actively and with an ear to understanding others' views. ...
  • Criticize ideas, not individuals.
  • Commit to learning, not debating. ...
  • Avoid blame, speculation, and inflammatory language.
  • Allow everyone the chance to speak.

What are discussion guidelines? ›

Discussion guidelines set expectations for participant behavior during small group or whole-class interaction. They also ensure that the class environment is welcoming, inclusive, and respectful.

What is the basic rules of group discussion? ›

Follow the Group Discussion Rules. Key Group Discussion skills are - speak logically, be audible, present your idea firmly and be a leader. Use every opportunity to enter discussion to strengthen your point further. Read a few model and actual Group Discussion rounds.

What is guided discussion method? ›

Course Structure: Guided Discussion. Guided discussion is an active learning technique that encourages students to reflect on their own experiences, explore alternative ways of thinking, connect to a topic, and improve analytical skills.

What are the examples of guidelines? ›

Examples of guidelines are:
  • Code of practice.
  • EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators of Scientific Articles.
  • Federal Sentencing Guidelines.
  • Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office.
  • Medical guidelines.
  • Publicly Available Specification.
  • Programming style guidelines.
  • UNGEGN Toponymic Guidelines.

What makes a strong discussion? ›

Ask Good Questions. Good questions are the key to a productive discussion. These include not only the questions you use to jump-start discussion but also the questions you use to probe for deeper analysis, ask for clarification or examples, explore implications, etc.

How do you use a discussion guide? ›

A discussion guide is a set of questions and topics that you would like to discuss with a participant during a user interview. It typically consists of an introduction, warm-up questions, exploratory questions and a debrief.

What are the do's and don'ts of group discussion? ›

Dos and Don'ts of participating in Group Discussion
  • Listen to the subject carefully.
  • Put down your thoughts on a paper.
  • Initiate the discussion if you know the subject well.
  • Listen to others if you don't know the subject.
  • Support you point with some facts and figures.
  • Make short contribution of 25-30 seconds 3-4 times.

What are the three types of discussion? ›

There are common types of discussions that are usually used; these discussions are the committee or conference meeting, the panel discussion, the symposium and the lecture forum.

What is the golden rule of group discussion? ›

Stay well within the framework of the topic. Avoid talking about things that are off the topic, as it restricts the group from holding a meaningful discussion within a given time. Instead of asking closed-end questions, try to frame open-end questions whenever possible.

What are the seven mistakes to avoid in a group discussion? ›

Augustine S Lobo
  • A Group Discussion (GD) helps in problem-solving, decision making and personality assessment. ...
  • Here are 10 common mistakes you MUST avoid in a group discussion.
  • #1 Endless Talking. ...
  • #2 Nervous Silence. ...
  • #3 Emotional Outburst. ...
  • #4 Lack of Confidence. ...
  • #5 Poor Communication Skills. ...
  • #6 Bad Body Language.
Jun 3, 2015

What are the three important elements of group discussion explain? ›

A discussion is possible for an individual only if he is part of a group. The origin of the word discuss is the Latin word disputer, which means 'to shake' or 'to strike'.

What is the structure of a guided discussion? ›

As with a lecture, a guided discussion should have an introduction, the experience development, and a conclusion. In the guided discussion, it is important that the introduction catches the attention of the student providing motivation to discuss and engage in the topic.

What is a good discussion question? ›

Ask a specific question, one that won't have an obvious right answer, likely in one of the following categories. Personal reflections: “What do you think about ___?” “How do you feel about ___?” Past experiences: “In the past, how have you responded when ___?” “Have you ever had an experience where ___?”

How do you make a successful discussion? ›

  1. Model the behavior and attitudes you want group members to employ. ...
  2. Use encouraging body language and tone of voice, as well as words. ...
  3. Give positive feedback for joining the discussion. ...
  4. Be aware of people's reactions and feelings, and try to respond appropriately. ...
  5. Ask open-ended questions. ...
  6. Control your own biases.

How can you make a discussion more effective? ›

Learn to listen
  1. Be an active listener and don't let your attention drift. ...
  2. Identify the main ideas being discussed.
  3. Evaluate what is being said. ...
  4. Listen with an open mind and be receptive to new ideas and points of view. ...
  5. Test your understanding. ...
  6. Ask yourself questions as you listen.

How do you conduct an effective discussion? ›

How to Facilitate Discussions
  1. Understand the role of the facilitator. Stay neutral. ...
  2. Provide structure to the discussion. ...
  3. Guide the discussion. ...
  4. Record the discussion in a visible way. ...
  5. Ensure productive group behaviors. ...
  6. Summarize the results.
Oct 18, 2022

What guidelines should be followed by an individual for taking an effective part in group discussion? ›

  • Awareness of Topics Relating to Your Background Is Crucial. ...
  • Take the Lead. ...
  • There Is No Place for Aggression in Group Discussions. ...
  • Communicate Effectively. ...
  • Listen Carefully, Do Not Just Hear. ...
  • Work On Your Body Language. ...
  • Avoid Deviating From the Topic. ...
  • Be the First to Summarize the Discussion.
Jul 4, 2023

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.