Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams (2024)

Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams (1)humanities

By Moosmosis on 24 Feb 2020 ( 46 Comments )

Shoes are the physical and symbolic embodiment of the past, present, and future paths we walk. They are a recurrent motif and theme discussed throughout diverse cultures, Bibilical references, dreams, and more. Shoes can represent endurance, protection from the environment, sometimes even subjugation and struggle, but also ambition, determination, and direction.

Barefoot Symbolism: No Shoes

Depending on the context of the dream, walking or running barefoot without shoes could signify loss, endurance, or light-heartedness. When running barefoot on hard stones, sharp shrubbery, and harsh terrain, this could symbolize endurance of pain and hardship. The absence of shoes makes one vulnerable to the environment and harshness of surroundings, whether physically or emotionally. You may be experiencing poverty and lack of mobility, whether from work or at home.

Yet, at the same time, going barefoot with no shoes could also symbolize a sense of carefree joy and comfort. Especially if surrounded by family, friends, or a positively lit dream, having no shoes can mean you feel safe and open, exposing yourself to the warmth or forthcoming warmth of others. This also indicates your playful personality, positive outlook on life, strong support network, and ability to bounce back from even the harshest of the hardships.

Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams (2)

Worn-Out Shoes Symbolism

If you’re dreaming about worn-out shoes or wearing worn-out shoes, this could possibly indicate a hardship you’re experiencing in your current life or an adversity that you’ve encountered in the past. You are working hard towards your dreams that you’ve physically worn out your shoes. You may feel exhausted, frustrated, or burnt-out. Yet, the manifestation of worn-out shoes in your dreams may also show your tremendous work ethic, pushing away myopic desires to pursue long-term and more meaningful goals. You will soon find success after years of hard work and diligence.

Fancy Shoes Symbolism in Dreams

Ever dreamed about wearing fancy shoes? That coveted latest Nike edition? Or perhaps, those expensive golden stilettos you’ve been eyeing? This means you have high-achieving ambitions, and if you continue to put efforts into building your dreams and making small steps, your future ahead will be steady and bright. In some cultures, brides and grooms are gifted new shoes during their weddings, symbolizing prosperity, fertility, and good luck.

Shoes that Don’t Fit: Symbolism

But what about wearing uncomfortable, unfitting shoes? When shoes don’t fit, they suggest something in your life is currently out of place. You may be still searching for your identity or finding the right friends group or still adjusting to your workplace. Tight shoes means you’re restricted. Perhaps, it is time for you to reevaluate your goals and direction in life. Loose shoes in dreams however could indicate that you still have room to grow. With the proper guidance, dedication, and mentorship, you have the potential to expand your skills and knowledge to become a better person, in some shape or form.

Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams (3)

Symbolism of Shoes: Beginning Hardships and Dreams

The speaker initially perceives own dreams negatively as loose and undeveloped but also understands that these dreams will eventually take shape and embrace the possibility of bright inevitable future of dreams at the end. Through the contemplation and reflection of the speaker’s feelings on dreams, the speaker comes to the revelation that only through the speaker’s own embrace of dreams, not leaving them alone or refused, will allow speaker to finally open to his/her own inevitable future. The speaker states in the beginning that his/her “future lives come to me in dreams/ Come silently with torn soles/ I am like a skilled shoemaker/ Greeting the wandering breath of these feet” (Quyen, lines 1-4). The speaker suggests that speaker’s dreams represent speaker’s future life when using personification to compare the “future lives” in dream form to a person “[coming] silently with torn soles”. Soles, the shoes’ bottom, is hom*ophonic with the word “soul”, and because the speaker’s “future lives” come as “torn,” this reflection suggests the worn out soul of the speaker’s own self and also hints a possible broken future that the speaker views from these dreams. By using “torn” describing the shoes, the speaker also illustrates that these torn shoes parallel to his/her own loose, incomplete, or unachievable dreams, evoking a beginning dismal tone.

