The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (2024)

Custom Content and Mods 101

A lot of simmers use custom content and mods to enhance their gameplay. But these items can eventually break and cause issues in your game. Sometimes even make the game completely unplayable.

First, we need to go over the difference between custom content and mods.

Custom Content is something that does not change the script/tuning of an object or item. Like clothing, hair, makeup, furniture, etc. These types of items are usually the last thing that will break and cause you issues. These “CC” items will have the .package file extension.

Mods are things that change the script/tuning of the game or of an object. These break frequently and have to be checked and updated often. Any time there is a new patch and EA changes or adds things into the game can break a mod. Which is why something you were using might be working one day and then broken after a patch. Some of these mods also contain python script files (.TS4Script File Extension) these files are NOT to be unzipped or they will not work as the mod intended. Thes “Mod” items will have at least one .package file and occasionally a .ts4script file.

How to Install Custom Content & Mods

To install custom content, download it from your favorite creator’s page. Some files when you download are in .zip or .rar format. These files have to be unpacked via programs like 7-Zip or WinRAR. Once you unzip the files, you will then see .package files. These files are how the game reads custom content.

These .package files go into your mods folder (Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods). The .package files can be placed up to 5 folders deep in your Mods folder (*see next section on sorting), so you can sort these by categories any way you wish.

Mods are a little different. There are two kinds of mods (as mentioned in the previous section): Script Mods and Tuning Mods.

Tuning mods are just .package files, and can be sorted just like custom content. They will work no matter where you put them in your mods folder. Note: I recommend keeping tuning mods in their own folder, as they can break easily and have to also be updated when they do.

Script mods are at least one .package file and a .ts4script file. These mods cannot be more than one folder deep in your mods folder. (I.E. Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/Script Folder). Any files with .ts4script file extension must not be unzipped, or they will not work. These types of mods must be updated frequently (Almost every patch, depending on the mod). I recommend keeping any mods like these in their own folder. (Example: I keep MC Command Center and all of its files in one folder by itself. I.E. Any .packages and .ts4script that belong to that mod.) Any other mods that contain .ts4script files get their own individual files as well.

Keep your Mods folder sorted

One of the best ways to insure that you continue to have a healthy game is to keep your mods folder sorted. Everyone does this differently, so they can keep track of what is what. But we are going to go over how I keep my mods folder sorted.

Here is my mods folder:

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (1)

As you can see I have specific items separated and named after what the contents of each folder are. Let’s go over a few of the files to explain my sorting method.

Defaults – These are anything that is default replacement items. Items that directly override game content. Such as default replacement skins, eyes, etc.

Main Mods – These are mods that I use and that have to be checked for updates frequently. I keep them in one place so I know exactly where I need to go and what I need to update after each patch.

Others CC – Here we have all of the normal custom content (not modded) that I use, which I separate by the creator. This way I can add new items, find broken items, or update an item easily. (as pictured below)

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (2)

It doesn’t matter how you name or sort your files, as long as you know what is what. Just keep mods separate from custom content. It is much easier to have one or so folders for mods than to have to sort through tons of custom content to find that one broken mod later.

Rename your custom content

One of the worst things about using lots of custom content is your game loads slow and can become sluggish. Any .package file that is named using a special character or even just a space can cause the game to run and load slowly. This is because the game takes extra time to read these files with those kinds of characters. You can rename your files manually, or you can use the program Bulk Rename Utility. I personally use Bulk Rename Utility because you can edit many .package filenames at once.

Let’s go over how to use Bulk Rename Utility.

Once you open up the program, you will see a lot of information. Don’t worry we will not be changing much!

In the top left-hand corner, you will see a window where you can navigate to your files you want to rename. Once you find the folder that has the files you will see the content of the folder next to that window.

Select all of the items you wish to rename. (you can select them individually, or use Shift+Right Click to select all.) Once they are selected they will turn blue.

Next, find the box called “Remove (5)”. Only change the following items:

In the box beside “Chars” put a single space.

Next to the word “Sym.” there is a checkbox. Make sure that it is checked.

Once you have the Sym. boxed checked, and have your space in Chars. You can click “Rename” on the bottom right side of the screen. You will be prompted with a few popups saying that the program is changing files, just click “Ok”.

Once it is done, your file will be renamed! Without any spaces or special characters. Now your game will load/run faster.

