What to Wear in Buenos Aires | Say Hueque (2024)

If you are planning to travel to Buenos Aires, it is good to have some suggestions on what locals wear, what you will be most comfortable in, and an expectation of the climate during your trip to pack accordingly. Here are some tips on what to wear in Buenos Aires.


  1. 1. What NOT to wear in Buenos Aires
  • Hiking clothes
  • Expensive or Flashy Accessories
  • Daytime heles
  • 2. What to Wear in Buenos Aires
    • Summer
    • Fall
    • Winter
    • Spring

    In Argentina, clothing might be very different from what you’re used to at home, which is why it is so important to think ahead about what to wear in Buenos Aires. In general, Porteños are fairly fancy dressers, with a love of shopping and trends. Expect to see suits and ties downtown, casual styles in areas like the trendy Palermo neighborhood, and stylish evening wear. As a tourist, you’ll want to blend in while staying comfortable. Let’s start with our suggestions of what to avoid, and then we’ll fill you in on what should make the final packing cut.

    What to Wear in Buenos Aires | Say Hueque (1)

    1. What NOT to wear in Buenos Aires

    Hiking clothes

    Keep in mind that greater Buenos Aires is a major metropolitan area with a very urban feel. While you want to dress comfortably, you don’t want to draw attention to yourself as a tourist, so try to dress as you would for a day walking around a city at home.

    Expensive or Flashy Accessories

    Leave your expensive jewelry at home when you travel to Argentina. These accessories attract pickpockets, which can put a major damper on your trip. If you’ve got a hankering to see some beautiful accessories while you’re in Buenos Aires, you can always check out the Evita Museum.

    Daytime heles

    Or really any uncomfortable shoes for that matter. When going out at night to a milonga (tango bar), boliche (disco), or bar, heels are perfect. But during the day, you should plan on walking a lot, which means that those heels are going to get in the way.

    2. What to Wear in Buenos Aires

    The city’s climate is generally mild, but there are still marked differences between the seasons. Use this list to plan what to wear in Buenos Aires at the specific time you’ll be visiting:


    (December – February, average highs of 28C/83F, average lows of 17C/63F)

    Temperatures rise quickly in Buenos Aires during the summer months, so be prepared to sweat! Humidity percentages are high and the sun shines bright and strong. To prepare for the heat, pack comfortable shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, dresses, sandals, running shoes, one light jacket and one medium jacket, and a hat.


    (March-May, average highs of 22C/72F, average lows of 14C/57F)

    Temperatures begin to cool down and the rainy season starts, so make sure you are prepared for a range of temperatures. Some days are warm, some are cold and stormy. Bring light pants, shorts, t-shirts, a few light jackets and one heavier jacket, tennis shoes, pair of light boots, an umbrella, and a rain jacket.

    Wondering where else you can go during falls in Argentina? Read more about these 7 amazing destinations which turned amazing during the fall season.


    (June – August, average highs of 15C/59F, average lows of 7C/47F)

    Although it generally does not snow in Buenos Aires city, temperatures do drop. Since there is so much humidity, the air and winds feel a lot colder than the temperature says. Bring a few heavy jackets, a scarf, gloves, a long shirt, pants, boots, and tennis shoes.

    There is so much to do in Buenos Aires during winter too. We have selected our 4 favorite attractions!


    (September- November, average highs of 22C/72F, average lows of 14C/57F)

    Spring is finally here and it is time to rejoice in warmer weather and sunshine! Clothes are similar to those used in fall, as the rain begins again. Shorts, t-shirts, a few light jackets and one heavier jacket, tennis shoes, a few pairs of pants, an umbrella, and a rain jacket.

    What to Wear in Buenos Aires | Say Hueque (2)

    The most important part of traveling is making sure you are comfortable and enjoying what you are doing. Comfort should come first, over trying to keep up with the high heels in Buenos Aires! Learn more about Buenos Aires Tips on our dedicated Travel Guide.

    If you’ve enjoyed these tips on what to wear in Buenos Aires, don’t hesitate to contact the travel experts at Say Hueque Argentina Journeys for help planning your Argentina trip!

