How Do Supermodels Stay Thin? – Lindora Clinic (2024)

Occasionally we are asked if we will help someone become “super-thin” or “thin like a supermodel.” We will decline to participate when someone wants to drop below a healthy weight. The habits developed by many supermodels trying to become or stay super-thin lead to very unhealthy lifestyles.

Having said that, I will answer your question by excerpting a selection of articles going back to the early sixties.

In 1962, “How to Look Like a Seventeen Model,” informed young women that even a model as slim as Susan Van Wyck, measuring 32-20-33, was told to lose ten pounds at the beginning of her career. Van Wyck told teens, “It was agony dieting … because I love to eat. But I finally made it!” Other popular models also shared their secrets with eager readers, such as this tidbit from that much adored prom-queenesque brunette Colleen Corby: “Even though I love pork chops and steak … I’ve been eating lots of fish … and seafoods [which] are low in calories.”

Perhaps the only 1960s model who reportedly didn’t have to jump through diet and exercise hoops to keep her slender figure was also the skinniest: Twiggy, the icon of Mod at five feet, six inches, and 89 pounds. She admitted to eating “anything, absolute rubbish,” including the ice cream and chocolate sauce piece de resistance “Bananas Twiggy” whipped up especially for her at her favorite London restaurant. Her irreverent eating habits aside, Twiggy set a standard that most models found impossible to reach.

In his book Models, Michael Gross quotes Gillian Bobroff, a British model in the 1960s, as saying, “It was dreadful…. [Twiggy] started a trend, and you had to be just the same. I … started killing myself, taking a million slimming pills. I never ate. I had bulimia. It was a nightmare, trying to keep up.”

Even though the 1970s brought us larger, more healthy-looking images, models still had to diet with Herculean effort to keep their shapes. Cheryl Tiegs, the most highly paid model of that decade, wrote The Way to Natural Beauty, which became a hot seller among young women in 1980. At five feet, ten inches, and 120 pounds, Tiegs offered a variety of dieting tips, including:Weigh in every morning. As soon as you’ve gained a pound, cut back on your food consumption…. I don’t let another morsel pass my lips after 6:00 pm…. I always ask the waiter not to serve me potatoes, rolls, or creamed vegetables if they come with a meal. When I need to drop a pound in a big hurry, I skip dinner, breakfast, and lunch the next day and eat a small dinner the following evening. Tiegs also gave some interesting advice on how to start a diet, which likely reflected her own ambivalence toward such a limited regimen: “Before you go on a serious diet, I recommend that you eat all the food you can manage for three solid days. The point is to overdo it, knowing that you will never overeat again.”

Model/actress Brooke Shields, touted by Calvin Klein in the 1980s as being “the most beautiful girl in the world” came out with her own book, On Your Own, in 1985. A model since she was a baby, Shields, now in her early thirties, admits that she has dieted since she was eight, when she “decided to give up soda pop and pizza.” In On Your Own, she confesses, “I have to diet constantly to keep my weight down” and shares her appetite-squelching bag of tricks, such as eating half a grapefruit and drinking a glass of warm lemon water one-half hour before meals. She is apparently scared to death of her sweet-tooth: “Do whatever you have to do not to indulge in … sweets. Run in place, do sit-ups, sit on your hands – but don’t eat those cookies!”

To Kim Alexis, one of the most sought-after models of the 1980s, looking back on a hugely successful modeling career revives some especially painful memories. She told People:I remember trying every fad diet … starving myself for four days in a row. I remember trying the Atkins diet, which was low carbohydrate, high protein. If I didn’t drop ten pounds in a week, I was on to another diet. I think I was a normal person before I started screwing around with all these diets. My metabolism got screwed up. I lost my period…. I cried for the first year of my career. Now in her mid-thirties, Alexis admits that she’s suffered “long-term health effects from the crazy diets.” Today she eats healthy, low-fat meals and insists, “I’m a big, strong girl.” The only apparent residue from her model dieting mentality is that she reportedly takes CitriMax, a natural appetite suppressant that she has also endorsed.

Supermodels may be enjoying a bigger piece of the beauty-industry pie in the 1990s, but the standards by which they are judged by agents and clients have also escalated. They must model fashions that, according to Vogue’s May 1995 “Point of View”, “demand a body at its personal peak. Hard work is one way to get there; counting calories is another…. A well-honed physique is worth any price.”

