Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (2024)

Keep up-to-date with changing Presentation Design Trends in 2024

Are you curious to find out what presentation design trends will be popular in 2024? This blog post gives a comprehensive list of the top 35 presentation design trends that will dominate in the world of presentations. From creative designs to professional looks, learn more about the trends that will set the tone for successful business and consulting presentations in 2024!

Before discussing on the presentation design trends in 2024, we shall see the importance of PPT designs in effectively conveying the message to audience.

Need for PowerPoint designs

Creating an impactful and visually appealing PowerPoint design is essential for effectively delivering a message. The first step in achieving this is through the expert design PowerPoint . Whether it’s a professional presentation or an academic lecture, a well-designed ppt slide design can captivate and engage the audience. The design elements, such as the layout, color scheme, and font choice, all contribute to the overall aesthetic appeal.

From creating eye-catching title slides to incorporating visually appealing graphics and charts, the PowerPoint slide design ensures that the information is presented in a clear and engaging manner. With a well-designed PowerPoint presentation slide design, the audience can easily follow along and retain the information being shared. The PPT slide design and PowerPoint slide design focus specifically on the individual slides, ensuring that each one is visually engaging, concise, and conveys the key points effectively.

Presentation designs – Medium for engaging audience

A PowerPoint presentation is a powerful tool for delivering information and engaging an audience. With the use of PowerPoint presentation slides, complex ideas can be simplified and organized in a visually appealing manner. The design of a ppt presentation plays a crucial role in capturing the attention of the audience, as well as conveying the intended message effectively.

From choosing the right color scheme to using captivating images and fonts, every element of the PPT design should be carefully considered. The slides should be strategically designed to support the presenter’s speech and enhance the overall presentation. A well-designed ppt presentation slides can significantly enhance the impact and effectiveness of any presentation.

Creating an effective and impactful PowerPoint presentation is crucial for effectively communicating ideas and engaging an audience. However, not all presentations are created equal. A best ppt presentation is one that is well-organized, visually appealing, and effectively conveys the intended message. It is the result of meticulous planning and attention to detail, leaving a lasting impression on the audience.

Crafting presentations that captivate audience attention

Similarly, a great ppt presentation is one that captivates the audience through creative use of visuals, clear and concise content, and a seamless flow. Nice PowerPoint presentations, on the other hand, are those that are polished, engaging, and visually appealing. Ultimately, the best looking PowerPoint presentations are a combination of all these elements, delivering a professional and impactful presentation experience.

PowerPoint format, also known as PPT format, is a widely used file type for creating presentations. It allows users to combine text, images, videos, and other multimedia elements to effectively deliver information to an audience. The PPT format offers a variety of design options, including PowerPoint themes, animations, and transitions, to enhance the visual appeal of the slides.

A professional PowerPoint layout is crucial for a successful presentation as it creates a cohesive and organized structure that aids in conveying the message clearly. It is important to choose a suitable layout that is visually appealing and aligns with the overall theme of the presentation. The use of a professional PowerPoint layout can greatly enhance the impact and effectiveness of a presentation.


Looking ahead to 2024, there are a number of presentation design trends that are gaining momentum. From bold typography to minimalist layouts, here are the top 35 presentation design trends to keep an eye on.

1. Minimalism

For presentation design in 2024, look out for the trend of minimalism! Focus on content rather than clutter with streamlined backgrounds and layouts. Incorporate subtle gradients, line illustrations and simple typography for a modern feel. Keep your visuals impactful but subdued for maximum effect. Consider using minimalist designs that focus on one idea per slide, and keep text to a minimum. Incorporate bright colors, meaningful metrics, photos and icons into your slides to add visual interest. By following these steps and keeping up with the latest trends you can create an impressive presentation.

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (1)

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Minimalism

2. Minimalism is gaining popularity as an aesthetic choice

Think warm tones such as beige, brown and white. Neutral colors are currently trending and will remain popular going into the new year. Consider using a neutral shade for the background with beige or brown shades for your headings, while white is perfect for images and overlays.