Symbolism of Shoes and Torn Soles & Souls

The speaker also compares him/herself to a “skilled shoemaker,” suggesting that he/she believes the possibility of fixing these problems of the “torn sole” or “torn” soul even though he/she initially perceives the future arriving toward him/her as depleted of energy and even possibly hope. The use of diction of “wandering” with a lost, almost hopeless connotation further reveals the scatteredness of these dreams. However, the words “greeting” and “skilled” both words of warm experienced connotations depict that the speaker now views self as a guidance to these “wandering…feet”, revealing a minimal but gradual change of pessimism to slight optimism, a beginning of his/her understanding of embracing the dreams.

The speaker describes the dreams as “my other selves/Sprawl out to sleep like a litter of puppies/Their young hair like hens fluffed feathers/They lie on their stomachs, pressing against my shadow” (Quyen, lines 7-9). Speaker describes the dreams as “my other selves” and “pressing against my shadow”, implying that the dreams are part of the speaker’s identity since “other” demonstrate speaker’s future self while ‘shadow” symbolizes the past. Using many euphonic words, such as “fluffed” and “sleep”, the speaking uses similes to compares these dreams to innocent animals, not only illustrating the innocent and youthful ideals, but also portraying the fact that these dreams, like inexperienced puppies, are incomplete, dependent and incapable of becoming a reality by themselves. The word “tufts” and alliteration of “fluffed feathers” pertain to the imagery of tangled hair, depicting the youth and premature image of the puppy, reinforcing the fact that the dreams are not developed and completely formed, due to the fact that it has only vague forms and are not completely reality yet.

Pairs of Shoes Symbolism: Home

As the speaker continues reflecting, he/she begins to wonder if these “Pairs of shoes from yesterday [coming from] tomorrow” view the speaker as “their native land, or a land foreign to them? Their house, or an inn?” (Quyen, lines 11-12). By asking multiple questions, the speaker questions self if these dreams, the paths that the speaker is currently walking on with the pair of shoes, are truly his/her own. “Native land” has a warm homely connotation, whereas “land foreign” has a connotation of dismal lostness, a land of the unknown. This juxtaposition of the known of comfort and unknown of mysteriousness is emphasized further through the word “house” and “inn”, two contrasting words of connotation depicting the dichotomy of warmth and home and the other alienation of simply shelter, further highlighting that he/she is not sure whether the dream are necessarily even his/her own. The use of question marks are purposefully used to also emphasize the hesitated confusion about the whereabouts of these dreams. Where is the final destination of these shoes?

Finding Direction with Symbolic Shoes

At this point, the speaker finally decides to “open [self] to these dreams/…Perhaps fireflies will draw them in a different direction” (Quyen, lines 14, 16). The speaker finally embraces his/her dreams positively, willing to allow these dreams to freely come to him/herself. “Tonight” word reveals that before the speaker has refused or pushed away these dreams. However, by noting “fireflies will draw them in a different direction,” the speaker shows that these fireflies, a symbol of brightness and hope in the darkness, will enfold this brightness into the dreams. In other words, the speaker finally understands the possession of these dreams and looks at them with a better and more positive perspective. The fireflies have thus enlightened the speaker’s viewpoint and is now eager and open to these dreams. Therefore, the mention of fireflies brings hope and light into the poem as a whole, contrasting from the torn and broken beginning, suggesting the contemplative tone turning to a reflective tone and thus conveying the speaker’s final turn of understanding that his/her embrace of these dreams will allow self to walk forward into the future. The entire poem, separated by five stanzas, is organized in such way that it shows the transition of thoughts of the speaker, until the last stanza when he/she finally concludes the meaning of dreams to his/her life and the symbolism of shoes that will carry those dreams forward.

Did you have a recent dream about shoes? Share your thoughts and comments with us below.

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Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams (4)

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Categories: humanities, Literature

Tagged as: analysis, dream, dreams, joy, Literature, poem, shoes, Symbol, symbolism, writing

Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams (2024)


Symbolism of Shoes in Dreams? ›

Shoes emerge in your dreams for specific reasons, often connected to personal change, spirituality, or representing a new life path (feet dreams). Shoes forecast something big to come on the horizon, sometimes new beginnings and other times setbacks.

What does a shoe symbolize? ›

Shoes have, for centuries, given hints about a person's character, social and cultural place, even sexual preference. Shoes are powerful “things”, as they take control over the physical and human space in which we live. They allow us to move in and experience the environment.

