Endings (2024)

Spoiler alert! Endings (1)
The following article is a guide to all the endings in the game Ib.
This page contains major spoilers. Proceed at your own risk.

The following article is in need of (more or higher-quality) images.

There are seven possible endings that can be achieved in Ib. The ending the player receives is dependent on the choices and actions they make throughout the game. It is recommended that the player saves often in different slots, so they can return to previous parts of the story to make different choices if other endings are desired. In all endings in which Ib and/or Garry are alive, neither will remember the time spent in the cursed gallery (though in Promise of Reunion, Ib and Garry slowly remember each other after meeting in the Guertena Art Gallery).

The only endings that display images are Promise of Reunion and Together, Forever. Every other ending will fade to black, displaying only the name of the ending.


  • 1 Promise of Reunion
  • 2 Memory's Crannies
  • 3 Ib All Alone
    • 3.1 Variation 1
    • 3.2 Variation 2
    • 3.3 Variation 3
    • 3.4 Variation 4
  • 4 Forgotten Portrait
  • 5 Together, Forever
  • 6 Welcome to the World of Guertena
  • 7 A Painting's Demise
  • 8 Endings Guide
    • 8.1 Garry's Doom Counter
      • 8.1.1 Increasing the chance of Garry dying in the Toy Box
      • 8.1.2 Increasing the chance of Garry dying in the Doll Room
    • 8.2 Garry's Bond Counter
      • 8.2.1 Raising Ib's bond with Garry
    • 8.3 Mary's Bond Counter
      • 8.3.1 Raising Ib's bond with Mary
    • 8.4 Possibilities if Garry dies
    • 8.5 Possibilities if Garry lives
  • 9 Sources

Promise of Reunion

Endings (2)

In order to get this ending, Ib must have enough bond points with Garry to give him her handkerchief after he wounds his hand, and choose to jump through the Fabricated World painting with him. Promise of Reunion is considered the best ending (and is presumably the true/"canon" ending). As soon as Ib obtains the Pink Key, she should go to the Pink House to unlock it, as it is a shortcut to the dark gallery. Ib must navigate the gallery until she finds "Fabricated World". When Ib approaches the painting, dialogue boxes will appear, saying that there is no going back now and that the time spent here will be forgotten. Garry will look at the painting and tell Ib that if they jump through it, they will return to the real world. He then wonders how to do it, but the frame around the painting will suddenly disappear, allowing Ib and Garry to jump through. Garry will cross over first and tell Ib to follow his lead. Ib's mother will then appear, telling Ib that she's been looking everywhere for her, and that her father is waiting for her too. Garry encourages Ib to jump through the painting with him, but her mother will say that she shouldn't follow strangers and she should come to her mother instead.The two of them will then shout at Ib to follow their respective selves, allowing Ib to choose between them. Ib must choose Garry and take his hand.

After jumping through, Ib will find herself in the real gallery, standing in front of the painting.She can move about the gallery, but she must go to Embodiment of Spirit, where Garry will be found viewing the sculpture. Garry will explain his thoughts about it, saying that looking at it makes him sorrowful, but then inadvertently calls Ib by her name when he apologizes for wasting her time. He asks who Ib is, and Ib tells him that is her name. Garry wonders if they have actually met before, but then decides to leave anyway. As Garry begins to leave, however, he feels something in his pocket and takes out Ib's bloodied handkerchief, wondering where he got it from. Ib tells him that is her handkerchief and he notices her name embroidered on it. A flashback of lb wrapping her handkerchief around his hand shows up on the screen, and he will slowly remember everything before realizing it was Ib who had been there with him. Garry then talks about their time in the fake gallery, excited that they managed to escape.Garry then asks Ib if he can hold onto her handkerchief a while longer so he can clean it, before promising that they will meet again.The screen then fades to black, and Ib's name will show in the middle of the screen before the credits roll.At the end, a picture of their departure is shown.

Memory's Crannies

To get this ending, Ib does not give Garry her handkerchief when he accidentally cuts himself (either she doesn't have the option to, or she chooses not to). Ib should still choose to jump through "Fabricated World" with Garry. After jumping into the painting, Ib will return back to the normal world.She can find Garry looking at "Embodiment of Spirit".Garry will say that looking at the statue makes him sad, then tell Ib to disregard what he just said before leaving. Afterwards, Ib's mother will come down to find her looking at thesculpture. She will make a few statements before taking Ib to look at other exhibits in the museum.