Articles and books proclaiming the strenuous diets and work-out schedules of models – 1990s’ style – are ubiquitous in bookstores, on newsstands, and in grocery store checkout lines. In Glamour’s “The Secret Life of Models,” we learn that fewer than 5 percent of the supermodels have a stick of butter in their refrigerator. Diet & Exercise magazine tells us that Vendela, the Swedish-born supermodel, works out one-and-a-half to two hours every day with a personal trainer. Nadja Auermann’s fitness regimen includes swimming, riding a stationary bicycle, aerobics, and weight training with elastic bands. Linda Evangelista admits to spending all her free time on maintenance: “Every day is a battle….”I’m talking about dieting. I’m talking about working out. I’m talking about health and skin quality.”

Actresses also deserve some recognition for the suffering intrinsic to their profession. Like models, they’re under the gun. If they’re considered fat and unfit, they’re considered unattractive – which spells failure in a field overflowing with one “perfect”-looking woman after another. According to an article in Longevity, Pamela Anderson Lee had a contract with “Baywatch” that strictly forbade her to gain weight. The article says that Anderson Lee “follows a mind-boggling fitness regimen. Even during non-working months, Anderson keeps to a rigorous program of 25-mile mountain bike rides or one- to two-hour athletic walks, plus 50 lap pool swims or more strenuous ocean swims.” The Redbook article “Take It Off Like a Star” described Oprah Winfrey as having “a maniac exercise routine” that includes two daily four-mile runs, plus 45 minutes on the Stairmaster and 350 sit-ups. The article reported, “In an eight-month period, [Winfrey] walked, climbed, biked, and hiked about 2,260 miles – the distance from her own Harpo Studios in Chicago to Eureka, California.”

In January of 2007, The Academy of Eating Disorders, an International Doctors’ Organization reported that they would release a series of recommendations for the American Fashion Designers to follow when selecting models. They would like the Fashion Industry to take responsibility for the health of their models and not promote unhealthy eating behaviors and an unhealthy image by the models.

How Do Supermodels Stay Thin? – Lindora Clinic (2024)


How do super models lose weight fast? ›

Most variations of the plan involve restricting refined carbs, processed foods, and added sugars while eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats, along with a good source of protein with each meal. Some versions also require limiting your daily calorie intake, often to as few as 1,300 calories per day.

What does Lindora do? ›

Lindora is a comprehensive program that addresses the physical, as well as the mental and lifestyle issues of weight control. The program includes a Weight Loss phase that is followed by, Metabolic Adjustment and Lifetime Maintenance or Metabolic Equilibrium.

How do models stay healthy underweight? ›

Some models will keep their weight on the lower side with the help of a healthy diet and exercise. They will squeeze workouts into their busy schedules, sometimes hitting the gym multiple times in one day, and they will eat healthy carbs and lean protein while limiting their sugar intake.

Why are models so thin? ›

The "fit" model begins the fashion process: designer outfits are created around a live, in-house skeleton. Few designers have a curvy or petite fit model. These collections are then sent to the runway, worn by tall, pin-thin models because that's the way the designer wants to see the clothes fall.

How do models keep a flat stomach? ›

She recommends doing planks, side planks, Russian twists, bicycle crunches and mountain climbers for flat abs. Lagree says you should start off slowly with a few repetitions and gradually work your way to more.

What is the supermodel real diet? ›

What Do Supermodels Eat?
  • Carbs including lots of green, leafy vegetables including broccoli, cauliflower, squash and carrots.
  • Fruits including apples, oranges and pears.
  • Healthy fats including coconut oil, avocados and olive oil.
  • Proteins including chicken, turkey, fish, eggs and lean cuts of meat.

How to lose weight on Mounjaro? ›

Mounjaro helps with weight loss by decreasing food intake and slowing down how fast food travels through your digestive tract (called gastric emptying). This may help you to feel fuller for a longer period of time and reduce how much food you eat. Studies show this action may occur in the brain.

How long does it take to lose weight with Lindora? ›

Based on the results of this study and years of clinical experience, it's generally safe to expect that a person who is following the Lindora program correctly and is moderately active will lose an average of approximately 2-5 pounds a week.

What kind of diet is Lindora? ›

Lindora is Different. It's a Ketogenic, Medically Supervised Approach. Licensed medical professionals work with you to help you fight the cravings, lose the weight and learn healthy habits. *Individual results may vary.

