Why Do Some People Look Older than their Age and Others Look Younger than they Really Are? (2024)

Why Do Some People Look Older than their Age and Others Look Younger than they Really Are? (2024)


Why do some people look older than their age and others look younger than they really are? ›

' Both genetics and lifestyle-related factors have an influence on our youthful appearance. The key to understand perceived ageing is the interaction between these two elements. Epigenetics can provide this key.

Why some people look older than their age? ›

Studies showed that cells age faster with a sedentary lifestyle, which means that you are making your skin look older every day you fail to exercise. Experts looked into the changes in DNA structure, particularly telomeres, which shorten as one ages.

Why some people look younger than their real age? ›

They found that genes have a lot to do with looking young. There are thousands of genes in everyone's DNA that focus on cell energy, skin formation, and antioxidant production, but "ageless" people express them differently, and often for longer while others peter out as they age.

Why I am looking older than my actual age? ›

Sluggish skin cells and thinning skin

As you age, your skin cells don't turn over as quickly as they used to, and your epidermis begins to thin. This thinning leaves the outermost layer of your skin more prone to damage.

What makes someone face look older? ›

They're the result of facial muscles continually tugging on, and eventually creasing, the skin. Other folds may get deeper because of the way fat decreases and moves around. Finer wrinkles are due to sun damage, smoking, and natural degeneration of elements of the skin that keep it thick and supple.

Why do some faces look older? ›

Loss of muscle tone and thinning skin gives the face a flabby or drooping appearance. In some people, sagging jowls may create the look of a double chin. Your skin also dries out and the underlying layer of fat shrinks so that your face no longer has a plump, smooth surface. To some extent, wrinkles cannot be avoided.

At what age does your face change most? ›

For most people, the answer to “At what age does your face change the most?” is sometime in their 50s or 60s. This is around the time that the effects of gravity and fat loss become extremely noticeable.

What makes a face look younger? ›

Wear a cap or hat when you're going to be in the sun for a longer period. Use skincare diligently. Serums and creams can moisturize dehydrated skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Cyspera is also a treatment cream that can reduce the appearance of pigmentations.

What age do most people look old? ›

As far as the female or male aging timeline, the biggest changes typically occur when people are in their 40s and 50s. However, it's not unlikely to notice changes in your mid to late-30s, as well. Some of the first signs of aging are droopy skin, smile lines, and wrinkles.

Are you aging slower if you look younger? ›

According to a new study, when you look significantly younger than your chronological age, it's not just an optical illusion, your skin is actually aging a slower rate than normal.

Who is the oldest but youngest looking person? ›

Many people will love to look half their age but a 32-year-old man Denis Vashurin who looks like a teenager did not ask for this. According to his birth certificate, he was born in 1987 but a look at him will have you convinced that he is not a day older than 14.

Does alcohol make you look older? ›

Alcohol dehydrates your body, including the skin – and this happens every time you drink. When you drink, the dehydrating (or 'diuretic') effect of alcohol means your skin loses fluid and nutrients that are vital for healthy-looking skin. This can make your skin look wrinkled, dull and grey, or bloated and puffy.

At what age do you stop looking different? ›

After the age of 13 years, the facial growth slowed down, and after 16 years of age it practically ceased. Bulygina et al. [51] also reported a significant decline in the rate of growth at approximately 13 years of age and a cessation of growth at about 15 years of age.

What makes a woman look older than her age? ›

Blame loss of collagen and elastin, which makes skin more brittle; a slower turnover of dead skin cells, causing dullness; less oil production and faster moisture loss; plus any acne scarring—and it's no wonder aging skin is no longer smooth and bright.

How can I stop looking older than my age? ›

11 ways to reduce premature skin aging
  1. Protect your skin from the sun every day. ...
  2. Apply self-tanner rather than get a tan. ...
  3. If you smoke, stop. ...
  4. Avoid repetitive facial expressions. ...
  5. Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. ...
  6. Drink less alcohol. ...
  7. Exercise most days of the week. ...
  8. Cleanse your skin gently.
Feb 24, 2021

Does being thin make you look older? ›

But if you lose that weight, it can cause the face to become depleted. Even worse, as we get older, our skin loses elasticity. Without the volume to support it, skin can sag and fold, leading to facial folds, wrinkles, turkey neck, and jowls.

