9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (2024)

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (1)

There’s no denying that moustaches have made an epic comeback. Today, the facial hair classic is once again seriously popular with stylish gents from all over the world. So, if you’re looking to give your look a quick update, growing a moustache could be the way to go. All you need to do is find your perfect shape. Below are nine epic moustache styles to inspire your new manly “mo”.

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1. Chevron Moustache | Tom Selleck

Popularised by actor Tom Selleck, the Selleck moustache (also known as the Chevron moustache) relies on coarse hair, which can take months to grow out. Relatively neat, this style is one of the most simplistic takes on moustaches. Something you should consider before trying this out is what kind of facial hair you have. It works best on those with straighter hair and can be maintained by trimming longer hair that begins to grow over your mouth.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (2)

2. Walrus Moustache

Certainly not one for the faint of heart, the walrus moustache is undeniably a statement. Big in the 19th century and earlier part of the 20th century, this look also enjoyed a revival in youth counterculture revolutions of the sixties. This style relies on growing out your facial hair for over five months. During this time, the hair will begin to hang over your top lip, giving the desired ‘walrus’ trademark. Ensure to shave your remaining facial hair for a true recreation of this traditional trend.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (3)

3. Pencil Moustache

The ‘pencil’ moustache became more popular when film stars like Clark Gable and Errol Flynn embraced this style. Straight out of a forties film the pencil moustache is much easier to achieve that the thicker Selleck style. You will be able to grow this version out in about a month. This ‘stache needs to be maintained quite frequently, requiring a bit more attention to grooming the bottom part of the style, so it resembles the straightness of a pencil. All in all, it is a neater, more vintage take on facial hair.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (4)

4. Handlebar Moustache

A street style favourite, the handlebar moustache boasts curved ends which spiral toward the cheekbones. A fresher, more youthful way to go about this classic favourite is to opt for a more modern haircut. Styling the handlebar is simple; use a small dab of moustache wax to wind each end of your moustache outward, hence creating curved ends.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (5)

5. Horseshoe Moustache

Think Hulk Hogan and Aaron Rodgers. Distinctive and ultra-bold, this moustache is one of the most exaggerated styles. If you’re game enough to try it, you will need a few months (to grow your hair thick enough) and a lot of courage. This style most certainly doesn’t suit many, so ensure it works for you. If not, you run the risk of looking like Ben Stiller in Dodgeball.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (6)

6. Cowboy Moustache

The cowboy moustache emerged from a time long before Woody made his mark in Toy Story. Mostly a messier, longer and scragglier version of the Selleck moustache, this version should not be too neat, but rather rugged and less groomed. Naturally, tidy up this ‘stache with a pair of scissors, so you’re not totally unkempt, but avoid precise cuts of large portions of hair to maintain the roughness of this version.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (7)

7. Fu Manchu Moustache

We weren’t joking around when we said our guide was comprehensive. One of the more eccentricstyles, the Fu Manchu is something out of a comic book. Derived from Dr. Fu Manchu’s signature look, this style requires you to grow out the sides of your moustache, so they hang over your chin. Pair that with some longer hair on your chinny chin chin and you’ve got yourself a more traditionalmoustache ‘do. This version may be a little more appropriate for Halloween. For a more modern take, directyour moustache in other directions for a different look.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (8)

8. Dali Moustache

This moustache’s namesake is none other than Salvador Dali, the famous Spanish surrealist painter. Dali’s spirit can be seen in this comical, yet signature style of the moustache; the ends stand upright and can be fashioned by twirling some moustache wax throughout your longer portions of hair so that your strands stick out. A pomade was traditionally used by Dali, who once quipped that his moustache was the most serious part of his personality.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (9)

9. ScruffyMoustache

Favoured by high profile actors, the scruffymoustache is not very distinctive and is usually accompanied by stubble. Perhaps the easiest and most stylish way to approach a moustache, it is a failsafe option if you’re a little sceptical about growing out your ‘stache. It won’t take you long to grow out your facial hair to the length required for this style, but remember that it can be altered for those with thicker facial hair – simply trim your moustache and stubble evenly. For inspiration, think Johnny Depp, James Franco and Ryan Gosling.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (10)

How to Grow a Moustache

For those readers who have never really experimented with longer facial hair before, just know that you will need quite a bit of patience. A full thick and decent ‘stouche doesn’t just grow overnight, so be aware that you will have to commit, no matter how uncomfortable growing your facial hair may feel. A simple way to go about growing out a moustache is to let all your facial hair grow out for a while. This will allow your moustache to become thicker alongside the other hair on your face, so you can avoid looking like a pubescent teenager while your moustache thickens up. When you begin to feel an adequately thick beard coming along, shave the rest of your face, leaving your moustache on its own.