What do models eat for breakfast? ›

For breakfast, I like scrambled eggs, avocado, oatmeal—I really love oatmeal—or granola and yogurt. Lunch would be a piece of fish like salmon and then maybe some salad on the side—today we had chicken and salad. And then dinner, probably the same thing—a protein and a green.

What can I take to suppress my appetite and lose weight? ›

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved these prescription appetite suppressants:
  • Diethylpropion (Tenuate dospan®).
  • Liraglutide (Saxenda®).
  • Naltrexone-bupropion (Contrave®).
  • Phendimetrazine (Prelu-2®).
  • Phentermine (Pro-Fast®).
  • Phentermine/topiramate (Qsymia®).
Sep 25, 2020

How do models have such skinny legs? ›

A lot of Victoria's Secret models are ectomorphs. These girls usually have a lower body fat percentage without needing to exercise or diet. And they usually find it difficult to gain weight. But they also find it hard to build muscle, which means it's harder for them to get that nice toned look.

How do models keep themselves skinny? ›

You should include a variety of lean protein foods like legumes, poultry, eggs, lean beef, low-fat dairy products, seafood, pork or tofu just to stay fit like your favorite models. 3. Avoid carb intake: Needless to mention that the models you idolize mostly follow a low-carb diet.

What is a size 0 model? ›

Models with very low BodyMass Index (BMI) are regarded as size 0 models. It is a measure of body fatbased on height and weight of a person. BMI is calculated by taking the weightin pounds (1 kg = 2.2 pounds) and dividing it by the height in feet.

How can I become really thin? ›

Here are 29 easy ways to lose weight naturally.
  1. Add Protein to Your Diet. ...
  2. Eat Whole, Single-Ingredient Foods. ...
  3. Avoid Processed Foods. ...
  4. Stock Up on Healthy Foods and Snacks. ...
  5. Limit Your Intake of Added Sugar. ...
  6. Drink Water. ...
  7. Drink (Unsweetened) Coffee. ...
  8. Supplement With Glucomannan.
Jan 19, 2022

How do Victoria's Secret models get flat stomachs? ›

It's no secret that the Victoria's Secret models have AMAZING abs. And they work hard for them! Having a flat stomach and abs will come from a combination of eating really well, and also doing a combination of cardio, full body workouts and targeted ab workouts.

What is the secret to a flat stomach? ›

The most effective way of flattening your stomach is a combination of strength training (with a extra focus on mid-section), cardiovascular exercise (short, hard workouts), and stable blood sugar (keeps you from adding additional fat and makes it easier for the body to use body fat for fuel).

How do models not bloat? ›

They have a light breakfast and then a normal portion of lunch and dinner, which helps improve their digestive tract to keep them “regular” to prevent bloating. The meals are spaced out anywhere from three to six hours. They cut out snacks and eat three sensible meals each day.

Why do models eat pasta? ›

Carbs are essential - even for supermodels. “So, everyone always asks us about carbs and we're both big carb eaters,” Skriver said in a recent clip. “I think it's important for energy and everything. But Jas, if you could only eat one carb for the rest of your life – you have to choose between pasta, bread or rice...”

How many calories a day do models eat? ›

However, with that being said, many experts believe that women who are 5'7” or taller and are preparing for a major photoshoot, such as a Victoria's Secret campaign, consume anywhere from 1500 to 1600 calories per day.

What should we eat in Mounjaro to lose weight? ›

Foods to consider
  • Ground lean meat or poultry.
  • Flaked fish.
  • Eggs.
  • Cottage cheese.
  • Cooked or dried cereal.
  • Rice.
  • Canned or soft fresh fruit, without seeds or skin.
  • Cooked vegetables, without skin.

How fast does Mounjaro make you lose weight? ›

When compared to some other diabetes treatments, studies have shown that it can take 8 weeks to reach an A1C target of ≤7% and 12 weeks to reach an A1C ≤6.5% with Mounjaro. Significant weight loss can occur as early as 28-weeks.

What foods to avoid on Mounjaro? ›

Avoid fried, greasy, or fatty foods and foods high in sugar: These tend to be the toughest for your body to digest and the most likely to cause nausea while taking a GLP-1 medication. Eat slowly, and eat smaller meals. Eat foods that are light and bland. Drink clear or ice-cold drinks (like water or unsweetened tea).