    Adapted from articles written for Say Hueque Argentina Journeys by Nora Wallenius & Brian Athey

    What to Wear in Buenos Aires | Say Hueque (2024)


    What type of clothing would you wear in Buenos Aires today? ›

    Buenos Aires is cosmopolitan with some chic restaurants and people tend to dress more elegantly – smart, fitted clothing and smart shoes will help you feel at ease and fit in. If you don't want to scream 'tourist' then avoid wearing shorts around the city of Buenos Aires, no matter how hot it gets.

    What is appropriate clothing in Argentina? ›

    Like in Spain, Argentines tend to dress up more than the average American. Young men wear jeans and t-shirts or soccer jerseys, but you'll also see men wearing nice pants and shoes. Women generally wear very feminine clothing. To fit in with your surroundings, avoid wearing grubby jeans, sweatshirts, and sneakers.

    What do you wear to Iguazu Falls? ›

    Clothing: Light clothing or a bathing suit is recommended as you may get wet. Depending on the weather and the season, it's a good idea to wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants to protect against sunburn and mosquito bites. It's also a good idea to bring a raincoat or waterproof jacket.

    How do people dress in Buenos Aires in December? ›

    Buenos Aires Climate & Seasons:

    Pack light and flowy comfortable clothing in natural fibers. Bring a hat, wear sunscreen, comfort is key. In winter, it can be wet and dreary but not extremely cold (very rarely dipping below freezing). Pack a waterproof windbreaker, coat, scarf, and comfortable boots.

    Is it safe to wear jewelry in Buenos Aires? ›

    Don't wear expensive jewellery in public

    As a traveler it is wise to leave any hefty watches, that look like they might go for a pretty penny, at home, and eye-catching earrings or necklaces are best left in the hotel safe.

    Do people wear masks in Buenos Aires? ›

    Do I need to wear a face mask in Argentina? Wearing face masks is required in some public places.

    Is it safe to wear jewelry in Argentina? ›

    Unfortunately, poorer areas often have higher crime rates. Wherever you go, avoid talking on your phone on the street, keep valuable items in your pockets, and don't wear expensive jewelry – especially necklaces, as these are easy to rip off. Always wear your purse or backpack on your front.

    What are Argentina beauty standards? ›

    In Argentina, beauty standards are generally tailored to embrace a woman's natural shape and complexion. It's uncommon to see women walk the streets of Buenos Aires with a full-face of makeup, and it's even more uncommon to see them contouring their faces like Kylie Jenner.

    What is women's right in Argentina? ›

    Argentina granted women the right to vote in 1947.

    The country legalized female representation in government in the same year it legalized women's rights to vote on September 29, 1947.

    Will I get wet at Iguazu Falls? ›

    Even if you are not going on the boat tour, you will still get wet at the devil's throat due to the falls' impact. It won't be soaking wet, but you should prepare something to protect anything expensive (camera) or important.

    What do I need to know before going to Iguazu? ›

    24 Pro Tips for Visiting Iguazu Falls
    • Tip #1 – Choosing One “Side” Is Mostly a Thing of the Past. ...
    • Tip #2 – But If You Have to Choose, Pick Argentina. ...
    • Tip #3 – You Only Need 2-3 Days For Your Trip. ...
    • Tip #4 – Go As Early in the Morning as Possible. ...
    • Tip #5 – And Immediately Book it to the End of Each Park.
    May 31, 2023

    Are there mosquitoes at Iguazu Falls? ›

    The mosquito season at Iguazu Falls is every month of the year, thanks to its tropical climate. There are more mosquitos from January to April. The official advice is that Iguazu Falls carries a low malaria risk, and most countries do not advise taking anti-malarial pills for your visit.

    What should I pack for Buenos Aires in November? ›

    For Buenos Aires in autumn pack similarly to spring, opt for your favorite jeans, a pair of classic leggings, a mix of short to ¾ sleeves t-shirts, a cute sweater and a light jacket for warmth – layers start to come into play as it can be warm midday and really chilly during the morning and late afternoon/evenings.

    Can I wear shorts in south America? ›

    In these countries–think conservative. In most Central and South American countries, short skirts, shorts and bare arms and shoulders are seen as very provocative, even offensive to local and indigenous populations. You will certainly attract leering glances at the least.