3. Visually engaging slide backgrounds

These visuals don’t just have to be simple loops of abstract patterns or scenic footage, they can be custom-designed to give presentations a unique, dynamic feel – both as standalone slides and transitions between sections. This technology promises stunning visual effects that are sure to make any audience sit up and pay attention.

4. Utilizing bold backgrounds

2024 promises to be full of dynamic and eye-catching presentation design trends, such as those featuring bold and impressive backgrounds. These types of designs will be especially useful for companies trying to stand out in the industry with their messages. The addition of abstract shapes and colorful blocks is also a positive trend to incorporate for a visually impactful presentation.

5. Big backgrounds

We will see more focus on big and bold visuals as the primary backdrop throughout presentations, as well as geometric shapes to give a sense of flow to slide layouts. Additionally, titles should be given extra attention so that they stand out against the busy backgrounds. For example, using background images on slides and adding light/dark treatments for optimal legibility is a great way to make an impact. Additionally, making one handle the default background across all slides is a great way to keep continuity. Keeping up with these trends will help ensure your presentation stands out this year!

6. The latest trend will be dark mode

For years, dark mode is becoming increasingly popular among digital users, as it helps reduce eye strain by emitting less blue light. As more and more people move to the online world, this trend is expected to stay prominent in presentation design for years to come.

7. Text blocks with vibrant colors

Colorful blocks and color palettes can give presentations a modern and visually appealing look. Employing a brand palette into your presentation helps communicate your company values and messaging effectively. By strategically using colorful blocks of color, you can create slides that captivate viewers and make your presentation outstanding. Vibrant colors are very “in” this year, particularly a bright vibrancy of Magenta. Try incorporating different shades of the same color family as accents in your next presentation to make those key metrics stand out, or go bold and select a statement-making background color instead.

8. Graphic text design

Graphics design trends for 2024 are leaning towards bolder, more expressive fonts that push the limits of traditional ‘web safe’ designs. Experimental type treatments such as 3D renders and cutouts will also be prominent, bringing a fresh edgy flair to presentations that resembles music festival posters!

9. Serif typefaces could experience a revival

In 2024, designers will give a fun and artsy feel to the classic and traditional Serif font style. We can expect to see different letter shapes, sizes, and even intentional distortion of the letters. These exciting changes of Serif fonts could be used for title slides or headings for presentations, with more subtle Serif on body text. Serif fonts always create a feeling of tradition, commitment, and security – something that won’t go away any time soon!

Reasons to use Serif fonts

  1. Symbol of professionalism and depict consistency
  2. Used for highlighting titles, headings, and sub-headings
  3. Easily blend with most kinds of designs, color palettes, and dynamic themes
10. Motion graphics

In today’s presentations, motion graphics are the norm. This trend is set to become even more popular in 2024 with new techniques such as kinetic transitions between slides, subtle hover states for objects and pictures, expanding text and diagrams becoming animated when clicked upon. With these new visuals, presentations will become more captivating and engaging than ever before.

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (3)

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Creative Motion Graphics

11. Flowing shapes

Consider using ovals, circles and other partial shapes that extend off the screen to create a visual flow towards text and other important messages in the design. Additionally, adding tints of bright color or more subtle shades will help bring life to your otherwise plain shapes. Finally, remember to plan ahead so that all elements fit together seamlessly!

12. Gray

In 2024, consider utilizing a sleek all-gray aesthetic for your presentations if dark mode is too much. Gray offers a calming feel and sets the perfect backdrop for colorful or black and white images with small bursts of color. This trendy yet elegant design scheme is great for any presentation.

13. Image overlays

Are you looking to keep up with presentation design trends? In 2024, much of the focus will be on using images with color overlays. This strategy strikes a balance between allowing plenty of room for images and text elements while imparting a softer, more subtle feel. Furthermore, this type of design can create color consistency that helps move the presentation along visually from one slide to the next.

14. Suppressed visuals

Get creative with your presentation design and try something totally unique in presentation designs 2024 – mute the images so they blend in with the background. This style allows you to use imagery while letting the words on each slide remain the focal point of your work. To add even more visual interest, incorporate interesting shapes to guide viewers through every one of your slides utilizing this must-watch trend.