Is Lindora a keto diet? ›

Lindora Nutrition subscribes to the same keto regimen that we've had in place for nearly 50 years. Our low carb, high protein ketogenic eating plans have helped hundreds of thousands of people lose weight and live healthier and happier lives.

What is the Chinese technique for weight loss? ›

One particularly popular method for weight loss is auricular acupuncture (also known as ear stapling), which targets points of the ear that control food cravings. This also harmonises the flow of energy in the stomach and intestines, which improves digestion and aids weight loss.

What is the max weight loss in 4 weeks? ›

To answer the question of whether it is safe to lose 15 pounds in 4 weeks, the answer is no. 1-2 pounds in a week is the recommended weight loss rate by health experts all over the world. So in 4 weeks, you should aim to lose 4-8 pounds.

Who owns Lindora weight loss? ›

Lindora's mission is to transform people's lives through weight loss and wellness. The company is owned by Solis Capital Partners and Innovate Partners, both located in Newport Beach, California.

What are Lindora carbs? ›

Lindora refers to the carbohydrates that are absorbed and metabolized by the body as the “usable” carbs. This usable carb number doesn't include the portion of the ingredients that are not absorbed.

Which weight loss program is best? ›

Summary: Best Weight Loss Programs
ProductForbes Health RatingsBest For
Weight Watchers (WW)5.0Best “No-Food-Is-Off-Limits” Weight Loss Program
Noom Weight4.5Best Psychological-Focused Weight Management Program
Atkins5.0Best Low-Carb Weight Loss Program
Mar 1, 2023

Why do models eat avocado? ›

As a member of the plant family, avocado is highly nutritious and is becoming incredibly popular among models who want more goodness in their nutrition plan. Full of vitamins and high in nutritious fats, the avocado is a rich source of energy for vegans and meat eaters alike.

What does Gigi eat in a day? ›

Gigi loves to binge on Arugula Salad and it is her go-to dish every other day. But, on days she likes to experiment, Gigi loves indulging in a Falafel Pita Sandwich, broiled seafood with a green salad and particularly enjoys cucumber rolls.

Do models eat bananas? ›

3. They Satisfy Their Sugar Cravings with Fruits: Banana, berries, mangoes, kiwi, orange have natural sugar along with nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and weight-loss boosting fiber content and that's where these stunning models get their sugar hit from. 4.

What drink suppresses hunger? ›

Natural appetite suppressants
  • Drink water before every meal. Drinking a large glass of water directly before eating has been found to make a person feel fuller, more satisfied, and less hungry after the meal.
  • Drink Yerba Maté tea. ...
  • Switch to dark chocolate. ...
  • Eat some ginger.

Is there an appetite suppressant that actually works? ›

Do Appetite Suppressants Work? Yes, but probably not as much as you might hope. A review of studies on five major FDA-approved prescription medications for obesity, including orlistat, shows that any of them work better than a placebo for helping people lose at least 5% of their body weight over the course of a year.

What vitamins help suppress appetite? ›

The B vitamins that are most important to appetite control include vitamin B6, vitamin B12, inositol, and folate. They can be taken as individual supplements or, in many cases, taken together in the form of a B complex.

What is the secret to thin legs? ›

Increase resistance training

Participating in total-body, muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week may help you burn calories, reduce fat mass , and strengthen your thighs. Include lower-body exercises such as lunges, wall sits, inner/outer thigh lifts, and step-ups with just your body weight.

What body type is model skinny? ›

Ectomorphs are long and lean, with little body fat, and little muscle. They have a hard time gaining weight. Fashion models and basketball players fit this category.

How do celebrities have thin thighs? ›

Include plenty of cardio in your routine - running and dancing are excellent to keep your weight in control, alongside a specific lower-body workout. Experts also recommend exercises, which include squats performed with an exercise ball, lunges with kettlebells and single-leg squats.

How do models eat junk food? ›

Some models are born with faster metabolisms, which means they convert food into energy at a faster pace. Other models work out often enough to make up for all of the junk food they are eating. No matter what her secret may be, Bella claims she eats grilled cheese sandwiches and French fries every single day.

What happens if I burn all the calories I eat? ›

In fact, over half the calories you burn every day are expended on basic biological functions like maintaining your body temperature, breathing, and digesting your food. If you were to “exercise off” every calorie you ate, you'd end up with a serious deficit.