Here is a gif of each step listed above of me renaming a few of my .package files:

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (3)

Merging Package Files

Another great way to speed up your load times and help game performance is to merge you custom content .package files. This means you are taking multiple .package files and creating one .package file that contains all of the files you selected.

I personally do this by the creator. So I know what exactly is in the merged file.

NOTE: DO NOT merge Mod files, this will make the mods corrupt and not work most of the time. Only merge Custom Content. This means, do not merge any .ts4script files or .pacakge files that came with the .ts4script files. As this will cause the mod to break 9/10 times.

To merge .package files you will need the program Sims 4 Studio. Which is available for both PC and Mac.

Once you download and install Sims 4 Studio, open the program.

You will see “Content Management” in the navigation window. Click it, and select “Merge Packages”. (as pictured below)

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (4)

A new window will pop up. You can drag and drop all of the .package files you want to merge here. Once you have all the .package files you want in the window select “merge”.

Now a window will pop up asking you to name and save your new merged .package file. Give the file a name (I name it after the creator) and click “save”.

This process can take some time depending on how many files you are merging. Just let it do its thing. Once it is complete you will get a notice saying x/x files have been merged. (as pictured below)

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (5)

Batch Fixes for Custom Content

When new game patches things break. Sometimes a lot of things… But thanks to Sims 4 Studio we can fix some of these issues with our favorite custom content quickly and easily.

Are you tired of seeing random townies using custom content you didn’t assign to them? Are you having issues with objects not doing what they are intended? Then check out what you can batch fix.

NOTE: Be sure to run any batch fixes before you merge custom content. Also, even if you do not own a pack for the batch fixes (I.E. Cats and Dogs Batch Fix, etc) Do them anyway. As EA makes these changes to items for Base Game, not for the packs itself.

You can fix a lot of problems by running batch fixes frequently on newly downloaded custom content.

You can find the step by step tutorial on running a Batch Fix with Sims 4 Studio here!

Last Exception Files

What are last exception files?

Last Exception or “LE” files are .txt files Mc Command Center and other mods give you to tell you that your game has encountered an error. These can be caused by out of date mods, not updating your game, and not clearing your cache, or even caused by EA itself.

When your game generates a “LE” file you will get a notification like the one pictured below. The text on the warning will be different depending on the mods you use. But they all are telling you the same thing.

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (6)

You can find the actual .txt file in your game folder. Where you can interpret the error and find out how to resolve it and/or what caused it.

  • Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4

The file called “LastExceptopn.txt” is your most recent last exception. If you see one named with numbers like “LastException_1234567.txt” this is an error that happened previously.

If you are having issues with your game and are receiving “Last Exception” errors but are unsure how to read them you can learn how to here or join and share your errors in the Deaderpool Discord!

Do not just ignore last exception files! This can cause you to break your save and lose it forever!

The Sims 4: How to ensure a healthy game! (2024)


How do you ensure a healthy game on Sims 4? ›

Clearing your Cache in The Sims 4

Cleaning up the cache files for your game can help the performance of your game as well as fix many issues you could be experiencing. The “Cache” files are the games way of saving information about your current game.

How do I fix error code 0 on Sims 4? ›

Many antivirus programs have a Folder protection feature that will protect system folders. But sometimes, this feature can cause Error Code 0 on The Sims and make you can't save the progress of the game. As for this situation, you just need to disable the Folder protection feature in your antivirus.

What is error code 532 on Sims 4? ›

If a broken piece of custom content is chosen that day and you or the game tries to save, you will receive Error Code: 532.

How can I make my game more healthy? ›

Today, the experts at Stamina Products share a few easy steps to ensure you stay healthy while gaming.
  1. Stay Hydrated. First and foremost, you have to give your body the water it needs to function. ...
  2. Eat Healthy Food. ...
  3. Take Frequent Breaks. ...
  4. Rest Your Eyes. ...
  5. Don't Put Off Sleep.
Feb 15, 2019

How do you make a Sim healthy cheat? ›

Console version: Press A + B (on Xbox) or ✕ + O (on Playstation) while hovering over the Sim you'd like to adjust. In the menu that pops up, select Cheat Motive, followed by either Make Happy or Disable Motive Decay. Make Happy makes your Sim's needs full automatically, but they'll eventually start to decay again.