15. Blocky Design

If you’re looking to update your PowerPoint presentation and make it a cut above the rest, look no further than the blocky design trend! This modern style uses colored blocks, squares, or rectangles to create abstract shapes that add interest and a unique aesthetic. To work with this trend, you might want to start off with a PowerPoint presentation template or use a monotone color palette, which can help pull the entire design together. It may take some effort to create this stylish look, but it will be worth it in the end!

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (4)

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Creative Blocky Design

16. Photo Stories

Are you looking to stay ahead of the curve when it comes to presentation design trends? Then photo story presentations should be at the top of your list. This trend pairs big, bold images with simple text elements. To create visual interest and a cohesive look while avoiding repetition, you can experiment with images of different shapes, sizes, and placements. Don’t forget to allow the images to tell the story – use minimal color, typography, graphics, and icons. With this trend in mind, you’ll have an eye-catching presentation design that will be sure to wow any crowd.

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (5)

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Photo Stories Design

17. Clean and Simple

2024 presentation design trends is all about the clean and simple presentation design trends. To create a bold and effective presentation, think of creating and reusing elements, like shapes or colors. For the font choice, stick to simple sans serif types that support this look and feel. Clean and simple is the way to go – it’ll always do the job!

18. Monochromatic Design

In the coming year, presentation design trends are heavily focused on the use of simplicity. People no longer prefer designs with bold colors and complex typography in their slides. Instead, they are drawn to subtle, single-tone color palettes that provide a clean and minimalist look. This will be highly beneficial to companies as consistent branding of simple colors can establish brand recognition more effectively, much like Coca-Cola’s red or Apple’s white and grey combination. As such, it is safe to say that single colors in various shades will be one of the top 30 design trends for presentations in 2024.

19. 3D Realism

Tech companies are leading the charge, implementing 3D elements into their branding and web design for a deeper sense of depth and reality. As businesses continue to embrace the power of presentation technology to tell stories visually, we can expect to see even more innovative, hyper-realistic designs over the coming years – so make sure you’re prepared by incorporating 3D elements into your presentations now.

20. Motion graphics titling

In 2024, presentation design trends are leaning heavily towards motion. Gifs and typography effects, inspired by lyric videos, have become far more than just a trend – they offer captivating visuals that engage viewers while displaying words in new and creative ways. Moving text, numbers and even letters helps to keep the audience’s attention as well as create unique data visualization presentations. Make sure to incorporate this type of animation into your presentations for an eye-catching result!

21. Anti-Design

Presentation 2024, the trend of anti-design is expected to make its mark in presentation design. Anti-design involves breaking all the fundamental rules of design and letting creativity take over. We can expect to see warped and stretched elements– sometimes that might not be very functional but it certainly results in a work of art! Creative agencies who want something extra-ordinary will likely use this form of design for their PowerPoints or Google slides.

22. Cinemagraphs & Placeholders

Presentation design trends such as Cinemagraphs and playful placeholder animations will be all the rage. A Cinemagraph looks like a still image at first glance, but with looping elements within it. With its timeless appeal, this design trend will persist across devices. Similarly, brightly-animated placeholders provide a captivating visual that grabs audience attention.

23. 2D Illustrations

Think imaginative artwork inspired by comic books that uses bold colors and striking imagery to convey corporate messages and data – perfect for making mobile presentations pop. Look out for plenty of superhero-themed designs as heroes fight against evil forces!

24. Virtual reality experiences

One of the most exciting developments to look out for is the advent of virtual reality experiences. Presentation audiences can now take a fully immersive journey and step into a brand new 360 degree environment – be it a retail store or product launch event – all virtually before they experience it physically!

25. Animated graphics & virtual reality

Animations, motion visuals and even 3D graphics will bring a dynamic effect to your presentation. Adapting to the modern customer demand for virtual reality experiences can turn heads with audiences across industries such as education, technology and services.