Ib All Alone

Variation 1

Ib will have to follow the fake mother back into the cursed gallery instead of jumping through "Fabricated World" with Garry.After Ib chooses her "mother," she will disappear.Ib will appear to be in a trance and slowly walk off the screen, while Garry continues calling her name.

Variation 2

After Garry dies, Ib will need to retrieve his lighter and burn Mary's painting. When Ib heads to the "Fabricated World" painting, Fake Garry will make an appearance. To receive this variation of the ending, Ib will have to follow the fake Garry instead of jumping through the painting.

Variation 3

After Garry dies, Ib must head to the "Fabricated World" painting, regardless of whether or not she has burned Mary's painting. Ib can then choose to jump into the painting or step away from it. For this variation, she will have to step away from the painting.

Variation 4

In the Dungeon, if Ib chooses to sleep on Final Stage, she will dream about her ninth birthday. If Ib continues to sleep until the end of the dream, she will never wake up again, thus resulting in this variation of the ending.

Forgotten Portrait

If Garry dies, after returning to the real world Ib should go to where The Hanged Man was located. A new painting, Forgotten Portrait will have replaced it, depicting Garry "sleeping". While examining it, Ib's father will then appear and say that they should go look at paintings together. Ib will look at the painting one last time before leaving with her father.

Together, Forever

Endings (3)

In the Toy Box, Ib will notice that her rose is gone and Garry is missing. Once Ib finds Garry, he will state that he hit his head but gets up anyway. He will then ask Ib if she is OK. Ib must answer, "I'm fine..." Garry notes that Mary pushed them in but dismisses it, as looking for the key is more important. However, he notices that Ib looks pale and asks if she really is OK. Garry will then discover that Ib's rose is missing and will insist that they look for it. A Pink Key is in the room, south of where Garry was previously lying. Ib should pick up the Pink Key first. The screen will then scroll to show Mary, holding Ib's rose, talking to a Blue Doll. Mary will ask the doll if she could keep the rose before thanking it for its kindness. Garry will notice the situation and run towards Mary. She will react by asking them if they have found what they were looking for and also mention her new "present." Garry will tell Mary that the red rose belongs to Ib and will ask her to return it. Ib must agree with Garry by saying "Yes."

Mary will retaliate by asking for a trade, offering Ib's rose for Garry's rose under the claim that she loves red; but she loves blue even more. Ib must respond with "Garry....." Garry decides that he can't refuse and exchanges his rose for Ib's. When the blue rose is in Mary's hands, she will run away, laughing. Garry thinks nothing of it and walks towards Ib to give her rose back. Ib will then have the option to ask Garry if he is mad, to apologize, or to thank him. Garry will assure Ib that she did not do anything wrong and they can just catch Mary to take his rose back. The room will then shake, and animated dolls will start to chase Ib in an attempt to kill her. Ib should make her way to the stairs and escape. After Ib climbs up the stairs, she can hear Mary saying something about blue petals. Garry will then encourage Ib to go on without him, apologizing and assuring her that he will come to her aid when she needs him. When Ib reaches the next room, Mary can be seen playing loves me, loves me not with Garry's rose. Once she is finished, she will run away. Ib should then return to the pink house and unlock the door with the Pink Key, bringing her back to the cursed art gallery. Ib should then head to the "Fabricated World" painting and jump into it. After she ends up back in the Guertena Art Gallery, Ib should make her way to the reception desk. There, she will encounter her parents, along with Mary, who has become Ib's sister after exchanging existences with Garry. She will claim that she is hungry. If Ib still has Garry's candy, Mary will immediately snatch the candy and eat it. If Ib has taken Garry's lighter, Mary will take it away as well and say that it is dangerous. The screen will then turn black as Mary asks Ib if they can play and be together forever.