RELATED: How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (11)

How to Make a Moustache Grow Faster

For healthy facial hair, you will need to do a few things to stimulate growth. Firstly, vitamins and minerals in your diet or as a supplement will promote hair growth. Specifically, keep an eye out for beard growth oils with vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E, and biotin to nourish your hair follicles and strengthen hair from the inside. Exfoliating your face will also remove dead cells, keeping your face clean to grow healthier hair. Don’t forget to moisturize your face which will also allow a better environment for faster hair growth. Also, keep hydrated and drink plenty of water, which will also help with speedy hair growth.


9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (12)
9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (13)

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (14)
9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (15)

How to Trim a Moustache

Typically clippers or a beard trimmer work effectively to trim your facial hair, but once you have grown your hair to a longer length, consider a pair of facial hair scissors to do the job. Also, comb through your moustache to get a more precise cut. Be sure to cut your moustache when your facial hair is dry as opposed to wet, which will give you a better indication of how much to cut off and how it will look when it is done.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (16)

Moustaches and Scruff

It may be a little daunting to just go for a moustache, which is why stubble is a good idea for first-timers. Extra scruff will ironically soften your look, making a moustache more palatable for gentlemen scared to try the trend out. You’ll need to keep in mind that it’s all about how much hair you naturally possess. If your hair is naturally thinner and you do not grow as much, this look may not be for you. Goatees should be approached with caution, accompanying facial scruff is recommended to ensure your look doesn’t come off too outdated.

9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (17)


Does trimming your mustache make it grow faster?

Trimming your mustache won't make it grow faster, but by tidying up thin or scraggly ends, it will give the illusion of looking fuller and more robust. If you do want to improve your facial hair growth, focus on your diet. Ensure you're getting an adequate intake of water, vitamins A, B, C, and E, and biotin to nourish your hair follicles and strengthen hair from the inside. Then regular exfoliating and moisturizing will ensure healthy skin and promote blood flow to the area, improving hair growth.

Are mustaches unprofessional?

Facial hair, including mustaches, is generally acceptable in the workplace, as long as it's kept neat, tidy, and clean. Mustaches are on the less intense end of the facial hair spectrum and have been in and out of fashion for decades, so they're hardly a new concept. While there may be some exceptions where workplace culture or hygiene comes into play, it would be less frequent.

Should I comb my mustache down or to the side?

The decision to comb your mustache down or out to the side comes down to personal preference, mustache shape, and hair growth patterns. If you're rocking a style like a chevron, walrus, horseshoe, or cowboy, generally, you'd brush in a downward direction. However, for the Dali, Fu Manchu, and handlebar, and outward angle will work better and help with styling.

Should my mustache cover my upper lip?

Ideally, for thicker styles such as the chevron, walrus, handlebar, and cowboy, the thickness should generally cover the upper lip. However, this can get frustrating if you're forever getting food or drinks in it. As such, with most of these, you can get away with trimming along the top of your lip while still maintaining the style.


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9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try (2024)


9 Epic Moustache Styles You Will Want to Try? ›

A recent study asked women to rate which facial hair fashion they found most attractive and the results show a resounding winner: heavy stubble.

Which moustache is most attractive? ›

A recent study asked women to rate which facial hair fashion they found most attractive and the results show a resounding winner: heavy stubble.

What is the most iconic mustache? ›

Clark Gable

Gable wore one of the most famous mustaches in Hollywood during the mid-20th century. His mustache could go in either the “painter's brush” or the “lampshade” style category.

What is Hulk Hogan moustache style? ›

The horseshoe moustache is certainly a statement facial hair style; so much so that you'll often see it referred to as the Hulk Hogan moustache. This cowboy-inspired moustache style features two distinctive long bars of facial hair pointing downwards, often extending all the way to the chin.