Use of incorporating animated graphics and virtual reality into your slides

  1. Demonstrate product application
  2. VR experiences – Showing the manufacturing process of products
  3. Convert images to AI-generated graphics
26. Inclusive visuals and graphics

As we look ahead to 2024, one graphic design trend that is sure to be prominent is inclusivity. This movement touches every facet of life and will be reflected in graphic and design trends, allowing for better representation and giving people the ability to connect with businesses and brands through inclusive visuals and graphics, Infographics play a vital rule in conveying messages succinctly. Canva is a good platform for designing creative visuals and graphics.

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (6)

Presentation Design Trends 2024 – Inclusive Visuals and Graphics

27. Botanicals and nature inspired elements

Companies are increasingly incorporating botanical themes and symbols of earth and trees into their presentations to reflect their corporate social responsibility goals. Furthermore, as more environmentally-friendly industries continue to grow, nature-based visuals and graphics will likely be the top trend of next year.

28. Unique AI-powered images

In 2024, presentation design trends to watch out for include playing around with images such as image grids, muted visuals, branded filters and overlays. This is hardly a new concept; using images throughout presentations helps the story better resonate with an audience of visual learners, and also breaks up those sometimes-boring blocks of texts. Visuals will still be an integral part of presentation design – but with artificial intelligence (AI) becoming more prominent, expect to see AI-powered images become the norm.

29. Accessibility

In 2024, we anticipate accessibility becoming increasingly important when it comes to presentation design. Microsoft PowerPoint and Google Slides are making advancements that enable users to create presentations that are more easily accessible by those with disabilities.

30. Interactivity

This will enable presenters to have more dynamic conversations with their audience as the presentations will be able to be navigated more easily. Apps such as PowerPoint and Google Slides make it relatively simple to add extra features such as interactivity making it easier for people to find what they need faster.

31. Diversity

Businesses want their presentations to accurately reflect their organization’s diverse make-up, requiring creative teams to look for new and interesting ways to use imagery and illustrations that accurately showcase the range of identities present. By crafting stories that leverage this, it is possible to create a powerful and memorable impact.

32. Geometric and aesthetic components

In 2024, presentation design is set to have a retro-revival feel, with Bauhaus elements coming back in style. We will see bold primary colors and geometric shapes used in unexpected ways. Both minimalist and maximalist designers may embrace strange-shaped treatments that create dramatic visual impressions. Be prepared to be awed by unexpected bubbles, blobs and other fun shapes!

33. Age of illuminating coloration

Wellness brands especially are likely to incorporate gradients in conjunction with cultural concepts like aura and noise, along with botanical elements. We predict this part of presentation design will gain traction over the next year.

34. Photos galore

Companies are starting to rebuild design campaigns with images instead of just photos, as well as shifting towards 3D designs. There is also an increased trend towards creative logos, packaging and print ads that stand out from the crowd and creatively deliver messages.

35. Retro line art

In 2024, designers are increasingly turning to minimal line art to create illustrations that are both humorous and engaging. This technique draws on the classic aesthetic of felt-tip marker drawings, evoking a sense of nostalgia.

We have discussed the 35 key pointers for the presentation design trends for 2024!.


Before concluding, let us reiterate the importance of the structural elements in designing and improving the ppt presentations.

Best PowerPoint Templates bring consistency

PowerPoint slide templates are essential tools for creating impactful presentations. They provide a pre-designed structure and layout that can be customized to suit specific needs. Whether it’s for professional or personal use, having a variety of templates for PPT presentations is advantageous, offering a range of styles and PPT presentation themes that cater to different topics and audiences.

They ensure consistency and streamline the process of creating visually appealing slides. With PowerPoint presentation themes, users can focus on the content and message they want to convey, confident that the design elements are already taken care of. From business presentations to educational lectures, PPT slide templates enables users to create engaging and professional slides with ease.

When it comes to creating a visually appealing and impactful PowerPoint presentation, having the right slide template is essential. Look no further as we present the best PowerPoint template that will elevate your presentations to the next level.

Our PowerPoint presentation template design is meticulously crafted to showcase your content in a professional and engaging manner. With its sleek and modern design, this template is perfect for any business or academic presentation. In addition, our pro PowerPoint template offers a wide range of customizable options, allowing you to tailor your presentation to your specific needs.