Welcome to the World of Guertena

Endings (4)

This bad ending is one of the three endings introduced in v1.04.When Garry fails the Doll Room, Mary will hear him talking to himself behind the door leading to the room. Once Ib approaches the door, she can choose whether or not to go in. If Ib chooses to enter, she will encounter Garry hallucinating. He will be talking to a "bunny" as if it was a person. He will make a few statements, describing how he feels and mentioning a secret he apparently knows.Ib will run towards him.When Garry continues talking to himself, Mary will claim that something is wrong with Garry, suggesting the possibility of him being a fake. Ib will then have two options: to call his name or stare back.

Regardless of her choice, Garry will continue to hallucinate. Mary points out that he isn't listening to Ib and suggest to look for the exit, as Garry is an adult and could find his way out. Ib ignores her and sits down in front of Garry. Mary walks over to Ib and asks if something is wrong, urging her to get up so they can escape together. Ib will not respond, and Mary continues attempting to coerce her to get up; however, Ib will then tell Mary to go ahead without her. Mary will then leave the room and the perspective changes to Ib's. In Ib's perspective, Ib and Garry are sitting together in the Doll Room. If Ib has enough bond points with Mary, Mary will decide to come back inside. She says that she had always dreamed of getting out of the cursed gallery, but she can't leave Ib behind as she's her first friend, and she once read a book saying that people have to treat their friends right. Mary declares that she will always be with her and wonders if Garry will stay with them, too. Garry then asks Mary about what they can do here, who responds that they could play hide-and-seek and draw so they'll have fun together. Mary will feel happy, as she has made two new friends. She then says that she'll throw them all a welcoming party as the screen fades to black.

When the screen fades in again, Mary announces that everyone's here for the party. The screen then scrolls up, showing Ib and Garry laying motionless on the ground. The Doll Room also shows all the enemies the trio had encountered throughout their journey in the cursed gallery. Mary introduces Ib and Garry to the gallery enemies, and asks them to get along.Mary then says she just remembered something and walks over to Garry's limp body. She will take his lighter, stating that it is dangerous and scolds him for having it. She walks over to the large painting frame hanging on the back wall, where Red Eyes will emerge and take the lighter. Mary then sits down in the middle of the room, where The Lady in Blue beside her is tearing apart Garry's rose. Mary will say that all three of them can play a lot together until the screen begins to fade. She then exclaims "Foreveeer!" before the screen fades to black.

A Painting's Demise

This ending is one of the three endings introduced in v1.04 and the worst ending for all three of the main characters. When Garry fails theDoll Room,Ibwill need to enter the room. Garry is seen talking about how he feels, about the "secret", and how he sometimes feels hopeless. Ib will have two options: to call his name or stare back.

To obtain this ending, Ib's bond with Mary must be less than four points. Regardless of Ib's choice, Garry will continue to hallucinate. Ib, depressed, will sit down next to Garry. Mary will tell her to get up, but Ib tells her to leave without her. Mary will then leave the room and never comes back for Ib.

From this point on, the player will play in Mary's point-of-view, an experience exclusive to the route towards this ending. Mary should go back towards the direction she came from and head through the door that opened after Garry failed to escape the Doll Room. She should return to the place with the headless statue. Mary asks the statue to move out of the way, and it complies. Mary should then head down the stairs to the reception area. Messages will appear around the gallery walls, telling Mary to go back and to stay with her gallery friends. Ignoring the messages, Mary should continue on her path.

Mary should head towards the"Fabricated World" painting. Upon examining it, she believes this should be the way out of the cursed gallery. After jumping into the painting, she will see that no one is in the gallery. When she tries to exit, she discovers that it is locked, trapping her in the gallery. Messages will appear on the walls, telling Mary to go back and stay inside.

After a while, the screen will gradually become darker, red paint will start leaking through the windows, and messages will appear in red paint, saying that there is no going back now and that she doesn't belong here because her heart is fabricated. Mary will ask out loud if someone is there and who is writing the messages. She takes out her palette knife for protection as the screen continues to become darker. Eventually, Mary becomes scared and asks for help. Upon reaching the reception desk again, she will find that a picture of a dead Mary has appeared in place of the sign above the desk.Mary will wonder if the girl in the picture is herself, but leaves that thought, as getting out of the gallery is her priority.

Eventually, the screen will become pitch black. Mary cannot see anything and asks why she is the only person in the gallery.Mary will then start to cry, asking Ib to help her, since she's lonely.When that fails, she shouts for Garry's help out of desperation.Footsteps are heard, and Mary won't say anything for a while. Then, she cries out ".....father.....!"