    Is it cold in Buenos Aires in December? ›

    At the beginning of December, average daily temperatures rise from 18C (64.4F) to 25C (77F). By the end of the month, they vary between 20C (68F) and 28C (82.4F). However, low temperatures tend to fluctuate between 14C (57.2F) and 24C (75.2F) this time of year.

    Should I bring cash to Buenos Aires? ›

    I do still recommend using cash for small operations as Argentina's economy is very much cash driven. You will often get discounts by paying in cash or small businesses may not be able to charge a card. You can check the Visa rate to confirm it's giving the MEP rate by checking their currency exchange calculator here.

    Is it safe to eat salad in Buenos Aires? ›

    Safe eating while travelling in Argentina

    Salads and fruit are fine to eat, even if they have been washed, but only in big cities. In more remote places, avoid anything that could have been washed as the water here isn't drinkable.

    Can you put toilet paper in the toilet in Buenos Aires? ›

    – In many places in Argentina, toilet paper is optional and so is a flushing toilet. The quality of bathrooms fluctuates depending on the quality of the area you're in, which is very understandable especially in the more rural areas.

    Can you drink the water in Argentina? ›

    The tap water is safe to drink in Buenos Aires and most parts of the country. To be sure, ask your tour leader or the hotel/restaurant staff. Bottled water is readily available and should be used in remote rural areas.

    Do US citizens need a visa for Argentina? ›

    Entry, Exit and Visa Requirements

    Private U.S. citizens do not need a visa for visits of up to 90 days for tourism or business. Diplomatic or official passport holders must obtain visas prior to arrival. The U.S. Embassy in Buenos Aires cannot help travelers with obtaining Brazilian, Paraguayan, or other visas.

    What do you need to enter Argentina? ›

    Visa Information for Argentina

    Argentina has different visas depending on different travel purposes. You must visit the nearest embassy to apply for the document or get additional information. Besides visas, the Argentina Affidavit is a mandatory document to enter the country since the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Should I bring cash to Argentina? ›

    🚫 Do not exchange your foreign currency into Argentine pesos before arriving in Argentina. ✅ Do bring USD cash and wait until you are in the city (if possible) to change money at the Blue Rate. You can get a small amount at the ATM or Banco Nación in the airport to pay for transport into the city.

    Is it rude not to tip in Argentina? ›

    Tipping is not mandatory in Argentina and completely discretionary but it does form a strong part of the culture and people look to tips as a reward for good services. As a tourist, a little generosity with 'propinas' will go a long way, especially if you're happy with the service you received.

    Is it safe to walk at night in Buenos Aires? ›

    Generally if you're smart and observant, most areas in Buenos Aires can be safe at almost all hours of the day. Walking in groups is always better than walking alone, especially at night. But certain areas at nighttime should be avoided if possible. These tend to be mostly empty after sunset without many people around.

    Which country has the strictest beauty standards? ›

    South Korea bags first place for setting one of the most dominant beauty standards in the world. Korean skincare products are today's most preferred beauty essentials to look presentable, without a doubt.

    What are some cultural rules in Argentina? ›

    Most Argentines eat with a knife in the right hand and a fork in the left hand. Using a toothpick in public is considered bad manners. Blowing one's nose or clearing one's throat at the table is also considered poor manners. Eating on public transport is seen as poor etiquette.

    What are stereotypes of Argentina? ›

    In addition to the above, Argentines have also been labeled as lazy, vain, and pedantic, but also kind and carefree, in scientific polls. In some Spanish-speaking countries (like Spain, Colombia, Paraguay and Peru), Argentines are stereotyped as passionate –though somewhat coarse– as well as noble, honest, and kind.

    What is the law 27533 in Argentina? ›

    Law 27533 also amends article 5 of Law 26485 to establish that undermining, annulling, preventing, hampering, or restricting the political participation of women in violation of their right to engage in a political life free from violence and to participate in public and political affairs on equal terms with men ...

    What are the drinking laws in Argentina? ›

    Alcohol consumption is forbidden for people under the age of 18, and for all people while in public spaces or in stadiums during sporting, cultural or artistic events. Supermarkets and grocery stores may only sell alcoholic beverages until 10 PM. Restaurants, bars and night clubs may sell them until 5 AM.

