How Long Does Fruit Infused Water Last? - Foods Guy (2024)

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Everybody knows they should probably drink more water but some struggle to enjoy it with the myriad of other flavorful alternatives.

The solution? Infusing your water with fruit!

Whether you need to mix it up once in a while, induce yourself to drink more water, or just need something extra refreshing on warm days, fruit infused water is the ultimate cool treat.

But how long does fruit infused water last? Though it may vary slightly based on the ingredients you use, fruit infused water should be consumed within 4 hours if left at room temperature but can stay fresh for up to 3 days if refrigerated.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how long you should leave fruit in your water, both for optimal flavor levels and for keeping it fresh. We’ll also explain the difference between refrigerating your infused water or not, as well as the best fruits to infuse your water with.

What is Fruit Infused Water?

Fruit infused water is any water that has been leveled-up with some variety of fruit, including fresh, frozen, and even juiced.

The higher the water content of the fruit, the easier it will be to infuse your water.

You don’t even have to limit yourself to fruit, but can also experiment with juicy vegetables or potent herbs and spices. Though fruit is definitely more popular.

How Long to Infuse the Fruit in Water

How long you infuse your water will be somewhat up to personal preference and convenience.

If your water is at room temperature, 1–2 hours is enough time for the fruit to impart a good amount of flavor into your water.

If you’re refrigerating your water, you may find that it takes longer. 3–4 hours should be enough to have nicely infused water but if you like strong flavors, you can leave the fruit in for up to 12 hours.

Once you are happy with the flavor it’s a good idea to strain out the fruit. If you allow it to soak in the water too long, especially if it’s not refrigerated, the fruit can start to decompose and begin to create an unsavory taste.

How Long Does Fruit Infused Water Last?

As we said before, fruit infused water should generally be consumed within about 4 hours if left out at room temperature. It can probably last longer, but it’s always safest to enjoy food and beverages sooner after being prepared if they are not going to be stored.

If you refrigerate your water, however, it can stay fresh for about 3 days. It will likely be safe to drink longer, but as bits of fruit will inevitably be left in, the water will often start to take on a bitter taste and will not be as enjoyable.

How Long Can You Leave Fruit in an Infuser Water Bottle?

Fruit infuser bottles can start to develop a build-up as soon as the fruit starts to break down. Small particles of decomposing fruit may start to escape through the strainer, giving your water a grainy or odd texture.

How long you leave the fruit in your water bottle will depend on the type of fruit you have used.

Citrus fruits will last the longest in an infuser bottle; however, the rinds can start to turn your water bitter after only a few hours.

Berries are very delicate and will break down quickly, potentially getting stuck in the strainer and making it difficult to clean. Syrupy fruits like melons can leave a film on the strainer if left in the infuser for too long.

Four hours in an infuser bottle is generally the limit for most fruits, but it’s a good idea to keep an eye on your strainer beyond 2 hours.

Potential Dangers of Infused Water

Infused water, especially in special fruit infusing water bottles, has become a popular way to bring a healthy drink with you on the go. Unfortunately, the moment you add fruit to the water, the risk associated with bacterial contamination begins.

This is particularly concerning if your water is exposed to temperature fluctuations, such as moving from the hot summer air to an air-conditioned vehicle and back again.

Temperature changes increase the likelihood of bacteria growing inside your bottle, thanks to the fruit or fruit compounds. Not many people worry about food poisoning from water, but it is possible, especially under the wrong circ*mstances.

If you’re an avid drinker of fruit-infused water, focus on cleaning your bottle out often and well. Frequent cleaning is an important but often overlooked aspect of care for any water bottle.

Can Lemon Water Go Bad?

Lemon and other citrus fruits are perhaps the most common type of fruit used to infuse water. You may juice a wedge into a glass of water or allow multiple slices to soak in a pitcher, slowly infusing the water with their tart juice.

How Long Does Lemon Water Last Refrigerated?