Endings Guide

Garry's Doom Counter

In order to achieve the endings in which Garry lives, the player must pay attention to the counter that represents Mary's resentment towards Garry. If the counter is at three or higher, Garry will not make it out of the Toy Box alive.

Increasing the chance of Garry dying in the Toy Box

Gray Area

Violet Area

  • Pulling the rightmost cord in the cord room, which drops and destroys either a mannequin head or a blue doll.
  • Kicking the persistent doll, instead of moving it aside.
  • Failing the Doll Room (adds two points).

Brown Area

  • Telling Mary that Ib would leave with Garry.
  • Breaking all three mannequin heads, when only one is necessary.

If the player fulfills three of these actions, the player will receive the worst endings.

Increasing the chance of Garry dying in the Doll Room

  • Seeing the Sinister Painting during Hide-and-Seek.
  • Seeing the Hanged Garry message after kicking the mannequin head.
  • Having his doom counter at five or more after failing the Doll Room.

Garry's Bond Counter

There is also a bond variable that represents Garry's attachment to Ib. If Ib is on the good path regarding Garry, and her bond counter is eight or higher, Ib will be able to obtain the Promise of Reunion ending.

Raising Ib's bond with Garry

Gray Area

  • Reading the poster about the right-hand trick in the maze room.
  • Stopping him from kicking the mannequin head in the mirror room.
  • Returning his coat in the safe room.
  • Talking to Garry seven or more times in the safe room (after returning his coat to him).

Violet Area

  • Reading the diary in the optional rope maze (from the bookshelf near the end of the maze).
  • Looking at the Milk Puzzle (regardless of Ib's answer).
  • Responding to Garry about Ib's presence (not "..........") after the lights go out.


  • Talking to Garry six or more times under the fake sunlight.
  • Telling Garry about Ib's condition (not "..........") after falling into the Toy Box.

Mary's Bond Counter

There is also a bond variable with Mary. It will affect the ending only if Garry's doom counter is fulfilled. If Mary's bond counter is less than four, the player may receive A Painting's Demise. Otherwise, the player may receive Welcome to the World of Guertena.

Raising Ib's bond with Mary

Violet Area

  • Seeing the sinister painting during Hide-and-Seek as well as the Hanged Garry message; then, when Ib meets Mary, asking if she is OK before Garry does.
  • Agreeing with Mary that Red Eyes is cute or pettable.
  • Agreeing with Mary that the two of them will be fine without Garry.

Brown Area

  • Telling Mary that Ib would leave with her.
  • Talking to Mary seven or more times in the Brown Area (when Mary follows Ib around after stabbing the mannequin head).

Possibilities if Garry dies

  • Ib can go straight to the Guertena Art Gallery to receive Together, Forever.
  • After Mary destroys Garry's rose, Ib can retrieve his lighter to burn Mary's painting. If Ib then jumps into the "Fabricated World" painting, the player will receive the Forgotten Portrait ending. If Ib chooses to leave with the fake Garry instead, the player will receive a variation of Ib All Alone.
  • Ib can also receive another variation of Ib All Alone by continuously sleeping on the Final Stage in the Dungeon.

Possibilities if Garry lives

  • If Ib's bond with Garry is too low, Ib will not have the option to give Garry her handkerchief. Therefore, Garry will not remember Ib after escaping the cursed gallery, and Ib will receive the ending Memory's Crannies. Similarly, if Ib's bond with Garry is high enough, but she chooses not to give him her handkerchief, Ib will still receive this ending.
  • If Ib's bond with Garry is high enough, and Ib gives Garry her handkerchief, Garry will remember Ib after escaping the cursed gallery; and Ib will received the ending Promise of Reunion.
  • Regardless of her bond level with Garry, if Ib chooses to go with her fake mother instead of jumping through "Fabricated World", the player will receive a variation of Ib All Alone.


  • vgperson- vgperson's download page for Ib, which also includes an endings guide.
Ib Endings
Ib Endings

Promise of ReunionTogether, ForeverForgotten PortraitMemory's CranniesIb All AloneWelcome to the World of GuertenaA Painting's Demise

Endings (2024)


Why do I find endings so hard? ›

Uncertainty and fear of the unknown

“Endings mark the beginning of something new and unfamiliar which can induce stress and anxiety,” says psychotherapist and anxiety expert Kamalyn Kaur. “You're also likely to feel a sense of uncertainty about the future and feel unsure about how the future is going to play out.