How many inches is your waist if you wear a size 0? ›

Women's Size Guide (Numeric)
US Size - Numeric000

What is the perfect figure size? ›

The specific proportions of 36–24–36 inches (90-60-90 centimeters) have frequently been given as the "ideal", or "hourglass" proportions for women since at least the 1960s (these measurements are, for example, the title of a hit instrumental by The Shadows).

What size is 000 in jeans? ›

Girls Jeans & Pants All Sizes
XX Small*X-Small

Is there a secret to being skinny? ›

The secret to knowing how to get skinny fast lies in understanding how your body reacts to foods. Choosing foods low in calories, high in dietary fiber, and rich in nutrients can help you whittle away those extra inches. Staying active and leading a healthy lifestyle also speeds up the process.

What should you eat to be thin? ›

9 Foods to Help You Lose Weight
  • Beans. Inexpensive, filling, and versatile, beans are a great source of protein. ...
  • Soup. Start a meal with a cup of soup, and you may end up eating less. ...
  • Dark Chocolate. Want to enjoy chocolate between meals? ...
  • Pureed Vegetables. ...
  • Yogurt with berries. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Apples. ...
  • Yogurt.

What do you eat on medical weight loss? ›

Foods to eat

However, the program typically involves eating plenty of fruits, non-starchy vegetables, heart-healthy fats, and lean protein sources. Since the initial acute weight loss phase of the program is meant to get you to enter ketosis, you may have to reduce your intake of high carb foods.

What is the best medical weight loss method? ›

Top Medical Weight Loss Techniques

Top techniques include metabolic testing, hormone balancing, weight loss medications, coping with prescription drugs that cause weight gain, lifestyle changes and SmartLipo.

What injections are for weight loss? ›

Wegovy (semaglutide) and Saxenda (liraglutide) are both injectable medications FDA-approved for weight loss. Wegovy is injected once weekly. Saxenda is injected once daily.

What is the Vietnamese secret to weight loss? ›

Specifically cut off the starchy foods, limit greasy foods, preferably steamed dishes, especially boiled fish and chicken breast because of low fat. Alternatively, stir fries or salad dressings with olive oil.

What tea to drink before bed to lose weight? ›

Here are 5 bedtime teas that can help you in your weight loss journey
  • Cinnamon tea. Ladies, say hello to cinnamon tea if you want to boost your weight loss journey. ...
  • Chamomile tea. ...
  • Peppermint tea. ...
  • Green tea. ...
  • Lavender tea.
May 19, 2022

What mineral blocks fat gain? ›

A high intake of magnesium has been linked to lower levels of fasting glucose and insulin levels, which help fight against fat and weight gain. Magnesium is a major factor in maintaining a balanced metabolism and providing the body with energy.

How long to feel the effects of mounjaro for weight loss? ›

When compared to some other diabetes treatments, studies have shown that it can take 8 weeks to reach an A1C target of ≤7% and 12 weeks to reach an A1C ≤6.5% with Mounjaro. Significant weight loss can occur as early as 28-weeks.

How long does it take to see results from Chinese medicine? ›

For most chronic conditions you will notice results within one to two months. Relief for acute conditions can be more immediate. For a chronic condition such as arthritis, you may need to take a maintenance formula after your pain diminishes.

How long does it take for Chinese medicine to start working? ›

How long does it take to see results with Chinese herbal medicine? In acute cases, some results can be seen the same day the formula is taken. In chronic conditions, results should begin to be seen within 2-3 weeks.

Do B12 shots help with weight loss? ›

There's no solid proof that vitamin B-12 shots, also called injections, help you lose weight. Vitamin B-12 is a water-soluble B complex vitamin. It's found naturally in many foods, such as meat, fish and dairy products. Vitamin B-12 is added to some foods and is available as a dietary supplement.

How many pounds can you lose with lipotropic injections? ›

How much can you lose? Although the results vary for every person depending on many factors unique to the individual (such as do they exercise regularly, their caloric intake, etc.), lipotropic injections reviews have reported losing between two to four pounds a week.

What is Lipo injection for flat tummy? ›

Fat dissolving injections offer an effective long-term solution for stubborn pockets of fat which are very common around the abdominal area. The treatment itself involves injecting the fat-dissolving product into various points across the problem area, directly into the fatty tissue beneath the skin.

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.