What does it mean if I Dreamt of losing my shoes? ›

When you lose your shoes in your dreams, it's a cue for you to step out of your comfort zone and achieve more for yourself. It would help if you did away with all mental shackles that keep you from progress and success.

What does it mean to dream about boots and shoes? ›

Like shoes, boots offer a message about getting more grounded, natural, and earthy in the steps you are taking to actualize your aspirations. The boot can also be a symbol of becoming more motivated as in 'booting up' or starting something. Looking for boots can symbolize planning for a difficult transition.

What does it mean when you dream about buying new clothes and shoes? ›

Dreaming about shopping for clothes, regardless if new or old, represents your anxieties about trying to fit in or being “well-suited” for your changing role, according to Dream Astro. This dream can represent being stressed about trying to adapt to a new role in your life.

What is the meaning of pair of shoes? ›

(peəʳ ) countable noun. A pair of things are two things of the same size and shape that are used together or are both part of something, for example shoes, earrings, or parts of the body.

What is the soul of a shoe? ›

Sole: This is the entire part of the shoe that sits below the wearer's foot. As opposed to the upper. The upper and sole make up the whole of the shoe. The sole is usually constructed of several layers: Outsole: The exposed part of the sole that is contact with the ground.

What does it mean when you dream about no shoes in public? ›

Walking barefoot in public dreams. Depending on how you feel in your dream will alter the meaning, though walking barefoot in your dream represents how you navigate and direct yourself though society. It might even point at feelings of being poor (homeless) that can both reflect your inner or financial worries.

What does not wearing shoes symbolize? ›

Going barefoot generally symbolizes poverty. It is customary in Judaism and some Christian denominations to go barefoot while mourning. Some Christian churches practice barefoot pilgrimage traditions, such as the ascent of Croagh Patrick in Ireland at night while barefoot.

What does it mean when you dream about lost items? ›

A dream of something going missing can be indicative of a chaotic feeling in your daily life. Perhaps you need to get things into order. If you dream that you have lost your wedding ring, perhaps you are feeling that you have lost hold of something precious in your relationship.

What is the old meaning of shoes? ›

shoe (n.) Middle English sho, "low-cut covering for the human foot," from Old English scoh, from Proto-Germanic *skokhaz (source also of Old Norse skor, Danish and Swedish sko, Old Frisian skoch, Old Saxon skoh, Middle Dutch scoe, Dutch schoen, Old High German scuoh, German Schuh, Gothic skoh).

What do sneakers symbolize? ›

For over sixty years, black culture in America has used sneakers to represent social standing, wealth, popularity, and even to make political statements.

What does it mean to wear someone's shoes? ›

Acting for another person or experiencing something as another person might; in another's position or situation.

What does it mean to dream about buying new shoes in Islam? ›

We have explained different meanings depending upon the situation. 1- According to Ibn Sirin رحمة الله عليه the greatest dream interpreter of Islam, wearing new shoes means that the dreamer would marry a woman. 2- Wearing someone else shoes in a dream means that he would marry a widow.

What does it mean when you go shopping in your dreams? ›

Essentially, dreaming of shopping relates to your inner desires, needs, and thoughts. Even in real life, shopping reflects a person's choices and decisions. Similarly, shopping in your dreams symbolizes your values, life purpose, and goals.

What does it mean when you dream about not finding the right clothes? ›

Not finding anything to wear is a metaphor for inner dissatisfaction. In an introspective sense, quality is valued over quantity: Something lacking in your life has left you unfulfilled. When you do not like what you see, self-presentation is a serious issue.

What is the other meaning of shoes? ›

synonyms for shoes

On this page you'll find 23 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to shoes, such as: sneaker, pump, cleat, tennis shoe, slipper, and loafer.

What is the meaning of two shoes? ›

Synonyms of Goody Two-shoes. : a person who is goody-goody. also : a person who is uncommonly good.

What is the five pairs of shoes? ›

5 Pairs of Shoes is a series of essays of travel literature written by Tekkan Yosano and his students Mokutaro Kinosh*ta, Kitahara Hakushu, Hirano Banri and Yoshii Isamu, which was published in 1907 in a Tokyo newspaper.

How do shoes tell you about a person? ›

The study found that people who wear well-kept shoes exhibit high levels of attachment anxiety. That is, they are more dependent on others and more apt to seek reassurance from coworkers about the quality of their work.