What is the famous Chinese mustache? ›

The famous facial hair first appeared in the British serial The Mystery of Dr. Fu Manchu (1929); the Fu Manchu moustache then became integral to cinematic and television stereotypical depictions of Chinese villains. The facial hair style is often used to stereotype Asian, more specifically Chinese, ethnicity.

What kind of mustache do girls like? ›

According to one study, women favor heavy stubble. Particularly the growth that equates to about ten days of not shaving. Based on this research, women rated heavy stubble as being most desirable and most indicative of maturity, dominance, and aggression.

Does girls love moustache? ›

Yes, women just love men with moustaches and here are top 10 reasons why. Women crave to have men who emulate the rough yet royal look with élan and grace. Makes a man look confident and strong of his appearance, and when he trims it a little, he looks dapper in anything he wears too.

What was the name of Hitler's moustache style? ›

Historians regularly refer to Hitler's famous mustache as a “toothbrush mustache,” which was a fashionable form of facial hair in the early 20th century, particularly in Northern Europe.

What style of mustache did Stalin have? ›

Stalin has the generic mustache, dark and thick. Stalin can be seen sporting the mustache far back into his youth. In 1907 he can be seen with his iconic facial hair when he was robbing banks for the Bolsheviks. It certainly became well established over his 30 odd years as authoritarian leader of the Soviet Union.

What type of moustache did Freddie Mercury have? ›

He also added some very distinct facial hair – a chevron moustache, which went on to become a hallmark of his grooming game.

What's a Mexican mustache? ›

The Mexican mustache is a cool hipster style nowadays. Also known as a curled or handlebar mustache, Mexican facial hair gives off a fantastically macho look and can be groomed to create a finish as sophisticated as you need.

What is a Mexican moustache? ›

The Mexican mustache has evolved over the years and through the generations. In the past, the denser and less disciplined it was, the more it was a sign of virility, dominance and authority. Today, there is only one type of Mexican mustache, which is the thick and short mustache.

What is a monkey tail mustache? ›

If you wanted to try this bizarre beard style at home, it can be best described as beard growth that starts at one of the sideburns on the face, then it swiftly runs down the jawline, the beard growth then loops around the mouth in an angular fashion, and lastly, rests above the lip where the beard finally ends.

Why are mustaches so popular now? ›

Spurred by a shift away from clean-shaven looks and pop culture influences ranging from indie bands to “Top Gun,” mustaches have been following beards into the mainstream. Data from Gillette estimates that 12.5 million U.S. men, or 9.6% of the U.S. male population, were wearing mustaches as of September 2022.

Who is a celebrity with a memorable moustache? ›

Tom Selleck

Selleck's mustache is an iconic staple of the '80s. In fact, we almost got an Indiana Jones with a 'stache, but Selleck was kept from starring in "Raiders of the Lost Ark" because of his TV role on "Magnum P.I." Still, that role made him a star and made his mustache famous.

Who has the longest moustache in history? ›

The longest moustache is an "English" style grown by Paul Slosar (USA) that measured 63.5 cm (2 ft 1 in) when submitted for competition in the US National Beard and Moustache Championships in Casper, Wyoming, on 12 November 2022.

What attracts females the most? ›

One of the most important characteristics that most women seek is modesty. Outspokenness, charity, and honesty are further feminine appeal traits that are always observed, along with humility. Nothing appeals to a woman more than a man with a great sense of self.

Is it rare for a girl to have a mustache? ›

It is uncommon for women to have visible facial hair. “Excessive” hair on a woman's face has a name: hirsutism. Often, but not always, it is linked to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), an endocrine disorder experienced by one in five women and female-assigned people of reproductive age.

What is it called when a girl has a mustache? ›

Hirsutism (HUR-soot-iz-um) is a condition in women that results in excessive growth of dark or coarse hair in a male-like pattern — face, chest and back.

What does a mustache say about a person? ›

Men who wear the mustache are deemed confident and empowered. Beard scholar Allan Peterkin suggests that the mustache also signifies virility and male potency, where hair loss in men can convey the opposite effect.