How can I make my older face look younger? ›

19 Easy Ways to Look Younger, According to Experts
  1. Getty Images. ...
  2. Try a Collagen-Based Face Cream. ...
  3. Use a concealer for dark circles. ...
  4. Keep your eye makeup simple. ...
  5. Curl those lashes. ...
  6. Apply SPF Daily. ...
  7. Take your time removing your makeup.
Nov 4, 2022

What clothes make you look older? ›

10 items you are wearing to work that are making you look older than you are
  • Completely black attire. ...
  • Oversized blazers. ...
  • Un-tailored suits. ...
  • Skirts too long. ...
  • Baggy jeans. ...
  • Jersey fabrics. ...
  • Retro pieces without a modern twist. ...
  • Wire-rimmed eyeglasses.
Mar 10, 2020

How do you know if you will age well? ›

Signs That You're Aging Well
  • You Have Fewer Wrinkles. One of the most apparent signs that you are aging well is having fewer wrinkles. ...
  • You Heal From Acne Quickly. ...
  • You Have Minimal Hair Loss. ...
  • You Don't Have Sunspots. ...
  • Your Skin Stays Hydrated.

What makes a woman look younger? ›

Retinol and alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) can rejuvenate the skin and eliminate fine lines and wrinkles,” Dr. Patel says. “Hyaluronic acid helps your skin retain moisture, which gives it a smooth, glowing look.” Opt for serums and night creams with retinol and AHAs, and a daily face moisturizer with hyaluronic acid.

At what age do females start aging? ›

For Caucasian women, it's typically around the late 30s. "This is when fine lines on the forehead and around the eyes, less-elastic skin, and brown spots and broken capillaries from accumulated sun damage crop up," says Yagoda. If you're a woman of color, the tipping point is more likely in your 40s.

At what age does face fat go away? ›

Usually, there is a significant increase in buccal fat between the ages of 10-20, and then a slow, ongoing reduction until about 50.

What hair length makes you look younger? ›

Does short or long hair make you look younger? Long hair can enhance facial features by diverting attention away from wrinkles or age spots and adding volume to your hair. Short hair does not need to age you, though, as the style and texture of shorter hairstyles can add a youthful appearance.

What kind of haircut make you look younger? ›

Sleek, straight bob

According to Thompson and Wilson, a bob is not only universally flattering but is also one of the hairstyles that make you look younger because “it softens facial features and opens up the face,” which, in turn, reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

How can I look 10 years younger? ›

How to Look 10 Years Younger, Instantly
  1. Use a Hydrating Mask. For tighter, glowing skin, put on a hydrating mask for ten minutes. ...
  2. Choose a Luminous Foundation. ...
  3. Lighten Your Hair a Bit. ...
  4. Wear a Ponytail. ...
  5. Exfoliate (But Don't Overdo It) ...
  6. White Out Your Waterline. ...
  7. Finish Your Look With a Mineral Mist.

At what age do you start to age? ›

From around the age of 25 the first signs of aging start to become apparent on the surface of the skin. Fine lines appear first and wrinkles, a loss of volume and a loss of elasticity become noticeable over time.

Is it OK to look older than you are? ›

If you look older than your school friends, it might be a reason to worry. For researchers have now warned that it could be a sign you're more at risk of age-related illness such as osteoporosis, hearing loss and cataracts.

Does being healthy make you look younger? ›

Some nutrients may help slow signs of aging, such as by promoting healthy skin. It's important to note that eating specific foods isn't going to make you look noticeably younger, and that nutrition is only one aspect of aging well.

Does less face fat make you look older? ›

When fat is lost, so is collagen, the scaffolding within skin that keeps it firm and plump. Your skin already naturally loses collagen due to age (consider it the worthy tradeoff for another birthday), so combine that with losing weight and it's not surprising to see droopier, wrinkled skin.

What skin type ages slower? ›

Darker complexions, due to the larger size and density of melanin cells, are more protected from sun damage and ageing is slower.”

Who is the youngest looking old woman? ›

Meet Lure Hsu, a Taiwanese interior designer who is breaking the internet with her age-defying skin. She's Instagram's latest sensation and looks suspiciously young for her age. If you would look at her photos, you'll easily believe she's 18 or pushing 20s.