Refrigerating lemon or citrus fruit infused water at 40 F or lower should keep your water fresh and safe for at least 3 days.

If possible, keep the water in a container with a lid that seals well. This will help protect it from less pleasing roaming flavors from your fridge. It will also make your water more resistant to bacterial growth, keeping it fresh for as long a possible.

If you strain your lemons out of the water after 8–12 hours it can last even longer than 3 days. If you leave the slices of fruit in the water the fruit itself will begin to decompose, even if it’s kept cold, and the flavor will degrade more quickly.

How Long Does Lemon Water Last Unrefrigerated?

If you don’t care for fridge-cold water or simply can’t keep your lemon water refrigerated, you will want to drink it within a 4-hour window.

Fresh lemon juice does not have any added preservatives. Though citric acid is a natural preservative and lemons can last a while lemons and lemon juice can go bad. Your lemon water can become contaminated if left at room temperature for long enough.

If your lemon water begins to taste flat rather than tangy, stop drinking it. If the water becomes more cloudy or darker than it was when you first infused your water, it may have bacterial contamination and you should no longer drink it.

How Long Does Cucumber Water Last?

Next to citrus fruits, cucumbers are one of the most popular ingredients to use in water. They have a mellow, comforting flavor that quickly melts into the water.

Cucumber water should always be refrigerated or consumed within 2 hours. After a maximum of 12 hours in the fridge, strain the fruit out of your water to prevent it from breaking down and contaminating your water with potential mold or bacterial growth.

Once the cucumber has been removed, it can stay in your fridge for up to 3 days.

Best Fruit for Infused Water Bottle

If you’re ready to move beyond lemon or cucumber water and start using your bottle for more complex infusions, you may be wondering what to put in your fruit infuser bottle.

If you enjoy the flavor of a fruit, vegetable, or even herb, you can probably use it to infuse your water.

Here are a few of our favorite fruits, vegetables, and herbs to infuse water with:

  • Crushed blueberries paired with citrus
  • Strawberry and muddled basil
  • Raspberry and rosemary
  • Orange and ginger
  • Pineapple and Kiwi
  • Celery, lime, and muddled mint
  • Cucumber and Jalapeno

For best results, allow your water to infuse for up to 4 hours and then remove the solid ingredients. Keep it refrigerated for a maximum of 3 days.

Infused Water with Frozen Fruit

Using frozen fruit and berries is a great way to infuse a glass or bottle of water as it will cool it down at the same time as infusing it with flavor. It does take longer for the flavor to develop in the water though.

The best time to use frozen fruit is when you know you won’t be able to drink your water immediately.

If, for example, you have an hour-long drive before a hike, using frozen fruit in your infuser water bottle will work well to keep your water fresh and cool for as long as possible and still infuse it with flavor when you’re ready to drink it.

Depending on how warm the air temperature is, you can usually expect to get at least 1 extra hour of safety from your fruit-infused water when you’re using frozen fruit and not refrigerating it.

Related Questions

Does Infused Water Have Calories?

This question comes up most frequently among fasters and dieters. Will drinking infused water break your fast or compromised your daily caloric intake?

The complicated answer is, it depends.

If you’re spritzing a wedge of lime into your water, no, there are few to no calories to speak of. Any strained, infused water should have negligible calories.

On the other hand, if you’re crushing half a cup of berries into your water and consuming them along with the liquid, yes, your beverage will have calories and will break a fast.

How Do You Pair Fruit Flavors?

Pairing fruit with other flavors can get a little complicated if you’re inexperienced with the kitchen. That’s why we’ve put together an ultimate table guide for the best fruit flavor pairings.

Is Fruit Infused Water Good For You?

Fruit infused water is good for you in a variety of ways. First and foremost, drinking water of any kind helps to keep you hydrated. Proper hydration helps every single bodily function run smoothly, including keeping your blood pumping, your lungs breathing, and your brain thinking.