    What is the gender pay gap in Argentina? ›

    In addition to this, once women find a job, one of the main problems they encounter is the pay gap. Among employed people in Argentina, for every 100 pesos that a man earns on average, a woman earns 79, and this gap worsens among women with lower levels of qualification.

    Do you need a yellow fever vaccine to go to Iguazu Falls Argentina? ›

    Although requirements may change, at present neither Brazil nor Argentina require travelers to provide proof of vaccination against yellow fever when entering the country.

    What month is best for Iguazu Falls? ›

    The best time to visit Iguazú Falls is between late March to May, or August to early October. The falls are spectacular and flowing all year around, of course, so you can really visit any time, but there are a number of factors to consider when picking the best time to visit.

    How many days is enough in Iguazu Falls? ›

    The recommended time to stay at the falls is at least 2 -3 days, there's so much to see and do at Iguazu, and you should try to see the falls from both sides.

    Is the Devil's Throat closed in Iguazu Falls? ›

    2023 Iguazu Update: Devil's Throat is Back!

    As of a October 2022 the Devil's Throat circuit was closed for repairs. Major flooding damaged the catwalks to this section and will take upwards of 6 months to repair. Read more/see footage here. As of March 1, 2023 it is back open baby!

    Can you drink tap water in Iguazu? ›

    Can You Drink Tap Water in Iguazu Falls? While most places in Argentina have potable water, Puerto Iguazu and Foz do Iguazu do not have water that is suitable for drinking. We suggest sticking to large bottled water, and filling up a reusable water bottle.

    Do I need to buy Iguazu Falls tickets in advance? ›

    You can also buy your tickets online, and if you decide to get them in advance then you have to choose the time you will enter the park at the time of purchase. Therefore you will need to plan when you will be arriving at the park before you buy the tickets online.

    Are there crocodiles at Iguazu Falls? ›

    Known as La Garganta del Diablo (the Devil's Throat), this monstrous waterfall is an unmissable highlight of the national park. Take the Jungle Train to the Devil's Throat station, then walk along a one kilometre catwalk, watching out for crocodiles and turtles in the water below.

    Are there snakes in Iguazu? ›

    Each side of the falls is surrounded by protected areas of forest – the Iguazu National Park in Argentina and Iguacu National Park in Brazil. These forests support an incredible diversity of wildlife including coatis, capuchin monkeys, parrot snakes, caimans, and a growing population of jaguars!

    Are there monkeys at Iguazu Falls? ›

    The black capuchin monkeys are some of the cheekiest Iguazu animals. They also learned to associate tourists with a bountiful food source. They are particularly abundant on the Argentine side where the waterfalls trails run through the densely forested habitat, especially along the Lower Circuit.

    What is the best month to visit Buenos Aires? ›

    March to May and September to November are the most pleasant times to explore. Most people find fall (March to May) and spring (September to November) are the most pleasant times to visit Buenos Aires. The weather is generally mild, with average temperatures around 22°C (72°F), and a mix of sunny and rainy days.

    What months are cold in Buenos Aires? ›

    June to August are the winter months in Buenos Aires. Winters are cold with mild temperatures during the day and cold nights. Highs during the season average 16.6 °C (61.9 °F) while lows average 8.3 °C (46.9 °F).

    Does it get cold in Buenos Aires? ›

    Our weather

    The climate of our city is very friendly. The average annual temperature is 18 °C (64 ° F). Therefore, you can arrive at any time of the year. The coldest month is July, but if you come you will not experience extreme cold.

    How do I not look like a tourist in Buenos Aires? ›

    General Style Tips

    If you don't want to scream 'tourist' then avoid wearing shorts around the city of Buenos Aires, no matter how hot it gets. The key is neat and sleek, and neutral colors are best. It can be cool in the evening so pack a pashmina or light sweater. Ensure you bring a versatile travel jacket.

    What is the dress code in Argentina? ›

    Like in Spain, Argentines tend to dress up more than the average American. Young men wear jeans and t-shirts or soccer jerseys, but you'll also see men wearing nice pants and shoes. Women generally wear very feminine clothing. To fit in with your surroundings, avoid wearing grubby jeans, sweatshirts, and sneakers.