Who is 55 year old who looks 20? ›

Tan was born in 1967 which makes him 55 years old but he has maintained his looks so well that he appears 20 years of age. Tan worked as a model in the 1980s, he was even a pop singer in the 90s. After his singing career went south, Tan decided to pursue photography.

Does coffee make you look older? ›

Caffeine can cause your blood vessels to constrict, and as a result, the vessels at the surface of your skin won't deliver as many antioxidants and nutrients to promote collagen production. "The results of drinking too much coffee can cause the skin to wrinkle prematurely, and become more lax with time," says Dr. S.

Can you reverse aging by quitting drinking? ›

You might not be able to fully reverse some of the effects of alcohol-related aging naturally. There are some things though that you can do to improve your overall health and well-being to counterbalance many of the effects of alcohol-related aging.

What happens to your body after 3 months of no alcohol? ›

Although positive changes may appear earlier, 3 months of not drinking can not only improve your mood, energy, sleep, weight, skin health, immune health, and heart health. It can even reduce your risk of cancer.

Why do I look 20 years older than my age? ›

As we mature, some physical skin changes occur naturally: Collagen production slows down – so skin loses its firmness. Elastin production decreases – and skin becomes less elastic. Fat cells start to disappear – and skin starts to sag.

Why am I looking old all of a sudden? ›

Exposure to light is a top cause of premature aging: Sun exposure causes many skin problems. Ultraviolet (UV) light and exposure to sunlight age your skin more quickly than it would age naturally. The result is called photoaging, and it's responsible for 90% of visible changes to your skin.

Why do women's faces get puffy as they age? ›

Facial fat-pads shift, while the fat-pads beneath the chin can increase in prominence, causing fullness between the neck and chin, also known as a “double chin.” The effect of the lower face getting fuller can be described as the pyramid of age. Aging is also unique to each individual.

What color makes you look the oldest? ›

Clothes with gray undertones can wash you out and make you seem older, says Natalie Jobity, an image consultant and author of Frumpy to Fabulous. “This is especially true about the colors you wear closest to your face, like those in scarves,” she says.

What makes an older woman beautiful? ›

Older ladies also tend to be emotionally mature, stable, confident, and independent. Attractive older women are less likely to be needy or jealous in a relationship. All of these great qualities mean that older women are often considered attractive women!

What clothes colors make you look younger? ›

'Creams, off whites, tans and golds reflect light onto the face and make us look younger. Dusky pinks and pale lilacs can also work wonders in turning back the clock,' Orla says. Colours to avoid for aging include blacks and greys which can throw shadows on the face and make you look older.

Why do I look so old and tired? ›

Our blood volume lowers, meaning we don't get as much blood to our brains and our heart has to pump faster. While our body is working overtime, the blood (and colour) is diverted away from places that don't need it, like our faces, causing us to look ultra-drained.

Does stress make you look older? ›

Stress causes changes to the proteins in your skin and reduces its elasticity. This loss of elasticity can contribute to wrinkle formation. Stress may also lead to repeated furrowing of your brow that may also contribute to the formation of wrinkles.

How can I look younger naturally? ›

8 Ways to Maintain a Youthful Appearance
  1. Stay out of the sun. While it's true that the sun isn't the only factor in the overall appearance of your skin, it does play a huge role. ...
  2. Drink plenty of water. ...
  3. Get some ZZZs. ...
  4. Rub it in. ...
  5. Eat a diet rich in plants. ...
  6. Get moving. ...
  7. Establish a good routine. ...
  8. Limit alcohol and caffeine.

At what age do you start looking old? ›

Experts suggest that skin aging normally begins around the age of 25 years old when the body progressively reduces manufacturing collagen, causing the skin to lose elasticity. These early signs reflect well as you reach 30 years old.

What ages your face the most? ›

The sun plays a major role in prematurely aging our skin. Other things that we do also can age our skin more quickly than it naturally would. To help their patients prevent premature skin aging, dermatologists offer their patients the following tips. Protect your skin from the sun every day.

At what age do you age the most? ›

For example, the team suggests that the biological aging process isn't steady and appears to accelerate periodically — with the greatest bursts coming, on average, around ages 34, 60, and 78.

What part of the body ages the fastest? ›


The skin on your neck tends to be one of the first body parts to show signs of aging, because it is thinner and more delicate than the skin on the rest of your body. Similar to the face, your neck and chest can also develop fine lines and wrinkles.

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Name: Duane Harber

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.