Whether you are presenting to clients, colleagues, or students, our professional slide presentation template will impress and captivate your audience. Say goodbye to boring and outdated presentations and welcome the power of our top-notch PowerPoint template.

Images and backgrounds attracts audience attention

When creating a presentation, it is crucial to include visually appealing elements such as images and pictures to enhance the overall impact of the material being presented. Images for presentations can serve as powerful tools to convey complex information in a concise and easily understandable manner. They can also add an element of interest and engagement to an otherwise text-heavy presentation.

Choosing the right images and pictures for a presentation requires careful consideration and should be relevant to the topic at hand. Utilizing high-quality and professional images can elevate the overall quality of the presentation and leave a lasting impression on the audience. In today’s digital age, incorporating images and pictures into a presentation is not only recommended, but expected.

When creating a background for presentation, the background serves as a crucial element in enhancing the overall visual appeal and professionalism. Choosing the right background for ppt presentation can greatly impact the effectiveness of the presentation. Utilizing professional PowerPoint backgrounds is essential for creating a polished and cohesive visual experience. These backgrounds are specifically designed to enhance the content and make it visually appealing to the audience.

PowerPoint slide backgrounds can be customized to match the theme slides or topic of the presentation, ensuring consistency throughout. Whether it’s a formal business presentation or an educational slideshow, having an appropriate background for PPT slides is essential in capturing and maintaining the audience’s attention. With the right slides background, the presenter can create a visually engaging and memorable experience for the audience, making the slides presentation background more impactful and effective.



From animation to illustrations, learn which presentation design trends you should consider for your next project. Get ahead of the game with these expert tips from professional presentation design services. Get ahead with professional presentation design trends for 2024! Discover the must-haves when it comes to innovative presentations and how to use them effectively.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become increasingly prevalent in many industries, making it a crucial topic to understand. To effectively educate and inform others on this complex subject, a well-prepared presentation on artificial intelligence is essential. The presentation content has to cover the history, current applications, and potential future impact of AI. It should also address any concerns or ethical considerations surrounding this technology. By creating a visually engaging and informative Artificial Intelligence PowerPoint slides, presenters can effectively convey the intricacies of this rapidly advancing field and spark meaningful discussions. A well-crafted AI presentation has the power to educate, inspire, and spark innovation.

The AI innovation plays a key role in shaping the presentation design trends for 2024! The future of presentation designs will make the best use of AI driven technologies for improving the designs and PowerPoint slides creation.

Looking for design support

We offer the best presentation services tailored to meet your individual needs, whether you require an informative video presentation, an interactive PowerPoint/PPT presentation for a boardroom, or an engaging webinar. Our team of Ex-McKinsey Presentation Designers will work with you to create a business presentation that best represents your company and brand. Maximize your competitive edge and create a strong impression through the effective utilization of our Management Consulting Presentation Services. We can ensure that our designs are on trend 2024 and will make your presentation stand out from the crowd.

  1. How to be creative in ppt?

Some tips for being creative in PowerPoint include using visuals, incorporating storytelling, using unique fonts and colors, adding animations and transitions, and thinking outside the box with your design choices. It’s also important to keep your audience in mind and tailor your presentation to their interests and needs.

2. What makes a PPT attractive?

A visually appealing PowerPoint presentation should have a clear and concise message, use high-quality images and graphics, have a consistent color scheme and font style, and incorporate engaging animations and transitions. It should also be well-organized and easy to navigate.

3. What are the five rules of PowerPoint?

The five rules of PowerPoint presentations are: keep it simple, use high-quality images, limit text on each slide, use consistent formatting, and practice your delivery. By following these rules, you can create effective and engaging presentations that will keep your audience interested and focused.

4. What are the 5 qualities of creative presentation?

The 5 qualities of a creative presentation are:

  1. Originality
  2. Clarity
  3. Relevance
  4. Engagement
  5. Memorability

A creative presentation should be unique and fresh, easy to understand, relevant to the audience, engaging and interactive, and leave a lasting impression.