Beyond simple hydration, if you are using fruit infused water as an alternative to sugar-laden beverages like soda or even commercial juices, you will be reducing your calories and sugar intake dramatically. For some people, this is a very healthy change.

In terms of added nutrition, fruit infused water may increase the antioxidants and vitamins you consume throughout your day, but that will depend entirely on the quality, quantity, and type of fruit you’re using to infuse your water.

What is Hydrogen Infused Water?

Hydrogen water, or hydrogen infused water, is regular still water that has had hydrogen gas added to it. You can sometimes find hydrogen water pre-packaged or you can also add hydrogen water tablets to a glass of water at your home or office.

The current research on hydrogen water is very limited and so is not considered reliable yet.

There are very few findings that suggest hydrogen infused water may have an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce the symptoms of aging and increase muscle repair. It may also increase antioxidant properties.

Up Next: How Long Does Fruit Last In The Fridge?

How Long Does Fruit Infused Water Last? - Foods Guy (1)


Hey, I'm Jaron and I'm a self-proclaimed food expert and author of this website! I'll be honest with you, I started this website because someone told me I couldn't and I needed to prove them wrong. Along my journey, I actually really fell in love with writing about food. I hope you found value from whatever article you read, and if you have any remaining questions, don't hesitate to contact me!

How Long Does Fruit Infused Water Last? - Foods Guy (2024)


How Long Does Fruit Infused Water Last? - Foods Guy? ›

How long can fruit-infused water last for? Experienced infusers suggest that, once infused, the water should be kept for no longer than three days if it's refrigerated.

How long can fruit-infused water last? ›

Refrigerate leftover infused water within 2 hours. Fresh infused water should be stored in a tightly covered container in the refrigerator for about six days. Prior to drinking, be sure to inspect the water for any spoilage.

Does infused water spoil? ›

Homemade Infused Waters will last up to 3-4 days in the refrigerator. Just keep in mind you will want to remove the fruits and herbs after 24 hours so they do not break down and leave the water bitter.

How many times can you reuse fruit in infused water? ›

You can reuse the same fruit and add another batch of fresh water over it once you have gone through your first batch. The fruit can be used (typically) up to three times, but it will also depend on the freshness of the fruits you are using.

Can infused water sit out? ›

Allowing infused water to sit out at room temperature no more than 4 hours. This is only safe if the temperature started at or below 41ºF. Throw out infusion after 4 hours at room temperature. Wash and sanitize the container before making a new infusion.

Can I drink fruit-infused water everyday? ›

Although infused water is generally safe to consume even in large quantities, there are a few health risks that should be considered. Prepare your fruit prior to infusion to make sure your water is free of any contaminants that can cause food poisoning.

How long does watermelon infused water last? ›

The fruit-infused water will keep well for 2-3 days in the fridge. I would drink it before that because the watermelon will get mashy in time. Once you have emptied your infused water, you can pour in another batch of fresh plain water to infuse it all over again.

How long can strawberries sit in water? ›

For optimal flavour, the fruit should be removed after a maximum of twelve-hours or so – longer and the water begins to turn bitter. It's possible to re-use the fruit for more than one batch of water, but obviously, if it starts to look a little weary, it's time to replace it with fresh infusion ingredients.

What is the healthiest fruit to put in water? ›

These Are The Healthiest Fruits To Infuse In Your Water
  • Apples. "Apples are loaded with iron and low in calories," says The Daily Meal special contributor Lindsey Gaterman. ...
  • Blackberries. ...
  • Blueberries. ...
  • Grapefruit. ...
  • Kiwis. ...
  • Lemons and Limes. ...
  • Oranges. ...
  • Pears.
Feb 22, 2016

Can I eat the fruit in my infused water? ›

And yes, you can eat the fruit after you're done drinking your infused water.

Is fruit-infused water healthier? ›

Yes, switching to fruit infused detox water will benefit your health. However, the reason detox water is beneficial is because of how the water hydrates our bodies, and how it replaces sugary high-calorie beverages with a naturally healthy alternative.