What does black shoe mean? ›

“Black shoes ARE the carrier, and the brown shoes that return to a land base after a deployment are visitors.

What does dead mens shoes mean? ›

[British] said to talk about a situation in which people cannot make progress in their careers until someone senior to them retires or dies. At that particular time, jobs were very difficult to obtain.

Why are shoes with the whole a dream come true? ›

Expert-Verified Answer

The ragpickers of Seemapuri were so poor that they could not afford to wear any kind of footwear. They had dreams in their eyes but no money. So when Saheb finally got an old pair of shoes, he was extremely happy. The hole in the shoes did not bother him at all.

Is it Disrespectful to not wear shoes? ›

In many cultures around the world, removing shoes before entering homes is the norm. In most of Asia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East, shoes are never worn inside homes, and it can be seen as a sign of disrespect for guests to enter a host's home without leaving them at the door.

What does the Bible say about being barefoot? ›

When Moses approached the burning bush, in Exodus 3, the Lord spoke to him and said, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." Moses found himself in the powerful, purposeful presence of God. On that day he began to walk barefoot.

Why is it important to not wear shoes in the house? ›

Shoes can be a breeding ground for germs, bacteria, and other toxins that can make you sick—not to mention a host of environmental debris that can ruin your hardwood floors and contribute to extra cleanings.

What is the Chinese superstition about shoes? ›

Shoes. Shoes are a bad idea again as the word for shoes in Chinese is very similar to the word for bad luck or evil. It is also something that you stand on and wear away, which is why they are also considered a bad gift.

What does it mean when you dream of someone? ›

Your dream may be a way of dealing with loss and grief, especially if someone close has passed away. If you have nightmares about someone, it may signify that you are trying to keep them safe (such as a child) Dreaming of someone from your past may be a sign that you want them back in your life.

Had a dream all my teeth fell out? ›

Teeth falling out are associated with loss and important life changes. This dream could indicate that you're dealing with some kind of loss, like an abrupt end to a relationship or a job change. 2. Making Costly Compromises.

When you can't find someone in a dream? ›

For example, a really common dream we'll have surrounding our significant other is that we can't find them … That can indicate one of two things. It could mean that you miss them and that you're not spending enough time with them, because maybe they're always working or maybe it's a long-distance relationship.

What were shoes called in the 50s? ›

Saddle shoes became the iconic style of the 50s, everyone wore them! In the mid-1950s, the Saddle Oxford "Bubble" became popular for a few years. They were a thinner version of the Saddle and often had a buckle at the back of the heel. The soles were thinner and the heels were low.

What was the first shoe called? ›

1600–1200 bce) in Mesopotamia, soft shoes were introduced by mountain people on the border of Iran who ruled Babylonia during that time. This first type of shoe was a simple wraparound of leather, with the basic construction of a moccasin, held together on the foot with rawhide lacings.

What did they call shoes in the 1920s? ›

Strap Pump” shoes were the trendiest of the 20s shoes. Single strap shoes with the strap across the vamp were called 'Strap Shoes “. There were also straps that criss-crossed in an X pattern or went straight across with 2- 4 thin straps. Small cut-outs on the sides that connected to the vamp were also common.

Are shoes a status symbol? ›

Shoes have always been an opportunity for people to show off their social status, their style, and the size of their wallet. Scientists believe that humankind may have been wearing shoes as long as 40,000 years ago, and you can spot shoe-wearing hunters in cave paintings from 13,000 BC.

What is the word for putting yourself in someone else's shoes? ›

associate. empathize. feel for. put in same category. put oneself in another's shoes.

What does shoe wear say about your feet? ›

The wear pattern on your shoes can indicate your gait style. All shoes will wear down with use, but certain patterns can mean you overpronate, supinate, or have a neutral gait. A neutral gait will show treadwear at the heel, especially toward the outside heel and below the first and second toe.

What is the quote about wearing someone else's shoes? ›

You can't understand someone until you've walked a mile in their shoes.” The person who first uttered this American saying is lost to history. The fact that it's so well known is a good indication of the importance of empathy in living a meaningful life.