Can Sims overeat Sims 4? ›

“We have some little things like fitness, so sims can naturally change over time in the game,” says The Sims 4's producer Grant Rodiek. “If they overeat they'll become overweight. If they never exercise, they might become overweight. But if you eat healthily or eat properly or you exercise, your sims will lose weight.”

How to have twins in Sims 4? ›

To have the Sim you want to get pregnant with twins or triplets more likely, buy the fertile trait in the rewards store for 3,000 satisfaction points. These are earned through completing Whims.

How do I clear error code 0? ›

Windows 11
  1. Open Windows Settings (Windows Key + I)
  2. From the left side, select Privacy & Security.
  3. From there go to Windows Security (First option)
  4. Afterward, click on Firewall & Network Protection.
  5. Then go to "Allow an app through firewall"
  6. Make sure to mark Riot Client & Riot Vanguard and click OK to verify the changes.
Feb 15, 2023

Why won t my sims respond? ›

ResetSim method:

Type resetSim Firstname Lastname and click Enter. Make sure you enter the name of the Sim you want to reset. For example: If you want to reset Gobias Koffi, type: resetSim Gobias Koffi, and press Enter. If you need to reset all of the Sims in your current game, you can type resetSim *.

What is the purpose of error codes? ›

In computing, an error code (or a return code) is a numeric or alphanumeric code that indicates the nature of an error and, when possible, why it occurred.

How to fix Sims 4 00000008 0000000000000000? ›

restart your computer, and repair the game again. If that doesn't help, move the entire Sims 4 folder out of Documents\Electronic Arts and onto your desktop, clear Origin's cache and repair again, and see whether the Sims Delivery works this time.

What is error code 0x80000003 Sims 4? ›

Error 0x80000003 is caused due to some Registry files conflicting with The Sims 4 app, drivers missing or it isn't compatible with the hardware to run the program.

What is error code 16 on Sims? ›

Error 16. Error 16 means that your neighborhood save file is larger than 4 GB and cannot be saved. This means your total file size of your current game, not necessarily just your current family. Error 16 tends to strike with saves with a long history.

What does healthy gaming look like? ›

Healthy (or positive) gaming is when people play video games as one of many activities in their life. They spend time with family, go to work or school, have real-world friends as well as online friends, and enjoy other interests besides gaming.

How to play games healthy? ›

Smart Ways to Make Playing Video Games Healthier
  1. Set limits. ...
  2. Play as a reward. ...
  3. Choose games wisely. ...
  4. Keep play safe. ...
  5. Don't lose sleep. ...
  6. Mix in something active. ...
  7. Make play social. ...
  8. Use games for physical therapy.

What is a healthy amount to play games? ›

For kids over the age of 6, the American Academy of Pediatrics says no more than 60 minutes on school days and 2 hours on non-school days. Kids under 6 should spend closer to 30 minutes. It's also appropriate for parents to know and approve the games their kids are playing.

Can you make a Sim pregnant with cheats? ›

First, type "sims. get_sim_id_by_name (enter Sim name here)" and take note of the string of numbers that displays. Next, type: "pregnancy. force_offspring_count (Sim ID here) (# of babies)" to force your Sim to be pregnant with multiple babies.

Are cheats in Sims illegal? ›

It's a game. Cheats are completely legal when used within the game.

What are the cheat codes for Sims 4? ›

List of Sims 4 cheat codes for PC, Xbox, PS4, and PC
  • kaching: gain 1,000 simoleons.
  • rosebud: gain 1,000 simoleons.
  • motherlode: gain 50,000 simoleons.
  • Money [#]: adjust household simoleons to a specific number.
  • FreeRealEstate [on/off]: use in neighbourhood or world view to get all lots free.
Jan 25, 2023

How do you test cheats enabled true Sims 4? ›

On PC, bring up the cheat menu by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C. Once there, enter testingCheats true and cheats will become enabled in this particular save. On Xbox One, Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S, you can access the cheat menu by pressing and holding LT + RT + LB + RB for a couple of seconds.

How do you cheat levels on Sims 4? ›

The Sims 4 cheat codes for Skills
  1. stats.set_skill_level Major_HomestyleCooking 10 - Maxes the Cooking skill.
  2. stats.set_skill_level Major_Charisma 10 - Maxes the Charisma skill.
  3. stats.set_skill_level Major_Comedy 10 - Maxes the Comedy skill.
  4. stats.set_skill_level Major_Fishing 10 - Maxes the Fishing skill.
Oct 17, 2022

Can your Sims get drunk? ›

Sims can get dazed (which is the equivalent to drunk) by too much drinks and coffee.