Is water infused with fruit healthy? ›

Insufficient consumption can lead to muscle spasm, renal dysfunction, increased risk of bladder cancer, and even death.” Drinking water infused with fruit or herbs is a smart and tasty way to hydrate and cleanse without getting overloaded with sugar and calories.

How long can water sit in jars? ›

Although properly stored public-supply water should have an indefinite shelf life, replace it every 6 to 12 months for best taste.

How long can water sit before bacteria? ›

Moreover, most experts believe that tap water has a shelf life of six months. After this period, the chlorine in the water dissipates to such a point that bacteria and algae start to grow in it.

How long can you keep lemon slices in water? ›

How long can you keep the lemon slices in the water? Up to 4 hours. I recommend a minimum of 1 hour to really infuse the water and a maximum of 4 hours to avoid bitterness from the peel to transfer into the water.

Does fruit infused water spike blood sugar? ›

Fruit-infused water has the benefit of being a tasty option in contrast to juice. Since the infusions regularly include ingredients rich in Vitamin C, you can even get many of the nutrients found in juice without the increase in blood sugar that most especially artificial juice causes.

How long can you keep orange slices in water? ›

How long can you leave orange slices in water? The orange slices can stay about 12 hours in the water. After that, the water will start to taste bitter. While the water tastes better from being refrigerated and enhances the flavor, you don't want to leave it too long.

Is pineapple infused water good for you? ›

Pineapple water helps to flush out toxins and excess fluid from the body. This can help to improve digestion and reduce bloating. Pineapple detox water is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium.

How long does cucumber infused water last? ›

Refrigerate 2 to 4 hours to allow the cucumber to infuse. Stir well and strain, discarding the cucumber. For serving, add fresh cucumber slices for garnish and plenty of ice. The infused water will keep refrigerated for up to 2 days.

Is frozen fruit good for infused water? ›

Can you use frozen fruit when infusing water? Yes! I generally prefer to use fresh fruit, but frozen fruit works great too. Frozen fruit is a great option in the summer, when you crave a colder, more refreshing drink.

Which hydrates better watermelon vs water? ›

Watermelon is rich in Vitamin C as well as beta carotene and lycopene which will give the body some protection from UV light. A University of Naples study found that plant chemicals lutein and zeaxanthin - found in fruit such as watermelon and papaya - help hydrate twice as much as water.

Do strawberries last longer in a glass jar with water? ›

It works so well," says Gigliotti. What is this amazing tip? Just keep it in an airtight jar in your fridge. "If you put your fruit, like strawberries, in a glass jar in the refrigerator, they stay fresh for 2 to 3 weeks!"

Can you store strawberries in water in a jar? ›

No air can get into the sealed mason jars, and this seems to hold off the decay of the strawberries. There's just enough natural moisture in the fruit that the berries stay firm and the leaves stay vibrant.

Do strawberries get mushy in water? ›

This brings us to the science of why strawberries become mushy. Strawberries are made up of high water content, and it contributes to their firmness and shape. Simply put, a strawberry will start to wilt and get mushy when it starts to lose water.

How do you preserve infused water? ›

If you don't drink the water within 24 hours, strain out the solids and refrigerate for up to 3 days. To keep sipping all day long, refill your infused water container when it's half full. It will be weaker than your first drink, but still full of flavor.

Does cucumber infused water go bad? ›

Cucumber can be infused overnight (or for up to 12 hours), at which point you should remove the cucumber from the water. Then your infused water can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Is infused water hydrating? ›

Infused water is water in which fresh fruit, fragrant herbs, raw veggies and/or spices has been steeped. Infused water is a wonderful and refreshing way to stay hydrated during the summer months and beyond. Infused water can be a healthy and new way to mix things up, especially if you're not a fan of plain water.

What's the most hydrating fruit? ›

Watermelon (92%) It's no surprise that watermelon will hydrate you. But, like tomatoes and other red fruits and veggies, it's also a great source of lycopene. If you have questions about how much water you should be getting, reach out to your primary care physician.