    Do I need a down jacket for South America? ›

    If you're heading to Cusco, Machu Picchu, Arequipa, Huaraz, Quito, La Paz, or other similarly high-altitude destinations, you'll quickly notice that temperatures drop significantly at night. A warm fleece or down jacket will quickly become your favorite item of clothing.

    How hot is Buenos Aires in November? ›

    The average temperature in Buenos Aires in November for a typical day ranges from a high of 78°F (25°C) to a low of 60°F (16°C). Some would describe it as mildly cool and breezy. For comparison, the hottest month in Buenos Aires, January, has days with highs of 86°F (30°C) and lows of 68°F (20°C).

    Is Buenos Aires a fashion city? ›

    Buenos Aires is a city with great passion for fashion and design.

    What is the culture of Argentina today? ›

    Argentine culture is a blend of European customs and Latin American and indigenous traditions. Argentines are quite proud of their nation and its blended heritage as well as their ability to rise above adversity. They are also proud of their talents in many fields.

    What should I pack for winter in Buenos Aires? ›

    Winter. Although it generally does not snow in Buenos Aires city, temperatures do drop. Since there is so much humidity, the air and winds feel a lot colder than the temperature says. Bring a few heavy jackets, a scarf, gloves, a long shirt, pants, boots, and tennis shoes.

    What are the beauty standards in Argentina? ›

    In Argentina, beauty standards are generally tailored to embrace a woman's natural shape and complexion. It's uncommon to see women walk the streets of Buenos Aires with a full-face of makeup, and it's even more uncommon to see them contouring their faces like Kylie Jenner.

    What is Buenos Aires known for shopping? ›

    Buenos Aires: 16 Shopping Ideas for Travelers
    • Mate Set. Mate is the Argentine equivalent of tea and an integral part of the local culture. ...
    • Asado Knives (Facones) ...
    • Leather Bag. ...
    • Cowhide Rug. ...
    • Dulce de Leche. ...
    • 6. Box of Alfajores. ...
    • Tango Shoes. ...
    • Rhodocrosite (Rodocrosita) Jewellery.

    Is fashion important in Argentina? ›

    Buenos Aires is a city with great passion for fashion and design. Porteños, as the residents of the city are called, have always been known to follow the latest trends in this creative and fashion-forward city.

    What does traditional clothing look like in Argentina? ›

    The traditional clothing worn by the gauchos consists of a poncho, loose trousers and a wide-brimmed hat.

    How can I be respectful in Argentina? ›

    A handshake and nod show respect when greeting someone. An embrace and one kiss on the cheek is common between friends and acquaintances. Argentines are touchers and stand close to each other when speaking. Do not back away.

    What does a thumbs up mean in Argentina? ›

    In Argentina, the “thumb and forefinger circle” gesture stands for OK – unlike in neighbouring Brazil, where it is vulgar and offensive. The “thumbs up” gesture can be used freely as it also stands for OK.

    How do you greet someone in Argentina? ›

    In Argentina, people always greet each other with a kiss which is sometimes also extended into a hug depending on how well you know the person. It is also proper to introduce yourself to a group of people rather than waiting for the host to do it; and yes, most likely everyone should receive a kiss.

    What are the best months to visit Buenos Aires? ›

    March to May and September to November are the most pleasant times to explore. Most people find fall (March to May) and spring (September to November) are the most pleasant times to visit Buenos Aires. The weather is generally mild, with average temperatures around 22°C (72°F), and a mix of sunny and rainy days.

    What is the warmest month in Buenos Aires? ›

    January is the hottest month in Buenos Aires with an average temperature of 25°C (77°F) and the coldest is June at 12°C (54°F) with the most daily sunshine hours at 9 in February. The wettest month is January with an average of 100mm of rain.

    Do you kiss on the cheek in Argentina? ›


    Kissing on the cheek when greeting hello and goodbye is part of Argentine culture. When Argentines enter a room, every single person, stranger or family, receives one kiss on the right cheek. The same thing is done when leaving. You'll be expected to do the same when you travel to Argentina.

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