Can Sims have too much WooHoo? ›

Negative moodlets after WooHoo

Having the same couple WooHoo more than three times in quick succession can be a risk factor in triggering this moodlet, as can having an Elder Sim WooHoo with a Young Adult or Adult.

Can Sims abort in Sims 4? ›

To have an abortion in The Sims 4, players must pay an amount of the game's fictional currency (1,000 Simoleons). They cannot perform the procedure beyond the second trimester of the pregnancy.

Can teen Sims get pregnant? ›

Getting Pregnant!

“Try for Baby with” is an option for any of your teen Sims who are in a romantic relationship. Now, if you don't know already, two Sims cannot try for a baby right away. Their relationship or marriage has to be a bit mature and the bar filled to at least 40% or 50%.

How do I know if my Sim is pregnant? ›

Once the 'Try for Baby' interaction is complete, the (possibly) pregnant Sim can use the 'Take Pregnancy Test' interaction on any toilet to find out if it was successful. The test costs §15 and, if it's positive, the 'Eating For Two' (Happy +1) moodlet will appear, lasting for 24 hours.

What is 0 * 0000011b error? ›

The only permanent solution to the 0x0000011B error is to install the latest Windows Update which fixes the issue. For now, you can try uninstalling the update or disabling the problematic security feature from the Registry. Other workarounds include installing the printer manually.

What is 0 * 000000a error? ›

This error message indicates that the issue is related to the Bthport. sys file. This issue occurs if the following conditions are true: Neither the Bluetooth device nor the Bluetooth controller returns to the active state when you resume the computer.

What is error code 0000? ›

Generally Error Code 0000 is a hardware failure as its a general error code saying “please contact us”.

How do you get a dead Sim back? ›

The easiest way to resurrect a dead Sim is to have another Sim beg the Grim Reaper to spare their life. When the Grim Reaper appears upon the death of a Sim, select the option to plead on the Grim Reaper. There are slight variations to this interaction depending on the Sim's mood when pleading.

Why is my Sim just standing there? ›

Sometimes having a large amount of items in the sims inventories and household inventory can cause issues. Try removing some of the items from the inventories and see if that helps. Try evicting the sims household from their home then place them back into the original home and see if that helps.

Do Sims stop working if not used? ›

Yes they do. That SIM likely won't work if it's not activated before that date. If you are still using the SIM it won't expire.

How do I fix error code 0x80072f8f 0x20000? ›

How to Fix the Error Code 0x80072f8f - 0x20000 on Windows
  1. Run the Media Creation Tool as an Administrator. ...
  2. Use a Different USB Port. ...
  3. Modify the Windows Registry. ...
  4. Delete the Content of the Software Distribution Folder. ...
  5. Enable Relevant Services. ...
  6. Perform a Clean Boot. ...
  7. Disable Your Antivirus.
Feb 10, 2023

How do you avoid error in code? ›

Recommended Coding Techniques
  1. Whenever possible, copy and paste instead of retyping. ...
  2. Never stop in the middle of coding a section. ...
  3. Close opening tags immediately. ...
  4. Find a way to not forget semicolons (where applicable) ...
  5. Follow established coding standards. ...
  6. Make your code easy to understand. ...
  7. Comment even slightly unclear code.

Should I clear error codes? ›

However, failing to clear a code after a repair could leave you second-guessing the issue or doubling your work to recheck the codes. That's why you should always make clearing codes an essential part of your repair process.

Is The Sims 4 mean glitch fixed? ›

The Sims 4 players will be relieved to know that the bug that made Sims irrationally mean will be fixed in December. The problem first arose in early October when players noticed their Sims being cruel to others, which affected their relationships in the game.

Why is my Sims 4 corrupted? ›

It sounds like you may have some outdated mods/cc. If that's the case you might try taking your Mods folder out from the Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4 and move them to the desktop or some where else safe, and try the game again. Delete the localthumbcache. package from the Sims 4 folder.

What is error 0x80004005 Sims 4? ›

What Causes Error Code 0x80004005? Error code 0x80004005 typically happens when you access shared folders or drives, use specific programs, or have a problem installing Windows updates.