Which fruit is 100% water? ›

Water Content of Fruits

For example, fruits such as apricots, blueberries, oranges, peaches, pineapples, plums and raspberries contain over eighty percent water. Melons such as cantaloupe and watermelon have some of the highest water content, at more than 90 percent.

Is infused water better than eating the fruit? ›

Including fruit rinds in your water recipes adds even more fruit flavor. Just make sure it is organic. Fruit infused waters are not going to be as nutritionally dense as a piece of fruit or as freshly squeezed juice, but many nutrients do leak out of the fruit into the water, especially if soaked overnight.

Does storing fruit in water work? ›

Water. Storing cut fruits and vegetables in water seems counterintuitive, but it is a great way to store hardy vegetables like carrots, celery, and potatoes after they are cut. To prolong their freshness, always store in fresh cool water and change out the water every few days for even longer-term storage.

Does fruit-infused water count as water intake? ›

Fruit-infused water is a great option if you want to increase your water intake. Sometimes, drinking plain water can be a little hard, so I like to add some fruits to give it some flavor and so it's easier for me to stay hydrated while enjoying a delicious beverage.

Is fresh or frozen fruit better for infused water? ›

Yes, frozen fruit can be used for fruit-infused water. However, frozen fruit does not release as much flavor as fresh fruit, and once the frozen fruit begins to thaw, it tends to fall apart, leaving tiny bits floating around in your water.

How often should you drink infused water? ›

When to Drink Infused Water. Starting each day with a glass of fruit-infused water will ensure you get the most out of all the health benefits. Since consuming water helps with weight loss and metabolic function, a glass in the morning and before each meal will provide the best results.

What does apples in water do? ›

It might be effective in reducing the dryness of the skin. Water apples contain a good amount of potassium. It may strengthen muscles and lower muscle cramps caused due to the low level of potassium. Vitamin C of the fruit might enhance the white blood cell production in the blood and also may boost the immune system.

Why is it good to put lemon in your water? ›

Like all produce, lemons contain phytonutrients, which protect your body against disease. These phytonutrients have powerful antioxidant properties, which prevent cell damage from oxidation, the same mechanism that causes rust. Juice half a lemon into your water and you'll add a mere 6 calories to your diet.

What does soaking fruit in water do? ›

Soaking fruits in water helps in reducing the heat principle (taasir) in them. The idea is to reduce the side effects like constipation, skin problem, headache and diarrhoea.

Why put berries in water? ›

First of all, the berries can replace ice cubes. While ice cubes only keep your water cool, frozen berries will subtly infuse the water with a distinct flavor and sweet smell. Furthermore, infused water makes drinking the recommended amount easy this summer.

Is week old water safe to drink? ›

The bottom line. Tap water can be stored safely for up to 6 months. Certain chemicals found in plastic can leach into bottled water over time, which could potentially damage your health. Thus, it's probably best to avoid commercially bottled water that's far past its expiration date.

Does water go bad in glass? ›

When water is exposed to open air for a couple of hours, the interaction between carbon dioxide in the air and the liquid in the glass changes its chemical composition. This interaction lowers the water's PH to a more acidic level, which results in an off taste.

Can water expire? ›

While water doesn't expire, some concerns are associated with its plastic bottles. These vessels can produce health concerns and odd tastes as they degrade over time and microplastics enter the water. Properly storing water in your warehouse, office or facility may help mitigate these risks.

How long can water sit before you test it? ›

Typically, water samples have a maximum holding time that ranges anywhere from six hours to six months. Some attributes, however, require immediate analysis, such as the following: Dissolved oxygen. pH.

Can bacteria grow in old water? ›

Germs especially like to live and grow in water when it is stagnant (not flowing) or when it is not treated with enough water treatment chemicals, such as chlorine. It is important to know where your tap water comes from and how to safely use it for purposes other than drinking.