Which age is best for mustache? ›

There's a lot of good that comes from being older and wiser and, besides, many men are late bloomers. Age, however, does affect beard growth in some cases. The “prime” time for facial hair growth is between the ages of 25 and 35, generally speaking.

What is the average age for moustache? ›

During puberty, the first facial hair to appear tends to grow at the corners of the upper lip (age 11–15). It then spreads to form a moustache over the entire upper lip (age 16–17). This is followed by the appearance of hair on the upper part of the cheeks and the area under the lower lip (age 16–18).

What is the French moustache called? ›

A Van Dyke (sometimes spelled Vandyke, or Van Dyck) is a style of facial hair named after the 17th-century Flemish painter Anthony van Dyck (1599–1641).

What is Henry Cavill mustache called? ›

Another key attribute which stands him out is the way he shunned the clean shaven look in favor of accompanying designer stubble – the so-called beardstache.

What is a Hungarian moustache? ›

Hungarian Moustache Results

Big and bushy, beginning from the middle of the upper lip and pulled to the side. The hairs are allowed to start growing from up to a maximum of 1.5cm beyond the end of the upper lip.

What kind of mustache did Albert Einstein have? ›

Moustache: The most famous moustache in science? Einstein has a Chevron moustache of the classic type, a full growth that completely covers his top lip, and extends pasts the edges of his mouth.

What is a Dutch mustache? ›

It is commonly associated with the lumberjack type of facial hair. The Dutch also referred to as the Old Dutch is a large and long beard. It is connected by sideburns and is allowed to flare outwards at the bottom. The Dutch should not have a moustache.

What kind of mustache did John Wilkes Booth have? ›

John Wilkes Booth still has his 'stage' mustache at the time he's killed. It's known that he had shaved it off just after shooting President Lincoln, to make himself less recognizable. At the time, he was tracked down and killed, he had more a stubble beard.

What is Charlie Chaplin mustache? ›

The toothbrush moustache is a style of moustache in which the sides are vertical (or nearly vertical) rather than tapered, giving the hairs the appearance of the bristles on a toothbrush that are attached to the nose. It was made famous by such comedians as Charlie Chaplin and Oliver Hardy.

What kind of mustache did John Lennon have? ›

John Lennon, on the other hand, changed his grooming style as often as he changed his music and his politics. In early 1967, he wore a horseshoe moustache. For the cover of Sgt. Pepper, it was more of a walrus.

What is the Japanese mustache called? ›

Let's break down the words for each HIGE style: Mustache a.k.a. kuchi-hige is facial hair grown just above the upper lip and is the most common type of hige.

What is a military mustache? ›

U.S. Army regulations, for example, require that a mustaches be "neatly trimmed, tapered, and tidy", and that "no portion of the mustache will cover the upper lip line, extend sideways beyond a vertical line drawn upward from the corners of the mouth...or extend above a parallel line at the lowest portion of the nose."

What is a shrimp mustache? ›

mustache shrimp, any member of the crustacean subclass Mystacocarida, a small group of primitive, free-living marine animals. Of the few species known, the first was discovered near Woods Hole, Mass., U.S., in 1943. Related Topics: Maxillopoda Derocheilocaris typicus Derocheilocaris remani Derocheilocaris galvarina.

What is a Chevron mustache? ›

What is a Chevron Moustache? A Chevron moustache style is a 'tache that is shaped to angle downwards towards the corners of your mouth. It's more subtle than a horseshoe moustache and shorter than a walrus style, but the general direction of growth is the same.

What is a catfish mustache? ›

It also possesses the chracteristic “moustache”, which is in fact a membrane running along the maxillary barbels, giving the fish a somewhat comical appearance! It also has much smaller membranes on its mandibular barbels.

What is a gunslinger mustache? ›

The gunslinger: flared sideburns with a horseshoe mustache. It's close to the classic mutton chops look, but adds a little extra flair. With the All Purpose Gillette STYLER, you can achieve this look. There are countless facial hair styles, but this doesn't mean that trimming a beard will be complicated.

What does a walrus mustache look like? ›

The walrus moustache is characterized by whiskers that are thick, bushy, and drop over the mouth. The style resembles the whiskers of a walrus, hence the name.