What is error 810 Sims 4? ›

Re: Sims 4 Legacy Edition Error 810

Saves made in the current version of the game will not run in the Legacy Edition. The only upgradeable parts in your MacBook Pro are the RAM and hard drive, the GPU is on the logic board and not upgradeable.

What is error 5100 Sims 4? ›

Sims 4 VC++ error 5100 – This error occurs often, and it is one of the reasons why your game is not installing. To fix this, you need to install all the required Visual C++ components. Sims 4 error 1639 – Try disabling your antivirus when you encounter this error.

What is error code 125 d6 Sims 4? ›

This error is caused by outdated mods or custom content that may still be in game or have been removed from the game. You mention removing the mods folder, did you delete the game cache and and delete the localthumbcache. package from the Sims 4 folder to help with troubleshooting.

What is error code 20 2 Sims 4? ›

What Causes Error 20:2. In most cases, Error Code 20:2 occurs due to insufficient disk space. Therefore, you need to make space on your drive or install Origin on a different drive if you have more than one. Insufficient admin permissions is another reason you may experience error 20:2.

What does error code 22 mean Sims 4? ›

Error code 22 for the Sims 4 often means that the game is having a difficult time loading the files. Rebooting or power-cycling the system can often resolve this.

How do you get rid of illness in Sims 4? ›

Find a Computer nearby in your Household. Click on it and select Order > Purchase Medicine. There's only one type of Medicine available, but it's just enough to cure your Sick Sim (or Sims).

How do you get rid of diseases on Sims 4? ›

Sims who are ill will receive an Uncomfortable moodlet relating to the illness. Most illnesses are not serious and are easily cured by drinking orange juice, hot tea, medicine (which can be purchased from a computer) or by napping or sleeping.

How do you clean up Sims game? ›

To do so, open your Documents folder (or a folder where your The Sims 4 Save Game folder is), Electronic Arts > The Sims 4. There' you'll find a folder called ”cache” and a file named localthumbcache. Feel free to delete the localthumbcache file!

How do you clean up Sims 4? ›

How to Clean Dust Off the Floor Sims 4
  1. Click on a floor.
  2. Select the “Check Dust Levels” button to see how dirty the surface is.
  3. Place a vacuum into your inventory. You can choose from five devices: three floor models and two handheld appliances. ...
  4. Pull out your vacuum and clean your floors.
Jun 27, 2022

Can Sims get drunk? ›

Sims can get dazed (which is the equivalent to drunk) by too much drinks and coffee.

Can you send sick Sim to the hospital? ›

So there's no reason why are *sick* sims can't go to the hospital. The doctor career exists so a player can play as a doctor, not so a sim can have a baby. The baby can be born at home and is if the player doesn't own GTW.

Can you go to the hospital in Sims 4? ›

To visit the hospital, you must have The Sims 4: Get To Work installed. The hospital lot is situated in the Civic Center neighbourhood of Willow Creek and is named the Willow Creek Hospital.

Can Sims be cured of vampirism? ›

In order to reverse their vampirism, your Sim (or someone they know) will need to become the best Vampire Lore expert around. Once a Sim has gained Level 15 in the Vampire Lore skill, they unlock the ability to make the Ultimate Vampire Cure, which can be mixed like a co*cktail at any bar.

What does clean culled Sims mean? ›

Culling is the process of deleting data to keep the save game smaller and the loading faster. In the Sims 4, there's two kinds of culling: Sims Culling and Relationship Culling. How does Sims culling work. There's a set maximum of Sims that you can have in your town.

How do I make Sims 4 run smoother? ›

The best way to reduce lag in Sims 4 is to clean out your computer by deleting old or unused files. You can also merge custom content files to speed up Sims 4, or change your game settings to reduce the strain on your computer.

Why is my Sims game so laggy? ›

When there're multiple applications running in the background and they consume too much resource, The Sims 4 will begin to lag. Therefore, it's recommended that you close all other background applications before you play the game.

How do you clean up pollution in Sims 4? ›

To clean up Evergreen Harbour, you'll want to focus on creating effective NAPs in every one of the three boroughs. By initiating green movements, you'll be able to clean every area of visible trash, boost happiness in the neighbourhood and create a far more pleasant locale.

Why don't my Sims want to clean up? ›

This basically happens because the Sims want to stack the dirty dish/glass you selected with another one, but they can't get to the other dish for some reason.

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Name: Rob Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.