How long can water sit in a plastic bottle? ›

When you're using plastic containers, never store water in them for longer than 3 to 6 months, and keep a close eye for when it starts to become discoloured, cloudy or for any signs of contamination that will make it harmful for consumption.

How long should you keep fruit in water? ›

Add desired fresh, sliced (and peeled) fruits to 1/2 gallon or a whole gallon of water. For best flavor, leave at least 4 hours or overnight in the refrigerator to let the flavors of the fruit infuse into the water.

How long can you keep fruit in detox water? ›

While you can leave the fruits in the water for as long as you like, it's best to strain or remove them after 12 to 18 hours so they don't start to decompose. This will keep your fruit-infused water drinkable for longer, up to three or four days if refrigerated throughout.

Can homemade lemon water go bad? ›

Storing lemon water

It will last in the fridge for about 5 days, but if you're adding other fruits and flavours, I'd recommend drinking it within 3 days.

Can flavored water go bad? ›

Properly stored, unopened flavored water will generally stay at best quality for about 9-12 months when stored at room temperature, although it will usually remain safe to drink after that.

How long can you keep cucumber slices in water? ›

How long can you keep cucumbers in water? Cucumber can be infused overnight (or for up to 12 hours), at which point you should remove the cucumber from the water. Then your infused water can be safely stored in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Is fresh fruit-infused water good for you? ›

There are many health benefits of infused water including appetite control, hydration, immune defense, heartburn prevention, blood sugar regulation and weight management.

How long can water sit in a bottle before it goes bad? ›

Unopened bottled water can last up to two years. Opened water bottles, however, can last a few weeks. Pure tap water usually expires after six months from the time it gets packaged.

What is the shelf life of flavored water? ›

Shelf Life Tips

Flavored water that has been continuously refrigerated will keep at best quality for about 3 to 5 days after opening.

How long is lemon water good for? ›

Storing lemon water

It will last in the fridge for about 5 days, but if you're adding other fruits and flavours, I'd recommend drinking it within 3 days.

Is it OK to drink cucumber water daily? ›

Cucumber water is a very hydrating drink. It has many potential health benefits, including weight loss, lowering blood pressure, helping bone health, and improving skin health. It is simple to make, and people can enjoy it at any time.

What does soaking cucumbers in water do? ›

It supports healthy skin.

Cucumber water can help soothe your skin from the inside out. Staying hydrated helps your body to flush out toxins and maintain a healthy complexion. Cucumbers are also high in pantothenic acid or vitamin B-5, which has been used to treat acne.

How long can you leave strawberries in water? ›

For optimal flavour, the fruit should be removed after a maximum of twelve-hours or so – longer and the water begins to turn bitter. It's possible to re-use the fruit for more than one batch of water, but obviously, if it starts to look a little weary, it's time to replace it with fresh infusion ingredients.

What is the best fruit to put in water? ›

Citrus, berries, melons, fresh ginger, and mint are all good choices. Yield: Each of these infused water recipes makes four 10-ounce servings of water. Storage: You can leave the fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs in the water for up to 24 hours.

Does fruit-infused water spike blood sugar? ›

Fruit-infused water has the benefit of being a tasty option in contrast to juice. Since the infusions regularly include ingredients rich in Vitamin C, you can even get many of the nutrients found in juice without the increase in blood sugar that most especially artificial juice causes.

Should you eat the fruit in infused water? ›

Just remember that with citrus fruit, the rind can start to add a bitter flavor after it has soaked a few hours. If this causes an issue for you, you can peel the fruit before using it. And yes, you can eat the fruit after you're done drinking your infused water. I do this all the time!

Is there a lot of sugar in fruit-infused water? ›

Because fruit infused water is made by infusing flavors (rather than blending or juicing fruits and vegetables) it is naturally very low in calories and sugar.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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Introduction: My name is Kimberely Baumbach CPA, I am a gorgeous, bright, charming, encouraging, zealous, lively, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.