How to get the 3 endings in lies of p? ›

For 1st ending, it's simple, just give Geppetto your heart at the end of the game. Now, the other 2 endings both require you to choose 'Refuse'. The only difference is that, during the scene with Sophia after Larxasia, choose 'Let her live' for the 2nd ending and 'Give her peace' for the 3rd ending.

How to get Sophia ending lies of P? ›

Conditions For This Ending:

Must have high level Humanity before interacting with Sophia. Speak to Sophia at the Ascension Bridge after defeating Laxasia the Complete and choose the "Give her Peace" dialogue option. Defeat Simon Manus, Awakened God. Refuse to give Geppetto P's heart.

Why can't I handle endings? ›

Sometimes the endings make us feel restless and it all feels too much, and at other times the endings can fill us with feelings that seem really unreal. There are no right or wrong feelings when we are dealing with endings. It's about moving through the ending and aiming not to get stuck.

Why do I cry at endings? ›

Psychoanalyst Michael Bader focuses on why we cry at happy endings in films; he argues that it's because it feels safe enough to allow ourselves to feel. This safety idea comes from an older theory by Joseph Weiss about getting through difficult situations.

Why are endings important in life? ›

Endings can offer hope and a time for reflection.

In both my therapeutic and coaching practice, I find endings to be a critical area to explore with my clients.

Why are endings necessary? ›

Reflection: endings provide the opportunity to pause and look back over what was. We can uncover something new about ourselves, assess whether we need to make changes, and/or reflect on what we learned from that experience. Re-framing: an ending is an opportunity to change and start something new.

What makes good endings? ›

A good ending is one that stays true to the overall theme of the novel and makes sense. It should satisfy the reader and offer the main character a chance to shine one last time. It doesn't have to be a happy ending. It just has to be convincing so that the reader doesn't feel cheated.

Do I give Geppetto my heart? ›

You Should Give Gepetto Your Heart On Your First Playthrough, And Always Refuse After. The best way to negotiate the Gepetto decision is to give him Pinocchio's heart the first time, and refuse him every time after. Those who want to see all possible endings will need to play through the game at least twice.

How do you get true ending frontiers? ›

If players successfully break through the brutally difficult fight with The End and then succeed at the Quick-Time Event afterward, Sonic and Sage will put an end to The End, with Sage seeming to sacrifice herself in the process.

What is the best ending Lies of P? ›

The chaos that is found in Krat can give way to good things, and most would agree that the good ending in Lies of P is the Rise of P ending. In order to achieve this, players will have to fulfill the following conditions: Lie at every given opportunity, including for side quests and all major story decisions.

Should I give heart Lies of P? ›

If you give you heart, you get Real boy. If you don't give you heart, and don't have high humanity, you get Free of the Strings. IF you have high humanity and don't give you heart, you get Rise of P. You also need to of given Sophia peace as well for Rise of P.

Should you lie in Lies of P? ›

Lying is quite important. It affects the ending you will receive, amongst other things. Some subquests will stop and you will receive no reward unless you lie or vice versa. There is even a weapon that is only unlocked by lying your ass off.

Why do I find it so hard to end a relationship? ›

The strong attachment we have formed with our partner – and to our future with them – can encourage us to ignore red flags. Even when the relationship is not right, our connection to our partners, their family or their kids may make it more difficult to walk away.

How to be ok with things ending? ›

The next time you're faced with a good thing ending, “don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” Dream about the new adventures that are waiting to begin. Be willing to let go of a good thing to make room for something great. Take risks, take action, and venture into the unknown.

Why I don't like happy endings? ›

I personally don't like them because they make me feel even more lonely than what I already am. Plus they aren't realistic, haha. Why do so many stories have happy endings when that doesn't match real life? Does it meet some psychological need?

Why do I like unhappy endings? ›

They Are More Emotional

Sad endings can have an emotional effect on the reader/watcher more than a normal happy ending. Studies have shown that we might actually enjoy sad endings because we can empathize and identify better with the characters.

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.