What is the hipster mustache? ›

A curled mustache with the most genuine hipster style

It is better kept short, in order to look as neat as possible. We can give it arched or upward horseshoe shaped tips, which will give it the final touch.

What is a horseshoe mustache called? ›

A horseshoe moustache, also known as a biker moustache, is a full moustache with vertical extensions grown on the corners of the lips and down the sides of the mouth to the jawline, resembling an upside-down U or a horseshoe.

What is the most attractive male facial hair? ›

Stubble was deemed most attractive overall and received higher ratings for flings and short-term relationships than full beards. Full beards were attractive to women searching for long-term relationships.

Which facial hair is more attractive? ›

A new study shows that facial hair says a lot about a man and that attractiveness peaks at the "heavy stubble" phase. Researchers photographed 10 men at four stages of beard growth: clean shaven, 5-day "light" stubble, 10-day "heavy" stubble (shown), and fully bearded.

Who can pull off a mustache? ›

Anyone can pull off a moustache, provided it's well-groomed and the right style for your face shape. Growing a moustache is a great way to showcase your personality through your facial hair, and there's no reason why you can't have a bold 'tache in the workplace if you keep it neat.

What mustache is best for big lips? ›

“If you've got an extra-large mouth, choose an angular style such as the Pyramid mustache, that's narrow at the top and wide at the bottom. The variety in length and angles will minimize the size of your mouth.” “Don't overpower a smallish mouth with a big, bushy mustache.

Do most girls like guys with facial hair? ›

A new study found that women perceive men with facial hair to be more attractive as well as physically and socially dominant. Women tend to associate more masculine faces with physical strength, social assertiveness, and formidability.

Do girls prefer guys with facial hair? ›

Dixson and Robert C Brooks aimed to decipher the role of facial hair in women's perceptions of attractiveness, and the results were undeniable. After judging a number of pictures featuring men with varying degrees of facial hair, the vast majority of women found full-bearded men to be the top dogs in the mix.

Are guys hotter with facial hair? ›

Highly masculine features

A 2013 study explored the amount of hair considered by females to be the most attractive. Women ranked faces with heavy stubble most attractive; light stubble, heavy beards and clean-shaven faces were judged less attractive.

Does more facial hair mean more testosterone? ›

Facial hair growth is largely propelled by testosterone, a hormone. Testosterone levels can vary. For men between 19 and 38, the normal range is 264 to 916 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL).

What is the least attractive facial hair? ›

What is this? Across the board, no matter which way the researchers modified the face symmetry and shape, the clean-shaven face was seen as the least attractive choice.

What percentage of girls like beards? ›

Long Stubble

And for some women, a little bit of an overgrown, scruffy look is also attractive. Though only five percent of women 18 to 24 found this attractive, 21 percent of the mid-age group and 33 percent of the older group approved.

What is the rule for mustache? ›

The mustache should partially cover the upper lip, but the hair should not be in your mouth. Use Beard Trimming Scissors to trim longer hairs. Trim the edges of the mustache, so they don't extend lower than the corners of your mouth. Any lower than that, and you'll be entering horseshoe mustache territory.

At what age should I remove my moustache? ›

Here's the blunt, honest truth: every guy reaches this milestone at his own time, whether it's at 12 or 25. Basically, there's no exact age for a guy to start shaving. The question of when depends on personal factors like puberty stage, maturity level and personal preference, explains Dr.

What is the hottest lip shape? ›

More than 60% of respondents thought a 1:1 ratio between the upper and lower lip was the most attractive shape. A cosmetic surgeon in London said a heavily-defined cupid's bow is the most-requested lip feature.

What is the most wanted lip shape? ›

Science has found that the most attractive lip shape has an upper-to-lower lip ratio of 1:2. Lips are most desirable in different shapes and forms for different people – 60% of people prefer a 1:1 ratio where the lips are completely symmetrical and evenly full.

Should moustache be above or over lip? ›

Make sure you are cutting your mustache right above your upper lip. Keep the angle at 45 degrees when trimming under your nose and along your lip line. Use your comb to detangle any stragglers. Trim right above the teeth of the comb if you need to remove any loose hairs.

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.