Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (2024)

One the biggest rules you hear from day one is to never mix navy and black! From fashion to interiors, it’s an unspoken interior design rule everyone seems to follow.

But mixing navy and black is one of our favorite looks! The rules of interior design sometimes include following your heart, and we definitely love to mix these two colors.

In our Formal Sitting Room, we wanted to be as bold as possible. Smaller spaces often allow for dark walls or even wallpaper! We used Restless Sea by Behr to make the space feel moody. Touches of black in the chairs and pillows really help the space feel elevated and more formal.

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Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (2)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (3)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (4)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (5)

In the dining room of our Mercer Island Project, the black and navy combo feels earthy, rustic, and natural. The space is cool and simple, and we love how the vintage rugs pulls everything together!

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (6)

The Casita Lounge in our Calabasas Remodel remains light and coastal, even when using dark navy and black. It’s the perfect example of how this contrast can brighten the space!

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Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (10)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (11)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (12)

There’s a lot of blue and black throughout the OC Ranch Remodel. We tied in this space to the rest of the home by using both colors. The result is effortless contrast and texture!

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (13)

We broke the rule with the black countertops and navy island in this kitchen.

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Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (17)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (18)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (19)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (20)

Our McGee & Co Storefront storefront is bursting with life! The ship artwork, textured console, and navy and black rug are both neutral and bold. It’s perfect for our beach-y space!

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Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (22)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (23)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (24)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (25)

This space from our Mercer Island Project is warm and minimal. The black light fixtures stand out as clean additions to the space, while the navy couch is inviting.

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Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (27)

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (28)

As an experienced interior design expert with a passion for breaking conventional rules, I've encountered various misconceptions over the years, and one that often arises is the prohibition against mixing navy and black. This so-called rule extends beyond fashion to permeate the realm of interior design. However, my extensive experience in the field has shown me that defying this convention can lead to stunning and sophisticated results.

Let's delve into the evidence that supports the idea of seamlessly blending navy and black in interior design. The examples mentioned in the article showcase a nuanced understanding of color harmony, contrast, and balance. The careful selection of paint colors, furniture, and accessories demonstrates a mastery of design principles. Now, let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. Color Harmony:

    • The use of navy and black together creates a harmonious color palette. The article emphasizes how this combination can be earthy, rustic, natural, moody, and even coastal. This demonstrates an adept understanding of how colors can evoke different moods and atmospheres in a space.
  2. Contrast and Texture:

    • The article highlights the effortless contrast achieved by incorporating both navy and black elements. This plays into the principle of using contrasting elements to add visual interest to a space. The mention of vintage rugs, black light fixtures, and textured consoles showcases an awareness of how texture can enhance the overall design.
  3. Rule-Breaking Boldness:

    • The article encourages rule-breaking in design, emphasizing the importance of following one's heart. This reflects a bold and innovative approach to interior design, where conventional rules are challenged in favor of personal expression and creativity.
  4. Spatial Considerations:

    • The article acknowledges the impact of color choices in different spaces. For example, in smaller spaces like the Formal Sitting Room, dark walls are embraced to create a moody atmosphere. This demonstrates an understanding of how color can influence the perception of space.
  5. Cohesive Design Across Spaces:

    • The article showcases how the navy and black combination is consistently applied across different rooms within a home, creating a cohesive design theme. This underscores the importance of maintaining a sense of continuity and flow throughout the entire living space.

By providing concrete examples and demonstrating a mastery of design principles, the article challenges the notion that navy and black should never be mixed. Instead, it encourages individuals to trust their instincts and embrace the beauty that can emerge when these two colors are thoughtfully combined in interior design.

Making a Case for Navy & Black - Studio McGee (2024)
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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.