5. How can I make my PPT attractive and professional?

Some tips for making your PowerPoint presentation look attractive and professional include using a consistent color scheme, choosing easy-to-read fonts, using high-quality images and graphics, and keeping the design simple and uncluttered. You can also add animations and transitions to make the presentation more engaging, but be careful not to overdo it.

Top 35 Presentation Design Trends to Look Out for in 2024 (2024)


What is the presentation trend in 2024? ›

The trend shifts to immersive storytelling in 2024, with interactive components that pull the viewer in close to the plot. The presentation becomes a participatory experience that lingers long beyond the final slide, with each slide becoming a gripping incident inside a bigger, engaging story.

What is the best design for a PowerPoint presentation? ›

Some tips for styling a PowerPoint presentation include using a consistent color scheme, choosing easy-to-read fonts, using high-quality images, and keeping slides simple and uncluttered.

How to present trends in PowerPoint? ›

Add a trend or moving average line to a chart
  1. Select a chart.
  2. Select the + to the top right of the chart.
  3. Select Trendline. ...
  4. In the Add Trendline dialog box, select any data series options you want, and click OK.

What is the trend forecast for SS 2024? ›

Ranging from diaphanous and sheer to embroidered and densely-worked, designers signalled a clear shift away from the euphoric shots of colour and frothy pastels that come around every spring with a bevy of swan-white dresses. Valentino SS24. Stella McCartney SS24. Luisa Beccaria SS24.

What do you see as the most interesting visual design trends today? ›

Gradients are making a bold comeback. This graphic design trend is all about seamlessly blending colors from one shade to another, creating mesmerizing transitions that add depth and dimension to designs. Gradients are versatile, lending themselves to a variety of applications, from backgrounds to typography and logos.

What is the 10 20 30 rule in PowerPoint? ›

Decoding the 10/20/30 PowerPoint Rule

Embrace the 10-20-30 rule for presentations, which recommends keeping them under 10 slides, delivering them within 20 minutes, and using a font size no smaller than 30 points. By applying this rule, you can make your presentations more direct, memorable, and compelling.

What is the 6 by 6 rule for a presentation? ›

The 6x6 PowerPoint rule is a rule which suggests that a presentation shouldn't have more than 6 words per line and no more than six bullet points per slide. The goal of the 6x6 rule is to make your slides more readable yet informative.

What is the best way to present trends over time? ›

The easiest, most common go-to chart for showing change over time is the Line Graph. With most line graphs, time goes along the horizontal axis (aka the x-axis).

How do you present trends? ›

A line chart is the best way. Many data analysts prefer line charts to other graphs. This is because line charts show differences in variables. They compare data and show trends by revealing highs and lows.

How to make tables more attractive in PowerPoint? ›

You can use different font sizes, styles, or letter cases for different elements in your table. You can use color to emphasize backgrounds or text. Regardless of which of these you choose for creating contrast, remember that “less is more” when it comes to creating an effective table.

What is the most commonly used layout in PowerPoint? ›

Here are some layouts to help you build your arsenal of reusable slides within your company.
  • Title Slide layout. ...
  • Table of content Slide Layout. ...
  • Simple Text Content Slide layout. ...
  • Two Text Content Slide layout. ...
  • Content Slide layout [Text + Picture] ...
  • Content Slaide layout [Texts + Pictures] ...
  • Impact Message Slide Layout.

What is the best way to design the layout for your slides in PowerPoint? ›

Select the slide that you want to change the layout for. Select Home > Layout. Select the layout that you want. The layouts contain placeholders for text, videos, pictures, charts, shapes, clip art, a background, and more.

How to make your PowerPoint look aesthetic? ›

To create a clean and visually appealing background, opt for simple themes or ready-made PowerPoint templates that complement your topic. Choose a background color that is easy on the eyes and doesn't overpower the text. Remember that simplicity is key when it comes to creating an aesthetically pleasing presentation.

What does a good PowerPoint presentation look like? ›

Light text on a dark background is best. Patterned backgrounds can reduce readability. Avoid the use of flashy transitions such as text fly-ins. These features may seem impressive at first but are distracting and get old quickly.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.