What does shoes mean in dream islam? ›

Shoes Dream Explanation — (Sandals) In a dream, a pair of shoes represent one's son, a vehicle, a friend, a brother, a business partner, or travels. Wearing a pair of shoes without heels in a dream means having a barren wife.

What happens when you wear new shoes? ›

The new shoes feel tight around the toes, they rub at the heel, and they pinch with every step. They felt great at the store. What happened? It's the dreaded break-in period, when a new shoe rubs against tender feet, causing blisters and abrasions, until shoe and foot find a way to conform to each other in harmony.

When you dream of buying something? ›

Whenever you are buying something in a dream, you are 'shopping' or exploring the idea of what is valuable to you - along with the idea of self-value. If it is a type of clothing, the message can be tied to exploring your identity.

What does dreaming of driving a car mean? ›

What Does it Mean to Dream of Driving a Car? Dreams about driving a car are said to have a positive meaning and may reflect your journey towards maturity. These dreams also symbolise your adventurous spirit and a determination to be in control of your life.

Can you bring items from your dreams? ›

Is it possible to bring an object out of a dream? You as an individual cannot do this, for as an individual you're limited like all of us in what we can do. However, by way of synchronicity a dream object can present itself to you in waking life. It's important to recognize you did not make this object appear.

What does it mean to buy food and eat in the dream? ›

The symbol of food shopping in your dream might indicate your interest to go out for a shopping. Usually, when people dream of eating in a shopping, it can introduce them to meeting the wrong people . If you are a woman and you dream of a man taking out you for a food shopping, you need to be very careful with the man.

What does it mean to buy and wear new clothes in the dream? ›

Answering the dream:

Dreaming about shopping for clothes, regardless if new or old, represents your anxieties about trying to fit in or being “well-suited” for your changing role, according to Dream Astro. This dream can represent being stressed about trying to adapt to a new role in your life.

What does it mean when you dream about looking for something and you can t find it? ›

Very commonly, you will find yourself searching for something in a dream – because searching or loss is often the first step toward transformation. Misplacing an item reveals your current insecurities surrounding what the symbol represents. If it is a purse or wallet, it can suggest financial insecurities.

What do clothes symbolize in dreams? ›

Clothes are symbolic in dreams that represent the dreamers identity, confidence, and how they may relate to others in social situations. The image becomes a metaphor for something that is not felt but seen by others.

What do shoes symbolize in literature? ›

In literature, shoes are often transformative not just because they're made of glass or rubies: they're a symbolic means through which women find grounding in the world, and have their lives changed, for better or worse.

How do shoes define personality? ›

To spot a more agreeable person, look for affordable and practical shoes. People wearing shoes with pointy toes, those that are obviously branded or expensive, mean the wearer is likely to be less agreeable. Anxiously attached people tend to wear shoes that look brand new.

What is the purpose of shoes in life? ›

Part of the job of shoes is to absorb impact as we walk, but bad shoes (or no shoes) can throw the whole body out of alignment. If shoes don't have enough padding or don't allow for an even stride, pain is an almost inevitable side effect. The ankles, knees, hip joints and lower back are all affected by bad shoes.

What do shoes symbolize in art? ›

Shoes change the manner of movement, body language and self-awareness. They upraise your emotions and physical feelings. An attentive person can identify the character and financial standing of his companion by his shoes only, currently in particular by a lot of styles and models, which are available.

What is the Chinese myth about shoes? ›

Chinese custom dictates that giving someone a pair of shoes is considered bad luck, all year round. The reason behind the superstition? The pronunciation for the word “shoe” sounds similar to the word “evil” in Mandarin or “rough” in Cantonese, thereby signalling rocky times are ahead for both the giver and receiver.

How can shoes change your life? ›

According to studies that have been done, when a woman buys a new pair of shoes “The neurotransmitter dopamine is released, providing a feel-good high, similar to taking a drug,” says Martin Lindstrom.

Why are women's shoes important? ›

A woman's shoes really go a long way towards telling you who she is, what she is like, and what she does with her life. There are many cases when a woman really needs a lot of different colors and styles, such as when she works everyday and needs a variety of shoes as well as some that are comfortable.

What is the saying about new shoes? ›

Cinderella is proof that a new pair of shoes can change your life.

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